The territory of Dagan is three pieces of Yunluyun Island, which are tens of thousands of miles away. Therefore, the shipping is developed.

Once the naval master is defeated, there are hundreds of millions of armor in the air, and the incomparable materials are useless.

The army of millions of people must be trapped in southern Xinjiang.

Before the Zongshou, since it was prepared to drain the blood of the Dagan in the southern part of the central cloud, it is naturally impossible to rely on it.

Da Yun's cloud ship naval division, at this time, has the power to compete with Dashang.

The problem is that the big businessmen have accumulated for decades, and the nine-toothed ship is enough for twenty ships.

Although it is a cloud ship, it can compete with some low-end ground-level warships.

"There is no need to worry about this matter! The orphan has already ordered that the teacher will lead nine ships of the Taiyi Shenlei, and six of the nine-star broken starships will come together. Other airships also have forty--"

He did not dare to do so, and he will be able to circumvent the fleet of the heavenly world.

However, just about ten days ago, the Shura family had delivered the ten Taiyi Shenlei ships in advance. Former reason, the governor of the ship’s division, Xian Ling, did not know why, and finally decided to go out. Even persuaded a lot, the captains of the Jiudu Xianting warriors who fought the warships all the year round.

The pressure on the Dagan Xianting is so light that it is finally possible to extract some of the power and feedback the cloud world.

- Fifteen ships near the top level, plus an unparalleled name, are enough to suppress big business and more than enough.

All the people in the temple are full of spirit and a relaxed look. If this biggest problem is solved, then even if it is defeated, it should be able to preserve the foundation.

Just block the cloud sea, so that the big business can not land in three places. Then there are hundreds of millions of troops, and there is no way to force them.

Qiu Wei is not so optimistic, that Confucianism and Taoism, can you look down?

Before the Great World War, the Three Religions were the top three thrones in the cloud.

The depth of accumulation is hard to imagine. Even at this time, it is not the way that Cangsheng and Jianzong can look back.

Even if the teacher Ruolan returns, the strength of both sides is only flat.

"So, Qiu Yuanzheng has decided that big business, will definitely attack me in the near future?"

"Occasionally! It's just a matter of time sooner or later-"

Qiu Wei did not hesitate to answer: "On half a day ago, the Military Intelligence Division of the Privy Council received the news from the Emperor's capital. It was said that the Emperor Yuanchen had already passed the purpose of summoning the military forces of the Zhuji Towns to prepare for the saints. In the name of confession, the princes are levied! So Chen Wanxingjun can rush back in time."

Ren Bo Emei, the attack of Dashang was in his expectation. However, this news has not been heard.

"So, what is the expected number of soldiers and horses in the hospital? When will it invade my country?"

"About two months! If the two Confucian and Taoist schools are urging, there may be more!"

Qiu Wei has been indulging for a while and still has a good grasp.

"The big business has fifty-three continents at this time, a total of more than 370 provinces. In each province, there is a government office, and the number of people who raise taxes depends on the amount of tax, ranging from 100,000 to 300,000. It is reasonable to say that it is all third-order. The war, but the big business has gone through 1,800 years, the roots have long been decaying, and the military’s vacant personnel are considered normal. And the army of the mainland has been flat for a long time and its combat strength is weak."

Everyone has a slight chest, and at this time, they are truly aware of the big business, what a great thing.

Even if those big business generals eat empty, reduce the military force of 30%, then there are at least 30 million large army!

Relatively dry, the gap is more than ten times!

How weak the battle is, only this number is already amazing.

"Southern Xinjiang and the Central Plains are separated by a mountain range. The mountains here are thousands of miles deep and the landforms are rugged. It is difficult for the army to develop, and it is difficult to pass. It is more difficult to supply. Unless it is enough space treasures, it is difficult to supply a million troops. ""

This is also the big business, and it has not been able to win the South Xinjiang for thousands of years.

The code of the law is a bitter smile, and the Taoist and the Confucianism, I am afraid that I can still get enough space treasures to supply tens of millions of food and clothing.

Fortunately, in the big business, there are already signs of chaos. More need to defend the north and the west of many barbarians. According to Zong Shou, the limit of big business mobilization should be between 10 million and 15 million, all of which are third-order soldiers.

"The key to this war is not the Taoist soldiers! The 300,000 soldiers of the Great Merchants are all in the dilemma. Only the remaining 40,000 guards have entered the fourth order. But this time there are two Confucianism and Taoism, those who are In the town, there are bound to be wars. There are more than 20 joint forces, and there are also 200,000 Huangjie Daobing soldiers and 50,000 Xuanjie. However, although there are many people, they are the rabble. The war of the wind can be a big victory. If the situation is unfavorable, the families will Take the preservation of strength as the first priority."

Zong Shou slightly decapitated, this is one of the reasons why he knows that there are six times the force gap, but still not afraid.

Just stare at a family, and you can easily defeat this more than 200,000 soldiers who seem to be crowded.

"The most embarrassing thing is that there are three magical Confucianists. The 50,000-door Zilin flame gun rides in the battle of the dynasty, there is no big loss. And the demon environment still retains about 18,000 devils. The battle has not been fully done before. The mobilization of the Xuanjie Daobing should reach more than 30,000 people! The rest of the sects are hard to predict. Although it has been hit hard, the foundation is still thick."

