Divine Brilliance

Chapter 218: Wind and explosion arrow

The feeling of fainting continued for several decades, and gradually slowed down.

Around the next moment, the windy body gradually faded away, and the platform underneath the thick logs was cracked. The winds are all ignored, and they are paying attention to their eyes.

"Since the military is in chaos, why bother to fight again? Squeezing into a group waiting to be slaughtered one by one? Passing the past, let them get away, give me away. Exit three miles, reorganize the formation! As for Black Cloud Ride and Tiger Leopard Ride can escape the best, and it doesn't matter if you can't escape!"

At that time, Xiong Kui’s eyes were whistling, and some of the admirers looked at them. Being able to recover reasoning so quickly. Destroyed the generals, and did not anger and attack. More strong men's broken wrists, it is really good.

It is worthy of the generation of Yunxiaoshan. The person who can compare with him is really worthy. It is not contemptuous and windy. At this time, there is a burst of Limang, and the murderous voice is watching infinitely. Go straight to the sky.

"I just want to know who the man is?"

"I am also curious! As far as I know, Xuanshan City may be able to break through 50,000 people, only Xuanyuantong and Zhu Junhou."

Xiong Kui is also frowning and frowning: "It is only a few provinces under the jurisdiction of Xuanshan City. Recently, it is extremely unstable. Especially the Linyi City in the north has been revived, with 150 ships and a huge army of 600,000. Xuanyuan It is said that it is in a closed practice, Zhu Junhou at the moment, how to go?"

At the time of speaking, the black-pressed cavalry in the distance was already ordered to scatter in the clouds.

The vision of the two is also wide. I saw the area in the square of the circle. It was already full of corpses and blood flowed into the river. More than 10,000 people have been lying on the wasteland forever. The armor worn on the body, or black or white, is a well-crafted armored warrior, which is like being pierced by countless needle tips!

And a few thousand feet away, a red horse figure riding a dragon horn horse, carrying a purple sè thunder gun, is finally in front of the two. Although the body is focused on the nail, although it is not clear. The two were the first time, and they recognized the man in the armor that they were familiar with.

"It is Zongyuan!"

The wind and the fists are fierce, and the whole body is even more bursting. "How could it be him?"

“Would it be wrong for the people ahead?”

In the eyes of Xiongkui, it is also unbelievable: "The last time in the floating city, this original has broken through Wu Zong. But how can it be so strong that it has not yet merged? The fourth order, killing eight Xuanwu? Well? It seems to rely on the power of the external Dan, his rod purple thunder gun is also like a fifth-order spirit. The armor of the body is also unconventional. But even this is absolutely impossible] to compete with Xuanwu masters one by one"

It seems to also perceive the sight of the two, and the Red Knight, also indifferently looked over. Cold and cold, but no feelings. Just raise the gun and provoke a finger on the high platform.

A sip of silver teeth, almost at this moment, all chopped. But he resisted anger.

"The life is anger and anger, give me a change.

The flanks contract, and after the skew, they turn into the shape of the moon. Need to get hòu in the army and thin wings. To kill him, you must not easily fight with the original! Commanding the whole army is the place where I want the original, and there is no place to die."

A command was issued quickly. On the left side of the high platform, the 150,000-thousand-thousand-thousand-five squares began to change. The formation begins to tilt to the left. Strict and orderly rapid changes, 30 square arrays, 150,000 elite sharps backed by the high platform. The rest of the army is fifteen squares on each side, spreading to the two wings.

The cavalry who reorganized the queue no longer attacked. Just staying quietly for a few miles, watching.

Xiong Kui looks at the slight jaw, which is the impact force. Once the momentum was blocked before the squadron like the wall of the wall, then the two wings will be surrounded, and the iron horses of Yunxiao Mountain will follow. The three thousand knights of this Xuanshan City were only crushed and crushed.

The next moment, suddenly felt a fierce like a wolf, stabbed in his face. When Xiong Kui turned his head, he saw only the wind, and he looked at himself with a look of guilt. It is a dumbfounding laughter. Before the unknown original truth, he is not willing to put the capital of his own flame mountain into a stupid.

Although there is some unbelief in the heart, it is true that the Yang Xuxu is dead and the twelve Wu Zongqiang are fallen.

However, after all, it is still an ally, and this time cannot be rejected. Slightly addicted, Xiongkui has made a decision, faintly said: "I will give you 50,000 steps to the army, then Mujiang will also be transferred to the left wing, can you be satisfied? As for the 50,000 iron ride in my flame mountain"

The hero’s voice was a loud smile, and he looked at the distance with a smile: “It’s better to swear the thief first!”

The wind gaze again and coldly, and snorted coldly. Then I looked at my eyes and there were these 200,000 elite steps. He is confident that even if the other side is five times more powerful, he must also smash the sand in front of his army! As for the Mujiang River, although it is not a famous, it is also a strong seventh-order basalt, which is somewhat useful.

