Divine Brilliance

Chapter 152: Half sleeve

Mobile phone users to read synchronously, please visit. Or here is very close to the cloud car, next to the hill bag, but only 30 feet high. \\\\wwW.u. The first \\\\xuan 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕 辕

Then the pair of apricots, immediately smashed. Lost in love, squatting in place. I forgot all about it, how to react,

At this moment, she is reflected in her field of vision, only in the far air, so dazzling, shocking yàn to the absolute sword, that light and confident, elegant as a fairy!

The sword shadow is only three feet, and the sword is only seven feet. It can be a sword, but it seems to be filling the world. It is also ethereal and dynamic, and the track is not side.

Xuanyuan’s consciousness was also subconscious, and it flashed a few words. Only these two words at the moment can describe her feelings at the moment! One sword, the magic is nowhere! Never yàn the world!

\"This is Zong Shou? How is it possible that he is not a body of two veins, no internal interest? How can he make this sword?"

This kind of swordsmanship, even in the Danquan Zong, the talented brothers, she never saw them can make it out!

Even the teacher mén elders have never had this kind of spirit!

I am looking at the mí茫, I can't be confident and whisper to myself, and Li Niangang is also close behind, and she is on the hill. Looking at the bottom, the face is unusually complicated.

\"Miss, the son of the day said that he killed the sword and served as a thousand, and there are 100,000 blood to kill Li Xingling. This sentence is actually true. That Li evil spirit is really dead in his hands. The sword is a thousand swords, and it is less than one."

Xuanyuan relies on the rejuvenation of the human body. For a time, the more turbulent in the consciousness, the blank. Only one breaks the memory and rushes out from the depths of my mind.

\"My sect is from the top of the sky, why do you need a nv child to protect the special? Yesterday in the backyard, you should also have the induction. According to Miss Xuanyuan, there is a martial arts under this martial arts, is my opponent?"

\"Who can be? Who can kill them except me?"

\"Miss, if one day, you find that Zong Shou Shizi is not a waste person thought by the world, but a young genius who is stronger than the 100,000 blood-killing Li Xingling. Those who want to kill him, for him, In fact, it’s like ants and grasses, jumping clowns, not worth it. Miss, what do you do?

A short word is constantly emerging. Xuanyuan Yi people, not to be tight, biting the chún with beribles.

Really, those words are actually true. The nails are stuck in ròu, it hurts! The chún is also in pain, seeping bloodshot. She is really in reality. \\\\WShu. Provide the latest hand-written book mí group 1∴1(7)666(3)2\\\\

Li Xingling was really killed by him, and in front of her eyes, the one who made the sword like this flying out of the sky is also true.

The unreal feeling of guiltyness immediately subsided. Impression, the inability to practice but xìng feelings perseverance, kindness and some squandering, xìng feeling slightly lazy young, for a moment, with this in front of the foot can make the east of Yunlu, all the sons of the proud son shy , coincident in one place, no difference.

And Xuanyuan Yi people ōng, but also immediately evoked a feeling of incomprehensible taste.

Is it happy? Is it gratifying? Is it emotional? Is it exciting? Is it a shame? Is it?

Xuanyuan can not be distinguished by people, only a sense of a hundred senses, five flavors mixed.

Tiger Qianqiu is also squinting, looking up and looking up. That gaze is also the same, but it is for the sword, mí, full of surprises, appreciation. In the eyelids, the first time revealed a serious sè.

\"A good attacker, when you move on nine days! This sword is really no trace! It's wonderful."

In the realm of his Xuanwu sect, he did not dare to straighten his sakura, and his body shape instantly retreats ten feet, until the sword of Zong Shou is slightly weak, and he is only able to move forward and slash his knife!

The sword is wrong, but it has not crashed into one place. It is dangerous and dangerous to pass each other.

Then dozens of consecutive dozens of hits are the same, continuous, dangerous insurance. It seems that under the moonlight, two people have their own swords and swords, which are completely irrelevant to each other. However, watching the sword's trend, but only a slight deviation, is the first two paragraphs.

Zong Shou’s eyes are not even awkward. Tiger Qianqiu is more exciting and full of blushing, seems to be happy in it, extremely enjoyable.

In the eyes of everyone around, it is another feeling. The knife of Tiger Qianqiu is of course a big open, simple and neat, overbearing. The sword of Zong Shou seems to be more brilliant. The swords are illusory, and they are often pierced from the most incredible angles. But there is no glaze of the sword, and the spirit is moving to the extreme, flowing and changing, freely.

It seems that every sword has a kendo to the general, and the sword, the sword, and the sword are all incomplete.

I was looking at God, and suddenly I felt that it was not far away. A similarly similar 'potential' suddenly rushed up. Everyone was surprised and saw the first snow, just full of joy, watching the sword of Zongshou. The eyebrows fly sè dance. The 'potential' of the body is also flickering, and it is also extremely smart, fluttering yù flying.

