Divine Brilliance

Chapter 115: Domineering

This chapter is for the Longbu language students to become the head of the book, thank you! By the way, ask for the next month's ticket subscription. ~

Yuntao is a brow, a dissatisfied, dissatisfied, snoring: "Why should she take care of her, if this woman dares to stop, it will be smashed together. Our brothers acted, always only ask for refreshment, how can there be so many jealous?"

\"The six brothers, the words can not be said. This Xuanyuan people's situation is somewhat different from the past. I also recently learned that this woman is actually a rumored disciple of Dan Quanzong, and it really needs a great jewel!"

Ren Qianyi’s smile, his eyes are extremely easy and conceited: “But it’s easy to get around this woman. It’s not a problem.”

How to circumvent it, but did not explain it. But the expression is awe-inspiring: "In addition to this woman, there is also a purple thunder gun, the original, will not sit and watch Zong Shou being killed by me. This person is also very tricky, I fight with him, up to only 50% Winning.

The innate congenital that the Zongling recruited, the sect of the sect in the dark, also needs to be guarded! You and me three, who should be blocked? ”

Xie Jun heard a smile: \"This brother does not need to worry, this matter has its own flame mountain for us. The younger brother just knows where the few are, and later I can talk about it. They want to follow us from the Tianshan Mountains. If you bite a bite of meat, how can you not get a little strength? Instead, choose where to kill, you need to think about it."

Ren Qianshen’s feelings are immediately loose, and the eyes are full of appreciation: “The eloquence of the five younger brothers, I have always believed in it! As for when to kill, and after a few days, I don’t know the world at the moment, which way is it? That Lingyun ancestors once said that he was guarded for fifteen days, although the scope is limited to the vicinity of Yunshengcheng. But I wait, it is better not to be too late."

Seeing that Xie Jun has no objection, Ren Qianyi is slightly pretending to know that this matter has already been settled. Then I looked at the surname of the spiritual master: "" Brother, I don't know what you mean? Would you like to wait for me to do this business?"

The surname of the spiritual teacher is slightly frowning, and the subconscious wants to refuse. He is called Fang Long, a leader who has no door and no faction. This has nothing to do with this matter, only to have some friendship with the three, was invited to come and help.

If the situation of the defender is really helpless, then the shot should be a good relationship, and you can get some rewards. The person who can only be in the city of Yuncheng has made a faction, clearly distinguishing this time, and there is a mystery that he does not know. Xie Jun seems to know that he will react like this, his eyes flashing: "If the brothers would help me three people, the fifth-order **** in this hand will be returned to the brothers. So what trouble is it? I can avoid it in the mountains of Yunxiao!"

Fang Long’s feelings immediately changed, but the face showed a bit of greed and eagerness, but he was restrained and his eyes were clear: “With your three strengths, killing this is like a mustard. Your brother has already learned the sword, let alone Everyone who is a congenital master, even if it is a strong martial artist, may not be able to win without fighting. Why do you want me to help you?"

Ren Qianxi and Xie Jun could not help but smile. I know that this person has already tempted the former and shook his head slightly. The voice spit out is very cold: "The so-called lion is also full of strength. I don't know the dry Tianshan son. He Benqian, too lazy to guess. Just go all out and crush the past. What measures he has, can't stop us from joining forces!"

Fang Long thoughtfully, the two fists gradually tightened, and the heart gradually decided. Just want to talk, but my heart was suddenly shocked, and Horan looked at the left side.

But I saw only there, and there was no movement at all. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows with doubts. I always felt that I was there. It seemed that there was something there, and there was a feeling of being peeped.

But when his gods spread out to explore, they did not realize it.

Again and again

Out of the cloud holy city, and then to the east of the 30 miles, is the East Yunhai.

Here, the outer edge of the land is full of large clouds. It is level with the horizon of Yunlu and tumbling below.

At the moment, from the coast, the husband is about seven thousand miles away, and the central bank of the eastern Yunhai. There is a woman who is full of flaming redness, and it is the volley of the raging flames, standing on the sea of ​​clouds.

\"Thunder you are a mouse? There is a species to give me out! I know that you are hiding here, don't you want to try your home to try your hundred dragon knife? Then come out to fight?" The mouth screamed, water Ling The wave still seems to be unresolved and violently stepping on it. Make the area here, the sea of ​​thousands of miles, all shaking slightly. ~

The suffocating suffocation, the fog of the film of the film, was forcibly arranged, but there is still no trace of thunder.

The water waves are cold and the air is thicker.

\"What kind of mad knife are you? The landscape is the meaning of the landscape, is it realized in the stinking ditch? Since there is courage to find me to test the knife, then it is psychologically prepared to bear the consequences! When I am serious, I am ready to run. Hit it? How can there be such a good thing in this world!"

The red sleeves waved, the thunder in the clouds flashed wildly, and countless fire clouds came together. Take out those rolling clouds.

