Divine Brilliance

Chapter 241: 3 parties teamed up

"Shi Zi, you are embarrassed to Dan."

Shi Dan smiled a bit, and looked at Zong Shou with apologetic eyes. "I don't know this. I only know about it. This is also related to the gambling. Ling Yunzong is not able to conquer this. Instead, he must protect this place. Tianfu God Monument. Shidan’s status is humble, and he can only know it. In the future, whether it is into the Innocent Mountain Villa, or the disciple of the Cangsheng, it must be a rumor. Inquired clearly!" Then there was a skeptical look, looking at Zong Shoudao: "As far as I know, the Tianfutai of Danling Mountain is broken by the son of the world. Shizi asks these, is it for this 'transport, character, What other saga? Or have you got the secret of the inheritance of the sacred place?"

Zong Shou immediately made a haha, and he was talking. Suddenly, my heart moved and looked out the window.

I saw that not far away, Zong Yi’s hand was holding a red bird. After a while, the leader of the mysterious fox ride was a change. Zema went to the window: "Shizi, there is news in the Tianshan City. There are several people in the Shizongyang who may join forces to negotiate the position of the demon king before the world returns."

Just a few moments later, two red fast birds fell in the sky, and each flew to Tiger Central and Tan Tao. But for a moment, the faces of these two faces are also ugly.

The shou shou counted as early as expected, and his eyes flashed, and he walked out of the tumbling car. Then, thoughtfully, look at the direction of the Tianshan Mountains. After a while, I browed again: "It seems that these days, there is no way to go slowly. Let me bring me!"

Looking at the rear again, I saw that the curtain of the car behind it was also opened. Zongyuan that is quite a stalwart figure, from the inside step and export eyes cold and cold, revealing the murderous. A breath of anger is incomparable.

It is not only because of the madness of killing, but also that the realm is not stable at the moment, and the speed of entry is too fast. But just look at the suffocating suffocation. At the moment, the Zongyuan has steadily stepped into the realm of the Wufeng of the Sixth Pulse of the Earth.

Zong Shou looked up and down this original look. Immediately, he only felt that the two eyes of the child were as cool as the swordsmanship. However, when he looked at him, he converges slightly. With a bit of humility and respect, but more is the desire to look forward to, and the meaning of the war.

Zong Shou could not help but frown, this guy is too eager, after all, did not listen to his own words.

It is necessary to know that the earth is good but it is omnipotent. There are hidden dangers in the fast-paced world.

Even if the Zongyuan has already realized the arrogance, it will take some time to settle down after the five rounds of the ground. At that time, it was the best to choose to enter the six veins.

In fact, he had already guessed that this guy had asked for the two polar dynasties along with the spiritual pulse. How could he restrain the advanced thoughts?

Think about the ancestor Yang Zongtang, Zong Shou and helplessly sigh and understand some of the original mentality. This time, it may be his only chance of revenge, and it is no wonder that this guy will be so focused.

After thinking about it again, Zong Shou put down the idea of ​​reprimanding. Although the speed is not good, but by his means, more is half-method make up. It’s just this next time, the original martial arts entering the country, but it must be a pressure.

At the moment, a fourth-order hurricane from the wind has been taken from him. Stronger than the ordinary hurricane 驹 several times, spit in the mouth. The body is covered with steel horse-made horses, wrapped in a body, and stretched out numerous steel thorns in front of the forehead. Like a steel monster, it is awkward.

Zong Shou directly turned over and jumped onto the horse. This fourth-order hurricane slammed into a scream of dissatisfaction. However, it has not waited for its intention to resist, and people stand up.

A powerful and incomparable hún thought, from top to bottom, cross pressure. Just like a giant hammer, it hits and makes its hún stun. As if some of them couldn’t support it, it took a few steps to shake the y and slammed down before they came back. After that, I dare not be too arrogant, and honestly put my head and neck around, and I am surrendered. I only feel that the idea is always wrapped in its hún knowledge, as if it is a little rebellious. It can be crushed and crushed by its consciousness!

The uniformity of this fourth-order hurricane was completely subdued, and the sacred jaws that were satisfied with this were kept. Take out some of the beans and feed them before the horses.

No matter when it is, big sticks and sweet dates are good strategies for animal husbandry.

Look around again, I saw a few people in the Central Plains Tan Tao, and the five thousand iron riders, all the strong people above the Wu Zong, at this moment are also coming to the side, gathered together.

Zong Shou also smiled a little: "Can all be ready? Go back this time, but kill people! Although they are in the same room, they must bleed and flow a lot of blood."

The tone is plain, but at the moment, these dozens of martial arts strong people, but they all feel only a chill, straight through the bottom of my heart. And then, it was a battle.