These people are also very intelligent people. At this moment, only one change, the meaning of the sentence of Zhizong Shoufang.

The good attacker, when moving on nine days. The sword of the sword is only suitable for this nv child, which implies the meaning of pointing.

In the heart of Zong Yuan, there was no secret. If you haven't broken through the innate, you can appreciate the future of the nv child of martial arts. I don't know how far it will go. Anyway, it is better than him.

He didn't dare to distract him for too long, only secretly swearing a sentence, and then paying attention to that juggling.

The hurricane was overflowing, the knife was four, and the sword was arrogant. The bonfire had already been cleaned up.

However, at this moment, the sky has gradually become clear, a bunch of sunlight, through the clouds, from the east, shue down, making the blade more dazzling.

And just as the sword's momentum has expanded to the extreme, and more and more jīng color, when the tiger is at this time, it has resumed a regretful sigh.

\"Shizi really has been luàn, this style, how do we win?"

\"it is good!"

Zong Shouqi ng ventilated in the abdomen, unable to speak, and simply responded. Then the sword light suddenly broke out, the thunder flashed, and the shadows were heavy, and they went away. This time, it is another style, and it is not afraid to collide with the seven-foot tiger blade of the tiger. All the powers are concentrated and concentrated in the whole, and they are gathered and then regrouped. Then suddenly broke out when the sword hit.

To the shadow of the sword, for a moment, it is more rapid several times.

It is difficult to identify the limits of the eyes of all people who are far beyond this place.

It is only the guardian of this sword, but it is also like 昙huā, when it blooms to the most dazzling, it begins to subside.


A thrilling slamming sound, Zong Shou's figure, slammed back and flew back. The whole person seems to have lost all his strength and is unable to support. Shaking, only to the sword column, did not fall, a trace of blood spilled around the corner of chún.

It’s just that eyelid, but there’s no pain in it, but it’s full of satisfaction and satisfaction after World War I.

And that tiger is a thousand years old, it is a horizontal knife. The whole person seems to be stunned and looks at the big sleeves of his right hand.

Everyone was unaware of it, and they saw a piece of clothing, which was slowly falling off and slipped on the ground.

During the time, the two cars were dead around. Everyone, this moment is silent, as if he has lost the power of speech.

Straight through a few dozens of interest, the tiger is only stunned and laughed again, crazy, full of joy and excitement: \" Lose, lose good! Today's battle, really refreshing, dripping and smooth! It turns out that I am a tiger, I still look down on the world. Is this your sword? The world is unparalleled! After ten years, it’s not right, just seven years, the sword of the world, you must be invincible!"

The voice has not fallen, and the tiger is sweeping out. This knife was suddenly reached to the extreme, and the talents had just come to the eye. The sturdy knives of the hundred feet were already on the side of Zongling.

Almost rubbing the body of Zong Ling, sweeping behind him, Feng Xiao, who is quietly retreating, and the genius congenital master, smashed.

The blood is ròu, and countless blood spots are splashing. Zong Ling’s body, suddenly half a body. Both are dyed red. The whole person did not move, and the eyes completely lost the focal length. The wood and wood looked far away and did not dare to wipe it.

\"It’s the speed of knowing the machine! Just in front of me, do you still want to escape? Let you be crazy with the old man, you have the ability, .... Then mad to the old blind?"

Tiger Zhongyuan's eyelids moved, but no words were dissuaded. Since three months ago, his old man has been wronged for a long time, and he has tolerated countless times in the dry Tianshan. At this time, I don’t need to endure any more. I suddenly broke out, and naturally I couldn’t get out of it.

They also need to borrow the head of this mortal to show their posture in front of the world.

To blame can only complain that this kind of spiritual luck is not good. At this time, the tiger is like a human typhoon, and even he does not dare to provoke.

Having said that, this Shizong spirit is really hateful, there is no real skill, what is it?

Like their sons, the swordsmanship is high, the world is no different, but they know the truth of low-key people. www.readwn.com~ It’s just too low-key.

Just thinking about it here, Tiger Zhongyuan saw a gaze, and looked coldly and coldly, it was Tiger Qianqiu. Without a sigh of relief in my heart, my mood sank to the bottom of the valley. He knows the means of his own father, the extreme of violence, and I am afraid that it will be a painless one.

Zong Yuan was on the ground, and at the moment, he was also sung, and he knew that this would be the case.

At that moment, the Zongling was mostly crying in his heart. Who are these idiots in these people?

It’s just in my heart, but I can’t afford even the slightest glory. I’ve learned some of the martial arts and I’m not interested in it.

Waiting for the sect to vacate, I am afraid that I should die too, right?

Xuanyuan Yiren, is standing in the foothills, stunned, a pair of yù hand tightly squatting.

One by one, he actually can beat the tiger and the half. Even the latter has bound most of the power, not to the strength of Wu Zong, and fight against Zong Shou, but the martial art is rumored, but it can not be faked.

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