Divine Brilliance

Chapter 204: Massive heritage

Recommended for the "genius of the faculty": the iron mouth is straight, a thousand gold. The young Ye Tian is so close to the teacher, the study of the heavens and the earth, the change of the ancient and the modern, for the sacred sect of the sect, nodded silently, a thousand mysterious Dragon ride, this is a heavy weight. He does not want to say thank you, only mind to remember jī.

"Nature, there is no absolute loyalty in this world. So, don't let him down."

When it comes to this, Xuanyuantong has also waved. Among the team of knights, the foremost one, driving the most magnificent winged dragon beast, walked to Xuanyuan side. When the face is opened, it is Tan Tao, who is headed to Zongshou.

"Where you are next to the Zonghu, you are among the martial arts, you can be a squatter of the ten. But if you encounter Xuanwuzong, in the end, there are still some losses to the weak water, although he did not teach it, just like a disciple. , but the poison is not healed.

I asked Tan Tao to follow you, and the things of Yunxiao Mountain and the Flame Mountain were provoked by him. This time he will be guilty of sin! ”

Xuanyuan Tong said that this sentence still seems to be angry, and he took a look at Tan Tao. The latter can only be a bitter smile, and then the expression turns to awe-inspiring: "The city owner is relieved, this is going to dry the Tianshan Mountains, I will never let the world son, die in front of my Tan Tao!"

Xuanyuan Tong was satisfied with this smile, Zong Shou was a dark headache, how could it be this yīn dangerous guy? He would rather have Xuanyuan pass to his side, it is that Luo.

However, at this moment, I can't refuse, but I can't help but say: "Thank you for your father-in-law, this thousand mysterious dragon rides. It takes only three months, and my master will definitely let them come back completely!"

"You don't need it, you are the master of the city of Xuanshan City. This Xuanjiafeng dragon ride, it should be yours in the future, and you will use it later. Naturally, this group of people will come to you to support later."

Seeing Zong Shou is a stunned stunned, Xuanyuan Tong then he smiled and said: "I know that your father is avoiding the sinking clouds, once in the Sanlu Qianzhuang, leaving you a large number of beast crystals. This is not a man. Can't afford it?"

Zong Shou is silent for a while. What is this man? Ten Wu Zongqiang, fifty congenital martial artists, and two hundred secret martial artists. The rest of the people are also on the ground.

There is also this man three horses, a total of three thousand wind wing dragon beasts. This person eats horses to chew, and there is no more than 400 fourth-order stone in the year of the supply of the Lulu, or four thousand-order beast crystals, which do not want to supply.

Some of them are half of Wu Zong, and the Ling Dan Ling Stone, which is cultivated every year, takes up about two thousand fourth-order beast crystals.

How many fourth-order beast crystals and spiritual stones can be produced in Tianshan for one year? There are quite a few Lingshi mines, but most of them need to be separated by those hidden ancestral gates.

He remembers the total annual income of Tianshan in one year, all the money and taxes of Lingshi Beast, as well as the tribute of the vassal of the vassal, plus the sale of the medicinal herbs and weapons and various materials, converted into the fourth-order animal crystal, Only about 30,000. Every year, the hunting income under the sea of ​​clouds is quite a lot, it should be 250,000.

In other words, only the supply of this thousand mysterious dragon rides is almost equivalent to the total annual income of one-eighth of the dry Tianshan.

Even after he went back, he inherited the position of the demon king, and this money is not something he can use at will.

Now I can only count on the wealth that Zong’s legacy has left for him.

Xuanyuantong seems to have seen his thoughts and smiled a little. "Reminder is! Don't forget that the younger brother, six years ago, was already a martial artist. And he was alone, he could break into the sea of ​​clouds and hunt seven steps. The beast is a monster, a flawless heaven! Only one person can harvest more than ten seventh-order beast crystals every year. In these years, almost every day, go to those famous fierce places to grind the martial arts. You It is conceivable that his wealth is now huge. It is estimated that these years of accumulated money can almost buy my Xuanshan City."

When Zong Shou’s eyes suddenly shrank, his heart suddenly let go of his heart. It’s just the heart, but it’s a bounce.

In this era, on the top of the cloud, the essence of the beast reached the fourth level, it is extremely rare. Even if there are hordes, or live in the most sinister wasteland. More and more like Xiao Zhi, opened the wisdom. It is no longer an ordinary congenital martial artist who can hunted with the power of a single person.

Therefore, between the fourth and third orders, the price gap of nearly a hundred times has been opened.

However, there is no cloud on the land, but under the cloud, there are countless devils, and there are countless beasts and evil spirits.

If you have enough strength, you can go hunting by the floating cloud ship. However, this basically means fighting for life and being extremely dangerous. Even the celestial Wuzong, the day's spiritual master, may not be able to save the life.

It is said that in many times of cloudlessness, the beasts that were expelled from the cloud land survived below. There are also countless powerful beasts that are infected by magic. Even after 10,000 years of loading, almost every year there is a celestial Wu Zong or a day trip, and the besieged and fallen.

Therefore, in addition to those hidden ancestral gates, only the big forces like the dry Tianshan are qualified to organize the fleet and go hunting and killing the celestial crystal.

