Divine Brilliance

: 1143 Absolute defense

"These should be the parts of the devil's gods, and Gong Gongxiong, this top-level Xianbao, can be restored as ever!"

Zong Shou took out the devil's **** shuttle, and sure enough, these parts were inlaid and stitched together.

Inductively with this main instrument, the entire integer ten parts were found out, but unfortunately still missing a dozen pieces, not complete.

According to Shen Yuexuan, this subject is complete. Some corners are irrelevant. If there is enough material, the rest of it, he can also make a complete refining.

After the recovery of the Devil's Spirit, the biggest change is speed.

Within this four-bank library, Zong Shou is not good to try. I can only test the force of the force, but see the **** shuttle, and instantly become a streamer.

Three thousand feet away, and thus should only use one millionth of a second.

Even Zong Shou was taken aback and hurriedly recalled.

Because the speed is too fast, it is too spiritual to "live", with his mind, actually can not be accurately controlled.

It is equivalent to one and a half times the amount of his ultimate method of execution, and there is still no room for spare. It is his mana that is not enough to rush.

The second is the ability to defend. Only by visually observing its ban, it is known that this object can be equivalent to a defensive fairy.

The demon **** shuttle is a treasure, and it is also a 'ship', extremely special. The material consumed is often ten times or even forty times that of other Xianbao!

However, with the speed of idling and such tyrannical defense, among the hollowed out flying boats, there is nothing in one!

Secondly, the space inside is also expanded ten times and divided into thirty layers.

Compared with the huge ship seized from the Jiudu Xianchao, it is even broader!

Finally, at the end of the ship's stern, there are four holes in it. It is not obvious, but it is extremely beautiful.

Zong Shou did not know the role, poured the power into the past, but saw that inside the middle suddenly spit out a .." silk beam, hit the front.

Lin Xuanzhen is just standing there. Slightly change sè, instantly remove another piece of ancient tortoiseshell, and stop it in front of you.

The light shines, and the light beam hits the tortoise shell. Immediately, it was a wave of melting gold and iron, and it overflowed.

On the ancient tortoise shell, Lin Xuanzang covered a thick layer of black ice. The tortoise shell was not melted by the high temperature of the flame. However, the whole person was shocked by the giant force and stopped sliding after a hundred feet.

Zong Shou scared a pick, and he was busy with the mana, and the purple light beam gradually faded away.

Lin Xuanzhen also did not blame. Just fixedly watching the shuttle in the hands of Zong Shou, thoughtful.

"This should be the nine secluded demon gods, borrowing the power of nine secluded! This world is afraid that few people can know, the rumored nine secluded, not deep, yīn cold, but hot as fire! The first flight in ancient times The treasure of the devil is the devil's god, and it is not worthy of its name. Only this demon god, the ordinary top-level fairy. It is also inferior. It is the level of Xianbao. But its role, not inferior artifact."

When Shen Huang, the absolute defense of the 1143, said here, Lin Xuanzhen smiled again: "You are not saying that if you think about it beforehand, then you will win. Before that, you must first find a way out. Once this time, there is no Harmony, still can be retired from the whole body? If I look at it, I don’t have to go back to prepare for a retreat. If you have this shuttle, you may not be able to catch up with it. It can be used for nine days. The offensive and defensive is good, and the magic is easy to go. You can go anywhere. It is driven by the holy realm, I see your dragon shadow Xuan Shuang master, fearing and helpless. Really sinister, driving this **** shuttle to escape can!"

Zong Shou is also happy, Lin Xuan said that the monk can not catch up, slightly exaggerated.

In the sacred world, the mana between the two realms can be more than strong and weak, and there is a high stock, and the resilience is a far cry.

Even if you can't catch up for a while, you can have two rì three rì, even if it continues in January and February, what will happen?

Just look at those holy sages who are willing to pay the price.

However, as the words of Lin Xuanzang, there is this **** shuttle, then how to get out of this Qin emperor's tomb, you don't have to worry about it.

However, at this time, "Shen Huang" is the most concerned about the Zong Shou, and naturally it is still an unknown chapter on the page.

"I don't know what it is? Is it related to my six gods?"

Zong Shou found himself nervous, and his heart violently jumped.

The complete Liushen Royal Knife, plus the scent of the sword, is the real thirteen, etc., can ignore the order

At that time, even if it was the sacred sage, he could make it a jealous force! Have the qualification to compete!

Nowadays, his three kinds of magical swordsmanship seem to be only half a step. Even if there is no limit to the ultimate power, there is only one layer of diaphragm.

However, this film is as beautiful as it is, and it is difficult to overcome.

But if there is too much to be recorded in the truth, the complete knife is decided, so alive, he can really cross the past.

The remnant of the page was placed at the far corner of this ‘Chinese Four Library.’ In the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, the Chinese government was also aware of the material specificity of this object.

Therefore, it is not like the other pieces of the "Entertainment Show", which are piled up at random, but stored separately.

The same material is also a catalogue. When the sect keeps this thing, merge it with the other two pages. When you look at it again, you will be disappointed.

Just a glance, you can see that the picture recorded in this picture is not the original version of the six gods.

And this picture, he actually did not understand. Simple lines, as long as dozens of irregular lines, vertically and horizontally on the map.

However, the deep mystery is better than the first two catalogues.

Zong Shou frowned, or prepared to turn to Shen Yuexuan, the hand in the face of the truth, handed over the past: "This picture land, slightly strange. I do not know the moon Xuan, can you understand? I do not know what it is used"

Shen Yuexuan glanced at it, and his brow was wrinkled. In the end, I thought of something. I took out a sword and carved a scratch on the ground according to the trend of the lines on the map.

Can only be a moment, that mouth is equivalent to the sword of the next product. It was trembled violently, and then it was smashed to the smash ~www.readwn.com~ and the scratch on the ground was also cracking quickly, spreading like a spider web, and no longer seeing the previous traces.

Shen Yuexuan’s mouth is also spit out of blood, and his face is white and white.

"These lines should be traces! Traces of the road!"

The five people in the temple were all shocked and looked at them with disapproval.

Shen Yuexuan did not seem to vomit, but he strengthened his guess and made a long breath.

"This is too much to destroy the truth, it must be the true legacy. This catalogue, I still do not know the mystery. Only vaguely known, this thing is for defense. And since the hand of the real world, then this world"

Several people in the temple are all face to face, and the appearance of the sè.

Since it is painted in the real world, no one can break this world.

In other words, it is absolute defense! (To be continued...)

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