Divine Brilliance

: 1190 This domain is a pass

The mysterious look of Qing Xuan, when I saw the twelve bronzes of the country, I knew that the situation was not good, but I did not think about it. Then Wei Xu would temporarily leave Li Bixue and attack him first. m (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.).

And as soon as you shoot, you will be on the thirteenth level of magical swordsmanship!

The yellowness around me is just the body of differentiation, and the strength is only 60%.

It was then suppressed by the twelve towns of the bronze people, and it was too late to be guarded by this Wei Xu sword!

"There is no limit to the beginning, no sword -"

In the eyes of Qing Xuan, all of a moment is the color of doubt. He knows that Wei Xu is learning, but it is a ‘mirror’ word.

The ‘Mirror Flower Water Moon Law’ is only eleventh, and barely can be smeared with Tiandi Avenue.

However, it can mirror any magical power, any merits. Therefore, if it is strong, it will be strong, and if it is weak, it will be weak.

But where did this copy come from, and where did it come from?

The intrinsic infinity is the beginning, then it should be only the Zong Shou, in order to display it.

However, as far as he knows, before Zong Shou entered the Holy Order, he would like to drag such a supernatural power to the supremacy of the thirteenth.

If you don't have time to think about it, Qing Xuan instinct is like a flash of light. Far away from this piece of land covered by confusing gods.

However, this idea only began, but the power of the endless magnetic element suddenly came to me.

Heavier than a million times, it seems like a hundred-shouldered Mishan, pressed against his body. The tremendous force to tear, not only makes him need to respond to God, it will not be torn. More body remote control, can not be arbitrarily carried out, almost fixed in place.

"Xu Fu!"

An angry drink, with a warning of violent meaning. Xu Fu was laughing at the sound, and his face was flat and standing in the same place.

"Qing Xuan Dao is offended! Xu Fu's surname is a man's hand. How can he not do his best? If you know the Taoist friends, you can blame me."

When you speak, it is more of the power of the metamagnetic force. Layers are stacked to fill the void.

And at the time of the sound, the sword of Zong Shou also came with the sound. The same is the sword black and white, it is almost incredible!

Qing Xuan saw the white eyebrows slightly pick, but the heart burst, finally realized.

"Thirteen, etc. There is no sword! Li Bingxue wants something, it is a device that can increase the Xuan holding method on your body!"

Is this not to know his two people's body?

No wonder, Wei Xu will let Li Bixue first, but first kills too yellow. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.)

Zong Shou Wen Yan is apathetic and not moving.


The black and white sword light is still unpredictable. Go straight and go on the dust that Qing Xuan flutters, and the blade is intertwined with the gold wire. And for a moment, you will break through the seemingly sturdy flexible threads.

However, because of the resistance of Qing Xuan, it was impossible to penetrate the soul of Qing Xuan Yuan, but it was stabbed in the shoulders of Qing Xuan.

However, the ultimate force of black and white, also burst. The entire arm of Qing Xuan, together with the flesh and blood of the left chest, was swallowed by this sword!

And Wei Xu’s other sword came one after another. This sword is also a sword of the thirteenth, but it is enhanced by several times!

Qing Xuan has been seriously injured, and Xu Fu is restrained. The gold wire is dusty and only slightly resisted. It was forced to smash by Wei Xu’s sword.

Then the whole body, the sword of black and white is crisp and neat, two swords!

At this time, Wei Xu laughed again: "Don't Xue Xue, do you want to leave? I am afraid that it is difficult to do so. On this day, Wei Xu really did not know how many years he expected -"

It is also a sword, and it is lifted up. When I arrived at the seven thousand feet, I was shocked by the unusually cold and fierce momentum. Swords are heavy, unspeakable hegemony!

Just in front of Li Bixue, who is preparing to take out the void, is still the end of Yuan Yi! With only one sword, one of Li Bixue’s hands will be completely degraded!

Mirror flower water moon gods decided, although it can mirror the world and the earth, but the same kind of magical power, for a period of time, can only be mirrored three times at most, not an infinite copy. After all, the picture is in the mirror, just a moment.

When the second sword of Wei Xu was up, the sword was already on the body, and it was already showing the color of death.

Still thirteen, and so on, the river is dead!

The dead gray sword follows a strange and light trajectory, traversing the void.

And Li Bixue’s eyes are also in the eyes of the dead.

Behind him is Yuan Jing San Ren Lin Xuanjing, close to the body. However, when it is uncertain, a fatal blow will be issued.

In front of him, it is Wei Xu's sword, that is to ignore the order, even if it is a newborn baby, you can also hurt the sword of the Holy Spirit!

That Taiyi Donghua Emperor used countless golden silk vines to pervade the whole void. Make him shackle and struggle.

In addition, Xu Fu is also about to be shot. The twelve towns of the bronze people, from the beginning to the end, are using the gemstone giant to lock his air machine.

Twenty-four bronze giant fists and twelve bronze giant swords have hurt his ability!

An indescribable despair. It is spreading quietly in my heart.