Zongyuan was even more gaze, unconsciously, and tightly grasped the stick of the purple-lei steel gun. The eyelids were also more cold.

In the Tianshan City, at the moment, it is full of silence. Less than two days, all the lights in the city will be extinguished.

I heard only the innumerable slashes of the knives in the impact of the nails, as well as the sound of iron hooves and stepping.

Throughout the city, on all the streets, there is a team of armored Mingliang, armed with a team of soldiers, lining in line.

Wherever the terrain is slightly wide, it is filled with the army. One by one, the army is arrayed on the array of cyclists, neatly distributed throughout the city. In the houses next to the street corners, there are countless bows hidden. The breath is quiet and chilling. The faintness is divided into several parties, and the situation is shaken.

On the southern side of the Tianshan City, there is only one spot on the top of the mountain. Tiger Qianqiu is a black armor, condescending, overlooking the entire mountain city.

On the side of him, it is Qiu Wei, the general of Zuo Tingzhu in the Tianshan Mountains. It is also a kind of armor, fully armed, holding a mace pole and the ground.

"It seems that the three people, it really is a joint!"

Looking at the changes in the city, Tiger Qianqiu sneered and sneered: "I don't expect them to be reconciled, but I haven't thought of it. The sect of the Ming dynasty will work together because of fear of the boy." It’s a pity that this person is a guardian’s uncle, and it’s supposed to help him.

"Zong Shi Yuan? Jun has always been not thin to him, and he has to carry it. There should be no such thoughts."

Qiu’s look is ruthless, and his eyes are also very cold. It’s like an iceberg: “Even if he turns back today, I will have to persuade the world to seize his military power and kill it!”

Tiger Qianqiu heard a smile, although there are some in his heart, but he does not refute. Still looking down, if you think about it: "You and I will join hands, plus the pro-independence left by the monarch in the town directly under the army, and the power of the various ethnic groups. The 500,000 troops in the city can fully live in the overall situation. Even The guys who joined forces are also difficult to shake. But these people, even if they know this, are still not afraid, and they must set a wrench with us. Most of them want to rely on the power of the hidden world. But I don’t know. Who will come, just let me down?"

Qiu Wei heard the words, but he frowned slightly. He is very worried at this moment, but the tone of the tiger's autumn is as easy as it is, and he does not care about this enemies.

I have a heart to remind a few words, so that they do not want to lighten the enemy but they are afraid to dispel this guy's anti-enemy thinking. In his mind, this guy is the two ends of the first mouse. It is difficult to guarantee that he will not give up the world.

However, after hesitating for a while, Qiu Wei decided to speak out. Although this tiger has been swinging in the past, it has always been a reluctance. If you say it, even if you are dead, you won’t take it back. Under Zong Weiran, he also fought side by side with dozens of Xuanwu masters in the city, but he was able to trust him from the beginning to the end.

"Tiger brother, this Tianshan City is under your control. But there are five places in the city, but there are five places for the three people to control, and they are all facing the east. The town of Shanshanguan, fifty miles away, also has the division of the division, the army of a town.

Speaking of this, Qiu is in the eye, more worrying. Zhenshan is in the northeast of the dry Tianshan. Due to the danger of the terrain, it is one of the best in the world. There is only one iron cable bridge connecting, the bottom is a 3,800-wide wide gully, yīn wind drum dàng, gathering countless ghosts yīn evil things. Even if it's a slap in the wind, these exotic animals that can fly in the air can't spend it.

Here, the guardian ~www.readwn.com~ is a strong player of the seven-vein Xuanwu class. It is very famous, and it is one of the strongest arms in the hands of the teacher.

If it is blocked here, then it needs to be more than one thousand seven hundred miles before it can be bypassed.

And even if you ride the best hurricane, you need to increase your day and night. I don't know if they can catch up with them.

The tiger did not care about it, and laughed happily: "Qiu Tingzhu is still a good heart for you. You have never seen a child. The so-called one day is not like three autumns. Three years later, the son of the child, and can not with three years ago. Equivalent to the world, he will not disappoint you. A small town of Shanshanguan, if he can not survive safely, then this demon king position, he does not deserve!"

Qiu’s look is a bit confusing. Yes, yù asked Hu Qianqiu, where does this confidence come from?

The rest of the corner of the eye, but looked at the line of people. Busy over the head, looking down to the bottom, I saw the gate in the north direction, suddenly opened. A row of knights sneaked into the gates. Only thirty rides, only wearing a white shirt. When you enter the city slowly, there is a momentum of thousands of troops.

The two couldn’t help but look at each other and look at each other. I know that this is the person that Zong Yang invited, and finally arrived. ! .

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