Divine Brilliance

: 1068 speed away from here

One zero six eight speed away from here

At the same time, dry Tianshan City. 89 Lonely in the altar outside the high cliff, Kong Ruijian eyebrows obliquely, thoughtfully looking at a broken jade in his hand.

To be precise, it is actually a jade-made array. It is a secret technique from Confucius, corresponding to another artifact.

Only this array is still in his hands, and the corresponding utensils are still complete, so anyone can hardly calculate the method and hurt his Confucius.

"A good fierce sorcerer, a yin and yang nail mantra? Is it heavy?"

Kong Rui whispered to himself, and the complex flash of color.

The yin and yang nail mantra is an ancient magic technique. Nowadays, only the big business country master can master it.

Kong Rui did not see it, but he heard the elders of the family said it. When the Emperor Yuanchen was not succeeded a hundred years ago, Zhong Xuan once killed one person with this curse. Only in the impossible, Yin Yu successfully ascended the throne.

At that time, the power of the Confucius family could not resist this ban. His uncle, who had served as Si Tianzheng, was vomiting blood and died three years later. The reason is that in this battle, the injury is too heavy to be suppressed.

Yin Yu succeeded to the throne, and the family hatred of Kong and Zhong Xuan was naturally lost. Instead, it was necessary to be courteous and respectful.

However, due to the reason of Kong Yao, his relationship with Zhong Xuan is extremely unscrupulous.

However, at this moment, Kong Rui can not help but feel a little bit.

This person is on the position of the big business country teacher, the name is passed down to the world, it is because of this yin and yang nail curse. The defeat of today, but also the reason for this.

"If you borrow the power of the big business, you can get into the holy order. Since you know that the big business has been declining, you don't get out of the way in time, but you are even deeper. Today you are more desperate. Why is this?"

The jade array was obviously broken and could not be recovered.

Kong Rui sighed and ignored it. The two men separated the law, and Kong Rui actually lost, but he could not stop it for a while.

Although it is a thousand miles away, that heavy mystery is borrowed from the **** essence of three thousand boys and girls. The gap between the two sides is still unreasonable.

Fortunately, it is no problem, this ban, but also why not his master.

Kong Rui turned to look at the sky, only to see the empty sky, there are a few bright stars shining.

The stars of the stars are the manifestation of the law of this domain, so the stars and the stars of the world are similar.

However, there are some minor differences, and the changes in the worlds are printed. And those who learn the number of these practices are relying on the changes of these astrology, as well as the general trend of the world.

A few of them, I do not know who is owned, still according to the land of heaven. The light and dark are not the same, and it is a rumored candidate for the Emperor.

A star near the east side, surrounded by purple gas, is the star of Zong Shou's life, and it is now in the starry sky. It looks unusually holy, strange and the few candidate gods,

The second one is Kong Yao, breaking the army and shaking the light. At this time, the same star shines on the east.

"So, is the general trend fixed?"

The Holy King is alive, like a sword. His technique can no longer hide for the sect, and there is no need to deliberately cover up anything.

The state of the country has become a reality, and its wings have been abundant. No one can be wiped out, and no one can suppress the glory of the Holy King.

Shaking his head, Kong Rui got up and went outside the altar. But at this time, his eyes are slightly flashing.

"Dragon gas travels to the west, and the Arihara is actually unable to suppress it. Why?"

A few years ago, Kong Rui still needed Wen Wang to pay for the money.

At this moment, you don't need a special magic spell to see it.

Settling in the field of meditation, there is only income. It is only necessary to get rid of it. It was a self-deprecating smile, and this change was really a shock to his heart.

"It turns out that it is the move."

Although the dry Tianshan is prosperous, it can be compared to the Imperial City, but in the end it is a partial one, and the pattern is narrower. It is good to use it as a companion in the future.

Being able to move to the Middle Kingdom, the battle of this battle must be far more abundant than he imagined.

From the top of this mountain, I looked at the Kongjiahua house in the city that was built less than three years ago. Kong Rui’s face is a smile.

It seems that it will take a long time to move again.

However, this time is the central cloud land -

Good life miss!


"What are you afraid of? Kong Yao does not know what it is, but everyone who has a very hard life is uncomfortable with this ban. For example, the king and the martial arts king, a forceful force, makes the evil spirits difficult to invade. The husband is also almost the same -"

In the battlefield of the gods, Zong Shou listened to Kong Yao’s sentence, and his heart was loose.

Speaking of it, Yuan Jing and Kong Rui did say that they have the spirit of the Holy King to protect themselves, and they are the ones that do not invade.

In the legend, Qilin Ruiyin is indeed a sinister evil.

At this time, in addition to being chilly and chilly in the chest, there is really nothing else.

Putting down his mind, Zong Shou once again looked into the distance. God's thoughts spread far away, and the blood of the Holy Lord and the Yuntai real people, Xue Zhai lay three, firmly locked.

If it is not unexpected, these three should now be thinking about how to get out of the way today.

And just after the shackles, Zong Shou is a cold smile, and sure enough!

It’s just that today’s three people have arrived here, but what do you want to go?

