Divine Brilliance

: 1023 forcible suppression

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; within the entire dilemma, there is a screaming sound. That is the beginning of the demon, the grievances of the heavens, the endless hatred, and the souls are manifested in the world.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; makes people's headaches break, repairs weaker, feels their own souls to burst open.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Fortunately, on the thirty-three-layer Zijin Tower, it was also released in time. Although the voice could not be suppressed, the mood of the 170,000-year-old monks in the dilemma was calmed down and not affected by this howling.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Zong Shou, Tan Qiu, a good end! Actually dare to count the old man? I want to kill you, sooner or later, one day, you must make you feel unhappy! Repent in this world-"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that Tai Shi obviously has hated the extreme, speechless, hysterical, has no half-point to the monk demeanor.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou licked his lips, and his heart felt a little cold. It is estimated that this has been hated to the extreme.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; However, the battle of the road is the most dangerous, and the most is not allowed. His roots are ‘dao’, but this ‘dao’ is between ‘starting’ and “final”.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the former is the main, and the latter two are supplemented. Only in this way, will he not be a little flawed,

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Therefore, it is impossible to enter the world, and it is too early to step into the real world and start to try to make the way come true and seize the road.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; today can have a good opportunity to tumble this too, naturally it is never willing to let go.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; He has always acted decisively and saw the opportunity, then even if it reveals the infinite end, he is the identity of the infinite Buddha, and he will also make the time of Taishihe true. year!

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; would rather be troubled in the future, and would not like to see this opportunity to slip away from the side.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; After a sword, the flesh and blood power swallowed from Yu Ming, all burst out.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The sword of the sky continues to move forward, but it is forced by a strong force, forcibly blocked, stagnation in the air, faintly showing the momentum of dissipation.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shouxin knows that this is the limit, and decisively abandoned the remnant sword. Only part of the power was withdrawn, and only one less than one million of the heavenly powers were wrapped around the black unicorn.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; is actually forcing the mutant beast that represents the evil of the world, dragging it back.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that black unicorn is still struggling in arrogance, full of eyes are not reconciled.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou cold and cold, direct thoughts, and then the magic mirror, now behind the head.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Fantasy Heart!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the infinite final method, once again swallowed the power of thirty-three days, sinking in the treasure mirror.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The huge Yuanli psionics broke through the layers of the forbidden seal in a moment.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Under a blue light, it is fixed on the black unicorn, and immediately makes the beast of this holy place to be unable to move.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The re-emergence of the dilemma, but it is the beginning of the demon, once again bombarded the void barrier.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; under the anger of the heart, the strength is stronger than before nearly double.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou is too lazy to pay attention to it, there are thirty-three days, there is a show. This is a terrible situation, and it will not be destroyed by the few people in the outer boundary river.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Just be careful, don't let this black unicorn, which has almost reached the hand, be saved from the beginning.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; After completing your own 'private affairs', you are satisfied, and then it is business.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and this moment his gaze shifts, and finally falls in the body of Dong Zhongshu and Xing Xie.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The two still can't get out of the dilemma, and the look is white.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that Dong Zhongshu is set in the air, and Tie Qing’s face says: “Fait! You are to be enemies with my Confucianism? There is no king and no father in the world. It is equal to the saints and rituals. It is equivalent to a demon. You are helping yourself today, and you will have to suffer bitterly sooner or later! You have a hard time getting the job done, and you have to fall to death within 20 years-"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou glanced, then smiled and shook his head: "Zong Shou never feels himself, it is nobler than others. The country needs rituals, but it should not be strict, only to bind the people. Such as water, can carry a boat can also overturn the boat. The policy of fooling the people, depending on the people as grass mustard, really useful? Being oppressed, can not live, after all, will rebel, to be the world!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; again: "The heart can help the world, can accommodate hundreds of schools, naturally can also accommodate Confucianism. Just by the Confucianism now, maybe one day, the orphan will burn again. The book is a confession of Confucianism. The case of cultivating and cultivating people, the people abound, and it is really difficult to learn. The doctrine of mutual ignorance is more harmful to the national law, and it is absolutely necessary to ban it--"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "burning books and pits Confucianism? Good, good, good,!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Zong Shou’s words are not exhausted, then Dong Zhongshu is stunned. There were several good words in the mouth, and the face was red.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "I don't care about the end of the cloud, but there is another tyrant who was the same as the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty. After the Qin Dynasty, the dynasties, the faint princes are the most ruthless! Is it? My Confucianism is waiting for you!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; outside the border, that Zhu Zi is also angry and violent, and his eyes are filled with anger.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; but instinctively slightly wrong. There seems to be some change in this sect, and it should be with the heavens and the earth.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; both his fear and inexplicable, there is a sense of 'closeness'.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "What happened? How do you feel so weird-"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Confucianism is not obsessed with the technique of qi, but before the Zhu Zicheng, the three classic books of Confucianism and Law are also slightly acquainted.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; However, at the moment, when he gathers his eyes, he sees a blank.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; but this does not make him feel at ease, but it is even more bizarre.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; At this time, he can't feel strange when he can't see anything, but he can't be empty.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou is the hegemon of the southeast of the cloud, Dagan Xianjun, the 76th world leader!

