Divine Brilliance

: 1070 Kirin is present

One thousand seven zero unicorn

The golden flame burns and shines thousands of miles. At this time, the whistling day is like a small sun, hanging and half empty.

Zong Shou only felt a pure force to pure and clean, instilled over, covering his week. To make that chilly evil, instantly faded the full 40%!

But the red jade necklace is still shattered. Therefore, the evil spirits, such as the needle into the heart, nailed in.

However, he just entered his body, and Zong Shou heard a sound of dragon and phoenix symphony, more like a roar of the will of heaven and earth.

Then a pure white gas column, from the inside of his body, rushed.

Not only did those smoldering evil forces completely break through, but they expanded to seventy-seven feet and went straight into the sky. Make the heavens and the earth versatile, all floating.

Around this air column, there is a faint dragon coiled around, and there is a colorful phoenix flying.

"This is, Kirin?"

The yin and yang nail mantra was broken, and when he re-emerged, he was regulfed, and he vomited a black blood, his eyes were terrified, and he was full of incredulity.

"The power of the Holy King, the dragon and the phoenix. You are in the world. How is it possible? How is this possible? You are the Confucian enemy, the lord of the country. In seven years, he has not governed, he is ridiculous, he does not obey the law, regardless of the honor, I Do not believe--"

Muttered to himself, the skin of the mysterious skin was quickly defeated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The mouth said unbelief, but Xuanxuan knew that the Zongshou at this time was really invading and was blessed by Tiandao.

If it is not in the world, this is how it is.

That Yuntai lost half of his body, and he has recovered a little. The first snow palm blood moon knife artifact, the combat power can be comparable with the holy world, but it is not his opponent. When you get out of the way, you start to slowly turn the situation.

At this time, seeing the cloud, Yuntai can not help but sigh.

"The unicorn is accompanied by the sacred body, and it is really a sacred monarch in the world-"

It was told by Qing Xuan Daojun that he was informed by his mind, but it was far more shocking than witnessed by this time!

I even found out that the number of times he sighed today even exceeded the sum of the thousand years.

Xue Zhaiju Shi Liu Li, it is a gloomy look, like to drip water. Looking at the direction of Zongshou, his eyes are incomparable.

The feeling in my heart is incomparably absurd! In front of this, the invincible Lord, who is almost contrary to Confucian teachings, is still the Holy One who is recognized by the heavens and the earth. Is this the will of the heavens in the cloud and the denial of Confucianism?

There are also some doubts in my heart. What I am doing right now is right or wrong?

Or when Zhu Zi was first sacred, there was indeed some arbitrariness and it was too rash.

Even if the speaker said the words of ruining Confucianism, he did not need such anxiousness to set a king who was a prosperous country as a Confucian enemy.

I am also more aware of the end of the war, and today, their Confucianism will usher in the most difficult times!

At this time, Yin Yu is even more embarrassed. He didn't think too much, but he didn't recognize what was the sacred king's anger, what was the dragon and the phoenix,

It was not until a moment later that I realized that the flame-ridden beast was the rumored sacred unicorn.

"The erect is actually the Lord of the Holy Spirit -"

Until then, he finally understood the more than 60,000 Zilin flame guns in the door. Why did the end of the horse ride out of control, so that the whole army was wiped out.

Why is the attitude of Xue Zhaju and Yuntai, it will be so weird, and it is expected that the yin and yang nail mantra of Zhong Xuan will have no effect.

He did hear that the Three Emperors of the Ancient Age in the era of the Clouds had the body of the Holy King.

After the sputum, on the face of Yin Yu, the tidal color floated immediately.

Hate. Dissatisfied, envious, incomprehensible, all kinds of complex emotions, rushed into the heart.

"This world is unfair!"

He is a sacred priest, and he is diligent and diligent. He has ruled the country for a hundred years. This ruling is a passive ruling, pushing all political affairs to the next minister.

He obeys the ritual law in all things, obeys the Confucianism, and favors the scholars, and dare not have the slightest mistake. Fighting with the family for a lifetime, fighting with the power minister, and fighting with the six, in order to maintain the national movement, almost exhausted the effort.

This keeper is leisurely and leisurely, and he has the authority to pay for others. Knowing that the inner sectarian giants are standing, but they are not pressurized, they are supported by many parties.

The domestic sects are tyrannical, there are many martial arts, and there are countless giants, leaving countless hidden dangers.

How could it be compared to him? Why is this sect, but it can be recognized by the heavens and the earth, and the sacredness is full? And he is Yin Yu, but he can only struggle. After the war, even now it is now a sign of the country.

Faces like dead gray, Yin Yu's lips, more traces of black blood left behind.

At this time, the entire battlefield was suddenly quiet, not only the side of the army, but also stopped.

Even the remaining hundreds of thousands of merchants, who have stopped, resisted and looked up at the sky.

"So unicorn? I am not mistaken?"

"Kirin! The legendary beast unicorn -"

"The food is good, and only the world of great prosperity, the king of the holy king is in place, it is possible to show up! Wherever you pass, you must have a good weather and a good harvest."

