Divine Brilliance

Chapter 236: Painter

In addition to the Strait, there are quite a few rivers and mountains in the mountains, scattered in the wilderness and the road.

However, Zong Shou was too lazy to pay attention to, and the five thousand knights who followed, no one to manage. All of them are three horses, guarding hundreds of clouds and chasing cars, and continue to gallop in the direction of the dry Tianshan.

The only change is that Zongtang took over the command. In the end, it is a long battle, and it is a pro-independence general.

The accommodation and arrangement along the way, and the array arrangement, are better than Tan Tao. Protecting Zongyuan is strict and rigorous.

The principle of ancestry once again hid in a turn-over car. Holding two Dimensions of the Earth, and the two geniuses of Zong Shouyu, try to break through again in this day.

There is also Xiong Kui, and it really came up. I don't know where to find a few hurricanes. Actually, the face is not changed, the style is stunned, accompanied by the squadron, mixed and mixed, and stunned by the guests. I couldn’t see it before, and I was beaten by Zong Shou. Even the first snow and the tiger Zhongyuan, also admire this person's hòu Yan shameless.

Zong Shou is also in the carriage all day and night. In addition to occasionally stopping to camp and rest, it is never a face.

For two consecutive days, I stayed in the shack, and worked hard to study the flaming flames of the door, not only to perfect it. Then I will incorporate the true core essence into my own world.

It is a pity that there are too few places to learn from. In the early morning of the third day, Zong Shou felt the rear of the cloud, and it was a weak and weak psionic spirit.

Almost without having to look at it, I know that this must be Zongyuan, and it has broken through again, blending the fifth thread.

Zong Shou could not help but smile, while praising the efficacy of this place, it really was. On one side, I sigh for myself.

In fact, the Thunder essence in his body is far better than the earth. His physique, tempered under the water pool, has been comparable to some of the weaker Wu Zongqiang. The martial art is better than the original, more than countless.

However, it is only because of this sacred spirit, the spiral is strong, and it is impossible to perfect the content of the round stage. Can only be stuck in the innate first pulse, can not move. Can only look at the original, repaired to soar.

Even the first snow and his two beasts, with the help of the earth's medicinal help, it is estimated that it will take only a few days to catch him.

After all the progress, this day, Zong Shou simply put aside the perfection of the world. Instead, I picked up the secrets of the spirits that were searched from Xuanshan City, and began to carefully understand them. There is also Shi Dan, who is also a spiritual teacher in the sun. You can always ask for advice. It really solves a lot of questions and knows some embarrassment.

Although the other side of the speech, there are still some reservations. When the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

Together with the enthusiasm, Zong Shou also painted the symbol.

In fact, when he was in the city of Fucheng, he had bought a lot of charms, all of which were fine. This time, just the sorcerer who was killed by Zongxi, there are forty mortals, and all are nights. The amount of the symbol that was seized was even more massive, which greatly enriched his inventory.

However, according to Shi Dan's teaching, when the spirit teacher draws a character, it can not only deepen the understanding of the law. It is a kind of practice in itself, and it is good for coalescing the true character.

Even if the true ban has been produced, every time after the successful drawing, it can make it more powerful, so that these bans are clearer within the sea of ​​hún.

Not only can it shorten the time of applying the spiritual method, but it can also enhance the induction of the heaven and earth psionic power.

And even if it is a sword in the spirits, this is also an indispensable practice.

Zong Shouxian was dubious, but when he was drawn for a continuous day, he only felt a bit of pain in his mouth.

The secret law of the spirits is really passed down from generation to generation. Such a superficial embarrassment, in the afterlife of information development, has never been recorded in this regard.

If it is not himself, but also a master of the Tao, in the first step of this spiritual master, I am afraid that it will fall into the hidden danger of the foundation.

At the moment, you can only bite your teeth and make up the lessons that have been dropped before. From the first electric word ‘character, start with “water, word, ‘fire, word” gold, word, starting every morning, every character, draws a whole hundred spells of the same system.

The order is also from low to high. When Zong Shou began to make the fourth-order magical symbol, he felt his own sea whirlpool, and there was another sign of re-expansion. The connection with the celestial seeds outside the whirlpool is also becoming more and more secret.

The heart is also stunned, knowing yourself, just need to draw the fifth-order charm. Most of these can be used to completely integrate these Tianfu seeds. Not only can hún force increase, but also the display of the part, the heavenly spirit above the seventh order.

With this glorious prospect, Zong Shou Nature is even more devoted to God.

