Divine Brilliance

: 1188 to pure perfection

"It’s useless to even ask Jiu Xuan to ask God to mine. It’s really pure and righteous, true sage in the world! So what do I do today, why?”

"Pure and perfect? ​​Haha, it is really ridiculous, ridiculous! Even the three ancient emperors of the ancient times, it is impossible to be safe and sound in the nine Xuangui Tibetans and the gods and robberies. It is ridiculous, nonsense-"

"This dry emperor is in the world of the Holy King, then what do I count? The big national policy, and my Confucian teachings can be said to be incomprehensible, completely different, but these ten years have been the scene of the prosperous world. Young and young, the country and the people are safe, and the disaster is not chaotic. Within the capital city, everyone is better than the food. Even the rule of the ancient three generations, but this is not the case!"

"Is it really that I am waiting for the wrong, the Confucian teachings of the 16,000-year-old doctrines are all astray."

"That is the Holy King! It is recognized by the heavens and the earth. Jiu Xuan is a sage of the sacred priests who are innocent and innocent! It is innocent, pure and right. Nothing can be the wrong one."

"I am afraid that the fault is not the Confucianism, but the rationale of education!"

This voice, which sounded in the noise and disorderly sounds, but immediately passed the other, seems to be like a vibrating, so that in this temple is a burst of silence.

The fault is not the Confucianism, but the rationalism!

Confucianism was transmitted from Sansheng, and it was also recognized by the world by the world. It is naturally not wrong.

If the Confucian wants to continue, then there is something wrong, naturally it can only be other -

Zhu Zi’s face was blue and green, but he did not say anything. Prestige has been shaken, unless it’s a sacred death, and it’s impossible to recover.

At this time, it was a look of ignorance, looking at the direction of the Fenghua Palace. Twenty thousand arrogant, still occluding the sky. However, at this time, under the background of Zong Shou, the pure white king, but there is no more. Throw away all evils and destroy the power of power.

“This is what you want?”

The sage stood proud and emptied, first taking a deep breath and making this sigh.

Although the eyes are free, look straight ahead. But Zhu Xi knows clearly that Zong Shou is saying this to himself.

"Unfortunately, the sky is not blessed! This **** asks for the thunder, fortunately, no one -"

Zong Shou said, and looked at the sky again. The 20,000-year-old swaying arrogance. The eyes reveal a cold and ironic color.

"It's you waiting, don't you feel? Hao Ranzheng is born, from the heart, the cold window is hard to read, the way of the world is clear. The world is rational. Therefore, you can keep your heart and keep your stomach. But today, you can’t say anything. Yu Xin?"

Just as he spoke, the sound of the dragon and the phoenix was more and more clear.

Under the impact of this pure white king, the 20,000-year-old white air is actually a hint of black spots. It is as if the white paper painted with paint is fading with water. There is a filth inside.

Zong Shou suddenly laughed and shook his head. "The original people are not really morally perfect. They are just gentlemen. In fact, they also have their own private thoughts. They also have their own and have done evil. But in this case, what qualifications are there?" Ask others to be pure and perfect. Obey the Confucian rites and morals, and say that you don’t want to do it. Don’t do it to others. Have you ever tried to do it?”

Only between this must, is thousands of arrogance, scattered. Or the idea is stirring, it is difficult to maintain, or the heart is awkward, take the initiative to recover.

The voice of Zong Shou is also continuing.

"For the preaching of the Tao, for this deviant prince, do not hesitate to cooperate with the devil, depending on the eight million people in the emperor's capital city, this is what you do with the Confucianism? Just because of what you did, what you did The national policy deviates from the truth of your Confucianism. So even if you sacrifice the life of the 18 million people, you must make the crouching right? Just because in the eyes of your Zhuzi, the truth of Confucianism, the prestige of your Confucianism Continued, far above the lives of these people? Knowing things, Zhu Zi, you think that this world can not escape a word, the world is big and big but not reasonable. However, I don’t know, your Zhu Zi is his own Reason, is this the world of the world?"

The heart of Zhu Zi was tightened tightly, and the forehead was entangled in blue veins. However, at this moment, I did not know how to respond.

Only in that time, the Fenghua Palace is a sage! To pure and perfect, the holy king recognized by the world!

So no matter what the Zongshou said, it is all right! No matter how his Zhu Zi refuted, it is useless, pale and powerless -

Not to mention yourself, is this body's insistence really right?

Together with this thought, the thoughts of Zhu Zi began to waver.

Not only is the Taoist turmoil of his own body, but even the awe-inspiring spirit that is born outside is also showing a sigh of blackness. Before it was no longer, the kind of grandeur was so grand, so vast and magnificent.

"Oh! It turns out that you are a Zhu Zi, and you can't do it either! The heart has ulterior motives, and there is an uncontrollable desire. If you have regretted your life, you can't completely follow your own truth. This is you. What do you say, save the heavens and destroy the desires? If you talk about your life, you are not as good as my brother-"

With his words, all the talents noticed that Kim did not regret. The emperor is righteous, and it is also pure white clean, no filth. At this time, it is far better than Zhu Xi, and farther away from the Imperial City, the 30,000 Confucianism.

