Divine Brilliance

: 1109 What is the technique?

----------------------There are countless flames burning from the sword. (M) The stabbed Night Demon sage, who made a roar of unwillingness, seemed to suffer the ultimate pain and twisted and struggled.

Can be a body, but still inevitable, turned into a group of smoke, dissipated in the void,

The red dress is trying to evade the five-color ray that bursts open. Those cockroaches on the needles don’t know what kind of secrets are inlaid. The penetrating power is amazing, and several spiritual methods cannot resist. The barriers formed by the spiral wind around the body have not been able to stop, and at most they can only be offset.

At this time, he is still good here, and he can cope with it. The situation is even worse, those night magic, this is just under the hood, tired and cope.

At this time, it was hit by thousands of pieces of light, and it was even more embarrassing. A few of the gods of the night demon were hit, and suddenly the body of the large body began to rot and turned into pus.

Let the hearts of all people sink, these needles, not only swift and powerful, but also contain highly toxic.

After the eight-tube five-color diaphragm, eight silver cylinders appeared on the side of Shen Yuexuan, which made people feel terrified.

At this time, in his hand, there is more a fist-sized ball. Then the layers of the open are actually a piece of wing-shaped metal piece, each piece of metal is engraved with a defensive spirit.

Nearly a thousand pieces are superimposed, forming a circle of thick and incomparable shield-shaped aura.

The pupil of the red dress is shrinking. What kind of Lingbao is this? Thousands of defensive spirits, with special organs, gathered on one object.

In front of him, he can be said to be a fairy treasure, or a thousand magic weapon. In addition to the body surgery, it also contains the law of the ban. Thousands of superpositions are a powerful ban.

Although it is not an artifact, you can talk about the ability to defend, even if it is an artifact.

The only flaw is that the deployment is slower and the scope of protection is very narrow. It can only protect one or two people at most.

However, it is due to small. This fairy treasure is even more indestructible!

Only with this unknown treasure, those five colors are shining. In front of this person, it is enough to resist any two Saints in this place.

Looking at the body of Zong Shou, he will be guarded in the spiritual array. The red dress was sulking and limping at full speed. Just at the moment when the second wave of five-color needles exploded. Forcibly flashed to the side of Zongshou. The red dress immediately pointed out and went all out. So as to lead the body outside the vision.

Part of the spirit of heaven and earth. It turned out that the original control was not broken. Formed a huge conical spiral, and the tip of the cone is a direct point to the brain of Zong Shou.

But at the moment when his point was reached, Zongshou’s figure flashed and disappeared from the place, to Shen Yuexuan’s body.

Instantaneous movement?

When the red dress was smashed, I knew that I had lost my strategy this time. (m) I forgot, Zong Shou also has this magical power.

A few years ago, Zong Shou was pursued by Lu Wushuang. It is by means of the method of moving in the air and escaping thousands of worlds, which makes Lu Wushuang ultimately helpless. Until Zong Shou stepped into the fairyland, in turn, Lu Wushuang killed.

In this matter, the cloud world is known as long as it is above the Sacred.

Do not hesitate. Red red clothes collapsed. Desperate dodge, sweeping the smashing needles that have been attacked.

Then when I had a little spare time, I opened my mind again and observed the situation around me.

The night demon sage of a sword in the body has been completely annihilated by the infinite light. Part of the flesh and blood burned, the rest. Then it becomes the power of the blood, and is sucked by the sword of the refining.

The people present, Han Qing and the other four holy places survived. Fortunately, at this time, these few have been swayed from the left. Supported over. The situation has improved and it has already had some spare capacity.

It’s just that the sect is on the side, but it’s amazing. The prime snow that had just been hit by him has already recovered the injury of the Thai half. The spirit is awkward, and the breath is changed from decay to perfection, as if it has never been hit hard in his hands.

The **** knife is still locked in the presence of several people, and the movement is uncertain.

Also until this moment, the red dress only noticed the glory of the layer of jade that shrouded the place.

It is clearly vital, and under the perfusion, the last wounds of the first snow are also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It’s only time for him to take the time to go to the border.

Damn it!

At this time, not only the red dress, but also a few people present, the mood has also sinked to the bottom.

Although I don't know what the treasure is, there is support for this. Even if the five people in front of you are injured, they can recover from the beginning.

If this continues, the longer the delay, the more unfavorable they are.

The four people in front of us are not really holy, and the mana should not last long.

However, under the violent storm, how many times can they support the seven people present? How many casualties are needed to support the Zong Shouli?

The red-red clothing is blue in color, knowing that any hesitation at this moment, a hesitation, a misjudgment, may decide to live and die, and make himself fall into a situation of eternal annihilation.

Directly abandoned the already escaping into Shen Yuexuan’s body, and the figure is straight to the distance, standing alone in the distance, without injury,

At the same time, a shadow of blood phoenix is ​​now behind. The fierce flame of indestruction burned, and under the urging of the hurricane, it turned into a blazing color.