At the moment, the water waves are not connected to the tenth day. The skin is more tender and young, it seems to be young and old, and there is a rune between the eyebrows and the flame.

Any breath, there is a great power, stirring the clouds.

\"Good! You continue to hide today! Don't let me catch you, even if the uncle is coming, come over and ask for your love, the old lady will also engrave your skin. You don't believe it!"

There is still no sound in the surrounding clouds. Water Lingbo’s eyes turned and decided that it’s hard to be soft.

\"Forget it, I am not good to care for you with a younger generation. As long as you apologize yourself, this time the matter will be revealed, but if you are caught by me, then it is not as simple as you. I have to think about it! I will give you a quarter of an hour. After this time, I will be a member of myself!"

Then there is silence. Waiting for a long time without saying a word. In the left direction, about a few dozen miles away, there was a slight hesitant inquiry.

\"This statement is true?"

The water rushed to the eyebrows, and the eyes were slightly radiant. The thoughts are scattered and the whole place is locked in the voice. The look on the face is also softened.

\"Nature is true, really can't be true again!"

\"The fairy will not care about me taking your test knife?"

\"As long as you apologize, naturally not accounting! After all, you are also crazy for Wu, you like this madman, this fairy sees one more."

\"Before you yell at your old girl, the fairy doesn't care too much?"

The water lip wave's lip angle immediately burst into a fist, violently clenched a fist, but the sound of a squeaking sound was strong, and the face smiled as it was.

\"Don't care!"

\"But I heard that your Taiyuan fairy has a bad reputation and never counted."

In the voice of the rough, hesitated with a trace.

Shui Lingbo was slightly surprised, showing an incomprehensible color: \"Is there? I am a singer of water, and when is it not counted?"

\"Then I think about it, right! I still licked your old witch in front, the fairy will not eat me?"

\"I don't eat anyone!" Shui Lingbo snorted, it was a little intolerant: \"You can't come out?"

The idea of ​​the shuttle patrol, actually did not find the real position of the lightning at this moment.

And that thick male voice, but also a smile: \" Think for a while, since the fairy you can not find me, then why should I come out? Fairy is really interesting, if you take sugar to lie to the child, will be invincible.

\"You are playing me?"

Water Lingbo Liu Mei's eyebrows, the eyebrows in the eyebrows flash again. The look is almost close to madness: \" Losing your own mad knife, in front of a female stream, also to hide, like a pump, what a man?"

\"Hey! The husband can bend and stretch, can be soft and hard, who is hiding, is not a man?"

Lei smiled, and the words were justified: "You have an old girl who hasn't even touched a man, how do you know the big man's chest and style?"

Water Ling Bo is suddenly angry with the air, three thousand hair is actually upside down, the thunder flickering between the eyebrows.

\"Okay! You are not willing to come out? Then I will blow you out today! Even if you take this cloud to the bottom, you have to catch your mouse!"

In the air, it was actually a gradual black cloud madness. A group of blue-green runes appeared one after another.

Numerous lightnings have come together to completely wrap her figure. The bigger the gathering, the more one, three feet, seven feet, ten feet!

Waiting for the water's eyes, the blue-green color, countless thunder, and shocked.

It is a piece of the area that pervades this hundred miles, and it is bombarded with reckless consequences. With just a dozen breaths, I saw that there were thunder and lightning everywhere, and the whole movement of the sea was a mess.

The face of Shui Lingbo is becoming more and more young at the moment.

\"Call you to marry my old witch, old girl! You have a kind of swearing? You have been hiding since you have the ability to wait until your family is holding you, you must peel the cramps, unload eight pieces, mix the pork and mutton and cook them. dog!"

\"咱家明明 only twenty-nine! Only can't find a double monk, it's not my fault~www.readwn.com~ It's obvious that you guys are incompetent, no strength one by one"

The more you say the more hate, the thunder of Hui Lingbo’s gathering in the week, even more numerous times, no signs of exhaustion. The face was a little younger and the whole figure was shrinking. Before that, it was still 18 years old, and now it has become about sixteen years old.

In the midst of the rise of the sea of ​​clouds, there was a blind boat in the distance, slowly coming here. Just hover in the air and drive above the clouds.

There was still a figure on the bow, and Tingting, holding a red umbrella, looked at the front lazily.

After a moment of sighing, the woman sighed slightly: "Uncle Shi, this guy has that Lingbao. Just hiding in the sea of ​​clouds, who can find him in this world? You don't look at him crazy, in fact, the savvy mouth is Why bother to waste time with him here? You are chasing him for ten days in the sea of ​​clouds, and finally hurt his hair. Maybe he has slipped away now. Even if the uncle really wants to catch this mouse, It’s time to return to the teacher’s uncle, and take the Taiyuan Mirror to get it!”

Shui Lingbo is too lazy to pay attention to it. In the eyes of the electric mang, he is still a group of thunder, all of them are not spiritually capable, and they are madly fried. To be continued). If you like this piece, you are welcome to come to the starting point. It is my greatest motivation to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, and your support. )

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