It was actually standing up, and the figure flashed, and the car was out. There is not much time, this battle has come to an end, then it is time for him to do it!

Before Yin Yu’s imperial driving, Yuntai’s next cold war was already feeling the killing of the bone marrow.

Looking obliquely to the distance, it is obvious that the true body of Zong Shou has disappeared from the jade. There is only one phantom on the throne. I can only perceive this position, and I am carrying a sword, walking through the air, going to this side. Idle speed seems to be not too slow, but in a twentieth of a hundred, walking through a dozen miles.

And one of them is locked in the mind, it is his cloud platform.

He wants to join forces with Xue Zhai Shishi Liu Shi, and constantly resists the blockade with his mind to force this person to get close.

It is a pity that the people above this car are unconscious. Still surprised by the arrival of the three sets of Dabeidou Zhenwujian.

"With a set of swords, you can temporarily hold the blood cloud ride. At that time, our army will be in the left wing, and it will be able to defeat the enemy within a few moments!"

"It doesn't take so long, there is still a hundred interest time, and the yin and yang nails of the heavy Xuan Guoshi can be launched -"

"Well? Those people opposite, but the big cadres of the heavens?"

"Tianjie Daobing? A country of barbarism, what kind of heavenly road soldiers can compare with the Dazhen swordsmen of Daomen?"

"Only seventy-two people, only half of the real swordsmen. Even if the combat power is equal, there is no need to worry."

The ministers were talking about it, and even the color of Yin Yu was slightly improved. However, I saw the snowy settler Liu Li, and leaned over and said: "The situation is in jeopardy. At this time, there is a big gate of the martial arts, and the court is pleased to leave here!"

That Yuntai real person, also swearing: "This war I have lost the big business! Time is not much, I am too late! Please kneel with me and wait for the speed of this sacred original -"

Yin Yu is awkward, and there is a gap in consciousness. The three big Beidou Zhenwujian arrays are involved, and the yin and yang nails are also about to be completed. The war situation has ushered in a turnaround and may even have a big win. How did the two men, in unison, persuade him to flee early, so he was not optimistic about this war?

At this time, Yin Yu is strong and calm, trying not to make his voice tremble.

"Yuntai Xianzun, Liu Shengshi, I wonder if the two can tell you why?"

"The reason for this is that you can know it in the future."

The Yuntai sighed slightly, and more than one hundred great swordsmen were involved in the battlefield, just to cover him and Yin Yu to evacuate, instead of trying to reverse the defeat.

At this time, the truth is said, and I don’t know if the Emperor Yuanchen will be stimulated by the nerves. On the other side of the snowy house, it will not look good.

Yin Yu is puzzled and wants to ask again. But I can only hear the bang of the bang, and the sound of horror is everywhere.

Looking at it, I saw that it was his left-winged king. The whole 40,000 days of magic warfare ride and the five-five yuan start of the demon spirit ride, at this time, they turned around in an abrupt manner, like a runaway to the rear.

Throw the tens of thousands of big merchants riding next to them. Let the Cang Xuan Long Shi and the Jian Zong Wei Yang Jian, who were shocked by them, ride and smash.

The left and right wingers were actually a little touched, and they could not withstand the opposite side of the big business.

Everyone’s face is completely puzzled. Why don't you understand this magic door?

Difficult to have colluded with the big dry? Deliberately performing this drama, so that the big business is defeated, and all the elites are so ruined?

But if we talk about hatred, the magic road is above the door of Confucianism. Xingxie was suppressed by seals, and it is difficult to have a chance to resurrect. Tai Shi Mojun, is said to have been injured by Zong Shou.

Recently, the people in the Magic Road have gone all out to madly kill the people of Dagan and even assassinate the officials.

In the common sense, the hatred of both sides cannot be resolved.

However, it is hard to say that the thoughts of the people of the Magic Gate are really difficult to measure.

"So, my big business is defeated?"

"These magical demons really can't stand it!"

"Damn, my Li family this time, but took out a full 20,000 Xuan Yu swordsman!"

"All are withdrawn! Otherwise they will all be buried here!"

"Can you withdraw it? Those who are not in the sword are already on the back road of the Chinese army -"

"This time is dead! Dead!"

"That yin and yang nails ~www.readwn.com~ Is it still not good?"

The 30,000-year blood ride of Zongyuan has already entered the waist and abdomen of the Dashangzhong army. It is still invincible!

The Jiandong’s Weiyang sword ride is inserted obliquely to the rear, and the back road of hundreds of thousands of marchers is completely eliminated.

And the 50,000-year-old Xuanlongshi is followed by the tens of thousands of magic riders. Hunting at the end.

The defeat of the two wings also affected the Chinese army. At this moment, it has been defeated.

It seems that the big business is going to collapse. The opposite side of the army, but the people are heart-warming, all people's faces are all unbelievable.

Today is it so successful? with great difficulty. Originally thought it was a hard fight, but it was easy to win without a force.

Yuntai looked in his eyes and sighed. When he spoke again, he refused to accept Yin: "Your Majesty please be rude!" (To be continued.)

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