The group of blame mountain knights in the distance, but not eager to rush. Instead, the horse was temporarily stopped, or the injury was dealt with, or some medicinal soybeans were taken out, and the horses and beasts under the arm were fed, in order. The party’s confrontation, although it’s invincible, has fallen more than a hundred people, and the rest are equally expensive. Have time to rest, naturally have to rest enough.

It’s a good time, until the physical strength, almost recovered. Only once again urging the horse, slowly running.

This time, it is still a fish scale, to the front of this month, the most hòu real, the strength is also the most heroic hòu, shocked away. The front of the whole army is Zongyuan.

At the moment, just ten miles away, on the top of the carriage, it was just squinting at the top of the car, looking at the group of more than ten thousand Yunxiaoshan army, the group of black armor in front of the group, holding a group of five-footed guns. The soldiers, even if they are separated from each other for a few miles, are still oppressing people. I saw that a pole was densely packed like a forest, leaning forward, and a large square shield was inserted on the ground, just like a block of steel walls, flashing cold. Tens of thousands of people, the formation stretched for a few miles, more and more shocking.

"Yunyu City is famous for its riding army. Tiger Leopard riding, fire wolf riding, and black bird riding can be one side, but its step army is also good. These four thousand black clouds and dragons, or can not match your Xuanshan City The iron tiger big gentleman and the flame mountain mad bear, but also ranked in the forefront of the cloud land 40. And that Muling Xie anger two people, although it is also Xuanwu seventh-order, it is said that these two martial arts talent, but also win Over that Yang Xuan."

When Luo said here, and looked at the front, I saw not far away, a group of huge and vast knights, it was the rushing of the rushing, shocked here, brought up the dust of the sky. By visual inspection, it is only a few dozen time, you can rush to the front of the car array. A full 50,000 iron ride, so that the earth trembled, so that the air shocked dàng, winning the heart.

From the corner of Chún, it is also a little peach. The real trouble, then it really comes. I don't know the world, I will be prepared to deal with it.

The next moment, but see Zong Shou is also a smile. a gesture. Those iron tigers and gentlemen, no longer stupidly lined up behind the car array, but have started to open the black sè curtains of those rolling clouds, and drilled into it. The outer compartments were opened again. Inside, it’s a three-armed giant that has already been on the string.

Almost at the same time, nearly one hundred and fifty arrows that burned the charms were shot. After blinking, it was already five thousand steps away, and then it was an instant explosion.

This is that, from the eyes of Luo, it seems like a huge cloud of fire. It was so loud that it made him feel the eardrum and it was very uncomfortable.

And those iron tiger big gentlemen and Xuanshan city warriors are even more unbearable. Almost all of them are painful eyes, and they are bleeding next to each other.

Some of the repairs were lower, and they were directly smashed by the hurricane that was blown up.

When the fire spread out, it was a small mushroom cloud of small scale, which was vacated in the air and rose to a hundred feet.

At this moment, everyone, the tigers who are the guardians of the Zong Shou, who shot the arrows, are also very incomparably looking at the eyes.

"This is the three-armed scorpion of the sect of the sect! There are also wind and explosion arrows!"

The first time I left Luo, I recognized the origin of this giant and the arrow. It is not a blind eye. At this moment, this car array is just a shot. Plus the other side, isn't it nearly three hundred and three arms? This is the total price, almost twenty seven-order beast crystal! And the wind and the explosion of the arrow, as high as the fourth order, is also very expensive, even if it is a consumption of goods, it can be equivalent to one-tenth of the three-armed coffin price 150 ~ www.mtlnovel .com~ is two seven-order beast crystal! After the change, it is a full 20,000 four-order beast crystals, not right, the price of the beast crystals plummeted at this moment. Like these military weapons, even if you spend hundreds of seven-order beast crystals, you may not be able to buy them.

This sect is actually a rich and powerful place. No wonder, it’s a good thing, and there’s such a card.

The three-armed coffin and the wind-explosive arrow, originally a scorpion sect, were designed to fight against Wu Zong on that day. However, it was used by Zong Shou, and it is really a vicious!

These days, I am really too careless. I have been retreating all the time, but I have never imagined that there are still many killers hidden in these hundreds of clouds.

The smoke and dust that had been set to explode were scattered again. I saw that the most central part of the explosion was already a deep pit. Surrounded by a corpse, a total of more than 6,000 people, completely disappeared, was blown into pieces of flesh and blood. In the vicinity, it was also a dead and awkward, and the people in the Thai half were either light or seriously injured and fell to the ground. Those who have only a second-order hurricane are even more stunned. Since he is still alive, he can no longer run.

Zong Shou secretly regrets that at this moment in his hands, there is really no manpower available, and he is unable to counterattack. Otherwise, only a 3,000 cavalry can enter and kill more than half of them. ! .

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