Divine Brilliance

: 1199 刺神玄心

Nine secluded demon gods are indeed the first time when the cloud is old. It was controlled by Yuan Jing San people. After only three hours, Shensuo has already reached the world of heaven.

At the beginning of this, Zong Shou took a cold breath.

This is a small world in which dozens of empty passages are in the throat. At this time, it has been surrounded by water.

Tens of thousands of tens of thousands of giant trees, stunned in the void world.

At this time, Zong Shou, unlike the previous one, did not know anything about the night magic family.

I know that it is taken from the Tongtian ancient wood in the world of Tongtian. This is a world of great trees, famous for its giant trees. The whole world is a piece of giant woods.

Among them, the tree species that are strong, this is the ancient tree -

There are countless odd woods, which are regarded as holy places by those who practice the wooden system.

However, since being occupied by the night demon, it has become one of the countries of the Five Kingdoms.

The Tongtian ancient wood that has been cut down over the years has also become the battleship material for the night magic field.

These giant boats, no matter how refining, can withstand the magical power of some of the ground-level warships.

Each ancient wooden boat can carry millions of troops and tens of millions of servants.

At this time, a total of sixty ancient wooden boats have almost blocked the entire outside world of the heavenly world.

Only the 30-level battleships under the command of Shi Ruolan are still wandering around, constantly circling with the warships of the Dark World.

Let those ancient wooden boats not dare to spread too far, leaving some gaps.

Zong Shou’s heart is sinking, this is the case. Dagan’s distinct ability in the outer world is powerless. Even if the cloud world and the Yuanlian world can still draw strength support, it is difficult to get in.

The speed of the sorcerer of the demon gods, the world is extremely top. This is not the case.

Under the control of Yuan Jing San, it was completely turned into a streamer. I didn't wait for the reaction of the night warrior's warship, and I entered it.

In the middle of the giant woods, several holy steps are shot. A few violent temperament, through the void, trying to block.

However, it has not yet approached, and it has been smashed by the demon gods.

Zong Shou has quietly put a flying knife in his hand. waiting time. Prepare to kill one of them!

However, those few night demon sacred steps, after this shot, there is no more action,

And Wei Xu Xu Fu and Yuan Jing scattered people. They are also scrupulous about what they are, and they are all dignified and never shot again.

Zong Shou’s heart fretting, this must also be the demon of the night demon.

Although he can't detect it, he can't sense what it is, but it can make Wei Xuyuan feel guilty and jealous.

"What the hell?"

Zong Shoumu has a strange color: "There are twelve towns and bronzes. Is there any scruples? Is it not worth it?"

"That is not!"

The person who spoke is not among the three, any one. But it is the future of Xuanju: "It should be one of the thorns of the sacred heart, one of the top treasures of the night demon. It can be launched hundreds of millions of miles away. It is said that it can really ignore the law of time and space. Although it can not hurt the situation, how much can Containing one or two. It seems that this is the dark world of the devil, the response to the twelve towns of the bronze people -"

The chaos of the twelve towns of the bronze people. Almost every monk can be suppressed.

However, if it is not within the scope of the chaos of the 12th National Copper People, it will be no problem.

Plus the law of ignoring time and space. In other words, when this magical treasure is urging, it is already in effect!

Even if you are confused, there is no time to interfere with suppression.

Unbelievable, Zong Shou and his eyes asked, looking to Xu Fu Wei Xu. Seeing that both of them were slightly decapitated, Zong Shou suddenly raised his eyebrows. He estimated that this treasure is only a slight threat to the monks. Even in the sacred world, the top gods are slightly hurt.

Under the holy circumstances, you can't resist it.

He himself can do anything, there are magical mirrors and refining the swords of these gods, and what kind of thorns and mysterious needles, but why not. But if it is for the teacher Ruo Lanzong, a few people start, then it is replaced by him, powerless -

Is it necessary to make his heart scrupulous, even if there are twelve towns of the bronze people, such as the king of the kingdom of the suppression of the national transport, do not dare to use it?

But since there is disregard for the prestige of time and space, why not let his generals in the heavenly world be listed and the teachers of Ruolan, and kill them one by one?

"This thing I am in the foreign domain, I have heard of it!"

Xu Fu smiled bitterly: "The thorny heart is one of the treasures of the night demon. It can be said that it is a device of the town. It is said that the closer the distance, the greater the power. If it is only a hundred feet away, then the environment can also be Seriously injured. All three of us are affected by this needle, although it is harmless, but the general state of God, there must be no fortune. This needle is located, there should be 13 worlds from here. It seems to the twelve towns The national bronze man is quite jealous."

Wei Xu was thoughtful, and Yuan Jing San was sneer, his eyes full of anger.