I thought it was a hunter, but in the end it was a prey? Everything placed here will be buried in the Shura cemetery. At this time, the sect is already a sword, and the **** of gold does not regret, and then walks to the front of the royal study.

No one can stop his footsteps at this time. In this Fenghua Palace, almost all Saints. At this time, they were trapped by the green vine of Taiyi Donghua Emperor, and then silently strangled!

No one can escape this sacred sword array, and no one can escape the blockade of the outer world.

When these people still have the power of the Holy Land, they can't do it, let alone be suppressed by the twelve towns of the bronze people.

No need to do it, only the mind is oppressed, and the royal study, which is still intact, has already collapsed. It turned into a piece of dust, and the wind that rose from the air swept through the air.

Yin Yu is still sitting on the throne. Although his face is gray and ruined, his body is still quite straight. With a bit of stubborn stubbornness, he looks cold and cold, and does not seem to fall into the wind. Dignity. However, that hand, but has exhausted all the strength, holding the handrail. It is also a pale color, lifeless.

"When you come to say a word, you will not take your words!"

Zong Shou’s view of Yin Yu is not to be taken care of. The look was faint, sweeping Yin Yu and Zuo Xin, the monarch and the monarch. "I don't know how the world will evaluate the future after thousands of years?"

It’s not the two people in front, but the best friends on the side.

Kim did not regret the subconscious touch of the nose, but found himself, it is still the soul. So I stopped the habit of this action, and smiled a little shyly: "Oh, this one is careless, it becomes a loyal and loyal minister. Drag your blessings, you must name the history of the youth. I can’t think of my gold and regrets. said, after saying that there will probably posthumous. text is, what can not think Chen Wen, Wen zhong, Wen Lie is always inevitable. "

Also eyes are complicated, looked at the Yin Yu. There is hate, anger, and pity for mercy, but also hate it. In the end, everything is gone.

"I don't know it! Confucianism can't take the pen of the Spring and Autumn Period again. After the ancestor guards you in the unification of the cloud world. You must do what you want to do for the present songs. In short, it is the sage of the saints and virtues. I can't bear the suffering of the people. Therefore, the body of the king is arrogant, and he screams at the first level. This Yin Yu colluded with the magic road and regarded the life of the 18 million people in the emperor city as a mustard. Nature is sinful."

He smiled and said: "Because of the next, it must be the emperor of the Yuanchen who was stunned by the old age, the loyal and direct minister of the misunderstanding, and the book of history must also be a special book. Otherwise, how can you reflect the virtues of Yin Yu? Zong Shou, you are alive. The sage of the sage of the sage of the sages, and then the conclusion of the martial arts, the emperor Yuanchen, although the time is less intelligent, the use of power, the creation of a big business Zhongxing world. Unfortunately, old and faint, misunderstood, is the king of the big business.

The look of Yin Yu is even more bleak. The facial muscles twitched, the whole person could no longer support, and the strength lost, and fell on the golden royal chair.

He does not ask for longevity, the most concerned is the name behind him. However, at this moment, the first name of the world is put into the water.

Kim did not regret the view of the light, but also saw the left letter. This person is quite a bit arrogant, standing in the same place, but already very angry. It has been a life of self-destruction, self-destruction of all the veins in the body.

For this left letter, Kim does not regret long ago, did not care, not in the heart, can not help but secretly sigh at this moment, knowing the future, why bother?

"It seems to be too good for you and me."

Zong Shou squinted his forehead with his fingers, and looked strange: "It seems too shameless, will people in later generations really write this way?"

"Only more!"

Kim does not regret sneer, with a bit of ridicule: "You will be a disciple, naturally will be touted, so that the world can understand the loss of Confucianism, and prove their own orthodoxy. Most of your courtiers will be greatly embellished. The big dry one unified the cloud world, it is justified, it is blessed by heaven and earth. As for Confucianism -"

After a few clicks, Kim will not speak out without regret. After all, it is from the Confucianism, it is not good to say anything bad.

However, it is known that Zong Shou is already the lord of the Confucianism in the entire Confucianism.

If you do it again, it will only make the entire foundation of Confucianism shake again. If those big Confucians are slightly smarter, they will lead the classics to www.readwn.com~ to extract the appropriate inappropriate teachings and apply them to Zongshou. .

Beyond the Three Kings of the ancient times, the arches and the literati together rule the world, not to sinners, the king is under the law - if you let go of the kind of weird language, what is the word of ruin, abolish the scientific examination, by the elected officials and so on. Zong Shou is actually the Confucian part of the people, the most ideal kind of holy prince.

Meditation for a moment, Kim does not regret the final summary: "In short, the winner is the king, the loser is the sorrow!"

"The winner is the king, the loser is the beggar? A good winner is the king, and the loser is the beggar-"

Yin Yu look that struggle, the last feeble sigh, "Your Majesty Rende, Yin Yu died not for others, but only at twenty-seven tombs I Yin, said after the safe and sound, free from illegal logging."


Zong Shou sword, Zhanxia Yin Yu head. There is one final in the Yin Yu consciousness, and Lengran words: "! But I also promise, will make you Yin blood, this field must pass."

(To be continued) q

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