This daily note is the most boring. At the beginning, there are a few people in the first snow and the weak water, and you can chat with the two women. That superb way of law also shocked Shi Dan. But later, not only is the first snow far away from the morning, but the weak water is sleeping all day. Even Shi Dan has no interest and no longer watching.

When Zong Shou was bored, he simply found a fun. When you draw the symbols every day, you will always draw ten pictures, ‘transport, characters 箓. Then the weak water was quietly attached to the Xiongkui.

Then from time to time, to observe the person's movements and music, soothe the state of mind.

His current hún power has been strengthened by nearly a hundred times under the Danling Mountain. The ‘transport, character, and nature are also numerous.

Not only is time continuing, it is longer. Even the effect seems to have increased a lot.

After two days, the male glory was the forehead of the horse, and there were more than ten times. Not only the three hurricanes, but also all the damage, can not ride in a short time, and they are also stunned.

It is obvious that it can be easily avoided by its nearly Xuanwu sect. It can be true that every time he tries to get out of the way, or when he evades, there are always various accidents. Even twice, the danger is almost dead.

However, it may be because it is not in the downtown area, in the wilderness, or because of bad luck. The male squad only took a few sacs at the beginning, and I don’t know if those raging flames are left behind, and the harvest is very Not small. On the fifth day of the battle, there will be no more money to harvest, and the routes that have been defeated by the defeated soldiers will be completely staggered.

However, on this road, there are many wild medicines and ores. Once from a moment, I fell down and actually hit a pile of third-order Lingshi ore in the mud.

Even in its own martial arts, there are two epiphanies, and the entry is not small.

The Xiongkui is a surprise, from time to time, with a fierce look, staring at the two clouds that Zongshou is riding.

But at the end, it always sighs. I don't know if I remembered the gunfire that was stabbed like a storm, and I recovered my eyes after a while.

Zong Shou began to hold the test with the feeling of playing, but after the sixth day, it gradually became calm. Every time I paint, I will pay more and more attention to the words. I also took most of the time every day and I was obsessed with watching the hero.

However, this is the end of the day, not only the male sensation feels inappropriate, but also acts more cautiously, day to night, all nervous and nervous. Even the first snow, I gradually noticed something wrong. I explored it from the weak water and recalled myself. The situation at the time of Xiaoyuan City was like the difference between the male and the old at the moment.

Then, naturally, it is murderous, looking for the sect of the character.

"Less Lord, that day in Xiaoyuan City, is it a good thing for you to do less?"

Zong Shou looked a glimpse, then he took the pen with his hand and continued to pretend to paint on the paper. With this kitten in my heart, this time I can detect it so fast, is it really smart?

Inadvertently raising his eyes, I saw only the first snow in the eyes, it is the two groups of flames burning, Zong Shouxin neutral squeaking a whisper, and even the hand of the pen, is a slight tremble. That straight vertical, actually slanted to the side.

It can only be helpless to smash the dew paper that was scrapped in front of me and throw it out of the window. The face that was pretending was incomprehensible: "What is good? In the small city, what happened that day? Xue, your words, how can I not understand?"

When the first snow fell, the palm of your hand turned over~www.readwn.com~ and sent an unused ‘transport, word charm to the front of Zongshou. In a tone of voice: "I still want to deny! See no, this is a crime! Come from the weak water sister. I remember that you were the same master that day, have you painted the same character? If you are not the Lord, Cher How could it fall for no reason!"

Zong Shou’s heart complained, and his eyes squinted at the weak water on the soft couch. I saw the latter, the lazy sidewalker, seems to have fallen asleep. Only the eyelids shook slightly, opened a slit and peeked over here. When the priests watched the past, they quickly closed. Breathing evenly, as if you really fell asleep.

Zong Shou could not help but secretly refused. He decided to continue to repudiate and shook his head. "Snow, don't be a good person. What kind of crime is this thing? Just because I want to weaken it and sneak it on the male? Then I will have another day." The characters drawn have long been lost. Cher, you accidentally fell, can not blame others. Your young master, not so big."

In the first snow, he **** chún with a beak and directly interrupted: "I have counted it. In the past three days, the male prince fell from the immediately fourteen times. When he practiced boxing, he injured his bones and three times when he drank water. I have to die to live. I have sixty fourth-order beast crystals, twenty-five third-order stone, two second-order spirits, and more than thirty other kinds of spirit grass. I was the same in Xiaoyuan City. A total of four squats, one thousand and two silver, plus two night pearls. I was smashed by the pot and changed to a thousand years of lei apricot seeds one by one (to be continued)! .

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