Ming Ri Xuan also smiled softly at this time: "In fact, there is no need to be too concerned. The dark world of the devil is just a warning, so that the heart of the scorpion has scruples. The thorn heart is actually flawed, although it is a treasure. Although there is a real disregard for the law of time and space, it takes three days to use it once. Every time, it takes a lot of energy. It is said that even the sacred sage can not continue to supply. This treasure is based on the law of blood sacrifice. It is presided over by three or more holy steps, with a blood sacrifice of 100,000 sinners-"

Zong Shou is relieved, ignoring time and space, when he is urging, he has already stabbed his heart.

This is even more bizarre than the sorcerers of the masters!

If you can use it without limit, the night demon can swept the world.

In this way, the other side’s scruples are more.

I really dare to use the thorns of mysterious heart, so the power of the twelve bronzes of the country, but also the night magic, all holy steps -

"In fact, it is not impossible to cope -"

That tomorrow, Xuan Xuan continued: "The minister is on the road, there is a slight achievement. If several people are willing to help me by the sacred priests, the sect can make a kind of seven-year-old life-protection element, which should be able to resist the thorns. The impact of the heart needle. However, it is not easy to make. It can only be completed every three days. After it is made, it can only last for one month. If anyone wears it, you need to choose your own choice."

Zong Shouton knows his intentions, and Ming Ri Xuan’s seven births protect the life Yuan Fu, only ten can be made in a month.

Each piece can only protect one person's life, and Zong Shou can only see the difference between the pro-discipline and the subordinates.

This really gave him a big problem -

If you do this, you can protect the lives of Kong Yao and others. However, after the other subordinates know it, they will think again?

And the ten ‘seven births are destroyed, and the number is not enough.

Zong Shouzheng wants to ask again, and sees the future of Xuanju Shishi shaking his head: "This technique involves the fate of the road, only the court can make. And the material is precious, and his own treasures can only have half a year attribute."

Zong Shou suddenly became dumb, and after a long while, he bowed his head: "I am grateful!"

It is indeed grateful if there is no Mingri Xuan. Kong Yao, Zong Yuan, who he values, will always be under the threat of a thorny heart.

He knows that this Mingri Xuanju is a must-have for the position of the Dagan National Teacher.

This is always resisting, but at this time I changed my mind. It is also good to have this mastery of the mastery, mastering countless techniques, sitting in the country.

At least the evil laws of the enemy can be responded to.

Yuan Jing San people drove the nine secluded magic **** shuttle, and this time accelerated again.

"What's the matter, you can talk to the world after the heavens!"

When Shensuo’s light flashed, he forcibly penetrated the barrier.

There is a lawsuit to block the barrier, it feels very difficult. Yuan Jing did not dare to force, so as not to destroy the guardian circle.

Fortunately, in the heavenly realm, I also responded in time, and took the initiative to release the squad, and put the scorpion into it.

And the people who came to greet it were the missing and Ye Xuan Li Xin. The latter two are still good, but the column is indeed serious, and the eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

Until I saw the figure of Zongshou, flying out of the gods shuttle, the pale yellow face, a few smiles, the body half a bow.

"Chen see your majesty!"

He smiled bitterly: "At the end, it will finally be worth the burden. Before the arrival of His Majesty, I will lose this world. It is just a heavy injury, and I am squatting-"

There is a sense of ease in the eyes, and there is a bit of self-deprecation in the language.

The Dark World Magic Army really began to attack all the way, starting from the 9th.

However, being able to stick to it now is already his limit.

If Qiu Zhuang Yu sees the situation is not good, the early half will send more than half of the military force, and Li Xin will arrive in time to take over all the cavalry. It may not be possible to support it for nine days.

Zong Shou is also a dignified look. At this time, the world of heaven has long been fascinated by flowers.

At first glance, most of the buildings have been broken, and there are countless corpses. Traces of the battle can be seen everywhere.

Obviously these days, the night demon has penetrated into the heavenly world several times.

However, think again, at this time the domain outside the river. A total of 60 ancient wooden boats, 40 million night magic army, and nearly 100 million servants, Zong Shou will not be surprised.

The night demon 12 festivals, the lack of can only be 2 million troops, far less than the opponent's strong number. Fighting for a full nine days, it is worthy of being called the unparalleled name!

"It's okay~www.readwn.com~ can make Li Qing attach to my dynasty, it is one of the best fortune!"

Zong Shouyi smiled and helped the column. Then he smiled and turned to Ye Xuan Li Xin, slightly nodding,

Ye Xuan does not feel what, the column lacks but the body is violent. In the eyes of Li Xin, there are also a few points.

Soon, it disappeared without a trace.

I have seen three people, but they are cold, but they are cold.

It is said to be a three-million-strong army. However, according to his visual inspection, the casualties at this time are nearly two tenths.

Even if he added 300,000 elite, it was only 2.7 million.

"It seems that the battle is not good."

A soft scorpion suddenly took his hand, causing Zong Shou to suddenly settle down, and it was Kong Yao.

"Speaking of it, it is the first time to leave the cloud world -"

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