Divine Brilliance

: 1219 Book of the Universe 2 (End of the book)

The vast and innocent virtual boundary river, there are countless black mud spots scattered at this time. They are things that are not recognized by this world, but they are extremely tenacious. In the entanglement of innumerable robbery, they fight desperately and condense.

This is the tenth day after the war. The emptiness caused by more than a dozen wars in the Holy Land is still raging everywhere.

That battle destroyed the 13 small worlds around, but fortunately most of them were lifeless and resource-poor. Even the previous Tianfang retreats did not look good, so there were not many dead and wounded creatures.

The only thing that can be considered is that the man is scattered in all directions, and there is still a great danger. After the real world, there are all kinds of incredible powers of magical power. Even if the body is broken up at this time, it is impossible to die. Even if it is only a piece of body debris, it can also pollute the world's nuclear nucleus.

So after ten days, Xiu Guan and others have not dispersed. Instead, we will continue to suppress it here, block the inside and outside of the void, wait for the natural demise of these black mud spots, and do not give this person the slightest chance.

At this moment, Zong Shou, accompanied by Xiu Guan’s compassionate side, was sighing and stunned.

"This person's name is the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It should be one of the true worlds of the last world. It is a pity that the foreign body is enlightened. In the last realm, it can be called to the wind. In this world, it is tortured."

Before the half-step truth died, he had a chance to coincide, and Ling Min observed some of his memory.

This is the right person in the last world, respected by the universal realm, with great compassion and great merits. Only after one step on the road of practice, it is a tragedy.

"I have gone the wrong way, I can’t complain!"

Xiu Guan shook his head, but his eyes were also a little embarrassing. In his life, he saw more people who couldn’t keep up with the team, and old friends, most of them have withered. There are also some, like this ‘the beginning of the Yuan, in general, embarked on the evil road, and finally bleak.

"The brothers have a long-cherished wish, and now they have finally reached. The dispute between the cloud and the gods has been completely solved. It is estimated that there will be no fighting in the next tens of thousands of years. Your Dagan Xianting will also be stable."

Xiu Guan said here, asked Zong Shouxiao: "Next, where is Zong Shou going?"

Zong Shou subconsciously wants to say to Lu Jia, and then stop at the mouth. At this time, the cloud industry and the power of Buddhism have been integrated. With Dagan as the link and more than ten forces in the world, the people on the Lujia side are a little smarter and should stop all disputes.

If his grandparents had mastered the burning of the Holy Court, the several heads of state still had some way to go. If they gave him an excuse to return to the upper ranks, then whether it was Xuanhua or the Xuanzang Lord, the end They will all be bleak.

Lujia has no worries, then what should he do next?

To conquer the Quartet, to build a world of domineering? He has no motivation. It is the Confucianism of the door, and it must be full of interest in the future.

Zong Shouyi’s time was actually a bit of a sigh. The pressure is lost, and there is no urgency to struggle for survival. Instead, it gives birth to a sense of incomprehension.

However, after an instant, Zong Shou’s mind was firmly strengthened.

- Pursue the ultimate in kendo! Only this goal, he never gave up.

There are also his own wife and children, but also need to accompany. These years, running around, it is really a lot of money.

At this time, he laughed and did not answer: "Where is Shibo going?"

"The matter of the cloud world has ended, naturally it is to travel through the various circles. In addition to finding the opportunity, it is a wish to pay for the young."

Xiu Guan Xiao smile: "If you have the chance to enter the real world, then go to other boundaries to go."

Zong Shou can't help but wonder: "What should the Scorpion Master do? Don't you have to resurrect him?"

"The blind man didn't really fall and sleep!"

The person who speaks is compassionate. The code of the ‘Ah, a loud voice, it’s an incredible, 100,000 surprise.

The tone of compassionate Taojun is still calm and waveless: "In the past, the scorpion, in fact, has a line of souls to escape. It was the most taboo in the early Yuan Dynasty. As for where it is, I don’t know. It may be to give up everything. Re-enter the reincarnation, wash the road base. It may be revived early, somewhere in the distance. Maybe, Zong Shou is the reincarnation of his first-line god."

Zong Shou suddenly stunned, the scorpion Yuanshen reincarnation? impossible!

Almost without hesitation, this will be vetoed. Is it glory for yourself? He is not willing to be a soul. Your own achievements in the future, you must be far better than the scorpion master!

However, it is estimated that when it is reincarnation, the road base is re-washed. Otherwise, Lin Xuan-shuang was trapped for thousands of years and did nothing.

"Sure enough, like his brother, he is full of arrogance!"

Xiu Guan laughed: "You have less than 20 years of practice ~www.readwn.com~ The strength of Doji is far from the ordinary monks. If you are willing to sink your mind, use hundreds of strong foundations for ten years. In the future, you may be more than I am compassionate and step into the realm earlier. What is the way to go beyond the scorpion?"

Zong Shou laughed, and his heart was slightly awkward. Immediately and curiously asked the compassion: "Do you want to transform the heart of a world like this?"

"How do you know?"

That compassionate and embarrassing eyebrows, after half a sigh, if you have realized: "The original, the book of the world is not nearly 200,000 years. The gathering of the yuan, it should be different. In my thoughts, it should be helpful. It’s just going straight into the holy world. But there is such a change in the original.”

I flipped over the Yushu in my hand and smiled lightly: "I have been living in the cloud world for many years. I have been recording the people and things in the cloud world by watching the movie. It is indeed ready to use this book to create a heart. Like the world of fantasy, all the monks in the world can practice in the world of fantasy. This method can strengthen the monks in the cloud world, and it can make the world less war-torn."

Zong Shou and Wu Wu, I feel that all doubts since my rebirth have been unleashed.

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