Divine Brilliance

: 1107 anti-killing surprise

---------------------- The letter is passed between several people, so even the most simple first snow, it is pale.

“How are you prepared to respond?”

Shen Yuexuan frowned, and he felt that the situation of the Qin Emperor's Tomb was more and more dangerous.

If the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty was really resurrected, nearly 20 million corpses in the tomb still listened to his orders. Then, unless several people in the cloud industry join forces, it is really possible to level the world again.

And Zong Shou and a few of them are also in danger of being killed.

"Chen believes that, for the sake of safety, it is still a temporary withdrawal, and it is better to wait and see."

"No need to do this!"

Zong Shou is squinting, and there is a bit of a smile without temperature: "Even if it is overestimated, the magic door and the two aliens, at least six to eight Saints join hands. In the view of Mr. Shen, How likely are these people to take my life?"

Shen Yuexuan is silent, but the original is no injury but a smile: "I can't see one!"

Both Zong Shou and Chu Xue have the ability to compete with the monks of the gods. The former has a book of the universe and a mirror of the magic. The time of the book control, the magic mirror to restrain the shadow magic, and the infinite final phase, is the magical power of the night magic family.

The first snow palm blood moon knife artifact is a person who can also meet the holy world.

His own jade is even stronger.

As for Shen Yuexuan, others don’t know, he stayed in the heavens for a few months, knowing that this is the person who is approved by Ye Xuan.

The strength of the opponent is either very strong, but it is impossible to do so, so that they can not escape.

Thinking about it here, if there is no harm in the original, it is very strange -

After turning over the face of the Devil's Gate and the Great Cognac, there should be a 10% confidence that Zong Shou was killed in the tomb of the Qin Emperor.

Either Li Bixue is well prepared, full of self-confidence, or is another plan, can borrow from others.

The possibility of the former is small and small. Li Bixue is prepared, but how many of them are far away from their own cards? It is himself. The strength is far more than just a jade. Great risk -

Then what is left is that there is something in this ancient tomb that makes the Supreme Yuanmo think that there is no possibility of being separated.

"Even if you and I are clear, Li Bixue can't understand."

Zong Shou talked. While finishing my thoughts. "Then the plan can be imagined. The Qin Emperor's tomb really has the ability to kill me and wait for a few people, nothing more than the twelve bronzes, and the Qin Emperor who may be resurrected-"

There is no Qinhuang, although there are tens of millions of corpses in this tomb, hundreds of thousands of large Qin iron riders, millions of Scorpio swordsmen, but it is equivalent to the scattered sand, it is difficult to form a real threat.

Zong Shou and his thoughts stopped, and his thoughts stopped. Discover yourself. Some of them are sharp. Why do you follow the moves of the other side and think about the solution?

Regardless of their conspiracy, they don’t have to pay attention to it.

"I missed it. This game is unclear and I don't know how to crack it. Just do it. Let's get rid of this chess player."

This is the real force to break the game, Li Bixue, he naturally can not help. However, everything in the tomb of the Qin Emperor, this holy deity needs to be controlled by others.

"Get rid of the people who play chess?"

Originally, there was no snoring, but the eyes gradually became brighter. No matter what kind of plan is there, the few magical powers in Gong Xinran’s mouth are the basis of all conspiracy.

"Then my brother thought that it would be a matter of several people. Can't you?"

"Nature can get it!"

The original smile did not hurt, with the color of excitement: "Interesting, it is so interesting, Zong Shou I really did not misread you! This is fun."

"This method works!"

Shen Yuexuan also opened his eyes: "No matter what conspiracy. It is always the best to remove the layout first."

It’s really amazing to be on this family. The means of dealing with the enemy is really decisive.

Zong Shou has frowned again. This strategy has been set, but it is always necessary to find the position of those people.

Shen Yuexuan knows his mind and faintly said: "I want to find their position. I have some ways here -"

With a wave of hand, the forty-eight machines included wooden birds and scattered into the four tombs.

Compared with the fastest bird, the speed is not different. It is lightning fast, and it disappears in a blink of an eye.

Zong Shou only saw at a glance that these forty-eight machines including hummingbirds were accompanied by Shen Yuexuan’s thoughts and a thousand miles of spiritual methods.

This spell has a low level but is extremely stable. Psionic energy fluctuations are extremely small, be careful, and avoid the blockade of the two instruments.

Above the hummingbird, there is a very special powder.

The Heavenly World is one of the areas where the Shadow Magic often enters and exits. As long as there are some people with some strength, there are means to identify and prevent the shadows.

And this kind of powder is extracted from a kind of elixir that is called the van Gogh grass, which can induce the strange soul of the shadow magic.

It is difficult to avoid the strength of the sacred sacred sacred god.

In fact, several traces of the Holy Land are extremely easy to find. In this ancient tomb, so many holy powers get together, only one such thing.

