Divine Brilliance

Chapter 177: 7 消鬼面

The first snow was shocked, thinking that Zong Shou was going to break the woman earlier, so as not to suffer. Chinese website

After a while, I discovered that the blade was pierced, but it was actually a heart. The angle of penetration is also slightly inclined.

When the Thunder Sword was pulled out again by Zong Shou, there was a few drops of pus on the tip of the sword.

- It also turned into a purple-black color, which is faintly visible, and there are some purple-gold threads inside.

Zong Shou put the tip of the sword on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. He could not help but frown. Above the tip of the sword, the thunder flashed, and the drops of purple red pus were blown up.

This poison can corrode the military blade. Fortunately, the sword is guarded by Zong Shou, and it can spontaneously urge the Leiguang screen to be absolutely restrained.

However, when the pus is crushed, it is even more stinky. The first snow was on the side, and immediately the head was faint, almost fell to the ground.

Next to the tiger Zhongyuan, it is even more stunned. Enduring the stench, returning to Zongshou, hesitated and advised: "Less Lord, this poison is too dangerous, you are the body of a thousand gold, or stay away from some. It is good to have something to do. Don't let the wolf in the back do it -"

Zongyuan rolled his eyes and did not feel angry in his chest. Being controlled by others, involuntarily, is the end of this. It’s not like cannon fodder, it’s just like today, being accused of doing dangerous things.

He has no interest in life, and he has the idea of ​​premature death and early life. No matter how many people, how to toss is good.

Zong Shou waved his hand, indicating that the first snow and the tiger Zhongyuan, all retired. Then, with the spiritual method, a group of water was called, and several medicinal herbs were poured into the woman's mouth.

And dozens of gold needles in succession, pierced into the woman's body.

My heart sighed, but unfortunately, Duanmu was absent. Otherwise, it must be much stronger than his halftone.

He is also only because of the depth of the previous martial arts, the practice of qi to reach a very high level, the body structure, limbs and veins are extremely well understood, coupled with a wide reading, Bo Wenguang remember only. When it comes to real medical skills, it is really not as good as Xuanyuan.

Zong Shou carefully looked at the skin of the woman's limbs. At this moment, it was like the face. It began to appear purple and red, and it was ugly and unbearable. The moment is thoughtful: "It should be good, this poison is mostly a seven-death face. I don't know which one is in the hands of the daytime spiritual master-"

Zongyuan and Chu Xue, still do not feel anything. In the middle of the tiger, I saw a lot of knowledge, and my face turned pale: "Seven sorrows, but ghosts and snakes?"

Zong Shou nodded, surprised to see Tiger Zhongyuan can know this poison, this world is not much.

There are not many ghost face snakes, but they also grow under the clouds and some places of evil.

However, it is often taken care of by the spirits who can travel in the daytime. This snake grows very fast and is a third-order beast when born. Just provide enough animal crystals, venom and food. After about two hundred years, you can grow into a seventh-order sperm. After that, the eighth order and the nineth order are faster than the same order.

The ability to fight is slightly worse, almost the weakest. However, the seven-depleted ghosts contained in the fangs are extremely poisonous, and there is almost no way to solve them in the world. The higher the order, the stronger the toxicity. There are even a few possibilities for differentiation, so it is deeply loved by the spiritual master.

After poisoning, it is such a situation like a woman. First, the face is like a goblin, and then the limbs and limbs will appear, and this purple-red bump and texture will appear.

In total, there will be seven stages, and the visceral lungs and blood marrow meridians will all fail.

The face of the tiger was changed for a while, but then he leaned over again and persuaded: "If it is this poison, please ask the child to let her result as soon as possible! I heard that this poison is very different, unless the spirit is specially matched with the medicine, it is almost impossible. Solution. A little careless, you can infect others, the most vicious."

Zong Shou is also undecided, sitting in the same place, carefully looking through the memory of his mind, looking for it in the vast sea of ​​books.

Later generations have flowed from the major sects due to countless martial arts. Although psionic energy is constantly weakening, it can be studied with the Japanese army. Coupled with the explosion of information, the medical skills are gradually developed and entered into a very strong.

Many ancient times were regarded as difficult problems, and the mysteries of the ban were untied in later generations.

And it includes most of the time, it is regarded as no solution to this 'seven waning ghost face'.

The library where Zong Shou is located is a country, not only has a vast collection of books, but also all-encompassing. Zong Shou stayed in it for ten years, and he also read most of the books in the middle, and there are records of seven debilitating faces.

However, it is vaguely remembered that the conditions for detoxification are also extremely demanding.

After a short time, a piece of text has emerged in his mind. In the eyes of Zong Shou, there is also a bit of easy color.

"-- Fortunately, it's just a sixth-order toxin. This woman still has a cure! However, the poison has already entered the marrow. It takes some time to get rid of it all. It takes a lot of blood to replace it."

