Divine Brilliance

: 1115 predicting the future

"The net sound feels Buddha respect. There is still a robbery that will come, more than ten times more dangerous than before! It seems to be related to one thing, it is the thing that makes the Buddha stand up and screams for nine days. It may be one person, One thing or one thing cannot be determined."

"Zhengdao? Proudly screaming for nine days?"

Zong Shou listened, but he felt ridiculous and laughed.

"If there is such a thing, then it will be fine."

I don’t care much in my heart. There is no shortage of panacea in this world. It can be said that in the late stage of this little fairyland, the thing that immediately proved the avenue, but it can never exist.

"Future Buddha Respect, Jingshiyin Buddha is the first person under the Buddhas of my Buddha Kingdom. It is a pure and clear view of the world, predicting everything in the world, from time to time."

The person who spoke is the one next to the net voice. A white robe, beautiful facial features, temperament dust.

"So please ask the future Buddha, you must not ignore it."

Zong Shou suddenly stopped, Jing Shi Yin Buddha? Does it mean that the net sound is not good?

After careful observation, Zong Shou looked pale and gradually dignified. It was found that the woman in front of her eyes had the same appearance as the net sound, but her temperament was slightly different.

And this repair, actually has reached the gods!

After meditation for a moment, Zong Shou was very serious and asked: "Which net sound are you? Can you still remember the Heavenly Immortal House?"

Is that the relationship with her? Still at this time, should you still be in the world of Yuanlian?

The reason why mentioning Tian Xianfu refers to the bumpy and phoenix that was under the mystery of Lin Xuan-shuang.

I want to know if this woman has a memory.

On the pure white surface of the Jingshi sound, there was a bit of shame, and it was instantly restored as usual: "The disciple does not know what Buddhism is saying."

The tone is cold, neither has much closeness, nor does it look like a way of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"The disciple only knows that the Buddha’s catastrophe is related to this matter. It is a thing that allows the Buddha to step into the sky and use it for swordsmanship. It can be used for the spirit and can be used in the spiritual law. If you wish to be a Buddha, you can continue to be a Buddha. If you want to be a king, you can suppress the world. If you want to practice, you will point to the longevity!"

After a while, he thought a little for a moment, and the net world sounded again: "That should be a thing that can increase the law of the sacred. It is the law of the Buddha. It is also the catastrophe of the Buddha. If it is before the real annihilation Broken, when invincible in the world. If it is not broken, then the body will die."

Zong Shou was not convinced at the beginning of his life, but he saw the seriousness of Jing Shiyin’s face. In his eyes. It has gradually become a bit of a deep thought.

Net World Buddha? He was rarely heard in that ‘previous life’ and should be circulated only in foreign countries.

In this world, he was also in the classics of the awkward world, knowing the existence of the Jingshi Buddha.

However, for the prophecy of the female Buddha, he actually had already received the teaching.

That day is in the world of the gods. With the help of this woman's spiritual power, it is impossible for several holy people to glimpse the specific situation in which he used the infinite Buddha body to kill Lu Wushuang.

Later, Lin Xuan-shuang also explained to him specifically. It seems that for this Jingshiyin Buddha, it is also very taboo, quite a bit of a holiday.

This woman is so careful, I am afraid I can’t ignore it.

Next to the original, there is no injury to Shen Yuexuan, together with the monks. They are also all cautious, and the eyes flashed a strange color.

Jing Shiyin followed, and looked at Su Xiaoxiao. The eyes are pure and contain no trace of impurities.

"That thing, it should have something to do with this girl-"

Su Xiaoxiao is still smiling like a flower. No change, it seems that the words of the net world are not meant to be general.

Zong Shou was keenly aware of Su Xiao’s small knowledge. There was a slight fluctuation at this moment. Concealed, if not after he stunned Su Xiaoxiao. Secretly doing some hands and feet in this female god, almost hard to detect,

For a moment, he also remembered the supreme Yuan Li Bie Xue. The Magic Road Supreme suddenly broke the contract, and it was a bit strange to join forces with the aliens to kill him in the tomb of Qin Huang.

Could it be said that it is the thing that the Buddha of the Net Buddha said?

Does Xuan Xuan hold the law?

Since it is a step in the sky, pointing to the longevity, it must be equally useful to others.

You can make your own swordsmanship, then change to Li Bixue, what will happen?

In this way, Li Bixue’s change is explained.

In the inventory, Zong Shou first used the mind of God to sort out all the things in his own bag.

In just half a moment, it is confirmed that there is nothing that can match the characteristics of the Jingshi.

Some of the doubts are the wing-shaped black iron.

However, when the sacred sacred thoughts spread over, this thing did not respond. I have tried it before, no matter what means, I can't identify it, and I don't know what it is.

And the source of this object is only a medium-strength sect that died 8,000 years ago.

Since there are such gods, how can they perish?

