Divine Brilliance

: 1195 Ziyan Temple Lord

A few years ago, the Ming Dynasty Luo Wang invaded the cloud world. At that time, several of them were able to stop the other people from entering the country.

It is because of the cloud industry itself, there are more spiritual practitioners above, and it is not allowed to enter the rules of the cloud.

This is like the psionic seal of the earth today, which has all been broken. The covenant between the various religions is also equivalent to waste paper.

It is no longer possible to borrow the authority of the heavens and the earth to block the entry of people from the Dark World.

Heaven and earth regard everything as a hyena. There is no difference in attitude towards the people in the cloud world and the aliens outside the domain.

“It’s really a headache –”

The old man in that lane also shook his head: "It seems that this dark world is really a must."

The sword repair is slightly frowning: "In fact, you and I should do it. Although the heavens and the earth do not exclude the night demon. However, if the dark world is invaded, it will be a big battle. It may damage the cloud. It is not the wish of this heaven. ""

The Confucian old man is undecided, and the words are correct.

However, Tiandao itself is actually unconscious and has no good or evil thoughts. Therefore, it can't be distinguished, it can't be prejudged, and it can't be pre-planned. It can only be done instinct.

Including the six of them, also because of the recognition of the heavens, is beneficial to the existence of 'the body', so it can be in the cloud world, not immortal.

The six people work together, with the help of the will of heaven, then even two or three people can be warned.

But if this world does not recognize, the six are just ordinary holy steps -

Similar to the seven swords, but the seven swords are forcibly extracted, and they can only be borrowed passively.

If not, the one who was a few years ago will be easily killed by Lin Xuanjing.

At that time, the old man of the old man smiled again: "So what do you guess, what will happen to the battle of the heavenly world?"

This statement said that this piece of void was suddenly silent.

After a while. The young swordsman decidedly said: "What is the problem? Naturally is the Zong Shou."

That moment, Xizhe, only knows the things of the twelve towns of the bronze people, but it is the fog in the flowers, can not know the true roots of the sect.

And the power of the Dark World Magic can be used this time. He can also guess a few points.

"That is too much to kill the truth, the old man never knows this world, there are actually such a strange treasure. His Majesty is the holy prince of the world, blessed by the heavens and the earth. Unbeaten!"

The Confucian old man is also a faint smile: "Under the sacred sage, I don't know anyone who can escape from his sacred knives. Including the night -"

At that moment, I borrowed the power of the gods. Can fight with the Holy Land.

However, the thirteenth, etc., is superb, but it can ignore the order!

The body of the night is still only a holy step.

As long as it is hurt. Then in addition to the fall. There will be no other results.

And the 斩仙飞刀, even in the thirteenth-class supernatural powers, must be among the most extreme, the most ferocious killing magic.

At the level or less than the Zong Shou's sword, the sword is infinitely powerful, but it is more successful in killing.

The thirteenth and so on, the power of supernatural powers, only from the battle between Zong Shou Wei Xu and Li Bixue, you can know exactly.

Even if there are twelve towns, the bronze people help out. Li Bingxue, who is in the late stage of his own life, cannot be injured.

“Nature is the ultimate Buddha!”

The old man who has been closed, at this time also bowed his words: "The light of infinite, will you fear the darkness of the night?"

The expression is calm and undecided, it is not believed that there will be other endings.

The Taoist old man, at this time, is also a complex look, sighing with a long sigh: "This is a hero who sees the same thing? The old man also thinks so! There is Wei Xu's mirror flower water month, that one is honestly there is no reason to lose. If it is that night, I dare to scorn the little dry sacred dynasty. The night sorcerer's twelve festivals, I am afraid that it is fierce and sorrowful, and it is possible to lose the land."

The mirror is superficial, even if only three times. Wei Xu, who is on the side of Zongshou, has a full nine chances to hurt the half-step truth!

Even if the scorpion is regenerated, it cannot be unscathed.

However, although it is worried about the prospects of Taoism, however, knowing Zong Shou, at least 70% of the odds are rejected.

For him, it is still a happy event.

"Tomorrow has not speculated that the Dragon's Bureau, after the King of the Kings, the air group is like a tiger?"

"That's probably it! The science of surgery, except for compassion and the man, no one can do it right-"

"Just this time, the man has not yet appeared, it is really strange. It has already returned to the cloud."

When the old man snarled and said this sentence, the four people present were all changed.


It is still the Imperial City, just above a city in Dongcheng. A Wenxiu young man in a red robe with a purple and red flame on his chest is staring at the direction of Fenghua Palace.

Beside him, there is also one person. It is also twenty years old, but it looks rough, the costumes are much simpler, and the same flame pattern is on the chest.

"Yin Yu is dead, the big business country is dead. Li Bishue, the magic road is destroyed."

Leisurely said, the face of the young man of Wenxiu is all sarcasm.

"It seems that people who want to count on these cloud circles are undoubtedly the ones who want to fish."

"The pure **** scorpion of Lujia, the only sacred prince of the Holy Family, is naturally a male talent, and it is a genius. It is not the same as the indigenous people in the cloud world. No matter the Taoist Confucianism, there are taboos on my Lu family. If the lord wants to hope that Qing Xuan and other generations are infatuated with delusions. The thoughts of blaming and blaming others cannot be decided many times, and missed the opportunity, which is truly speechless."

The rough man ~www.readwn.com~ smiled: "It’s just the twelve towns of the bronze people, since they have fallen into the hands of this guard. Then the situation of the burning of the Emperor's Emperor Wubei will definitely change. These copper People, though they are made by indigenous peoples in this world, are also somewhat different.

"I would have decided on these bronze people. He would never bring back the burning court!"

Wenxiu youth sneered, and he has a well-thought-out: "With the battle of the Dark World, this son can retreat from the whole body. Both are said. If this child is defeated, his big dry industry will fall apart. I will see it, he will return to the Fair. At that time, how can the sacred flames of the sacred sacred sects be able to stand up to their strengths and identify them as the only candidates for the reserve."

"Even if I am a thousand-year-old, the only pure-blooded descendant. It is under the next, and I don't want him to be so gone. If I can go further and improve my blood, it is a big joy for me. Things."

The rough man 'hehe' laughed and said: "Is it just so good? There is support from the people and the Buddha. I am quite optimistic about this. That is when Lu Beiwu is the most difficult time, you If I rely on the past, it is no different than sending carbon in the snow. I don’t know that Lubei’s father-in-law will be ill-treated after I’m in the day-”

Wen Xiu's youth eyes are sharp and his eyes are cold: "Send carbon in the snow? Let the sages of the world be the landlords of the eight hundred worlds? This joke can not be opened."

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