Divine Brilliance

: Before the 1051 war

Before the one hundred and fifty war

"That is, there is no more support?"

Ren Tianxing frowned, and he sighed with disappointment, then stretched out again: "Whether, this battle is only slightly more difficult than the previous night when the night forks invaded Huizhou. It may not be a chance." ""

In fact, he is not unclear about the situation at this time. As a younger brother and friend of Zhang Huai, it is most clear.

It was only a matter of conviction that Zong Shou was established outside the domain, holding a little hope.

And a few generals on the scene are also silent. Even if they are already their own names, they are known as famous artists. They have experienced countless storms and they are also very stressed.

Zong Shou came alone, and their final hopes were completely shattered.

Even if the reinforcements are hopeless, they will only be able to fight with the big business with these 3.2 million troops and 30,000 blood clouds.

Zong Shou laughed: "The reinforcements are still there, and soon after --"

A few people in Zongyuan were slightly moved, knowing that Zong Shou was referring to it. It must be the sword of the sword of the Sun, and the sacred dragon of the Cangsheng.

It is precisely these two jīng sharp, they think that there is still a few points of success.

It’s just the monarch, I don’t know before he comes. Here, the three million soldiers, the military heart is down to what extent.

Confucian enemies, fainting, cruelty, even if this is the most loyal person to Zong Shou, it is also inevitable to have low morale.

Confucianism is the world's academy, inheriting economics. In those villages, even a person who is slightly literate will be respected.

The first holy Zhuzi, in many places, was regarded as a god.

Although the Dagan ruling is a wild land, many people are affected. I believe that this war is a war of injustice, that the monarch is wrong, that it is not doing well.

"Although the situation is difficult, but it is difficult to fight for it, there is still a 90% chance of winning. You don't have to worry about it, but you can do whatever you want. You need to worry about it after the victory."

As for how to defeat the enemy, Zong Shou did not elaborate. Only quietly squinting, waving sleeves.

Zong Yuan and Ren Tianxing saw several people and immediately agreed. They have been separated from Zong Shou for a few years, but there are thousands of words to say at this time. At this time, they are afraid that they will not be able to attend a Kong Yao.

However, the more it is, the more it proves that Zong Shou is full of confidence.

They all laughed a little, and after a slight ritual, they also quit silently from the account.

Kong Yao did not notice the same, after hearing the words, it was clear, look carefully and carefully look at the map on the case.

90% chance of winning?

No more than the generals of her knees, as the Zongshou pillow, the roots of Zong Shou, after all, know more.

Knowing Zong Shou’s self-confidence, where did he come from, he never worried about the outcome of this war.

What really cares for her is the sentence of Zong Shou. After the big win? What does this sentence mean?

After a long period of meditation, there is no solution. Kong Yao is about to talk and ask, but finds that his willow waist has been hugged by both hands. Zong Shou also clung to his body from behind.


Kong Yao suddenly red face, and looked around in a panic. It was only after she found out that she had nothing to do with her and Zong Shou, and she was relieved. Then there was an impatience, trying to pull Zong Shou's hand open.

"What are you doing? Do you not let go?"

"I still know that I am a husband?"

Zong Shouyi smiled and contained the earlobe of Kong Yao and carefully smashed it.

One hand is more honest and okay to climb up. I put on the hand that I can’t hold,

Although Kong Yao is desperate to stop the struggle, but where is the giant force of Zong Shou?

Only the dead collar can hold the collar, and the magic hand of Zong Shou will not be allowed to enter.

However, Zong Shou was simply impatient and tore her chest. A pair of shapes are intact, suddenly like a rabbit, smashed out and exposed to the air.

Kong Yao was crying for a moment, and the people of the Confucianism, at least one thing is right, that is, this guy is nowhere!


Zong Shou not only plundered her with one hand. The seven foxtails were exhibited, and the sensation of her body was stimulated by the strokes.

Just for a moment, Kong Yao felt that he had completely lost, and gradually became confused.

She was empty for two years, and it broke out like a flood. But still arrogantly said: "The people are the handsome of the whole army, the husband- husband is so chaotic, the human-man's majesty is there? In the future, what is the face to go to command the whole army? You Jun, you sincerely worship me Handsome, then the military array, the military array, it is time to listen to others!"

Zong Shou was so stunned that he thought it was the case. Since he entered the camp, Kong Yao is cold and cold to protect his dignity. He thought that this Nizi was mad at him.

"How can I not say it earlier?"

Zong Shouxin saved, and put the foxtail away. Originally, I was playing with the pair of hands, and I was honest, reluctantly withdrawing, and then finishing the clothes for Kong Yao.

Misunderstanding of my wife, it’s really good,

Kong Yao is secretly grinding his teeth!

what is this? This guy, trying to tease her up, is it going to end?