Then there is the broken page of the captain of the captain.

In Zong Shou's view, if there is anything, it can make people's swords and swords pass, and step in the holy. So much is this thing.

This residual page, although only recorded a sword array. However, it is possible to find other parts of the Taishou magic catalogue through this object.

As for the world of the world, it can be done before, but it is not.

In the end, it is the viewfinder that does not know where to go -

Again, I think about it, thinking about the past and the past.

On the Zongshou face, it is gradually becoming a doubtful color, and it is impossible to find any connection.

Jing Shiyin said this matter, related to Su Xiaoxiao? Is it true that this demon woman knows what to think.

Do you want to take it right away and grab it and torture it carefully?

"Grandeur, if the slaves really know something. Then the Yuanmo adults will let Su Xiaoxiao come to you?"

After observing the words, Su Xiaoxiao was only a moment, and he knew that his situation was dangerous. His face was all wronged and sad.

"If the guardian wants to ask, the slaves will never resist. Just want to say that if the slaves can speak out, they will never hide from the guardian."

Zong Shou sneaked a sly, did not say a word, but think about it, Su Xiaoxiao's explanation, but also some truth.

He did not believe that Su Xiaoxiao would tell him the truth. The words of this demon woman can only be heard at most.

However, if you change to Li Bixue, it is impossible to allow Su Xiaoxiao here, there is the possibility of revealing secrets.

Either I don’t know it, or I know it, but I am banned by the supreme secret of the Yuan, and I can’t say it.

It is estimated that even if he took Su Xiaoxiao at this time, he could not ask anything.

"When the world is a Buddha, you can predict everything, can you not predict what the business is? Is it a medicinal herb, a spiritual treasure, a clue to an ancient relic, or a human?"

I thought that it would not be the small and sacred element of the Su, but also the magical effect of helping people practice.

"Disciples can predict everything, but they are not omniscient. And every time they predict, they will pay the same price."

The net voice shook his head, and the jade was cold and cold, but there was a bit of confusion in his eyes: "The future is not immutable. The disciple only saw a few pictures, a few tributaries of the river of destiny. One of the pictures It is the Buddha who holds the blood sword, and the swordsmanship behind him, the army of the billions, the king of the army, the other is the Buddha, the Buddha is in the dark, the scene is dead. ""

Again: "Buddha is the most difficult person to measure when his disciples see his life. It is also the most difficult to predict-"

"Is it?"

Zong Shou only feels in his mind, but there are countless doubts, but they are unable to get answers. This net world sound is really confusing.

In the end, I only had to shake my head and put away this mess.

"Fangcai Buddha respects you once said, if it is broken before the real annihilation, it can be invincible. If it is not broken, then the body will die. It is said that there will be a robbery will come, this There may be a connection between the two? The so-called real annihilation, but in the tomb of Qin Huang?"

"not sure--"

The net voice is hesitant and uncertain. "I have seen the death of the Buddha. I have nothing to do with the ancient tomb of Qinhuang, but I can’t confirm it. But I know that everyone who holds it The creatures of things must be murdered, and unless they are the true avenues, they will never stop."

"It turns out!"

Zong Shouxin’s heart is loose, and it is really a bit embarrassing for him to find the clues of what he’s like to add to the law.

However, what would be more than ten times more violent than before?

The seven holy places have fallen four people. There is only one red dress, and this person does not dare to appear in his sight.

After twelve hours, Sansi Xianli recovered, and he was able to cope with any means of this person.

Then the source of this robbery is it within the city of Xian'an?

Zong Shou thought as he looked at the side of the net sound.

"So, this one, who is Buddha?"

"My name is free!"

The smile of the monk is an indescribable elegance: "It is the brother of Jing Shi Yin, who lives in the Buddha."

"It turned out to be a self-contained Buddha!"

Zong Shou awe-inspiring ~www.readwn.com~ No matter the past and present, the Buddha's name is as good as the ear.

Bodhisattva refers to the Buddha's Gate, who has the strength of the Holy Order. Half step to the world, can be called Buddha respect.

After the situation, it is Buddha. However, this view is free, but it is a very special one in Buddhism.

"Qinhuang's tomb is opened in advance, everyone wants to enter the inside and look for opportunities. Why is the exception of the two, but away?"

The net sound and the view are all glanced at each other, or the latter said: "There is a big horror in the center of this small thousand. Once you wake up, it is not only the catastrophe of the cloud, but also the disaster of the world. I can't stop it. The people in the city had to come out and arrange in advance, just in case. Just ask for it, you can delay some time, you can limit one or two."

Zong Shou’s heart was shocked. This Qinhuang did not really “dead”. It seems that there is no suspense.

Looking at the environment here, those animals that have been buried can continue to 'live' to this day.

The emperor of the Qin Dynasty, who was buried in the middle of the two ceremonies, naturally only ‘live’ longer.

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