Divine Brilliance

: 1113 chaotic crystal eye

"It is not the case. It was originally blocked by the tomb of Qin Emperor to block the way he fled. It is now difficult to support the red-shirt."

Then Li Bixue shook his head, but there was neither frustration nor too much emotion on the face. "This has been a bit tricky--"

The magic lotus is silent again. The problem is Li Bixue, who can't directly go to the Qin Emperor's tomb.

At this time, all the sacred sages in the land were attached to the attention of the Qin Emperor's tomb. I was also worried that I missed the trail, and the Qing Xuan was too yellow to find the clue.

One of the biggest rivals of Wu Jun in the year of Bi Jing was the Taoist.

It is difficult to say that the Taoist sages know how much the sacred wing of the sacred wing.

I am afraid that at this time, those people are already curious. After the Magic Road was hard to discuss and, in less than four months, it began to lay out and kill the Zongshou.

Believing in betrayal, in the case of the entrance of the magic door, it is not a rare thing, but when the sacred road is full of prosperity, and the body is extremely weak, do this kind of thing, how to see it is crazy, self-death road.

However, Li Bixue did it, but this is not surprising.

Then there was the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, who once called the whole martial artist, and the Mohist family, to develop the law of the sacred sacred.

Twelve coppers were one of the achievements of the Mohist family. Twelve copper in the formation, it is said that the sacred sages within a thousand miles can be forced to fall down half a step!

The remaining practitioners and legalists, it is said that in the past few decades, they have also performed several methods to counterbalance the situation, but they have never been known to the world.

Now all the secrets of this are hidden in the tomb of the Qin Emperor. This is also the forbidden place for all the holy sages!

It is necessary to know that when the beginning of the Qin Weiling, the majority of the cloud world's sacred sacred, can be avoided.

In the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, the Confucianism, but the Confucianism of the three great saints, but it is helpless. Two of them were dying, and the remaining one was forced to avoid the cloud.

Therefore, Li Bixue, I have to borrow the power of the two foreigners.

At this time, the seven holy places were degraded four times in the Zongshou counterattack. However, in fact, Li Bingxue relied on only the red dress at the moment, and it is indeed not enough.

When she was thinking about it, Li Bixue had already made a decision. When you raise your hand, you will lose a jade symbol full of blue and purple magic lines.

"You take this thing to the north to seal back to the mountain. If you enter the swearing of the soul, you should accept it for me, you can release it. Remember to go back soon, half-rì, I want this Entered in the tomb of Qin Huang!"

Magic Lotus can't help but sigh. Next, isn't it necessary to start the spare piece?

Her eyes have witnessed Li Bingxue and another means.

Immediately, I realized that the words of Zong Shou were the words when Zong Shou was leaving.

Just because of the big rebellious magic, can't stop the sect of the Sword of the Sword?

But what is the connection between this and the competition?

Is it true that this is the ultimate demon? Is it so far-sighted to cultivate a successor to the world?

The heart is puzzled, but the magic lotus does not dare to continue meditation at this time. I put the purple black sè Yufu into the sleeve.

It was not until then that it was reflected. Extremely north back to the mountains? Could it be that?

Suddenly she was chilling.

That one, the same year, but the two devils, they all smell the sè.

This Li Bie Xue, is it true yù will release it? Sure enough, in order to increase the mysterious wing, this holy deity has been at all costs.

In the heart of the magic lotus, he is also sighing for the sect. If that comes in. The lord of the big lord is mostly alive.

※※※※ At almost the same time, within the tomb of Qin Emperor. Also in the same, in the distant observation of the Zongshou and his party who are entering the main burial chamber.

After Shi Yue’s hand, he stood on a hill. At the side of the body is a huge crystal that resembles the shape of the eye. This is a chaotic crystal eye, but it is one of the gods of the world. But there is no other use, only a glimpse.

You can see everything, know the essence of matter, and the true meaning of the law. It can also take a long-distance view of hundreds of millions of miles, and even peep into dozens of worlds - but at this time, this chaotic crystal eye, according to the traces of the five-in-one, is an accident.

Originally, it was for the observation of several alien holy places to join hands.

However, it is also just right. I saw that I was so incomparable, and I couldn’t help but want to make a case.

The three demon sages have fallen under Zong Shoujian. Then the other self-defeating god, but also the former, was annihilated by a sword.

Even after a few moments of conversation, it is clear. The chaotic crystal eye can't hear the sound. However, it is not difficult to distinguish the lip language with the repairs that are present in the field.

"The sword of life and death, the sword of the river of death in the river" - this life in the world, almost every time to make a surprise, the means is really fierce. Those holy places, it seems that there is no need to worry."

It is already dead, and naturally there is no need to worry about it.

However, Shi Yue is a frowning eyebrow: "Well, why is this magic door? Even at the expense of the big man, join hands with the aliens?"

