Divine Brilliance

Chapter 201: Cangsheng

"Under the end, it is not the end, and I don't know the final result. It is a temper with your master, even if you know that you must lose. If you stalk, you must fight with others."

Inside the pool, a sneer, but still a white, below the board. The voice turned to lazy: "What is the final result? It was killed by the Confucian sacred priests and many Buddhism and Taoism, and they were not peaceful after death. They were divided into dozens of pieces, and the town was pressed against Wulu Shi. The two islands are really terrible. One is almost going to embark on the peaks of all circles. It should have been a dead person, but it’s so mixed. It’s so speechless—"

"You are not saying this right!"

The young man shook his head and looked very serious: "The master is different from me. He knows that he must win, he has been fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, fighting with people. Only because he knows, we are all people." The idea of ​​equality must have the day to spread the world. It may not be in his generation. It is not in my generation, nor in the next generation, but there must be a day to fulfill his longings-"

The female voice was stunned, and the whole pool was frozen. "It’s easy to say, and the momentum is really tragic. But when you are a Confucian, are all made of mud? It’s broken? The Confucian sacred priests are all born in the righteousness of the heavens and the earth, and uphold the air transport between heaven and earth. Since it is natural to blame you for being a demon, it is natural to have a truth! I think that you are now at risk. But I can't see any chance."

"Hey! The predecessors said that it was a bad one. I respected him as one of the Confucian sacred priests! Even before dying, it was the righteousness and the crown of all Saints!"

The white robe youth specially made up the Confucian crown on the top of the head. It seems that he was specifically reminding the other party that he was doing Confucianism at the moment.

"Shi Zun once said, what is Confucianism? The word solution of Confucianism is the word of man and need. Therefore, the so-called Confucianism, in short, is the need of human beings. Today's Confucianism is precisely suitable for all. The humanity is naturally rich in air. But if one day, the people of this world will not want to go to their own truths, when the humanity changes. So now the so-called Confucianism is just some pseudo-Confucianism, false Confucianism. How can you not win?"

"But how do you know that this humanity will have a changing day?"

"I really don't know about this."

The white robe youth bowed his head and seemed to finally think about it. He should have a son on the chessboard.

"Those guys, the dead are the responsibility of the fools. What people can make it, can not make it. Confucian economics, they are misinterpreted as this look, it is really painstaking. Also spread ethics Confucianism, to ban people's hearts. This goes on, This humanitarian trend is really hard to change."

"I don't know, how can I know that I will win?" The sound of the pool that has been turned into ice is cold.

"I just know!" The white robe youth is also slightly--: "This person's heart is changing, the most unpredictable, but it is generally not suffering from poverty and suffering. Even if it is no longer how to imprison, how to fool, what is the use? Those people are so rebellious, how can they not go further and further with the human trend? The dozens of dynasties of the Central and Central Clouds are often only a few hundred years old. And the Confucian is also hundreds of years. The reincarnation of a hundred years of murder has never changed. The land of the Five Lands and the Twelve Islands, I do not know how many people are living, because of this war. Death is not repentant, and these are the heavenly locusts -"

When I said this, the look of the white robe youth seems to be getting more and more angry. It is very anxious: "I am Confucian righteous, six arts, ritual, music, shooting, imperial, book, number. Ancient sacred, or martial arts strong Or the peak of the spirits. The result is now changed to what six classics. So that today's Confucian students, most of them are the power of hands-free chicken, relying only on what is right and right to eat, life and death between the hands of the king of the king, Why are you walking around the dog and talking about what is going on? And what is the middle way, it’s shit!"

Pulling the collar openly to the collar: "The ancient saints, the so-called moderates, are the combination of nature and humanity. They pay attention to the combination of nature and human form, and cultivate the nature to achieve the best, the most sincere, the sincerity, the path, the virtue, and the St. But they were born to be unbiased and compromised. What is the rule of the big country, such as cooking small fresh, how can this big country be compared to Xiaoxian? Even if you really want to cook something small, occasionally force it, it is no harm. Like them, even if the body is rotted and pused everywhere, don’t dare to cut it with a knife. What do you mean? I used to act in a few years, only a little out of the way, it was considered cool, but If you die, you will not be able to take a break. If there is no water to clear the fish, then there should be no fish in the water. Is it clear that there is a relationship between the two? The Confucian ruled the world, and every hundred years, it was corrupt and confusing. Frequently, the Confucian life, but it is nothing to do. There is no way to accuse me of the teacher, but the evil outsider, I grass his fairy board-"

Within the pool, there was silence for a moment. It seems to be completely shaken by the last swearing of the youth.