It is clear that it is about to rush into the cloud, but suddenly stopped. This guy is really too bad!


Kong Yao took the initiative to turn back and pushed Zong Shou to the seat. Then it was unceremonious, and the underwear of Zong Shou’s lower body was also torn open. The lower part of the pink crack, slowly sat down, and included the Zongshou giant.

At this time, a sigh of satisfaction was issued, and then I saw the eyes of Zong Shou.

With a sigh of relief, Kong Yao bite on the shoulder of Zong Shou. I am working hard, I want you to like to tease people, and see Yao Yao not kill you!

However, I felt that a huge impact came from the bottom. It was the avatar of Zong Shou and began to twitch. The delicate land was swayed by constant friction. Even the heart of the flower, but also kept slamming.

The thrill of the shudder, so that Kong Yao gradually lost his mind and forgot everything.

When I woke up, I found my petite body, which was being held in my arms by Zong Shou.

She did not bite the shoulders of Zongshou, but entangled with the sacred tongue and kissed me with a lingering kiss.

The aftertaste of the whole body, and the ancestors of the ancestors, still in her tender body.

Look at the sky outside, before or noon, but now it is late.

In other words, the two are already crazy in this handsome account, at least half a rì!

Gradually recalled the madness of the previous experience, Kong Yao’s face was red and red, and he stood up and was hugged by Zong Shou. She wriggled her body and struggled, but she forgot that there was something in her body that she loved and hated. Under the guise of ignorance, it is a numbness, and the y mourning in the body breeds again.

Knowing this is not the way to go, most of them will not be able to endure, and Zong Shou once again loves. Kong Yao had to stop, and he was helpless: "Fu Jun, here is not the other place, but the army. Kong Yao is a handsome man, there is still a lot to do."

After this ridiculousness, she did not know how to face the wars of her own. It’s just a shame!

This was the case when the previous sect was robbed, this time it is the same.

Kong Yao said this, Zong Shou is quite guilty. He also knows that he can't delay military affairs, so he didn't have the greed to continue.

However, I didn’t want to be like the meaning of Kong Yao. I smiled slightly: "No one else, when I was in the Outland, I really thought about my family Yao. Some are reluctant, let me hold it for a while-"

Kong Yao Shuguang was slightly moved and fixedly watching Zong Shou. Somehow, but the emotion is like cháo, holding the neck of Zong Shou, and actively kissed the lips of Zong Shou.

I don’t know what military affairs, what majesty, what wins or losses.

Only by keeping this sentence, I only feel that I am satisfied, and there is no regret in this life.

This lingering is half-time. At the dawn of the day, the two of them were in the fog, and they each took the battle.

It may have been moisturized, and Kong Yao’s glamorous face is more and more beautiful.

For a moment, I didn't want to leave from the warm chest of Zongshou. I continued to be naked and shrunk in Zongshou's arms. While looking at the map, I continued to ponder the question of yesterday.

"Is this a gentleman who is ready to win with a whisper?"

Zong Shou ‘Hmm’, but did not speak. Intoxicated to smell the law of Kong Yao, holding the people in his arms, it seems that the suffocating suffocation in the chest has also been reduced a lot.

Kong Yao is a dumb smile, this is obvious.

With such a hole in hand, it is impossible to use it.

That little terrier, but the authentic Kirin king beast,

The husband of his own family is also in the world. Therefore, although the military was distracted by the shackles of the Confucianists, she never cared about it.

"Jun Shang said that what really worried about it was after this war? Then I worried about the stone?"

The rule of thumb was picked and then laughed: "How do you guess Yao Yao?"

Kong Yao shook his head slightly. After the war, the army of the great business man must be gone. Although she is cautious with her soldiers, such an opponent is not worthy of her attention.

The only thing that can be worth worrying about is that it is also outside the cloud world ~www.readwn.com~ this is the place to open the territory.

"If the non-French reminds, Yaoer almost missed the calculation. This time, it is not a big loss."

From Zong Shouhuai’s arms, Kong Yao took a sword and clothed it. However, the coolness that came from the bottom of her body made her shy again.

It was the trace left by the melee wars that flowed out of the secret pot.

In fact, if possible, I want to keep these things for a long time. She wants to have a child for her husband.

"But since I already know it, it doesn't matter. If he doesn't come, it will stop. If it comes, Kong Yao will definitely let him regret it -"

It is full of momentum and eyes are also sharp.

This is already ready to raise the troops north, sweeping the land of the Central Plains. Play a large territory for his husband. Even replacing the big business, becoming the Central Plains is going back to the dynasty, but forgot this place, may have been hidden in the side, ready to take profits.

So before the Northern Expedition, let this one first, try her soldiers. (To be continued.

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