The people around me are all shocked. Thirty-two times? In other words, one day here, it can be equivalent to nearly three years.

Zong Shou is shaking his head. If you simply use the book of the universe, Lingshi will save a lot.

However, the Temple of Zhou Guang also has the advantages of the book. The range is wide and provides enough psionic power.

Unlike the book of the Zhou Dynasty, after the acceleration time, the time of the deep world has not changed at the same time, and the psionic energy will be weak.

Although the book of the universe is a treasure, it is a recorded record.

The Temple of the Sunlight is a short-lived dragon family, which is made for the sake of the younger generation to understand the space-time avenue.

The function is different, and there is no comparison between the two.

One day in the Temple of the Sunlight is equivalent to thirty-two days. The sacred stone from the various sects of the sects of Zong Shou, was enough to maintain the acceleration of the inner hall for four months.

Everyone knows that time is precious, even if it only wastes a moment and a half, there are many Lingshi consumption.

After this day, they all found a corner in the temple, and they were repaired.

In addition to accumulating the amount of real power, in order to seek qualitative change, it is even more enlightened in the temple of the temple, the recorded moments of magic.

The law of time and space, among the various avenues, is one of the most mysterious and most difficult rules to control.

At this time, even if I can only understand a kind of magical power, it is also endlessly used.

The daily routine of Zong Shou also temporarily restored calm. Every day, I continue to delve into those magical classics, to learn and to promote, to try to extract the essence, to make up for themselves.

Then every nine days, Zong Shou will temporarily drop these magic tricks. For the people in the temple, answer the doubts in the practice. Occasionally, I am more interested in it, and I will talk about the day I realized.

The name is 'speaking', but in fact it is to use the oral complaints to sort out what you have learned.

He has learned too much, and it has been difficult to form a system. There is time at this time, just to take the opportunity to integrate.

The inner temples are all very novel. I only know that the sect is a broad knowledge. Heaven and earth. It seems to be all-encompassing.

Any doubts on the practice seem to be answered from Zong Shou.

The opening ceremony of Zong Shou every seven days is getting more and more attention.

Even if you stop practicing at a critical time, you should listen to the words of Zong Shou.

Zong Shou’s way of speaking can be said to be all-encompassing and everything. It is a high-rise building, not limited to a trip. The links between the various avenues of the road are clearly understood.

The classics in the book are even more handy. Extend the interpretation and put forward many truths. It’s all unheard of.

Not necessarily all are good for them, but they can also broaden their knowledge. Although it is not used at this time, it will be useful when it is cultivated in the future.

Sometimes, when I listen and listen, I feel that I am mad, and some confusion in my practice is unleashed. There are even many problems that I have never realized before.

As time goes by, it will be another month in the blink of an eye.

Zong Shou is in the temple of Zhou Guang. However, because of the sect of the family. The situation in the outside world is still well known.

At this time, the southern Wuzhou was just settled, and the rebellion wave of the east and the south wind cloud land was just suppressed.

Although the situation is stable, there is no shortage of possibilities. Therefore, he and Kong Yao several people, which can not always fully devote themselves to spiritual practice. Do not dare to relax the situation of the outside world.

Fortunately, it is gratifying. As he changed his name to the emperor, the situation in Dagan was a day better.

Maybe that is the Confucian two. After losing the support of the Magic Road, it is really ready to give up, and the practice world has gradually stabilized.

However, Zong Shou is most concerned, or the Imperial City is Yin Yu and Zhong Xuan.

The location of the tomb of Qin Emperor, he still did not find it. The only way to do this now is to monitor the movements of these two people, so that they can adapt at any time.

These two have not been active recently, but the children around the Imperial City are still missing after Yang Yangyang. Most are born at noon. It is the yang between heaven and earth, at the most prosperous time.

Zong Shouben thought that both the Confucianism and the Confucianism should be aware of the same situation at this time. However, these two teachings are surprisingly silent.

However, it is because Zong Shou has some ignorance, so the door is no more. But the Confucian scholars, no one can come out.

There are many hypocrites in Confucianism, and they can be the ones who admire the great Confucianism. At least in character, there is not much to be criticized.

The mind is puzzled, but Zong Shou has never been too concerned. He is not a saint himself.

Although the heart is angry, but knows that he is intervening at this time, it is impossible to make the Yin Yu heavy mysterious convergence, but may trigger another round of war, and the six religions will fight.

There is no chance of winning, and the threat of night magic in the outer world is approaching. Once the war is protracted, it will only sacrifice the lives of the soldiers, so that the souls will be ruined.

If you are a white body, you are willing to enmity, look at the heavy mystery, and kill it with a sword!

But he is now a sacred man. Even if they are poor, they need to pay more attention to the safety of their own people.