The white robe youth, but turned to smile: "When you play chess, say what to do. I rarely come to accompany you once. These things have nothing to do with you -"

After a long time, the sound in the water pool was scorned and it should be a child.

The white robe youth saw it first. After a while, it was a smile: "Sure enough, if you don't continue to fight, how do you know that you end up losing or losing? If you only admit defeat, then you will think of it, you will be so big, so big. Flaws? Even my stinky chess scorpion, I saw the defeat of victory -"

Among the pools, there was another silence. But just as the young man is holding a black chess in his hand. Suddenly, my heart moved slightly, and I took a hand out.

Hundreds of miles away from here, there was a glimpse of the moment. The white robe youth, immediately look at it and bring it into the hands. After only a moment, it was a brow. It is both a surprise and a worry.

"The person who sent this, but your younger man who got Wu Sheng Jin Dan?"

The sound inside the pool seems to have been confirmed. Not waiting for the young people to answer, they turned to curiosity: "What is it that makes your heart so turbulent?"

The young man did not answer, and he thought for a long time before he slammed his hand and held it in his hands. Crying and sad face: "It is indeed Lingbo, she recently found a good seedling. Fourteen years old, kendo psychic, congenital veins, night tour."

"Just just that?" The female voice is obviously somewhat puzzled. It seems that this year, this kind of achievement. In front of her eyes, it is still not worth mentioning.

"Lingwu double repair, fourteen years old can have this achievement, can only be considered good. It is the martial art of the spirit, this is indeed the first person since the beginning of the day. But it is not too bad, will you be alarmed by this sacred place. By that The current sect of Taiyuanzong came out and accepted it as a rumored disciple. After all, you are no longer in the cloud world."

The white robe youth, but slightly sighed, is very helpless: "But if this person is born, it is the body of the two veins, the barrier of heaven and man, and the soul of the soul is broken?"

Inside the pool, it was really a horror, it was amazing. Above the water surface, a snow-white faucet emerged. Although it is huge, it can look like that, but it is somewhat cute and cute. Looking at the big chessboard with two big eyes.

"In this world, there are still such strange people? It is really strange to cultivate in this realm, but it has not yet died. If he is a candidate for the Emperor, the air transport should not be so bad, the obstacles of several major practices. I’m not in the same place. It’s not like this. Why is it so embarrassing? Right, remember that I still owe you a favor. You and I have been together for many years, as long as I can do what I can. This time I can help you."

The white robe youth, but not half-hearted, slightly shook his head: "With such a disciple, I am naturally happy. But this person, now the sword is also known. Lingbo that child, and Wuji Mountain Villa The strict Yan has been arguing for months, but this is reported to me. You said that I don’t have a headache? However, if you really help me, it is easy to solve this problem."

"Jian Zong? Want to deal with the Lord of the Swordsman? That's still, I want to sleep."

The jade dragon's eyeball turned, and then decisively sank into the water, squatting bubbling.

The white robe youth snorted and didn't care. He only shook his head slightly: "You, this woman, really can't stand it. It seems that the cloud world really wants to go back. When I came there, I also left for more than four thousand years. I really miss."

Then, with great regret, I looked at the chessboard in front of me: "It’s just this chess, but it’s not going to happen. It’s really rare to win you!"

"With your chess ~www.readwn.com~ Even if I am wrong, it is still not my opponent. This game to the end, it should be that I win you six eyes!"

The female voice scorned with a bit of disdain. Then he took a group of white light to the white robe youth.

"This thing you take, in my place, it is useless anyway. You are in the martial arts, although they have been sanctified. But once you enter the cloud, you must be suppressed. With this, how much can help you Second, be careful, don't be as good as your teacher, be surrounded by the crowd -"

The white robe youth smiled, and did not go to see the white light in the end is the harmony, and put things into the sleeves. There is gratitude in the eyes, and within this pool, he is slightly beheaded. Then there is no longer staying, stepping into the void.

And when the youth figure disappeared. The jade white faucet will pop up again. The whole body is out of the water, but only a myriad of red chains are seen, which will smash the entire dragon body and densely.

At that moment, the longan is looking at the chessboard with some mistakes.

"Strange, how can I be here?"

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