Divine Brilliance

Chapter 1: Semi-demon

"Probably it really crossed -"

In the luxurious and exquisite carriage, Zongshou looked blankly at the round mirror in front of him.

The image in the mirror is clearly a juvenile. About thirteen years old, pale, but the five senses, but rare and elegant, exquisite.

A pair of narrow and long phoenix eyes, radiant. However, at the moment, there is some bitterness and helplessness.

I remember that not long ago, I was clearly an ordinary face that was absolutely unrecognizable. As an administrator in the library of a small country in the cloud world, it is common to eat and die.

I didn't care if this dream woke up, and the body was actually replaced with such a handsome man. Although it is slightly ill-conditioned, it is indeed a handsome one. Even in the past, those top male stars known for their handsomeness are far from reachable. If you say something is worse, you will only have temperament.

Only at this moment, Zong Shou has no feeling of joy, but it is only a bitter.

It seems that a fish from the sea, living in the sea, suddenly came to the ground.

Everything around, except for the strange suffocation of the fate, as well as the surprise and surprise, there is more fear of loneliness.

Unwilling to give up, Zong Shou has squeezed his face and immediately felt a pain. Naturally, I found no trace of cosmetic surgery on my face.

"--Is there a pain, shouldn't it be a dream? But now, what is my identity? And where is this ghost place?"

‘Zong Shou’ is the name in his body memory today. In his previous life, he had another name, but he was in this situation, which is meaningless to him.

Whispering a few words to himself, Zong Shou sighed and removed his gaze. The chest is full of despair, and it is completely dead for return or ‘dream awake’.

In fact, he has changed this body for several days. Almost every time I wake up, I will repeat the action. Today, it is already the seventh day.

Look at the decorative style inside this compartment, it seems to be in ancient times, but it is plausible.

Then open the curtains and see the outside, it is a large expanse of wilderness, endless, green, and refreshing. The air is fresh and refreshing, and there is absolutely no turbidity in his time.

If you look down, you can find that the carriage, although there are wheels, is suspended in midair, three feet from the ground. The sixteen corner horses in front of the forehead are also walking in the air, and can rise and fall.

Therefore, although the body of the car is huge, it is a carriage, and it has a total of forty square meters, which can be leveled regardless of the complex terrain.

At the moment, no one is driving, straight ahead, and rushing to the distance.

On both sides of the carriage, those knife marks and sword wounds are also extremely concerned.

Zong Shou only felt dizzy and sat on the soft couch with a velvet pad.

The horse is a domesticated beast, and the car is a cloud car. As far as he knows, these two things only appeared in the cloud world 12,000 years ago, and should be antiques long ago.

Then there was a little thought, and in his brain, a series of memory pictures appeared.

They are all fragmented and incomplete. There are many words and many faces. Suddenly in martial arts, suddenly reading. I have seen life and death, and I have witnessed people flying. What's more, it is a huge mountain that is straight into the sky, a big incredible, accounting for more than half of the island's colleges.

Both strange and familiar, but also a sense of fear. This kind of mood is really complicated and weird.

Finally, the deepest part of the brain, the only one that is still well preserved. There are countless mysterious texts combined in one place to form a complete book.

These words, he is extremely familiar, and can even be said to be well known. In the student era, there have been many studies and even published special papers.

"There is no such thing as a royal emperor, and there is this demon. Is it here, it was a time when martial arts masters dominated the martial arts more than 10,000 years ago? These characteristics in memory should not be wrong-"

Think of the thoughts and spiritual powers that the spiritual masters use every day in the books in the incomplete memory. Zong Shou's lips are not twitched, but the face is full of gloom.

Similar scenes, he has not seen it, but it is in the game.

In the aftermath of the cloud world, the private sector is banned, and the heavens and the earth are low-spirited. Only some special areas called ‘Holy Lands’ are more concentrated. The martial arts meditation method began to decline. With the emergence of various types of machinery, technology flourished.

However, the people in the cloud world are the factors that circulate the ancestors and the heavens and the earth, and develop self-improvement and bravery.

If you can't practice martial arts normally, you can only seek comfort in the virtual game world.

The most famous of these is a virtual holographic online game called "The Emperor". It is said to have invited contemporary, all martial arts masters who have survived, and hundreds of historical scholars. Completely reproduce the era of heroes before the Emperor's death. Martial arts and meditation practice, clothing, food and shelter, everything is closer to reality.

By the way, remember that in his previous life, his last consciousness was within the game of the Emperor.

The seven kings of the cloud industry contend. I am a sword and I am alone. At the last moment, the body suddenly passed a current and lost all consciousness.