"My family, there is a sacred beast with a sacred eagle?"

"In the rumor, isn't there the three emperors of the ancient times? So the Confucian scholars are sour and ruined, and the old saying is to reinstate the rule of the ancient three generations! That is the cloud family, the era of greatness -"

At first, some people were whispering whispers, and soon after, they expanded to the whole army.

"So, what is the Confucianism of the Zhuzi sacred, saying that the lord is a tyrant, is the faint of the Lord! The reverse is the opposite, the rituals of the ruins, are actually farting?"

"It's true! They say they are Confucian enemies, but they can do bad things too!"

"How could the Highness be faint? This world is deceived by those Confucian students!"

"You said, is that Zhu Zixian is wrong, or is this day wrong?"

"Jun Shang ruled the country, I am in the east of all the municipalities directly under the jurisdiction, but everyone is warm. The income of my family is fifteen or six times stronger than before! Although it is more expensive to buy things, it is really stronger than before. ”

"Before the East, there were frequent wars, and we couldn't even eat enough. But now that we are going to the east, now the riches of the cities, even the people of the Middle Kingdom must envy."

"The war in the Middle-earth, I don't know how many merchants, I have settled down. It is clearly the heart of the people-"

"After your position as a squad, there is no way to win the battle, and the expansion of the land is billion miles, and the country and the people are safe."

"Is this the merits of Ren Xiangzhang and Yao Yaoshuai?"

"Maybe such a good minister will work for Dagan, is it the Lord of the Holy Spirit?"

"It is said that his Majesty is outside, he has expanded the world to 76 places, and established the Dagan Xian Dynasty. It can be described as the heroic industry -"

"I have done a lot of business, and now I am building a cloud ship, ready to do business in the outer domain! At that time, most of the days will be more rich."

The entire battlefield, from silence to stunned, only used for a moment. At this time, the people of the former army, but found the enemy in front, many people actually put down the soldiers, they fell to the ground.

"Those business forces actually fell -"

"This war is already a desperate situation. What can they do if they don't fall?"

"They are a battle of injustice, crusade against the Holy King, is an enemy of the heavens and the earth, can not get down to the Hades after the death!"

"Since it is a holy prince, nature will not be harsh on them to drop people!"

"If you win today, you will be able to sweep the cloud world and defeat the big business. It will lay the foundation for the world! If they are them, they will also fall on the king. For the sake of the Holy King, open up the territory!"

More and more merchants and soldiers have completely abandoned the resistance, and the soldiers and armor have lost their land. Even spread to the private 200,000 soldiers of the family door valves,

"Have you ever heard of the vow that was made in the shackles of a few months ago?"

"I actually have this thing? I have never heard of it."

"I am faintly aware of some people - even though they are elected by the monarchs, they know that water can cover the boat and can carry the boat. Therefore, the people are empowered by the people, and they are ruled by the arch. Under the rule of the orphan, there are rich and poor, strong and weak. There is no distinction between the nobles and the nobles. With the rule of law, we will not bully, the king and the people, and the law!"

"--I can't be rich or poor, I can't balance my authority, but I pledge to wait for the people! I swear to the world!"

"Lonely, this sword, the swearing will be the Emperor of Heaven! To be the Lord of the thirty-three days, the Emperor of the People! The King of Wanxian! Under the rule of nowhere, regardless of race, the people and all immortals, all are treated equally! Orphan or can not achieve real An equal world can make a cure for the people, a fair world, and a fair law-"

"With the position of the Dagan monarch, it is necessary to use this sword to protect the people of the cloud from the enslavement of foreigners, and to stop the disaster of the ancient cloud."

Everyone listened quietly, and remembered this word in the depths of the heart.

"The Lord of thirty-three days, the Emperor of the People? The Prince of Wanxian? You are so handsome!"

"With the rule of law, let the strong do not bully, the king and the people, the law of blasphemy? If it can be done, it is really the Holy Lord who must not see it for thousands of years."

"Even now, I haven’t gone anywhere! The officials are all elected by the people. Now, which power is expensive, dare to wait for me to be a grassroots, not the same thing?"

"I can live in this era, follow the uprising of the king, expand the cloud, and even conquer the outer domain. It is really a great blessing for me!"

"There are all such vows on the king, and we are willing to die with each other! Going to the fire, never die!"

It’s just a sigh of relief ~www.readwn.com~ It’s hard to be uplifted.

"Remember that there is another sentence in the king, saying that it is Confucian rites and confession, and it is difficult to read the book. It is more harmful to the national law. It may be one day, and it will be burned again."

"Is there a kiss between the two? It seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

"Hey! Kissing each other, nature can also be the official and the guardian. So go on, the national law does not exist, where do I wait for the ants to live?"

"So, this is what the Confucian people are afraid of, and they will be the Confucian enemy?"

"That Zhu Zi is not expected to be on him, is it in the world?"

The following discussion has been repeated, and the face of Xue Zhai's layman is more blue.

The theory of the people can be seen that the hearts of the people are back and cannot be ignored.

The code was a deep breath and slowly spit out.

"You wait, this time is really annoying!" (to be continued.

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