Divine Brilliance

Chapter 188: I'll smack you

"I have a relationship with your father, so I know some things about him. Not only do you deal with your Tianhu Bawei Wangzu Xueshi. In these years, he fought in the Quartet, and he did not know how many pieces of the hidden sects, the enemies were all over, only waiting for the younger brother. When I stepped into the celestial position of Wu Zong, the reason why I was eager to break through was to help him. Unfortunately, it was a failure.

Every time Xuanyuantong says a word, he will give a cup. The sect of Zong Shou also had to drink.

The entire iron scorpion hall is silent, listening to the Xuanshan city owner, talking about these secrets.

Only the square book is a faint expression. With the body of the Danquan ancestral disciple, the name of the watermark, it is obvious that these things have long been heard.

"But the result of the war half a year ago, I also deliberately went to inquire about it. Therefore, although the younger brother was seriously injured, he was joined by many celestial martial arts martial arts and forced into the sea of ​​clouds. No one was sure that he was born and died. Naturally, no one, It can be proved that he is still alive. In the end, if I break through the heavens, I will go to the sea of ​​clouds and see the truth. Don’t blame me for not helping you, doing the things of Tianshan, I am not good enough. If this is the moment Helping you, not only is my Xuanshan City in danger of being overturned, but also calling you to death."

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Tong suddenly looked at the eyes, such as the blade-like sight, and forced the Zong Shou: "So you know when you are a child, I haven’t been here. I have never had anyone to go to tea!" But I don't want the world to misunderstand!"

In a few words, it is said that there is a sound in the ground, and the sound of the earthquake is constantly echoing in the temple. The sect is not the same as the sè, and the sacred mouth of the sacred mouth is slightly surprised, but when he sees him every drink, Zong Shou has to follow At the time of the event, it was another joy: "There is no need for the son of the world. I am forced to drink this medicinal liquor because of the flaws in the practice. You can do it at will."

Zong Shou suddenly secretly groaned, how can you say this early? At this time, it was already faintly intoxicated, and the head was a little dizzy. At the moment, it was not hesitant, and immediately urged the infuriating, and began to force out the liquor in the body.

When the sect of the sect of the singer, the sè is suddenly changed. The spiral is just getting in touch with it, and it is hard to push. First, the flames burned, the wine helped the fire, and the momentum slammed. Even the other half of the water system is really powerless and can’t be suppressed. Then there was a thunderstorm, and it was more and more open.

If this is the case, you can still cope. It was immediately followed by his body, "Starting the Watermark", and he did not know what to do. He began to show signs of instability. The blood of the human race, which has not yet been awake, is a stupid sway, and there are some signs that the blood of the fox will be crushed.

Fortunately, at this moment, the meat "starting the watermark" is strong. Had a rush to conceal his own regrets, let the wine divergence. Instinctively, with the high-speed spiral of water and fire, it produces a centrifugal repulsive force, which is barely stabilized. My heart is weird, I can't think of my own law, and there are such flaws.

I don't know how this wine is brewed. It is not the first grade, but the wine is stronger. It’s only a moment of time, it’s getting out. Not only is there some dizzy mí in his brain, but even the shackles of the yuan hún are somewhat unclear.

Xuanyuan Tong did not detect, the face sè turned into a bleak way: "I Xuanyuan can do anything for the younger brother to do anything, do not do anything! You can not rely on others, but I can not use her life to repay the younger brother This ǎn犊 heart, I don’t know the world, can you understand?”

There were a few people in Lin Shina, and they heard a happy moment. Zong Shou also secretly smiled, this Xuanyuan Tong did not lie. It is a good person. He likes brotherly loyalty and love for his children.

It’s just a matter of today, but it’s not allowed at all. Slightly meditation, Zong Shou turned into indifference: "Shi Bo told me these things, the meaning of the words, is it necessary to default the remarriage?"

Xuanyuan Tong was slightly disappointed, and lost a smile: "I am extravagant. If the child is a few years old, I have a child in the future, and I have a father, or I can understand it. But this marriage is not retired. I have not yet made up my mind. ""

Also looked at Zong Shou: "The one behind you, but the son of Tiger Qianqiu? The six rounds of the wheel, really good. This person is by your side, I want to come to the tiger brother is the mind has been set. So, the Tianshan demon king The position is mostly in your bag? Just you know, the more you are, the more worried I am? I know that a few months ago, I let you go to find someone. It is she who takes you out of Yunlu, far away. The heart of the disaster? Since it is gone, why bother to come back one by one?"

Xuanyuan Yi people suddenly moved, suddenly looked at Xuanyuan Tong, it is somewhat unexpected.

Zong Shou has already expected a few points, but he did not answer, quietly waiting for the other party to say.

But before Xuanyuan Tong talked, Lin Shina suddenly had tears in her eyes. It seems to be a strong resentment: "Frather, you have to be the brother of the righteousness. I have no good for our family. You want I have no complaints, and this is a matter of course. But what about our daughters. If the Xuan Yuemu is really flawed, or if there is something unexpected in the world, how can she live in the future?"

Zong Shou was suddenly stunned and secretly admired. This is really powerful. When the eye is coming, it’s not too much. However, listening to his words, he is also deeply loved by Xuanyuan.

