Divine Brilliance

: 1171 Is it a day?

"It can be seen in the present. Mr. Kong Rui, you are not knowing how to live and die!"

Comes with the sound, is a silver armor middle age. Holding a red dragonfly pistol, he walked in the night,

Those red flames will bring the entire Jinling City into the Ming Dynasty. Also dyed the silver armor of this person into reddish red.

The momentum is soaring, and the distance between them is 100 feet, but the guns have locked the Kong Rui Yuanshen. The pound smashing machine is more firmly suppressing the Temple of Heaven.

"It turns out that you are waiting for the night to mess up, the purpose is actually me!"

Kong Rui realized that the dozens of fires at night were only the attention of the great and the strong swordsmen.

The purpose of these people is his Kong Rui from beginning to end.

There is nothing nervous about it, but Kong Rui pondered for a moment, still did not understand: "For me alone, so frustrated, so cost, it seems not worth it?"

More than a dozen residential fires seem to be simple. However, under the strict defense of the military, the opposite side did not know how many relations, how many strong, and even more sacrifice afterwards.

And Kong Rui, just a small Si Tianjian just, has no effect on Jinling City defense.

As tomorrow, Xuan Xuan pulled his lips and said, is this the fan of the authorities?

The middle-aged silver armor also explained with the mouth: "Why isn't it worth it? With Mr. Kong Rui. I must make you squat in the Baisheng Pass, and will carefully consider the future of your father and daughter!"

Kong Ruiyi, originally turned out to be Kong Yao, but almost forgot this section. Looking at this situation, I want to leave myself to control Yao.

This hand is really right in the middle.

With Yao's temperament, he will never betray the sect. But if you have any mistakes, you will definitely be guilty of your heart and even follow yourself.

The heart was very angry, but Kong Rui calmed down, but it felt ridiculous.

"Why is this? What are the benefits of your Yang family's rebellion at this time? Return to the big business. It is difficult to get the Emperor Yin Yu, you will be able to accommodate the next day? At this time, the big business bureau, you have to be careful Yes, it is because I am doing a big job, I have not been troubled by your Yang family, the dispute of business and business, the outcome is undecided. Yue Ning waiting for today’s move, do not feel the adventure?”

The title of this person two thousand years ago in Dashang is Yue Ninghou, the famous Yangshuo, which is one of the core people of Jiangnan Yangjia.

Silver armor walked in the middle of the age, the spiritual barrier outside the altar. It is a series of 咔嚓 咔嚓 碎 。.

Near the Temple of Heaven, although there is also a line of law-protection, it is only for the sake of everything. In front of his holy powerhouse. If it is a thin layer of paper. It’s broken and it’s effortless.

“Is it not difficult? A good one has never been embarrassed!”

Yue Ning's ridiculous face is full of sorrow: "The arrogant cadres into the Lord, the land controlled by my Yang family, was cut to a full 70%. All the officials and children, 90% were removed. Shops everywhere. Also difficult to operate This is what you said is not embarrassing? As for the big business, Yuan Chen’s sire wants my Yang family to contribute, then naturally there is a promise, and it costs a little –”

Kong Rui can not help but frown: "The average land is my big national policy! But it is not to take advantage of it. It is the equivalent purchase. At this time, the financial resources are limited, and it is temporarily arrears. His Majesty has always been a promised king. The world will be convinced. You will lose faith in you! As for the dismissal, your family's smashing children, you have to take out the shame. In the future, Guan Yumin. It is easy to use your Yang family in the local prestige. As for business, it is really no. Ways. Your Yang family is used to being arrogant and arrogant. The combination of government and business. It is natural to be business-oriented. It is necessary to change some really talented people-"

"shut up!"

That Yangshuo snorted. Forcibly interrupted Kong Rui’s words.

"That's good to hear, but in the long run, my Yang family will fall apart in a few hundred years! It will die sooner or later. Yuanchen, now that he has already taken possession of twelve bronzes, why should my Yang family be determined to die?"

Kong Rui suddenly was dumb, this is really what this Yue Ning waited for.

The law of Zong Shou is a soft knife cutting meat. These families can be maintained at the beginning.

However, after a few hundred years, it will surely vanish.

"But can't answer?"

Yangshuo is completely stepping forward, only ten feet away from the Temple of Heaven.

Only the last level of spiritual barriers still blocks the front.

"In fact, why bother to persuade? Once the swordsmen meet, my Yang family and Dagan, there will be no room for change. If Kong Rui will be willing to shackle, no trouble. My impotence can also guarantee that it will not hurt, no harm, no harm Mr. Maori."

As I said this, I saw Kong Rui’s strange face shaking, and then looked at the opposite side, the head wearing a nine-ridged star crown, a strange repairer of the Akabane feather coat.

I was thinking about who this person is, and it seems to be an alchemist.

Just listen to Kong Rui and ask! "You know what I am in front of me, what is the identity?"

Before waiting for Yangshuo to answer, Kong Rui has already said his own answer: "This person is Mingri Xuan, the ancient legendary alchemist, and his achievements are only under Xu Fu. However, if you talk about the number of skills, it is The first person 10,000 years ago. I must have heard of Yue Ning, have you heard it?"

