Divine Brilliance

Chapter 247: Chen Zhizhi

Knife shadows, circling straight into the sky. In an instant, it has already spurred hundreds of feet, chasing the middle-aged spirits behind, with a slap in the face!

A long knife with a long knife, the middle-aged snowman who was seriously injured, was a knife and two, bloody.

After the ancestral ancestors, it was a tiger cub: "Zhenshanguan has been broken! Today, if you don't fall, you will die!"

It was actually a rush of enthusiasm, a strong breath, and the sound was within a few dozen miles.

Not only those archers who are on the wall, but also one of them. Even the soldiers who had come out of the whole team from the barracks and had already stepped on the wall were stopped. Then, in the eyes, all of them are stunned, and I don’t know how to react. At this time, although there are tens of thousands of people here, no one dares to do it, and the three men of the city are facing each other.

Tiger Zhongyuan and Tan Tao are also close behind and step into the city gate. The former only looked at the city, and I knew that today’s victory was fixed. I couldn’t help but laugh again: “Following the world, it’s really fun! I know that the world is wise and invincible, how can I not take this one? Little town gate!"

Zong Shouzheng stepped on the wall, quite a bit of regret in the handle of the cloud knives put away. This original ancestor is also too eager to grab the limelight. Originally, I was prepared to make a big splash and kill the rest of the two. Come to a drama of 'Zong Shizi’s moonlight night, the sword of the gods and the three sacred martial arts,” so that the straits of the Zongyuan will not break through the Qianjun beauty, but they will be destroyed by the two guys out of thin air. .

However, when I heard the words of the Central Plains, I couldn’t help but smile. This guy is slamming the horse again.

He is invincible, he is not so powerful. As for the wise and martial arts, I also ask myself what I can’t do with myself.

Thinking thoughtfully, looking at his own hand, his eyes flashed. This prayer symbol is matched with his six-god sword, which is really strong enough to make him feel terrible. The top-level martial arts merits, plus a little bit of luck, makes him the precision and killing of this flying knife. The force has at least doubled!

If you change to your former self, it will be able to make the middle-aged spiritual masters lighter at best, and you will not be insulted by the name of the innocent, even if it is very good.

But in the genius, not only the two Xuanwu masters were killed. Even the revered Yang Lingshi actually escaped the bureau of heavy losses.

"To say that this six-god swordsmanship was cultivated to the end, it is only a secret weapon of the first level. But if you add a blessing technique, even if you harden the martial arts in the future, you will only have a chance." Under the wonderland, is it a knife?"

As soon as the thoughts arrived, Zong Shou was suddenly awakened. Just behind him, that is from Luo and Shi Dan, and also behind.

Looking up and down carefully, the whole body was soaked in blood and saw that the injury was heavy, but it did not hurt the key. Zong Shou only showed Yan Yanxiao: "Thank you! Thank you!"

Going to the corpse that was so lifeless, I took a few pills in my hand. After the thoughts were swept away, it was already cold.

This is especially for the sake of this thing, in the life of the teacher, the one is indeed willing to pay the cost.

But without paying attention to it, I will put a gold sè bottle away from Luo.

The latter was first amazed when it was in Handfeng, and then when it was opened, it was only a mistake: "This is the Dragon Blood!"

I was struggling for a while, and after a while, I spoke a long breath: "This thing can't be received from Luo! The **** of the child, when the city was in the city, the world has already paid!"

Zong Shou was slightly stunned and said "Nothing." Going to the corpse of the middle-aged spirited man in the distance.

And hesitated a little more than Luo, no longer postponed, put this bottle into his arms.

Shi Dan looked at the side of the heart. Di Di Dan is the sacred object of the land warrior, and this dragon blood is the sacred object of the holy things. It is a variant derived from Di Di Dan, with strong potency.

Not only can it be 100%, but the Xuanwu master above the seven veins of the ground will be upgraded to the first level. With some elixir services, you can get a trace of dragon blood, change the qualifications, get the power of the dragon, the power is greatly increased.

This guardian did not look at it, but gave it to Luo. Only this kind of temperament would not be a human being.

After the war in the Strait of the Straits, Shi Dan also felt that the sect was too stingy, and that money was also being taken care of. At this moment, there is a hidden understanding. When the generous, the world is really hesitant.

Looking at Luo’s eyes, it is clear that he has been admired. I am afraid that in the future, even if the sect does not enter the sacred road, I am afraid that it will also serve in this world.

Although there are thousands of sergeants around, Zong Shou does not care. When these are not there at all, walk on this wall.

There are Zongyuan’s two major martial arts strongmen who are guarding the side, and it is true that there is no need to be careful.

Just walked to the other side of the city wall, above the iron bridge, there was a burst of thunderous thunder. A thousand Xuanhu Iron Armor, a thousand Xuanjia Fenglong ride, under the command of two Xuanwu masters, the tide came.

