Divine Brilliance

Chapter 132: Who dug the pit

‘You are just a repair of the Eight Pulses, and dare to say that I am wrong! How do you know that the essence of this stunned **** is not as strong as me? ”

With the slogan voice, the idea is a giant sword emptiness, the sound is even more powerful, the ice blue sè's blade, cold light.

Zong Shou was speechless for a while, and his heart secretly spit out, what is this? Should it be Xuan Bingjian?

Seeing that the sword was coming, Zong Shou’s brow was picking, and a sneer: “The mouth of the sword is just a mouthful of effort. Since the fairy said that you are the sword, it’s the real screaming god.” Compared with the fairy, try your best and worse!"

I didn’t talk, but I fell down and flew in the upper right corner. In front of Zong Shou, it was actually a sword. However, he was controlled by his consciousness, such as clouds and fog, and the light huá changed, revealing the meaning of the ethereal. There are countless smoothies in the interior. When it was shaken, the rustling sounded and the sound was amazing.

A glimpse of the sky, colliding with the ice sword. The Yunjian crashed instantly, and after a short time, it re-agglomerated. On the contrary, the Xuanbing Giant Sword was hit by the high-speed ice-sand, and it played countless holes. Several important structures in the ridge of the sword were on the verge of collapse.

I haven't waited for this sword to recover, and the great sword of the cloud will carry the sound of rustling again.

When this sword confronted, the Xuanbing giant sword would have no suspense, and immediately collapsed and shattered!

And the sword of the cloud is still the end of the situation. After a roundabout, live on the opposite side.

Obviously it is a cloud of clouds, but it is so powerful that it seems to be sharp and sharp!

Taiyuan fairy water Lingbo's face sè, immediately changed again, but also a son to go out, shot on the chessboard, this makes this fog sword, completely dissipated!

Then it was incredible, paying attention to the opposite side of the board. This road is a sword confrontation, at most it is only divided into the autumn, but the result is a fiasco!

Although this second child succeeded in resolving Zong Shou’s offensive, she could have lost one when this son fell.

This half demon boy, actually is really the best of the world!

Even without the repair of this sword, Xí's fǎ, when he showed this cloud sword, Wei Neng must not be under the real Jingyun God sword!

That Yan Fan smiled even more, an old face, all smiled into a huā. Cold and cold looking to the Taiyuan fairy, shā meaning dark zàng, the brain turned shā back to grab people, turn around and run the idea. If you think about it, you don’t feel right. You have to let go of this idea for a while.

Looked at the board, and suddenly moved in the heart. On that board, a heavy one fell.

"This remnant jú has been done, the world said, but also makes people stunned. 寥寥 子 , 道 , , , , , , , , , è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è è 果 果 果 果 果Yuan Xianzi, there is still no confusion about the way of this martial art.

I don't know if I can help the two of them solve the problem. ”

When the voice falls, Zong Shou only feels that the world he is in is a change.

In a narrow cave, there are thick stone walls on the left and right. There is a red lava underneath that melts everything. There is a strong hurricane, you can shred all!

And around the body, countless ghosts, countless dāo light sword shadows, have been back. As if to smash him, smash him!

Not jìn is a dark molar, knowing that this is the means of the true form of the spiritual master, with his soul to bring his consciousness into this illusion.

Really unbelievable, it seems to be immersive!

I didn’t know about this change in the first snow. I only saw Yan Fan’s first hand. I couldn’t help but anger: “You have one more! How can you make a mistake?”

Yan Fan smiled and said nothing, Shui Lingbo also coldly scratched him, but it was also very interested, waiting for Zong Shou's reaction.

Previously, it was only a test of Zong Shou’s Kendo talent, which was enough to score full marks. No, it is two hundred percent, four percent can be evaluated!

At this moment, it is the heart of Zong Shou. The path of the martial arts is like a winding path in the mountains and a steep mountain climbing. The more you get to the back, the harder it is. There is a sinister cliff, and the bottom is the abyss. Just like this, the illusion of returning to the face is general.

She is also curious, this body with a double vein, and the obstacles of heaven and earth, the talent of the kendo, can be called the peerless half demon boy, what kind of response will be made in the end? It’s really looking forward to one by one.

The chess is directly opposite, but Zong Shou is holding the chess piece, sweating back to the spring, wet back through the heavy clothes.

Within this hole, the face is back to the shadow of the soul. Zong Shou was slightly lost, unconscious, and remembered the past life.

Almost obscured by his half-life, the revenge of the martial arts after the Mahayana. In the virtual illusion, there are thousands of sword fights, and now the world is experiencing the savage fight. Struggling with the best, but also climbing the martial arts

If you take the wrong step, you will fall into the lava hell. Even if you try your best to climb up, most of them will be under the ruthless Tianwei, sǐ no place to bury!

It’s just that this area is buried, it’s a little dangerous, it’s hard to live with me! It is rare to live in the first of the seven kings in the cloud world.

A cold sigh, Zong Shou in the chest of pride, rolling and stirring. That indomitable, vast ideas, straight through the sky!