Then he spoke, but Tan Tao, but at the moment it was slightly frowning: the wife of the city owner said something wrong! The dry Tianshan seems to be in danger, but it is our Xuanshan City. In the future, I will rely on the dryness of the Tianshan Mountains, and survive and die, in the hands of others, between the world. The city owner has been acclaimed for decades, and it is even more unbearable. This marriage is a retreat! Besides, the world has a support for the tigers, and the position of the demon king of the Tianshan Mountains is already ten-nine, and those who are hidden in the world must not do more care. Madame does not need to worry about one by one."

Zong Shou could not help but be secretly surprised and took a glance at this person. This person really got it, this sentence is really brilliant. A good jī will be the law, a good one to retreat!

It’s just that this person knows that the situation is so, but he still says this. Is there anything really cuddling that makes Xuanshan City turn to danger? What is the idea of ​​turning again?

Look at the face of Xuanyuantong sè, it really is suddenly white and white, changeable.

At that moment, Luo Luozhen seems to be unable to listen any more, and roared: "What kind of fart is said? Before the fifteen years ago, my Xuanshan City soldier was only 100,000, and the jurisdiction was only eight hundred miles, but still able to be on this day.澜 澜 立 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 Watching grow up. I can't let him marry a waste scum! ”

Zong Shou chún can't help but draw the "watering and watermarking" movement. On top of his own, now he has to add more ‘human scum. This label is just the moment, and he has no intention to care about it. I only feel that the body is getting more and more tumbling in my body, and my mind is more mí- paste, but I don’t dare to dispel it.

Xuanyuan Tong frowned, and after a long while, only slightly sighed: "According to people, you go out first!"

Thanks to the people who raised their heads, they were yelling. However, seeing Xuanyuan’s face at the moment, it’s so condensed that she doesn’t allow her to speak again: “Go out!”

Xuanyuan sank when he was neutral, hesitated for a moment, or got up and went to the temple. At the time of leaving, I looked at Zong Shou a few people with a worried look, but I saw only the Zongshou face, full of blush. It is not a slight singularity, but there is no way to think too much. When he broke up three months ago, Zong Shou promised him that he would properly handle the matter.

With its eloquence, it is sure to change its mind.

While waiting for Xuanyuan to step out of the hall, the temple door closed again. Xuanyuan Tongcai once again filled the bottle in front of him, and his tone was flat: "In fact, this matter should have been broken. I am still hesitant when I am in the future, but now I have seen the world, but I have a decision. People and your marriage, how do you give up the world?"

Zong Shou’s head is already unclear. Originally prepared for the full rhetoric, quite conceited Tao Tao eloquent, at this moment have not known where to go. Eyes mí茫 thought for a long time, still no income, can only shake his head: "No!"

Xuanyuan Tong slightly curds the eyebrows: "So what do you want to give up?" This is my Xuanyuan general loss, no matter what requirements you have, money, soldiers and horses, as long as I can do what I can, I will do my best for you! You want It’s really a decision, and I will do my best to help you get on the top of the Tianshan Mountain demon king."

Zong Shou thought for a long time before he spoke again: "Xuanyuan City Lord, it seems that only the daughter of Yiren?"

The people in the temple, suddenly stunned, when they did not know what to expect. Just listen to Zong Shouhehe smiled: "If I am jealous of people, this Xuanshan City is not all mine in the future? In short, it depends on her, I am sure! This 媳fù, I like it!"

At this moment, even a few people after the body was stunned, but also a stunned. After the horror of the Tiger Central Plains, it immediately showed a respectful sè, and sure enough it was a child! I really admire.

The book is heard, it is '嗤, a smile: "I am so shameless, I saw it for the first time! I have already said this point, but still so hòu Pi Lai, said that you are scum, It’s really not wrong!”

Lin Shina is equally angry is the face sè iron blue ~ www.readwn.com ~ Luo Wei is a double fist clenched, the bones burst into a burst, seems to want to crush the Zong Shou. I resisted my anger and sneered: "My family is small, sister, but the capital of the sky! At the age of twelve, it was already Danquanzong, and it was chosen as a rumor. The technique of alchemy is even more known as the peerless. Do you have any morality, can you deserve to be worthy of yourself? Ask yourself if you have the ability to protect her life. The city owner asks you to give you a face. This marriage, our Xuanshan City is a remorse, you are Can I help me? Believe it or not, I am killing you here?"


Xuanyuan passed a heavy drink, so that Luo Luo shut up, and then it was also a cold voice: "My story is a little thicker, but there is nothing wrong with it. This marriage is forced to retreat today. How can Shizi take my Xuanyuantong?"

"Can you take this like you?"

Zong Shou looked a glimpse, followed by a soft whisper, his eyes flashing. Not so much, a period of memory that has been dusty for a long time, constantly appearing in front of the eyes. Suddenly, there was a burst of anger that could not be suppressed in the ōng, the injustice, the long-lost resentment, and suddenly appeared in the mind.

Did not think how small, were already keep pulling evening, out, eyes Wei Zheng, crimson eye: "You have to destroy marriage, I'll beat you!"! .

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