Divine Brilliance

Chapter 238: Yun Fuzhi

After sitting cross-legged, Zong Shou no longer manages his own demon. Re-emphasizing the flaming spirit that he had given up, and began to concentrate on research.

Countless thoughts keep flashing in my head. A section of the mouth, one by one, constantly rising to the heart.

In fact, as early as a few days ago, it was also like this. It was obviously inspiration, but it was never possible to find a breakthrough point. Incorporate this fire system into its own world.

And when he started to deduct again, it was almost the same situation. It seemed that it was separated by a film and could not be broken.

Closed eyes and condensed, half a quarter of an hour, are always without a clue. Zong Shou can only stop at the end of helplessness. It seems that it is impossible to enter the epiphany state like the male leader.

This ‘transport, the character 箓 brought the Kyrgyzstan, does not seem to be very useful.

Fortunately in his heart, I did not hold any Hefei, and naturally I don’t feel sorry at the moment. In fact, this half-time of sitting still, no other unfortunate things happened, it is enough to please him.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the first snow was cleaning up the messy car. Holding a rag, trying to wipe the scent of the ink that fell on the carpet.

The upper body is low and the hips are high-pitched, and the clothes are tightly wrapped to define the perfect hip shape. It may be the recent snow, the posture is high and the length of the stretch, the dress is obviously a bit of a collapse, even the gully at the bottom, it is almost complete

Zong Shou’s eyes lit up immediately. “Hey, he swallowed a sip of his mouth. He stared at it and carefully wrote down the shape. He then pretended to be a gentleman and turned his head away.

Righteously, this little Nizi is simply a dead man who does not pay for his life. He only feels that he is in his body, and there is a burst of breath. The water and fire spiral is really strong, and the riots begin again.

Fortunately, this time, Zong Shou was prepared to start suppressing the first time. Sitting on the bed, with weak water protection, nothing unexpected.

And the infuriating in the body was completely restored by him. Zong Shou’s brain is suddenly a brilliant brilliance in the eyes of the aura.

Then there is the focal length that the pupil gradually loses, and the gaze is also uncertain. Inside the mind, in the calculation of crazy deduction. All the methods related to the three systems of water, electricity and electricity buried in the memory have been extracted. Filling the gap between the worldly spirit and the imperial flame. Around the body, it is also a psionic surge. Especially the spirit of water and fire, the most active. There is a faintly visible purple flash of light flashing around.

However, it is necessary to have a good time. Actually, it is really a breakthrough. This epiphany can save him a few months of enlightenment.

The second and third layers of the wheel of the world’s wheel are all in perfect speed. Not only is the spirit of exuberant thoughts clear and terrible. The tens of thousands of martial arts classics that I wrote down at the moment seem to have been loaded with a search engine. The essence of the words, the martial arts must be all the hands of the hand, no effort.

If you can't do it in a good way, he can improve the practice of this part of the wheel.

The ecstasy in the heart, but the forcing of the past, the final static attitude, the two merits. When I was able to proceed to the fourth floor, Zong Shou suddenly jumped again and right eyelids, and there was a very unpredictable foreboding.

Then, in the next moment, I felt that the whole car was under the clouds, suddenly ‘banging, slammed. It seems to have hit something, and it has been thrown all over.

The most ruthless thing is that the debris that was just placed in the case of a few paperweights has been shaken by giant force. And without exception, they all came in the direction of Zong Shou sitting.

At this moment, Zong Shou is simply crying and crying. Not enough once, how come again? Is it really a retribution?

The body is really another riot, unable to move. And in the next moment, the weak water has been shot in time. A slender soft sword, in front of him, weaved a heavy sword. Everything in front of me is broken and split.

It’s just that at this moment, but it’s not safe, but the ominous feeling is more and more intense.

This time, the time was longer, and the whole time was half a tea time, and the car was completely stopped. Originally thought to be attacked, and after waiting to calm down, I realized that it was the spirit of the cloud car, temporarily out of control, and spent a long time before repairing.

At this moment, Zong Shou has been completely unable to fall on the soft couch. There are more red and swollen clothes on his body. The clothes on his body are also damaged everywhere. The image is extremely miserable. If you look closely, you can also notice that his chest and abdomen, there are more than ten shallow sword wounds. The scars are shallow, but one or two of them are a little inattentive.

This time, it was shy, but it was replaced by weak water. Sitting next to him, looking at Zong Shou with an innocent look. It’s just that in the eyelids, but it’s all a smile that can’t be suppressed. The first snow over there was even more unbearable, and I laughed and ate.