Only gold does not regret, still confused, still do not know, what happened in the end.

Zongshou sneered, but it has already ridiculed the ridicule and ridicule, and his tone is plain: "I am not even dressed, but why is it right? Why educate the people? Dare to say Confucianism is the heaven and earth orthodoxy?"

A gentle sentence, but the Zhuzi in the Temple of Literature. The blood in the chest is stirring, and another vomiting in the mouth is vomiting.

It is a blood, purple color, and the Zhuzi at this moment is even more faint gray, close to extinction.

At this time, in the Imperial City, all the Temple of Literature, Taixue, Yushitai, Hanlin Academy. All Confucian scholars are also as dead as gray.

Just two thousand feet away from the royal study, Qing Xuan is also missing the look of this scene.

After a long time, he said: "This is the end of Zhu Xi, and the Confucianism will be doomed unless there is a saint who is recognized by the emperor or the world. Otherwise, the bureau of the great decline is doomed-"

No matter today, this shoud is a life or death, and can not change the Confucianism, the bureau of decline.

Just because today, Confucianism insists on the 16,000-year teaching classics, which has been completely shaken by Zong Shou.

Just because of that, the sage of the world! The way of sages is naturally true.

Too yellow is thinking about why. After a long while, I frowned. "Is it the black unicorn of Taishi Mojun? Just accepting the service, black and white, good and evil, it is indeed possible. However, even if there is no limit to the ultimate power, it will never be done. Yes. Unless there is a higher level of the avenue, it is a media bond. Isn’t the fundamental method of this sect, in fact, not infinite?-"

Xu Fu was listening to his side and couldn't help but raise his eyes. If it is only a pure and infinite end, it is naturally impossible for the good and evil unicorns to coexist. So what kind of secrets do you have in Zongshou?

Qing Xuan knows the meaning of too yellow, nothing more than a cold tooth. The two Confucians have cooperated for a long time, and once the family falls, the other must be difficult.

Even if he knows what he wants, Qing Xuan still shakes his head: "This method is useless, even if Zhu Zidao has such a mystery? What the world will only think, this is God's will. Otherwise, why would there be a **** asking for a thunder? Why is there a black and white unicorn? , protect their body? Their bodies are blessed by the sky."

It’s too yellow to **** a chill: “So, today’s sect, right and wrong? I’m afraid that the 30,000 major Confucians must be enemies with you and me.”

Qing Xuan smiles, this is true for Daomen. Can not be admitted to the sect, born from the Imperial City.

At this time, Confucianism, in Zhu Zi’s view, is only afraid that it is necessary to protect Zong Shou’s life anyway.

Only the sage is still alive, the sage is still alive, then everything has the opportunity to recover and re-prove.

However, if Zong Shou Ruo died, then everything will be conclusive. Confucian division will be a foregone conclusion.

Zhu Zi, the Temple of Literature, and even the Bailudong Academy, in the eyes of the world, will only be the culprits who will kill the true loyal ministers and join hands with the magic road to make the king of the world sages fall.

"In short, see the machine -"

Qing Xuan's eyes are dignified. At this time, the **** that made Li Bixue enlightened, and the next Xu Fu, are irrelevant.

"The Emperor of the Emperor, I am afraid that I would like to kill this one more than I am."

But when this speech is spoken, the clear vision of Qing Xuan, but I can see Xu Fu’s face, still like laughing and laughing.

The heart suddenly sinks and can't help but think. What is the basis of this Xu Fu, so confident?

At this time, the royal study room, Yin Yu is also looking gloomy like water, as if dead, ugly.

Looking at the mighty white king, the shadow of the dragon and the phoenix that screamed in the sky.

In the eyes of Yin Yu, it is full of resentful hatred and anger.

Holy prince? In the world sage? So what is his Yin Yu? Are you fainting?

At this time, I feel more glaring, but it is still gold.

Awesome, the sky shines. Pure and straight, leaning against the heavens and the earth, innocent and innocent. Make all the 30,000 major Confucians, all self-proclaimed. It also makes that Zhu Zi, both seem bleak.

This is pure and honest, and is really close to the pure Confucian sage. So what is it that killing loyalists is not fainting?

That Zuo Xin is even more dead, his hands and feet are cold, his heart is tight, and he almost stops beating.

The fault is that he is a teacher, not a disciple of gold. www.readwn.com~ I can almost imagine that after today, all the children of Confucianism will regard him as a sinister sinister, and it is a hatred. A famous festival is lost.

How can this be? How can this be?

Yin Yu first responded: "Please also ask the national teacher, for this evil spirit!"

"This is something for the old man!"

Li Bie Xue is cold and cold, but when he looks at the Zong Shou-Xin, who is full of injuries, his eyes are still slightly irritated. This Confucian scholar, it is really a success that is not enough!

The original Zong Shou has been seriously injured and dying, but now the wounds are not only restored, but also improved. It takes a lot of money and time, delaying time,

The key is that the ultimate supernatural powers, the thirteenth, etc. are quite tricky.

Seeing this moment, he saw the relief of the Zongshou face, and the cold and cold.

Then, behind the twelve towns of the country, the copper people suddenly moved, and they all slammed down!

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