When I woke up, I changed my body. Everything in front of me is no longer the familiar world.

So at this moment, is it in the game, or is it a real, 13,000 years ago?

Once again, the brain was dizzy, and Zong Shou simply put everything down, no longer thinking about it.

In this compartment, nothing is doing nothing. Zong Shou turned to take out a Qingjian sword about three feet long. In this wide compartment, he practiced swordsmanship.

The pace of the foot moves forward and backward, and the body shape makes the sword light shine inside the small car.

Just as he was in his previous life, every sword, every step, was precise to the slightest, almost perfect.

However, this basic sword technique was only practiced for a quarter of an hour. Zong Shou was already panting, and it was cold and sweaty.

And the Jianguang figure is inevitably slightly shaped. It is only because of his innate belief that death does not admit defeat, and has always been strong, and there is no weakness.

Until the whole body only has the power to completely exhaust. Zong Shou stopped Jianguang and sat on the couch panting.

When the focus is on the ultimate attention, it finally distracts. When you stand the time, you can feel your muscles and bones, your limbs and lungs, and all parts are like the pain of fire moxibustion.

This is not just a boring leisure, but a mere uneasiness. This world, as well as its own situation, does not make him feel a sense of crisis. Can't wait to get some strength, at least some life-saving energy.

For the game in the past, he studied all the basics of the military and studied it to the realm of the master. The whole cloud world has such achievements, but only a thousand people.

Among them, the swordsmanship and change have been mastered. What he needs to do at the moment is to let the body, remember it, and become his own instinct.

It’s just too much for my body. It’s just a normal level of practice, but it only supports a tea time, and the physical strength is even less than half of the average person.

What is even more frustrating is that the basic internal strength is simply impossible to practice.

It’s not that Zong Shou’s body is really weak. In fact, if he talks about strength, flexibility, agility, etc., he can even go beyond ordinary people. Even the bones and the five elements of the roots should be first-class geniuses. It’s just physical strength, I don’t know why, it’s surprisingly weak.

However, during the seven days of exploration, Zong Shou has already had some clues. It should be the blood of his own body, as a half demon, human fox mixed blood, this has such a handsome face. It also caused such a weak constitution.

And if not unexpected, whether it is his father or mother, it should be an extraordinary source.

"This ethnic lineage, it is not clear about the characteristics. But this demon blood, clearly is the seven-tailed fox. The whole cloud world, can have this blood, I am afraid that no more than a hundred! If one can overwhelm the other side In this cloud world, no matter which era, almost everyone learns martial arts, even if it is a juvenile teenager, it can often clear the pulse. The insignificant people can often have a vulgarity. Learning. Like my body, there is no internal force at all, and there is no power in the hands. It is rare -"

Lying on the soft couch, the thoughts that were forced down by him in the Zongshou brain, once again came.

The mind is also almost subconsciously, remembering the depths of memory, that section of the mysterious demon.

In this memory, this indefinitely, the imperial concubine, is also equipped with a set of undecided killing fists, a set of fish and dragons, all of which can be called the martial arts techniques of extremism ~www.readwn.com~ and this 'nothing The emperor's four characters, Zong Shou always felt that he had heard of it, but could not think of the source.

"The top class, but also with a set of boxing, a set of body methods. With two high-level blood, this identity is not an ordinary person, I am afraid that what is really cloud-like after the expensive. Is this this guard, is a family of the family Zong surname? Born from the fox that has been dead by the whole family? This name, somehow, has some familiarity. Right, there are two servants--"

I remembered the two people who walked together in the past seven days, but they were temporarily left at the moment. Zong Shou couldn’t help but be dizzy.

With the extraordinaryness of the two, I am afraid that the identity of ‘self’ is far beyond his imagination.

Think about the world in the game and become a reality. However, he was actually in the middle of it, and Zong Shou was even more incredible.

At the time of the headache, there was a whistling sound from the carriage. Zong Shou raised an eyebrow and turned to look out the window.

I saw a woman in a colorful dress flying in the air. Although it is a walk, the speed of the rushing, is actually better than the sixteen wildebeest. And the pair of slim hands, but also holding a huge corpse!

When I saw Zong Shouwang in the car, the woman immediately raised her head and smiled sweetly. The appearance is beautiful, the eyebrows are picturesque, and there are a pair of cute white cat ears on both sides of the ear. It was one of the two servants who woke up in this world.

Behind him, he followed a handsome man. It is the driver of this car, named Yin Yang, who is nine feet tall and has a muscular knot. It looks like steel casting.

The momentum is magnificent, the feet are not urgent or slow, but each step can reach a few feet. On the square side of the square, it is like a water, and it is hidden.

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