The Yangshuo complexion gradually condensed. Tomorrow's reign, others don't know, but he is one of the five gate valves, but he is very good.

This person in front of me is really tomorrow, what is it here?

However, I listened to Kong Rui’s faint smile: “The layman intends to make a career in the DPRK. With the position of the national teacher, he protects the law. Kong Rui has promised to introduce—”

The smile has no temperature, and naturally there is no flusteredness, full of sarcasm.

Yangshuo was shocked in the heart, tomorrow Xuan? National Division?

The legendary Mingri Xuan lay is the most advanced number in the world.

Eight thousand years ago, it was expected that the future would be almost impossible.

This is the name of Hehe Wei, shocking the five continents of the cloud world.

This kind of character, when it is knowledgeable, is a glimpse of the blessing. Then it is at this time. It’s the reason why you have to go out and do the work, and to worry about the internal and external problems.

correct! In addition to the number of surgery, this person's strength, before the cloud shortage, is also the same! Almost straight to chase Xu Fulong shadow these top holy step strongman!

This person is here, then myself -

Then I saw the monk in the feather crown, and turned his head in a strange way.

"Your Yang family, are they some idiots?"

In a short sentence, Yang Shuo’s heart was shocked and inexplicable. Not only this sentence, but also because of the surrounding air, suddenly appeared sticky.

The spirit is swaying, the breath is circulating, and this moment is close to severance.

This is the way to destiny!

The pupil of Yangshuo suddenly shrinks. Subconsciously, I remembered the words of a former aunt who described the fate of Mingri Xuan.

- If a person is unlucky, even drinking water, it may be drowned!

At this time, he was innocent, and he was close to the storm.

The most unlikely situation, but it happened in his body.

For a time, it’s not a move, it’s just a look at the wood.

"It’s really what you said, I don’t know how to live and die! With the temperament of the Majesty, this Jiangnan Yangjia is afraid to completely destroy the family?"

Between tomorrow and tomorrow, only the powerful family of the world. There is no generality.

"Not necessarily!"

Kong Rui laughed. I don’t think it’s true: "Keeping the law, especially the ones you set yourself. It won't be arbitrarily implicated, and it won't be dealt with arbitrarily. But since it is a felony of rebellion, then no matter what kind of end of this Yang family, there is nothing to say. ""

"The law? In other words, it is only for its people, not against his laws. So no matter how offended, can he be safe?"

If you think about it, see Kong Rui laughing and not saying it, you know the answer. Suddenly laughed.

"Even if there are several holy emperors in ancient times, there is no such thing! No wonder, he will be in the world."

He sighed again: "It’s a pity. In fact, it’s only a few days away. If you win or lose, you will jump out. Even if you drag it for a while, you need more price. If you miss it, it’s a disaster. Up and down, it’s all stupid—"

Yangshuo heard the anger, but it still could not be divided. In the case of spirituality, it has not been able to control the air of the whole body.

It is not only within the flesh, but also the conflict between the Xianli and the intensified. Even within the Yuanshen, it is the same. The road base floats, and the soul sea is shaking.

Gradually, within the seven miles, there were several blood marks.

Kong Rui looked amazed and looked at the opposite side.

Tomorrow's view is that the wind is light and light, and it is an understatement: "Do you know what I am learning, is it the ancient gods?"

See Kong Rui's dagger, Ming Ri Xuan this continues: "The life test is my strength. So the first year of Shenwu, July 14th, Jinling Temple of Heaven, the former Shangyun Ningyang Yangshuo, because of the Taoji rushing!"

The slogan fell, and between the mouth and nose of Yangshuo, a large group of blood burst immediately.

Kong Rui is also slightly lost, he knows that the future of the day, the world's most outstanding strong, half-step to the world.

A strength, just under the circumstance.

However, this impotence is also an early stage of the Holy Land. Three thousand years of sanctification, the talent is not weak.

In front of this tomorrow, there is no possibility of even a little resistance!

It’s just a matter of life and death. I’m afraid that even those who are in the Holy Land will not be able to do so.

Bringing this person to the big dry, is it a blessing or a curse?

"Don't think too much, just because of the situation!"

It seems that I also saw what Kong Rui thought, tomorrow's Xuanyan simple explanation ~www.readwn.com~ This life is determined by Shouyuan, in fact, only seven days left. It’s just in my hands, when I’m in the middle of it, I’m slightly ahead of time. Kong Jianzheng did not say that at this time in the land of the south of the Yangtze River, it is not necessarily acting against the sky? Ming Ri Xuan will try this man’s life, and it’s really the end. I’m losing this life, it’s insignificant—”

Kong Rui’s eyes suddenly brightened: “So in other words —”

As tomorrow, Ming Xuan nodded: "The big business will die on the 7th, so this impotence will also be tragic! In short, there is not much life in Yin Yu. Just just don't know how to squat, how to display it!"

That Yangshuo is listening, and the chest is already a storm!

The big business will die on the 7th, and it will be dead on the 7th. How can this be?

The Yang family also has a good-looking star, but the result of the calculation is completely different from the two.

At this time, the Emperor Yuanchen should have been in the sky!

Ps: Complement yesterday, the Dragon Boat Festival family gathering, sorry.

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