There is no side entry on his side, only three entries. One of them is Shi Wuji. Wearing a silver black armor, the face is cold and cold.

Compared with a few years ago, it was only the oysters and curiosity when he first entered the practice. At this time, the stone is not a boar, it is like a boulder that will never waver, and the silver-black armor hides the power like a mountain, unmeasurable.

The other two, a Gongsun Minglie, a Qiu Nan. It is the second-best general next to him. One once on the battlefield, with one hand, in two hundred breaths, the seventeen sacred monks were torn apart by hand, and they were unscathed.

The other one, in the body of the gods, the sword and the holy step does not fall.

Being able to capture 70 worlds in a foreign country in just a few years, this second entry can be described as a great achievement.

Different from Zong Shou’s explosive rise, the Shi family has been inherited for thousands of years.

In particular, in these two generations, Shi Qianli’s painstaking efforts for decades have led to the accumulation of many rare gems in the world.

Make Shijia have enough talent to be used, and more than 20 of them can be used alone.

Gong Sun Minglie and Qiu Nan, are even more of them.

Even after capturing the seventy worlds, there was no worry about starting. Can be quickly integrated, far better than this time, only the empty shelves of the big dry fairy.

"To make the madness like the upper elemental demon, you must have enough interest to drive it -"

That autumn smiles, the scorpion is full of unpredictable luster.

"With the subordinates guessing, this shoud is what the door has to do, which hampers the Supreme Yuanmo. Or there is something in him that makes Li Bixue drool."

"Tai Shi repair is the end of the law, and Zong Shou has a road to dispute, between the second entry, is a deadly enemy. However, this is the ultimate demon, really will be at this time for the beginning of the beginning, do not hesitate to take the fire?"

Gong Sun Minglie also said: "As for the things, what else is there in this world, is Li Bixue so eye-catching? The book of Zhou is not bad, but it does not have to pay such a price. Unless it helps him to cultivate further Things -"

Although he said so in his words, he was not sure.

It’s hard to say that it’s not too beginning, giving the Supreme Yuanmo any promises or benefits, or other reasons.

In the end, what makes Li Bixue so heart-felt, I really can't think of it.

Shi Yue also knows this and will not have any results. Before knowing more information, I can't guess the true intention of Li Bixue.

It is the entrance of the sect on the kendo. It is really amazing.

Although it is the sword of death, it contains a strong rhyme.

Originally thought that this one is going from the road to the simple and simple, and will certainly be caught up by himself or even thrown away. Until then, it is still on the same page.

He relies on this chaotic crystal eye, which is simple and complicated, and is exceptionally easy. This ruling masters the title of the world, and cultivates the world without falling.

The only thing he can win is Shouyuan. However, if you step into the country, how many years of life reserve, what is the significance?

Shaking his head, Shi Yue stopped the topic.

"The big emperor's thing, we don't need to worry about it. At least in this Qin Emperor's tomb, before I competed with him for copper, it was a friend. If that, I will know it."

When he spoke, Shi Yue looked at this small world, the direction of Xian’an City.

"I just want to know if Xu Fu has returned to the cloud world? Has it already achieved the situation?"

"Even the chaotic crystal eye of the lord can't understand the competition. How can I know the details?"

That Gongsun Minglie smiled bitterly: "However, the subordinates are still the meaning of the past. At this time, there is too much danger in the past, and the strength of the Holy Order is very good. There are as many as four known. Even if it is not twelve copper, The sacred corpse of the burial guards also has twenty entries. The Qin Emperor, now what is going on, is also not clear. It is not a wise move to rush into it."

Shi Yue said with a smile: "Do not enter the tiger's den, do you want to know the cause? ~www.readwn.com~ After all, you still have to enter."

Among the four entries, only Shi Wuji, still 1rì slightly lost, looking at Zong Shou's direction.

In the world holy! He had seen it in the mountains of the past few months, participated in the Confucian conference, and walked throughout the territory of Dagan.

The people are rich and the tax is light, the law is heavy and the people are loved, the people live and work in peace, the kings hand in hand, and the sectarians jointly rule.

Despite the hardships of the Dagan government, there are all kinds of things that are rampant, the collusion between officials and businessmen, the oppression of the people, the foolish people’s actions are everywhere, and there is no shortage of private money and private taxes.

However, everything is visible and it is getting better.

Although it is only a few years, the east of Zhucheng, with the core of Cognac Mountain as the core, has already loomed the weather.

This is the scene of the Three Emperors' rule in the ancient times. It is no wonder that the Confucianists are eager to restore the rule of the Three Emperors. It is no wonder that there are more and more Confucianists entering this time, and they are recognized as the true Lord of the World.

Then, in the future, is it necessary to be enemies with such an entry?

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