Looking at the gate that has already opened, almost everyone, the eyes are incredible.

This number is called the strength of hundreds of thousands of people, and they are all unstoppable. They are combined by these few people and they are quickly broken like a thunder.

If you say miracles, I am afraid that this time, it is not inferior to the thousands of rides in the Straits.

However, these two thousand people are all well-trained. After a little embarrassment, I woke up.

They broke into the city gates, and more than two thousand rides, with a roaring sound, stepped into the city. His eyes are cold and he is looking to the sides.

"No drop, kill!"

Thousands of roars, and they rang through the door. The former whistling of that ancestor was also forced to pass. Echo dàng漾, more sharp.

However, in the next moment, I only listened to dozens of loud noises. Dozens of people have gradually put down their weapons. Then, it seems to be contagious. The 25,000-strong army in Guanzhong has also abandoned the blade.

Zong Shou grinned and looked down on the wall, especially the corpse of the middle-aged spirit.

At this moment, Tan Tao is already searching for the body. After a while, the face sè changed slightly.

"Shizi, this person has a fox fox, it seems to be the eight-tailed fox who is the snow!"

After that, I took a few more things and flew to the wall. The sect of the tiger, the Central Plains, was also changed, followed by the body wall.

The relics of the middle-aged sorcerer are just a few of them, and the remedy of the spiritual master.

After Zong Shou took over, he naturally took the spoils into his sleeve.

In the end, it was a book, and it was written ‘Snow-washed the world, four hot stamping characters.

"'Washing the world, it turned out that it was really a Snow Clan who confessed to this thing. This is the Dafa of the eight-tailed Tianhu Xueshi in the dark, and the rare Lingwu double repairs in the world. Turned over, but it is not a complete copy. And it is only the practice before the day trip, the content is more obviously castrated.

After taking a look, I didn’t dare to be interested, and I threw it to Zongtang. This book is useless to him, but it can be used for a lot of ancestral and weak waters.

When the ancestors carefully turned over, it was ugly.

Tan Tao also breathed a deep breath and said: "Shizi, it seems that behind this division, most of them are eight-tailed Tianhu Xueshi. In the future, I will do Tianshan, it seems that more need to be guarded. These demon royals In the past, I have left this world to avoid disaster.

Now I want to come back and regain the throne, let me wait for it. There is no such good thing in the world! ”

Xuanshan City is a mixture of two people, but more is a half demon, Tan Tao is also a mixed demon, so the words, but also hate!

"Hey! That teacher, it’s damn."

Tiger Zhongyuan also has the same heart: "I don't know why the wolf is in the room? It is an idiot."

He and Tan Tao originally had some problems, but this is the battle today. All the people do not fight to death, and the cooperation is also a tacit understanding.

The three masters of Xuanwu, together with a hero who was also guarded by the spirit of the Yangjing, were actually broken by them. The excitement and excitement in my heart is still unresolved, and the impression of Tan Tao has also changed.

It turns out that this guy is not the only one that counts. The same is the willingness to sprinkle blood, willing to fight for people.

At this moment, I heard that Tan Tao is getting more and more pleasing to the eye.

If the principle of Zongyang is thoughtful: "I know the power behind Zongyang. It is the fifteenth Xuan Su Zong of the 19th Lingfu. As for Zong Shi, I can guess a few points. Not surprisingly, it should be the Nineteen Spirits. The name of the second house of the government, plus the eight-tailed Tianhu Xueshi. The situation of the hegemony and Qiu Tingzhu, although not necessarily worrying, must be very stressful."

The hegemony he said is the tiger. There are some posts in the Tianshan City, and the Zongweiran will be the elites at all levels to house the elites of the various ethnic groups.

The patriarch of the Iron Tiger family is the position of the hegemonic hegemony.

That Tan Tao's eyes ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly showed the meaning of jī. Zong Shou has several subordinates. His only optimism is this original.

"It is really impossible to stop here. If possible, it is better to rush to the Tianshan City as soon as possible. If it is faster, it can block the news, maybe it will also be effective!"

Speaking of this, there is another hesitation. Then he leaned over to Zong Shouwei and leaned over: "Shi Zi! The three thousand soldiers on the wall of the square wall, the minister asked me!"

The ancestors were shocked. Immediately it was silent.

The elite soldiers in this township gate are mostly taught by the ancestors, and it is far from being a **** confidant. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the sect of the ancestors.

Only the people who saw it were also seen. If they were not forced by life, those archers would never send an arrow to Zong Shou.

It’s all awkward, it’s a bit unbearable.

Just think carefully, if the traitor does not pay the price, then everyone will follow in the future, what about when the arrow is raised to the world? ! .

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