Therefore, there are countless Wuzong and congenital martial artists, attached to the dry Tianshan and Xuanshan City. In addition to the half of the animal crystals obtained in the devil's land, they also handed over other incomes, including those fur materials, to their own.

The annual taxation of the dry Tianshan is actually not much. More than half of the wealth comes from this sea of ​​clouds. Because it is because of every entry and exit, there are very few casualties, in order to be the east of Yunlu. One is that he guessed that Zong was very strong. It can be so strong that it is so astounding!

Alone in and out of the sea of ​​clouds, hunting the seventh-order essence of the beast, and unharmed. Even if Wu Zun is at the first level, it may not be possible.

According to Xuanyuan Tong’s statement, Zong Weiran has been smashed for six years. That is to say, in the past six years, he has slaughtered the monsters of the beasts underneath, and they have not been noticed by those who are the masters of the Zongmen!

Then Zong Shou began to calculate in his heart, how much is the property that Zong Weiran left for himself.

A seven-order beast crystal can be equivalent to ten thousand four-order beast crystal mouths a year, six years is six hundred thousand four-order beast crystal. Isn't this the equivalent of two years of dry Tianshan?

Even if the ancestors did not, they need to use a lot. Above the heavens, the required medicinal herbs are massive. But the remaining number, I am afraid, is also huge enough to exceed his imagination.

Taking a deep breath, Zong Shouqiang forced his mind to calm down. Then all the heads are cold sweat, right!

I remember a few days later, it was the price of the first b ō 晶 晶 and Lingshi, the day of the big fall, this time the decline, it is not too small, he actually forgot.

I used to think that I had the Lingshi Beast Crystal of Sanlu Qianzhuang. The number should not be too big, not very much in my heart. Confidence, even if it is lost, you can earn it back quickly. At this moment, it is a bit of a heartache.

Suddenly, my heart froze, remembering that near the way home, at the east entrance of the Ruo Ruhai Mountains, there seems to be a floating market, a famous market for repairers.

Numerous martial arts sorcerers, as well as various forces, and even hidden sects, are trading here.

That Sanlu Qianzhuang, there must be a semicolon in it, just in the way.

That Xuanyuan’s general view of Zongshou’s face was fascinating, and it’s a sudden change. It’s also a secret singularity. Then it’s been stunned by this huge fortune. It’s dumbfounded: “How much money did he leave in the end? I don't know. But I want to come to a lot. I have to supply me with this thousand mysterious dragons for three or five years. There is no problem, no need to worry! Right, Zong Shou, you know, Lingwu is one?"

In this sentence, the question is the sudden arrival. Next to Tan Tao and Tiger Qianqiu, it is also a gaze. It immediately resumed as usual.

"Lingwu is one?"

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows slightly, and this Lingwu two is regarded as a noun for high achievement. How can he not know. It’s just a little weird. Xuanyuan Tong asked me what to do?

"I have heard of it, but it seems that only Lingwu and the two can reach the fairyland. It is possible to do it. Under the fairyland, although some people can finish it, the number of people is very small. It is said that after the cloud shortage, it is only Seven people only one"

Among the seven, the most famous ones are the Lord of the Swords and the sages of Cangsheng. Moreover, in a short period of time, they have stepped into the fairy door and left the cloud world. They are all powerful and messy characters.

The martial arts martial arts can be roughly divided into three levels of heaven and earth. After Lingwuzun and the true spirits, it is far from being a stop.

"Sure enough, just after being drunk, what can I do under the unconscious?"

Xuanyuan passed a sigh, and the face was regretful. Until I saw Zong Shou’s face, I smiled again. “You are also a spiritual and double repair. Didn’t you think about trying to take Lingwu’s two, one for one. ?"

Zong Shou heard the words, but he shook his head decisively: "Why didn't you think about it. But I heard that the spirit and the spirit are united, relying on the inspiration and opportunity of the epiphany. If it is strong, it must not be one by one."

Xuanyuan Tong nodded slightly ~www.readwn.com~ no longer tangled, but also took a clap, and then saw the pair of knights behind, and then drove out a cloud car.

Zong Shou is secretly strange. He looks at the inside of the sweeper, but only sees that the jar of wine in the cylinder is not strange. Xuanyuantong should be clear, is he drinking alcohol?

However, I only listened to Xuanyuantong’s explanation: “This is my collection of wine cellars for decades. I will give it to you today. It’s best to drink a bottle every time you practice martial arts. It is good for you. If you encounter a strong enemy, you can drink half drunk and not drunk, which is best?"

Zong Shou suddenly was speechless, drinking martial arts against him, how did he not know? To talk about the experience of martial arts, the father-in-law of his own family is not shooting himself.

However, it was still difficult to accept, and when Zong Shouzheng yù turned back, when he walked back to the car, he suddenly pretended to have a question: "Right, I recently listened to Tiger Central, these two The animal crystals that have been hunted in the Tianshan Mountains have grown by more than double. The animal crystals circulating in the market are also much more than in previous years. I don’t know if this is true of my father-in-law. If so, I’m going to go to the world. Floating city, the father's crystals left by his father, all replaced. I do not know why, the world is always not assured."

Xuanyuan Tong did not care first, but I heard the last few sentences. .

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