This life, the body of the two veins, the obstacles of heaven and earth, how is the soul broken?

He is a master, and will eventually be proud of this world, and then climb the peak!

When the hand of Zong Shou, once again falling to the top of the board, it is a barrier, and there are countless different forces, constantly blocking the involvement, to make his hand deviate.

But the white chess that is held at the fingertips of Zongshou, as if it is spiritual, is lightly circumvented. Then one son, knocking on the middle of the board!

"Hey, a soft bang, the surrounding world of psionic power, it is a lot of drums up. Finally, it is overwhelmed, and many of the pieces on the board are shot out and scattered.

On the chessboard, only the white one, quietly lying in the center of the nineteen vertical and horizontal.

As if to tell people, within this chessboard, I am the only one!

On the bank of Xiaobin, it was silent for a while.

It’s irrelevant to the kendo. At this moment, the mortal around this board is only the ambition of Zong Shou’s singular bào, and the silence is shocking.

Again and again

"This fog seems to have faded!"

A few dozen miles away, Li brewed his head and looked up at the sky. Before this fog was thick and faint, it was annoying.

Until now, it seems that there are signs of gradual disintegration. Before half an hour ago, I still couldn’t reach my fingers. But at this time, it was restored to the visible twenty feet.

Xuanyuan Yi people, but also brows wrinkled. Suddenly, I stopped my body shape, looked dignified, and looked at the front.

Li was brewing and then stopped. When I saw the situation in front, I was also sweating.

Under the thick fog that was only rolling, it was actually a pothole, and it was not at the bottom, as if it were a cliff.

"How can there be a pit here? Fortunately, it is a small back sister jǐng feels fast, otherwise it will almost fall!"

Xuanyuan Yi people still silent, looking at the bottom of the pothole. Li brewed for a while, but when he listened carefully, it was really under the pit that I didn’t know where it was. A young voice came out: "Is there anyone? Is someone right? I heard your voice! I am the Tianshan Zongling, and the Tianshan Mountain is the next to the demon king Zongshi qīn brother, please pull us up, as long as we can save us Come out, I will have a post-it report after the Tianshan Mountain."

Xuanyuan stunned his eyes and confronted Li Wei. The latter's brow wrinkled, and the face is inextricably sè: "Is it? This kind of spirit is around, followed by several innate masters, and it is also the realm of the secret martial arts. This hole is only fifty feet, how can it fall and climb? Come up?"

Looking down carefully, the fog was a little bit scattered at the moment. You can faintly see the bottom, but it is all smooth and hard to return to the hard stone wall. It is even more reminiscent of the bones. The stone wall is covered with a thick layer of butter.

Li brewing could not help but fight a chill. It turned out that this pit was not natural, but was dug up. Who is so guilty? Once this falls, where can it come out?

Then I listened to the spirit and shouted: "Where is there so many muddy snakes? It's really a heart! Hey, can the people above hear it? Don't you pull me up?"

The fog was scattered again. When Li brewed it again, he only felt a burst of heart in his chest. There are countless soil squid and small snakes underneath, and they are constantly rolling underneath. Where the personal shadow is trapped. Jumping from time to time, but there is always no suspense, sliding back from the stone wall.

One of them has a sharp eye and seems to have seen the figure above the pothole. He is busy and shouting: "But the Xuanshan City Princess Xuanyuan Xiaohui and Li Yong brewed the yoghurt? In the next is the Tianshan Feng Xiao, my son and the son of the world, It is a church. Please ask the two to see the face of the world, save us and save!"

Xuanyuan smiled silently, and he was too lazy to say a word. After looking around, he said faintly: "This fog has begun to scatter, let's go back!" It is no nostalgia, turn around and leave.

The Zongling~www.readwn.com~ below suddenly rushed, yelling: "You can't save me? He waits for my brother to sit on the top of the Tianshan demon king, you must be full of Xuanshan City! If not we do Tianshan repeatedly blessed you, Xuanshan City has long been è. You think that your waste fiance, can also protect you? Sooner or later, my brother will marry him to sacrifice the flag! Smelly head, this time you will not be saved, I 冇After that, you must be asked to be my little sister, and stay up all night."

Xuanyuan did not care about people, but when he heard the back, he only browed. The original road went back, just as Zong Ling was happy, and Li was brewing. Xuanyuan Yi people directly took out some yào powder, and sprinkled it. Then I clap my hands and turn around and leave.

Li brewed strangely, hurriedly followed, wondering: "Little back sister, what is that yào powder?"

Xuanyuan sighed and smiled, and the wind and lightness shook his head slightly: "Nothing, just let the muddy crocodile drill holes in the fire scale powder."

Li brewed a look, then only felt that the whole body is the skin. Originally from the home small back sister, there is also such a sinister dú back to the spicy time.

At this time, inside the pothole, Zong Ling is crazy and screaming: "This... In the end, who is digging the pit? So insidious, waiting for me to go out, I want him to squat nowhere!! Ah, the sǐ! How? This muddy will drill holes one by one"

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