The female's teeth were again consumed, and then a thunder knife was used, and a small mouth was cut over the purple-black tongue.

Zong Shou did not care about the stinking pus and blood, and bent down directly, containing the woman's tongue, violent sucking.

The first snow and the tiger Zhongyuan, when they saw the situation, they took a cold breath.

The latter wants to stop but it is not enough. It is a dark worry, and the first snow is even more scared. She was just three feet away from the side, looking at Zong Shou with her own eyes, and entangled with the ugly face of the girl, it is really worried.

This poison is so strange, I don’t know if I am a master, will it be infected? Even if you want to save this woman, you don't need to. The young master is too much to put his life on his heart.

Zong Shou sucked for a moment, then he looked up again, and then spurted a spurt of blood. Poured on the grass near it, and suddenly there was a light smoke.

After the seven-depleted ghost face poison, two of the most toxic. One is the tip of the tongue, the other is the heart, and it is the blood of the human body. In order to save people, these two parts are the first places to be cleaned up.

I have been sucking it several times until the purple color of the tip of the tongue turns light. Zong Shou also posted on the girl's left chest, and after the same five or six, she only stopped.

Then Zong Shou only felt in his own brain, and it was also a faint sigh. Fortunately, his spiral infuriating was really amazing in terms of body poison. Or freeze directly, or burn with fire. If you can't drive the purple mine, you can expel it.

It is for this reason that Hu Zongyuan did not help. Although the three men are also good, they can’t be compared to him in terms of drug repellent.

Suddenly sucked out these body blood, Zong Shou has also spurred a handprint, chanting the mantra, and promoting the spiritual law, attached to a wound in this woman.

This is to identify the blood type, after a while, I only see the purple red thick blood, gradually appearing at the pale gold point.

When Zong Shou saw it, he immediately made a glimpse: "It’s clever, I’m thinking of the neighborhood, looking for someone to pump some fresh blood. But I’m not thinking about this woman’s blood type, but I’m thinking about it!”

As early as in the ancient times, some people thought about the method of blood exchange to treat various illnesses. There have been some successful examples, but most of the time, they are all failures. Within twelve hours, most of them die.

It was not until four thousand years later that the blood type of human beings was found, which was roughly divided into three types and could not be exchanged at will. Therefore, this spiritual method was invented and the blood type was identified. There were three colors of gold, silver and copper. Since then, many patients who have been difficult to heal in ancient times have been able to recover.

The girl's blood type is golden, the same kind as him, which saves him countless strengths.

The woman's wrist veins were cut open, and the poisonous blood began to be released. It was immediately a stench. Dropped into the grass, the withered vegetation nearby, suddenly expanded again.

However, this time, whether it is the first snow or the tiger Zhongyuan, they are definitely standing in the same place, and they have to resist and have not retreated. Even Zong Yuan, just holding his nose on his hand, still stood still.

Waiting for the poisonous blood, and then did not flow out, Zong Shou will be a three-inch long, hollow inside, the most thick gold needle, piercing near the girl's heart. Cut your own wrists as well. A trace of bright red blood, guided by the spiritual method, poured into the golden needle, slowly flowing into the woman's body.

Only about half an hour, this woman's face, but a little more ruddy color. The ugly lines and bulges, although not receding, have recovered a bit of life.

The tiger Zhongyuan looked at the surprise, and the heart of the road, which is known as the unsolvable 'seven waning ghost face', was easily solved. The method of changing blood, he had heard of it before, but most of them are a few Death within the hour.

The medical skills of Shizi are really amazing. The Lingfa martial arts have been extremely abnormal, and the medical skills are so strong -

The first snow did not pay attention to this. It only looked at the color of the sect, and gradually became a paper-like color. She couldn’t help but put her white and tender wrists in front of Zongshou: "Less master, is it better to change the snow?" Cher is a girl like her and should be available."

Zong Shou is dumbfounded, this blood type has nothing to do with gender. Even if it is the same blood type, it is not worthy of the Thunder essence in his body.

Estimate the amount of blood output ~ www.readwn.com ~ before the Kamak may hurt his own strength, the wound will be accepted in advance.

The seven debilitating faces are already in the marrow, and the internal organs are naturally infested.

This method of transfusion has a miraculous effect when it was just poisoned. I can get to this point, there is no five or sixty times, I don’t want to completely remove it.

He still needs to be energized to recover soon, ready for the next blood transfusion.

I was about to take out the golden needles one by one, and I was obedient and looked at her face. I saw this woman, already awake. I was looking at him with clear eyes.

Zong Shou’s heart was moving, pale, and asked with a smile: “Are you weak?”

The girl seemed to speak extremely hard, but she stopped talking, but stopped, slightly nodded, and then raised one hand. The incompetent light touches the face of Zongshou, and the eyes are filled with joy and joy, until the pupils are stunned again and fainted.

At this moment, Zong Shou, and then looked at the sky. Look at this time, it is impossible to find the pulse again.

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