"And the day before yesterday, I was able to use the third-order warfare in southern Xinjiang, only three million. Another 40,000 days of swordsmanship, 20,000 days of red gentlemen, nearly 30,000 blood clouds ride."

Everyone is silent, whether it is a war or a soldier, it is more than six times the force gap.

The situation is so bad, even if it is the ancient name, it is difficult to win, right?

Zong Shou looked at the throne and couldn't help but shake his head. The huge national power of the big business has made the morale of his subordinate ministers so low.

But it's no wonder that it's his own. If you have a crucial card, you can't easily get there.

Knowing this person's heart is the most negligent, and Zong Shou smiles.

"Before returning from the shackles of the shackles, the sacred sects of the sacred sects of Wei Xu, and the sect of the Jianzong Sword of the Swordsmen, Ling Chen, had promised to go to the lonely, and they would do their best to dispose of them.

Qiu’s eyes are slightly bright, revealing a happy color: “So, I am doing a big job or have a few chances!”

It is expected that the Cangsheng dilemma will stand with Dagan. Jianzong also made a heavy bet so early, but it was a surprise.

Whether it is the Cang Xuan Long Shi of the Cangsheng Road, or the sword of the sword. In the cloud world are famous, even the name of the foreign domain, is the top Xuanjie Daobing.

In the southern Xinjiang region, there are mountain swamps. If the plan is good, it will make the big business space have a huge military power, but it is difficult to carry out. In order to create an elite and elite war, a battle can be determined.

For Zhang Huazhizhi, Kong Yao controlled the power of the battle, he trusted to the extreme.

However, the eyes of the people all looked at Kong Rui, who was at the end of the crowd.

Obviously, I think that Qiu Wei’s words are not as useful as this one.

Even Ren Bo and Qiu Wei themselves are the eyes of expectation.

This big cadre, Tian Jianzheng, is a man of great skill.

Kong Rui dumbfounded and shook his head: "The sky has been artificially disturbed, and it is impossible to measure the fierceness for the time being. Even if it can be inferred, Kong Rui can't say anything about this big event. I dare not say it. The crime of venting the secret, Kong Rui does not dare bear--"

Even if there is Wen Wang’s money in hand, he does not dare to glimpse Zong Shou’s gas fate at this time.

But he raised his head and looked at the void outside the temple. It can be seen that a huge red cloud seems to be gaining momentum.

The inside of the cloud tumbling, looming the shape of the dragon and the phoenix,

The general trend has been achieved and no one can change.

Even God is standing on the side of Zongshou. In the world, he is naturally protected by the heavens and the earth.

I remembered those academies, and today they stopped the arrogant Confucian scholars who were arrogant.

Kong Rui is slightly cold, but unfortunately can't compete with Zhong Xuan.

"But although I can't break this battle, Kong Rui is sure that I will do nothing in this battle."

Everyone is looking relaxed, as if eating a reassurance, even revealing a bit of joy.

The code is slightly uncomfortable. How do you feel that the prestige of your country is not as good as Kong Rui?

But there is nothing to help, who is this Si Tianjian Zheng, is his own Yuezhang?

"Qiu Yuan made the remaining hole supervision order say so, I am relieved that door."

Ren Bo leaned over and sighed with solemnity: "This is the sixth part of my cabinet, and I will go all out! Let the army be dry and there is no worries about food and clothing."

"Please go to see Kong Shu as handsome!"

That Qiu Wei also said at this time: "Please also order, call me to do the domestic, all the third-order Wu Xiu Ling!"

Without training, I did not practice the formation. It was not used for a while, but it was more than enough to suppress the country.

As a Privy Council, Qiu Wei is clear, but the potential of the domestic market is huge. The prosperity of the martial arts is the crown of the whole cloud.

Many ordinary people have to work hard to get up and step by step from the bottom of the Wuren Lingshi. There are many more people who have gradually revealed their outstanding spiritual talents.

Most of these people are grateful to Dagan, and may not be able to fight for death, but most of them can be loyal to Zong Shou.

Zong Shou's lips are light and pick up. Just have a Chinese bookmaker and write a seal for him.

It must be completed, and the seal must be stamped. Outside the Tianshan Mountains, it was a burst of bang.

At the same time, there was a roar of the yin dragon.

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and looked out. I saw a few corpses and was thrown in.

"Zong Shou! These two This seat is necessary for you to eat and do not know the taste, sleep uneasy sleep! After two months, it is your sect to avoid the day, when the big dry is dead!"

After that, the voice was full of laughter, and gradually the air was dissipated.

"This man is the Lord of the Blood -"

Kong Rui seems to recognize this voice, and the pupil shrinks.

Ren Bo is the heart of the heart, watching the dead body on the ground.

"It is the prefect of Xuancheng and the smoke city!"

The rest of the people, he did not recognize. However, it can be seen from the clothing only that they are officials from all over the country.

The ministers in the temple heard the words and they all turned pale. I hate it, but I can't do anything about it.

Zong Shou is also a face of iron and blue, the holy place is strong!

At this time, the big dry, it seems to have been stormy. (To be continued)

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