Divine Brilliance

Chapter 101: Sword in the sword (the third is more recommended collection

A slightly more powerful martial artist in the building can only sense that it is a third-order spirit.

Those congenital martial artists, but they all stood up. They were all attracted by the fierce ideas of the burgeoning, and each eye looked at the box of Zong Shou. His eyes are getting hot, and his expression is unbelievable.

"--It’s a sword, it’s actually a sword!”

"In this black wave sword, there is actually such a mystery."

Zong Ling lost his mind for a while, and he looked at this scene with a blank look. He didn't seem to know how to react.

Although he did not reach the innate realm, he learned from his family. Knowing the extraordinaryness of this sword, it is barely able to sense, above the short sword, the martial arts ideas.

"It turns out that there is a sword in the sword!"

Zong Shou is also dumbfounded and careful. It’s no wonder that it’s so weird.

With gold and water, not only can this black wave sword be cultivated. It is also possible to use the latter layer of water-based symbol to cover the golden sword, which is sharp and unmatched.

In this way, it is not only the short sword in his hand, but even the black wave sword that exists as a scabbard, I am afraid it is somewhat extraordinary.

Looking up at the eyebrows, I saw another pure black sword next to it, and at the moment it is showing a faint aura. There is no need to restrain the martial arts swordsmanship inside. This black wave sword and sword body also seems to have more water lines, which are indefinite, and it is good-looking.

However, when his gaze, once again looked out the window, but only saw the purple thunder guns, it is subconsciously, grabbed the gun bag beside him, his eyes flashing. The middle-aged black man in the downstairs also raised his eyes and held the hilt.

The rest of the congenital, but also not all heavy breathing, eyes are fierce, and hesitant to look at. There are a few more people in the distance, and it is already locked in the distance.

The atmosphere in this restaurant has to be condensed to the extreme. It also makes the wealthy merchants of the Cloud City in the living room expensive, everyone is cold and sweaty, and they dare not move.

In addition to ‘training qi’, martial arts ideas on all innate martial arts are equally crucial.

—— rhyme, potential, intention, sorrow, soul, god, the warrior only needs a little achievement on this, not only can the force multiply, but also can break the spell, fight against the spirit, and break through the heavens and the earth. Good help.

The congenital martial arts gathered here, although only the head of the Zongyuan and the seven swords of the cloud, initially realized the momentum of the martial arts, the rest, etc., but only to the level of ‘ rhyme. The way to go, also above this sword, the sharp and unshakable sharp sword, slightly different.

However, if you have this sword, you must have a breakthrough!

Zong Shou did not feel the accident, and calmly, shook the short sword in his hand to the outside: "I can't use this thing, it just happens to gather here today. Then take the treasure, also come to an auction. How? The starting price of the 3,400-order animal crystals is high, and the price is high. Or it can be a barter, the best medicine, the can be used -"

The mouth was quietly talking, and Zong Shou’s left hand was always on the black wave sword. A trace of spirituality could be poured into it, like a smile.

If someone really dares to grab it today, he will never mind, blood sacrifices this sword. He is now in need of a human head!

Within the entire tea house, there was a faint incitement and the silence was restored again.

A third-order animal crystal, worth 100,000 silver. The second-order beast crystal is about two thousand. The same is true for the first order. It is about ten times the gap.

Once it reaches the fourth order, it is almost a hundredfold difference. Not only is there a rare monster in the heavens, it is also one of the reasons why it is difficult to kill.

Three thousand fourth-order beast crystals, which are more than ten times before the purchase of the black wave sword!

But at the moment, no one feels expensive.

Ordinary first-order spirit soldiers, about five hundred and three orders of animal crystals to about a thousand. And the third-order spirit soldiers, the price has climbed more than a dozen times!

The martial arts ideas contained in it also make this sword, and the value increases!

Not only can you learn the meaning of the sword, but also help you with the help of the martial arts. Although this sword is only a third-order, it has the power of the fifth-order spirit.

Not to mention ten times, it is a hundred times, it is also worth it.

However, the people present, but still a burst of silence. Silent, exchange sight.

The sword is coveted, and the price of Zong Shou is not high.

Three thousand four-order beast crystal, everyone in this building, but almost no one can afford this price.

The gun in the original hand has been taken out of the holster. The blue-blue gun body and the purple-red gun blade all shine with metallic luster. The hand was loose and tight, tight and loose, and it seemed to weigh the stakes.

The middle of the black clothes below is also the same. The hand rubbed the hilt and seemed to be choosing the best timing for the sword.

But it was in the atmosphere, and gradually became arrogant, at the moment of the moment. A cold voice suddenly sounded inside the tea house.

"A good cut-off sword!"

With the voice, a white robe man squatted out of a box in the river.

As soon as this person appeared, it seemed to have a cool meaning, and it penetrated into everyone's heart. Make the building condense and calm down.

Even the murderous Zongyuan is also a brow. I couldn’t afford to be indifferent, and the gun in my hand seemed to be strangely strange, and I couldn’t get a half.

On the man's face, it was also a smile~www.readwn.com~ looked at the hands of Zong Shou.

"This is a temporary temptation. Let's take a look at the fourth-order mutated whale cub. What is it like? I can't help but see this squad. This sword, I have found it for more than 200 years, I can't find it. However, it was originally hidden in this black wave sword. Zong Shizi this time, it is really a good blessing!"

Zong Shou picked up his eyebrows. In fact, he only used to look at this person's clothing. He knew that this white man must be a disciple of Lingyun.

However, I felt a little disappointment in my heart. He took out this sword, which was otherwise intentional. Deliberately killing, but did not intend to bump into this person again. Most of today, it is difficult to do so.

Who would have thought that the disciples of Ling Yunzong would coincidentally appear in such a place?

Sure enough, the next moment, I saw the white youth, and the right hand suddenly added a small medicine bottle, and asked in the palm of his hand: "Since the child has offered 3,000 fourth-order beast crystals, then this broken blade sword is from my grandfather. How to buy mad? This sword is precious, not worthy of the fifth-order spirit. I don't have much animal, but I don't take advantage of you. The two people are extremely Dan, and the total value can be 3,600 four-order beast crystals. In exchange for barter, in exchange for this sword!"

A burst of sound suddenly rose to the ground. Countless people are whispering, and the sword in their hands is no one to pay attention.

Most of the people are looking at the hands of the ancestors.

A person who is extremely daring, only three to five years, can make an uncultivated person step into the innate realm.

The congenital martial artist is not only arrogant. Shouyuan is also generally promoted, and it can live more than 50 years longer than ordinary people who do not practice martial arts. Some body care is good, and living to one hundred and eighty years is not a miracle.

Therefore, the slashed sword of the sect is more precious. In this restaurant, it is far less impressive than this one.

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