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; this person is arrogant, it should be at the time of great success!

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; is the show?

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Several attempts to break the artificial barrier, but no results. When Zhu Zi’s eyes were on, he immediately looked at Xiu Guan, and at this moment he felt helpless.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The first person in the world, the cover,. Then, in this world, it is estimated that only a few people can truly see the sect.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; can this bit, what is the intention to conceal something?

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Xiu Guan is laughing but not saying, I have not paid attention to it.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Zong Shou in the world of the Holy King, the road is in heaven, can you know that Confucianism at this time?

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; In the past, Xunzi was jointly calculated by the teachers, at this time. It’s just about collecting some interest.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou’s side shook his head, this Dong Sheng, really unreasonable.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Also too lazy to argue with this person, directly abruptly condensed: "I am holding a sword array, and later it is difficult to distract! Please show Xiu Shi, Long Ying Shi Zun, Xuan Shuang Shi Zun, Yuan Jing Shi Bo helped me!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Long Ying four people heard the words, they are all a face. Knowing that today’s World War I has reached the final stage, it is also the most crucial time. Decide on what to do at the end.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Xiu Guan’s eyes are slightly convergent, like laughing and laughing: “Don’t be killed!”

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; silver aperture, continue to expand. The blockade of the embarrassing situation is also dead and dead, and Dong Zhongshu and the Xingxie are still trapped in the dilemma.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Long Ying is unchanged, faint: "Since you go all out!" Although he has no movements around his body, but the sword is more pure, straight through the dilemma.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Yuan Jing San is the voice of Jiao Xiao: "Do you want to ban it? Dong Zhongshu, when you and Zheng Xuan, together with my teacher, I thought that I would have it today? Yes, there are stars and evil brothers -"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Lin Xuan-shuang, although he did not speak, was really eloquent, a little bit of white brilliance, gradually gathered and Zong Shou Zhou,

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou intuition is full of vitality, and it really recovered to a prosperous moment.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; In the case of Wonderland, the darkness caused by Wang Dao’s strong control of the sword array immediately eliminated most of it. Also thoroughly wiped out his worries.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the dark feeling in the heart, the idea of ​​Zong Shou, but more condensed.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The psionic spirits in the sky, the endless cycle, more will of the heavens and the earth, forcibly wrapped up by the sword array, combined with the sword force.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; After only a moment of rest, the seven swords in the air, it is another humming.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; especially refining the gods, the loudest is the strongest, and the thoughts passed by the sword spirit are extremely exciting.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "So happy? Hey, the enemy?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; 羲子陨落, this refining the spirit of the sword, naturally seeing this Dong Zhongshu and the evil spirits are two.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Therefore, even if the same ‘Yuming’ died, it did not make the sword of Shenlian feel happy.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; only these two, it is also the person who really cares.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou did not hesitate, he has already controlled the sword array, and locked the weaker star evil.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and the latter side, also slightly whitish. Then he did not hesitate and began to struggle again.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou's eyes have not changed, but flashed a trace of disdain.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; At this time, desperate, useful?


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that huge sword of heaven, once again crashed down. Pei Ran could not resist the force, just at the moment of the attack, the pieces of the top fairy that were thrown out of the evil spirits were shattered.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; At this time, the star is on the side, but there is another big hand, and it tends to penetrate.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zongshou’s eyes are slightly stunned, and there is no hope of seeing it. It is known that this must be the supreme Yuan Li Bie Xue.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The three ancestors of the cloud world in that year, only two after the death of the scorpion.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; two people in the cloud world, have always been lips and teeth. At this time, it cannot be saved.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou did not care, only the day of the sword, the situation was slightly skewed, it seems to turn to lock Li Bixue.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; That no one is obviously shocked, and the hand that is found out is like a hot flame.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; forcing this person to retreat, Zong Shou will not stop. Put all the sword power to the evil spirits.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Ten days ago, hundreds of enemies with the same door annihilated, you must return to the world!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The moment of sound and fall, the whole body of the evil spirits suddenly collapsed and turned into blood and shattered.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; just the soul of the soul, still not lost. Not only does it stand firm, but the strength of struggle is even more numerous.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Zong Shou slamly sneer~www.readwn.com~There is a quote in the hand, and the nine-gold urn behind it, with at least 20% of the thirty-three days, the fly past.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Give me the suppression!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that the golden tower saw the wind rise, and it was necessary to expand a thousand feet and then crashed.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The evil spirit of the immortality of the evil spirits was forcibly suppressed in the Jinta. There are blessings for the entire thirty-three days, and I will never let this person escape.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; At that time, the sword force has been exhausted, Zongshou dissipated the remnants, and the seven swords were born, and once again began to accumulate power.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; But at this time, Dong Zhongshu’s body flesh and blood burst.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; turned out to be the initiative to blast the flesh and forcibly open the embarrassing barrier. (To be continued)


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