The extent of the damage that can be banned from various organs, the darkness of the night demon martial arts, and the glimpse of the clues.

The reason why the five people did not pursue it in person, but replaced it with a hummingbird, but it was just a matter of alerting them.

After about three quarters of time, Shen Yuexuan in the full force of induction finally opened his eyes and showed that he had already obtained it.

"It should be here, within the northern channel. It can't be closer to ten miles."

At the same time, a few thoughts and thoughts were made separately.

In the mind of Zong Shou, several pictures appeared. The van Gogh grass powder shimmers, and the 30,000 corps stationed in this tomb is no different.

However, the organs in the area were banned, but they have all been swept away.

A little bit of discrimination, Zong Shou knows that Shen Yuexuan’s words are valid.

If you correspond to the map of the heavy mystery, you can see that the north direction is the vent of the main burial chamber.

The same can enter the main burial chamber, but it is more concealed, and condescending, you can see that the legend is the small world, all the movements.

The wood hummingbirds can't be close anymore, otherwise there is a risk of being discovered.

This time, in turn, killing, you are not surprised, if the other party is alert in advance, it is not good.

When I was not injured, I asked the second question: "I know where I am now, but how can I wait?"

The stolen incense locks the Zongshou's air machine, which is extremely vague.

However, once they are close, the locust will certainly be aware.

A cold glimpse of the code, in the Qinhuang cemetery, he may have no choice but to change elsewhere.

However, the two ceremonial bans in this direction were completely emptied and gave him a chance.

Is it true that today is helping me?

The void in the heart manifests itself, nearly two hundred stars of the Tao, scattered in the Quartet.

Some of them gathered around and surrounded the people. Part of it is exactly where the Shen Huoxing wood hummingbird is. Slightly forward, stop at five miles away.

In the past, Zong Shou’s instant dragon, Dan Dan, can only transmit his own body. Since the number of stars has increased to 187.

The magical power of the instantaneous movement, the surge in the drama, can also be applied to others.

However, it takes a lot of stars to gather in one place, and the distance of the move cannot be too far.

If nature only has this distance, it is still a matter of words. Only five miles away is enough for the other party to react.

Zong Shou’s eyes passed over Su Xiaoxiao’s eyes. Seeing this woman’s look is strange, but she is strong and calm.

Can not help but smile coldly, the body of the seventy-two dragons and Qi Qi Qi. A tyrannical force, will immediately be present five people, forcibly into the space layer.

When it reappears, a tomb has been changed.

There are 30,000 intact terracotta pots underneath. At this time, it seems that due to the induction of the popularity of the machine, countless cracks began to emerge from the surface of the pottery.

"Is it a momentary move?"

I had already understood my situation at this moment without hurting me. I suddenly shook my voice with a mana and suppressed the voice.

"It is forgotten, this magical power created by Jun! The garbage in front, it seems that it is really hard not to die,"

I also know that there is not much time, and that jade slaps in the past, and in a sigh of relief, slams forward!

At the same time, the original unharmed hands, countless magical characters played. It was the days before, the ones that were made.

The speed of Zong Shou’s front and back is not slow. The one hundred and ninety-nine sacred dragons and swords fluttered out of their sleeves, and in a flash they formed a squad of extinction, and swept forward.

At the same time, one hand, go to the small head of Su Xiao. The murder is implicit, if it is this enchantress, really dare to resist, then this finger can be transformed into a Thunder strike at any time.

I couldn’t get it before because I couldn’t convince myself because I didn’t have enough reason.

Look at this time, but it is involved in their four life and death, his sword, will never leave a little affection.

Even a woman who can make herself emotional will not have the thought of staying.

In the past, one person has a sword and a sword. Why have you ever had a child?

The four people present, which is not more difficult to distinguish than the enemy, is the more important of Su Xiaoxiao?

It is only a little unexpected that Su Xiaoxiao has no rebellious thoughts and is allowed to be directed by Zong Shouyi. The whole person fainted and fell to the bottom.

Zong Shouyi~www.readwn.com~ immediately took a roll of mana and wrapped Su Xiaoxiao on his side.

The possible abdominal heart is clear, his idle speed is increased, and a trace of fairy power in the body has already been triggered.

The illusion mirror floats behind him, above the blade, and there is also a boundless light, shining on the tomb.

This time, I shot all my strength and hit his strongest sword!

When the sword came out, Zong Shou gradually absorbed all the distracting thoughts and returned to the present.

Only looking at the front with a gaze focused, moving from the moment, almost has a time to rest, the front, should have been aware.

But I don't know, what kind of expression will there be on these holy steps?

In the five miles ahead, Han Qing was suddenly stunned by the murderous scene, and looked at him with sorrow.

Their pedestrians have just arrived here. At this point, it was shocked by the magnificent scenery in front of you. ______________________

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