Divine Brilliance

: 1152 waking up

In addition to the heat, there is a sense of pulsation, which is faintly associated with his heartbeat.

In the past, it was a dead object. No matter what kind of means the ancestors used, they could not know what was going on, and they were closed inside and outside.

At this time, it seems that the whole ‘live’ has come over, and the whole body is a cold aura.

The idea of ​​Zong Shou has finally been able to penetrate into it and glimpse its mystery.

But then he was in front of him, and it was once again the illusion of Lu Wushuang’s embrace.

Can also be faintly sensed, the sorrowful sadness of this object.

The mood swings of Lu Wushuang at that time were also almost intact.

Despair, regret, sadness, resentment, anger - all mixed together, shocking the sect.

Recalling the talent, Su Xiaoxiao was forced to do this self-sufficiency, but he could only see it and could do nothing.

Zong Shou not only hates himself, but also wants to tear the whole world apart!

However, he is the top swordsman. Only one deep breath will make his heart and calm down again.

Knowing how to hate at this time, how to be angry, will not help. Not only is it not beneficial, but it will make you truly fall into the realm of annihilation!

Even if you want revenge, kill people and kill them! That also requires a clear mind. Anything can make the most accurate judgment.

"This artifact is now unwrapped? Resonance in the mood, so wake up the spirit?"

Zong Shou only thought about it, and he understood what was going on.

When Fang Cai’s life disappeared, his own state of mind should be just a few thousand years ago. The mood of Lu Wushuang before his death was similar.

So the instrument spirit is awakened and self-deblocked. Resonance with humans made him see that it happened thousands of years ago. Lu Wushuang went to the end of the road.

no way no money?

Zong Shou laughed and laughed. Before Su Xiaoxiao’s self-destruction, he really fell into despair.

At this point, I saved my life, but I couldn’t be happy at all.

And then the Zong Shou, then looked calm.

"Little, she said this thing, Mingzeng Xuan holds the wing of the law! In the same year, Lu Wushuang took the first place to the sacred world, and smashed the world. The world is easy to go, it is invincible! Just as the net sound is said, it is a step in the sky. For swordsmanship, it can be used for the spirit, and it can be used in the spiritual law. If I wish to be a Buddha, I can continue to be a Buddha. If I want to be a king, I can suppress the world. I only want to practice. , it is directed at the longevity. If so -"

When Zong Shouxin read it, he called it into his own soul and turned it into the true form.

Then he whole soul sea, the whole body. All the air machines, all the souls, are changing insanely.

The instinct and soul of the body. In the moment, it begins to merge into one and transforms into pure fairy power.

At this time, Zong Shou is more clearly aware that his body is also undergoing a dramatic change. The power of the whole body. Surging at an incredible rate.

"This is not a bad body -

Spiritual monks can communicate with the origins of the heavens and the earth with their minds.

Wonderland can complete the inner world, and never ask for it. Can drop blood and regenerate. Achieving the immortal body.

And the divine repairers can be in the heavens and the earth. Will transform all strength into Xianli. It is the change of essence, the true meaning of Xian Xiu, the strength is increased tenfold!

When it comes to the realm of the Holy Land, it is possible to use the 'dao' to truly touch the roots and the power of the road. Incorporate into your own martial arts, spiritual law, and even magical powers! There is no more bad law, unless it is caused by the collapse of the body, the direct fatal injury, otherwise the body is immortal and not bad, forever in the world!

The sacred sacred place is the avenue of the gods, which can be used to create a unique ‘Dou domain’.

Any spiritual law martial arts related to its own radiance can be enhanced by a hundredfold!

It can also be regarded as the incarnation of a certain 'dao'. Only if this heaven and earth still exist, the soul of the soul will not die, and it will last forever!

"This is a holy place! And at least it is also a mid-temple-"

Zong Shou's eyes are very different, only the huge fairy power is flowing in the body.

The too much should be robbed of the catalogue of the 30-foot space, which is isolated from the inside and outside.

It also temporarily cut off the path of Buddhism.

However, he felt at this moment that he could call the mana. No matter the quantity or the quality, it is not inferior to the infinite number of the original body too much!

Within the core of the true form of the law, the still-deficient ‘dao’ word is determined to be completed in a way that is difficult to perceive.

At its own level, it is no less inferior to those true Saints!

The sacred sacred wing has been unfolded and turned into a pair of huge white wings, attached to him. Glittering, scattered countless white spots, reflecting the soul of the soul.

The thoughts of Li Bixue’s remnants seem to be poor, and they are constantly swaying and struggling.

Trying to suppress Zong Shou’s Yuanshen again. It can be used as a true law of the sect, and after it has been promoted to the Holy Land, it is becoming more and more powerless. A little bit of being killed, being rejected -

Between the time of Zong Shou, it is rare to pay attention.