Zong Shou’s heart is in the air, but it’s almost exhausted at the moment. I can’t wait to catch the two women on the spot and beat one.

However, when he was in his body, he recovered a little. The first time after sitting up again, it was a spiral of strength, revealing from the palm of your hand.

It is still a whirlwind of water and fire, but it is more balanced. And those purple electric lights, like a bridge, connect them tightly.

Zong Shou couldn’t help but smile. This time, it’s not just the practice of the second layer and the third layer of the ground. More to the front part, more perfect.

The same amount of infuriating, but the power is obviously stronger than nearly 20%! If it is not unexpected, you only need to spend another ten months, you can try to merge the two veins into the realm of the second round. Even the third pulse is only three or four months.

Although this time it was a bit of a wolverine, it made it a swollen face. But the final harvest is still pretty good, it should be the value of the value.

If there is such an epiphany every time, he will not mind if he comes again a few times.

The only thing that is not beautiful is that it is perfected with the dying of the world. The blood in his body is once again, and once again, there is a sign of awakening, which is unsettling.

Zong Shou was satisfied with a smile, and the smoldering force in his hand was completely broken. Estimated that time has arrived, then ‘transport, the character 箓 has expired, then stand up and look out the window. I saw the male squad, all of them were scars, and they were even more embarrassed than he was. This was a smile. Slightly gratified, although he is unlucky, there are still people who are less fortunate than themselves.

It was only when the male, the horse lost its hoof again and fell to the ground. Zong Shou was stunned by the whole person, and there was no stagnation.

"Some of them are not right! I am still a bit of a sigh of relief. There are still many shortcomings in the world. This is extremely unstable. But this master is learning, but it is the imperial flame, the ancient demon is left behind." The inheritance method of the inheritance. It is so easy to get out of control by the strong leader of Wu Sheng level."

In fact, no matter which table or chair, or soft sword with weak water in time, in general, can not hurt him. Light is the suffocating of the body surface, it can resist. And now he is practicing outside the field, under the spirits, he can't pierce his skin.

But in the genius, not only the body is out of control, but also the blood of the body to swim, it is also very disorderly, so that the skin surface, in the most vulnerable state.

When people are unlucky, even a toothpick can be fatal.

The situation on the side of Xiongkui is similar. However, often a character is awkward, often only to make him unlucky one or two times. The situation is far stronger than myself.

I remember that on the same day, when he painted the ‘transport, the word Tianfu, he had some insights in Danling Mountain.

"The sorrows of sorrows and sorrows, the blessings of sorrows and sorrows. The ignorance of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows of the sorrows.

"Knowing its male, keeping its female, is the world's brook: know its glory, keep its humiliation, for the valley of the world: know its white, keep its black, for the world!"

"There is no way to save the blessing, but the self calls. The report of good and evil is like a shadow!"

"The root of the evil lies in the evil of the body, the evil of the mind; the foundation of the blessing lies in the repair of the good deeds and the good deeds."

It’s just that today, I was afraid that I was just getting started. This strange and unpredictable character is not just that simple.

Earlier, I always felt that I should have missed something. But in the end, I can’t think of it.

"It turns out that it is the rate, the word that I wrote, can enlarge everything possible!"

A stock of excitement, like a stream of blood flowing in the chest of the Zongshou, made his heart burst into flames. The eyes are also full of surprises after the sudden realization.

On the surface, the first snow in the town of Xiaoyuan continues to fall, and continuously picks up money, which is a blessing and a blessing.

In fact, it is not ~www.readwn.com~ just because of this word, the magnification of everything is magnified. It seems that nature is like a bad luck and a good luck.

In fact, there is a relationship between the two, but it is not as good as he had imagined before.

This kind of character, in addition to the rate, seems to be small, so that the number of people in a short period of time, fluctuations.

Then he thought about the hustle and bustle here, and suddenly he felt the sound of the sound inside the sea.

The one that circling beyond the vortex, the word, the character, was utterly releasing the infinite brilliance.

The layer of brilliant halo and mist that shrouded outside the sign was gradually dissipated. And Zong Shou at this moment, it is also very easy to understand, the spirit of the exploration of the structure of this day. The remaining eleven heavenly symbols obtained in the Danling Mountain are all spiritual. Only this ‘transport, the word of the day, is the perfect level of forbidden, and it is the most inscrutable.

Carefully realized for a moment, Zong Shou blessed the soul and entered the state of meditation. It is actually within the soul of the sea, continuously constructing the true shackles. With this ready-made complete Tianfu reference, it is completely unimpeded and will be completed one by one.

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