The flames melted everything, and it was Shen Yuexuan’s five-color needle, which was just melted when it was close.

The whole person turned into a white light and shadow, even more than the sword that was used to accelerate the use of the book before the sect, not too much! The momentum is even more violent, with a resolute decision.

This is no harm, it is the one with the weakest strength among the four people in front, and the most crucial one.

Manipulating the jade is equivalent to a holy power. The technique of silence does not make them unable to use spiritual power, but the spiritual power is also greatly reduced.

The eternal degeneration of the spirits also makes people jealous. Who knows this person's hands, how much is there?

Killing this person, today's victory can be decided!

Zong Shou used the perspective of the light, quietly watching the side of the scene. I can even see the red color of the red dress on the side of the body.

From the weakest point of theirs, and the most critical point?

In my heart, it is still silent to cold, and I will not pay attention to the life and death of the original.

The body is full of brilliance, but also a sword, shuttle into the void. The power of the blood cells that had been collected before was also exploding.

The sword before it relied on the title of the world to accelerate time. At this time, the power of time here has been neutralized by the dark brown crystal in the air.

So this second sword, the speed has slowed down at least ten times! However, the power contained in this sword is more than six times that of the previous sword!

Yuan Yijian - the light of infinite!

The flame of paleness burns in the sea of ​​souls of Zongshou. On the refining sword, the white brilliance still blooms, making this piece of the narrow space that is on the verge of collapsing, and then can not see the object.

Distort all the gods of the mind.

The two remaining night demon lords on the opposite side took a chill and joined hands, and each group of black gas spurted out, attached to the hands of Bing Ge.

This is the night demon, urging his own blood, to improve the power of the law, but also forced to this extent.

And the vastness of Guanghua, the three ‘self-devils’, are also somewhat uncomfortable. Although I barely took out the control of the illusory state, I was still under the force of Yuxi and had to continue to fly back.

Jade is not a living, only a spirit, so it is not affected by their spiritual techniques.

On the contrary, the illusion of the mind filled the light of the Qingling in the body of the jade, but they were hurt.

And the five-color needles can actually hurt their invisible and inferior bodies. The injury is not heavy, the toxin is also ineffective against the soul, but the amount is too much!

At this point, I can only watch and can't help.


The blade of the war was attacked, and there was another wave of shaking in the tomb. The muddy soil that collapsed from above was completely shattered by the overflowing force.

It also caused a collapse of the surrounding mountain body and a larger area. The two squadrons that had previously repaired the small semi-forbidden patterns in the vicinity were also hit hard. The spirit pattern is banned, and a whole piece of the collapse.

The two night demon sages are all coughing blood and flying. The blade of the hand is innocent, but the arm of the two is burned into smoke under the impact of the infinite light.

It is also full of body and broken. It seems to be the snow and ice of the hot sun, melting quickly.

Zong Shou is not as good as it is, and the same figure flies back and has not maintained its shape. The body rolled over until a thousand feet. The seven-year-old bloody, the image is wolf.

After waiting for him, he finally stabilized his body and stood up again. It can also be seen not far away, and the red dress is hit by one finger. The whole person, who did not hurt the original, was completely beaten into blood, and the spiral turned sharply.

Even the soul of the Yuan has broken thousands of pieces. It’s just a step away from the soul.

At this time, the red sneer sneered, this battle, after all, they still won!

There was no injury or death, and there were only three people left in the sect. On their side, although the casualties are heavy, there are six genuine Saints!

It is already a matter of thought, and I am already thinking about how to prevent the law of escaping from escaping.

The outcome has been fixed, but this is a bit tricky.

Han Qing over there is also excited about the heart. It only needs to be harmless to death, and there is no limit to the absence of all spirits. The spiritual laws of the three free spirits are no longer restricted. The remaining three are only lost.

But what if it is easy to escape under the joint efforts of the six Saints?

Especially red red clothes ~ www.readwn.com ~ is more than a long time ago, the existence of the late into the Holy Land.

Even if it is necessary to consume nearly 80% of the force, in order to maintain the spirit of the universe, the power of time to eliminate the world of the world, is still not the usual monk monk, can be compared!

"I haven't seen you for a few months, and I have a big sigh!"

After getting out of the crisis, Han Qing has a heart and a smile: "It’s a pity that today is a stealing of a chicken, but you have to be buried here!"

The other five inferior sacred steps, at this time also flashed in the eyes, waiting quietly, the moment when the technique of the silence disappeared.

The original is no injury, it is when they fight back!

Zong Shou looked faintly and didn't seem to care. At this time, the first life and death of his body in his body, quietly opened.

At the beginning of the red dress, I didn’t care, but when the sturdy and mysterious force was quietly shrouded in the original pieces of the wounded, it was only a surprise.

What is this technique? ______________________

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