"It turns out! It turns out that! If he got this thing, he could immediately prove half-step truth. Even if it is true, it is impossible. It is no wonder that it is not afraid of the show, no wonder not to fear Lujia. Anything, even clouds The sects of the world have not been destroyed, and he does not care. This is really guilty of sin-"

This ‘he’ refers naturally to the Supreme Yuan Li Bie Xue. When the road comes together, it is only the realm of Li Bixue. It is really a half-step truth. It should be a matter of course.

This piece of Xuan Xuan holds the wing of the law. When it can be used to bless any artifact that is half a step away from the sky, it will be blessed to the level of the gods.

How about burning the land at that time? Wave your hand! What can you see? The finger will die!

Zong Shou and his heart move, only to bless on his own Taoist base. Then, if you change to your own spiritual method and change to your own swordsmanship, what should you do?

Zong Shou thought of doing it, and added Xuan to change the law. Filling up with Xianli, it immediately dissipated. Then a sword stabbed and followed the mysterious trajectory.

Within the 30-foot space, there is no fluctuation in the half-point.

However, Zong Shou is already stunned.

"For swordsmanship, you can pass the gods-"

This sword is stabbed, and it is indeed the realm of his dreams, the unity of law and law!

It is the ultimate style of his Yuan Yijian - Yuan Yihe Road sword!

God knows it! See the avenue and see God!

These years of dreams of the martial arts, the numerous attempts, can not enter. At this moment, it was easy to show it out, not even knowing how it was done.

At this time, it is probably in the later stage of the kendo gods, and then go further. To reach the peak of the kendo gods, then he slashed a sword and stabbed it, that is, the ‘road mark’ – the avenue of the road!

So how is the spiritual law and spiritual law?

"If you use it for spiritual law, you can enter it -"

Black and white is the ultimate magical power. Within this 30-foot space, it is impossible to display.

Zong Shou simply showed the inside of the soul sea, the nearly two hundred stars, and manifested it.

Sure enough, there are some changes, where can be changed, but Zong Shou can't see it.

I only know that if he uses this ‘three thousand stars’ to pass the sacred, the power of the power, when it is only inferior to the time when he casts the sword of the river.

This is not the level of the three thousand stars itself is really bad, but three thousand stars, at this time there are less than two hundred, ten less than one. The three palaces are not completed, the fourth house is not gathered -

In addition to this, the moment is to move the magical powers, when it is more arbitrary!

All the stars are put away, and Zong Shou takes out a flying knife.

It is one of the remaining few mother-child deciduous knives. Above the blade, there is a flash of pale silver.

The knife light hovered at his fingertips, and Zong Shou felt that the knife was hit, and its power was able to be better than the previous one.

There is no change in the knife, and there is a change in the six gods. Being added by Xuan Xuan, it is this flying knife technique, which has also improved several levels in an inexplicable way.

- Even if it is a truly complete six-god sword, I am afraid it is just like this!

If there is a real 斩仙飞刀, then it is the true supreme method!

Ignore the order, it is the sacred sacred, also need to face up!

"So, for me, this adds to the law, and blesses the body, it is better to bless the law-"

The Six-God Royal Knife is so, what will happen after the blessing of the ultimate magical power? And what about the Swan River killing the sword?

These two kinds of supernatural powers are also infinitely close, and the thirteenth, etc. have no supernatural powers!

Just at this time, the entire 30-foot boundary was suddenly faint.

In the eyes of Zong Shou, the sharp light flashed away, and the knife light hovering at the fingertips disappeared instantly.

This wave of fluctuations should be that red man and other people, trying to break the boundaries.

Several holy steps combined, but also some magical powers, can actually shake the barriers, impact the 30-foot boundary space.

It’s just the law of the real world, the absolute defense, and it’s so easy to be broken? It’s just in vain.

In the eyes of Zong Shou, he was full of haze, and his hand gently stroked Su Xiao’s forehead.

The cold body temperature made him deep in his heart, just like a thorn.

If he is so small, he will die. He will not be able to let go of his life.

"The mouse generation!"

Zong Shouxin is surprisingly flat and indifferent to life and death. The same is true for yourself and for others!

"Xueer~www.readwn.com~ help me look after the little ones and protect her for the law-"

I didn’t ask the first snow, and whispered ‘um’, it’s a promise.

The sect of the sect of the sect of the law is to hold the sacred wing and renew the law. Then just sit and forget, and no thought at all.

Estimated time, the robbery can support two hours. However, by that time, the true power in your body will also fall into disrepair.

Therefore, half an hour is the best. Within half an hour, he needs to try his best to heal his own injuries. He needs to drive his soul and the remnants of Li Bingxue.

Didn't you want this piece of sacred wing in his hand? Then this time, no blood flow, he will never end!

When you wake up, when you want to do this, hate it!

There was a humming in the soul, and the light wing was oscillating.

And then there, even the one yuan refining the gods and two swords, it will ring.

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