In fact, what he is most concerned about is that he has been detained in the Tiangong of the Imperial City of the Emperor.

The news from the swordsmanship is really not optimistic.

"A few times, I tried to get away with it. That is, can this person not be saved?"

Zong Shou’s heart is cold and helpless.

"Gold does not regret your idiot, it used to be very smart, but now it is really an idiot! The real stupid pig!"

The curse in the mouth is endless, but in the eyes of the sect, there is a bit of cold and murderous.

The fat man is one of the few people he is considered to be friends in addition to the thunder in this world.

No matter what the intentions of the big business, and what they are prepared to do with gold, they will regret it sooner or later.

I only hope that the heavy mysterious, do not touch his bottom line!

Half a month later, Shen Yuexuan finally arrived in the cloud world, and at the same time brought the sword embryo.

It is still in a gaseous state. Compared with the original congenital purple scorpion, it is not only congenital but also more intense.

In addition, it is a bit more important.

When Zong Shou Shen read it, he took it in his hands. In front of this sword embryo, at this time, the shape of the sword ball needs his mind to be poured in, and it can be turned into a vague sword shape.

There is also a huge array of weapons in the interior, many of which are blank, and he needs to be engraved with his own mind.

But the part that has been formed is already a surprise.

Instinct feeling, the role of this object in the hand. I am afraid that it will not be inferior to that of the Aquila.

It’s just this sword, but it’s slightly different from what he expected. Not weaker, but stronger, far beyond his expectations!

Shen Yuexuan said that he would give him a surprise, but he did not disappoint him.

The spirits spread and flow through the entire body, exploring the institutions inside.

Then there was a glimpse of Zong Shou, and he looked at Shen Yuexuan wrongly.

Only his spiritual knowledge, I feel a thing in this sword. In addition, there are several congenital qis that are completely different from those of the innate sable.

"It's a thousand red meteorites-"

Shen Yuexuan was already looking at this temple, and was slightly surprised. At this time, I saw Zongshou’s gaze, only to smile. “This is the surprise of the minister! This thing is between the imaginary stones, a thousand worlds, a kind of sacred beast, the crystal after death. The stone is taken from the body of the thousand-year-old demon of 13,000 years old, and it is most suitable for the core of this sword. This thing is useless to me, it is better to give it to your knees. Or it can help!"

Zong Shou heard the words, it was a laugh.

Thousands of red meteorites are recorded in the collections of Cangshengdao.

Thousands of eyes are actually a kind of multi-eyed spider. They have thousands of eyes. They can wash the spirit of sharp gold and spurt out from the eyes to injure the enemy.

Legend has it that a million-year-old red meteorites can not only purify and purify all kinds of swords, but also make people's gods read.

In addition, this thing is used to make Dan food, and it can greatly improve the quality of people's true spirits, and it can also meet the unsuccessful treasure.

The divine differentiation allows him to manipulate the three thousand stars more freely, and to eliminate the swordsmanship.

And this thing is integrated into the Yuan Yi Soul Sword, and it can also purify the kingdom of the gathering.

It’s not like Shen Yuexuan’s words, it’s just ‘or helpful.’

However, he still has troubles to solve, this still can not explain, the three generations of civil fire in this sword embryo are innate -

Although it is meager, it makes the quality of this sword very different.

"Chen Wen, the king of a country, can not be separated from the word "social". The community is the land, symbolizing the land of the five parties, and the grain refers to the grain of the grain. And when I am doing it, it is the fire. If you need the sword of the king, you must consider it."

Shen Yuexuan said faintly, it seems that he did not care about the precious materials he invested.

"In fact, the innate temperament of the heavenly ranks in the hands of the ministers is not much, only a little added."

Zong Shou did not thank him, only nodded slightly. He has already remembered this matter.

Shen Yuexuan said that it is an understatement, but the materials that this person has invested in are absolutely rare and rare!

Looking at the hand and shrinking into a ball-shaped sword embryo ~ ~ Zong Shou Yue is more happy.

It is fierce, light and heavy, which is an ideal sword.

It’s not too bad to just burn your own spirits. The future of this sword will never be inferior to refining the gods.


Suddenly thinking about it, Zong Shou took the amount of his hand and took Xiao Jin out of his sleeve.

He remembered the wing-shaped black iron. It was a month and a half in the temple, but it was four years.

I don't know Xiaojin, who swallowed that black iron?

I saw this little guy, but it was a little wilting, spit out something. Then the whole body was shrunk.

Zong Shou couldn’t help but groan, I saw that thing, still the wing shape, no damage. His spiritual thoughts are still unable to penetrate.

In this world, there are actually things that can accommodate Xiaojin’s body, and the whole body retreats?

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