Divine Brilliance

Chapter 256: Sinful

"I just want to say that my personality with my father is a little different -"

The dozen elders heard the words, and they were somewhat puzzled at the moment. They looked at Zong Shou incomparably.

In the next moment, I heard another sneer at Zong Shou: "Qiu Shu, Hu Shu, let them just cut hands and hack people. No matter what family or identity, I will cut it all. In the Tianshan City, dare against me, kill innocent people. ! Today can't be thin."

This statement is more than the dozen elders who thought they were wrong. Even Qiu Wei is in the same place. With his city's mentality, I don't know how to react at that time. I don't know if it is to exhort or obey.

Even the tiger is still a bit hesitant. He is aware of the meaning of the world, is the intention to suppress the arrogance of this day. But the children of these thousands of ancestors, if they die here, are not the same.

Seeing people around you are all unresponsive. And the three thousand cracked winds in the distance, there is no action. Zongshou’s brows tightened, and the next moment was a fourth-order hurricane that was shot under the force. A few breaths, it is a few dozen feet away. Going to those who have been a little flustered before the Tianhu people.

In the hands of the Lei Yi Jian Jianguang, one of them, took the head, the first two paragraphs! Then the hurricane slammed into the air and the horseshoes stepped down. The fourth-order warrior's majestic body, wrapped in the force of tens of pounds, directly put another person's head into a flesh.

Zong Shou and Huo Ran turned back, and his eyes were full of anger: "I said that I started! Didn't the two hear?"

That Qiu suddenly awake for this, after being scorned by Zong Shou, but not only is not annoyed, but it is an eye-catching, with endless joy.

However, Tiger Qianqiu sighed slightly, licked his mouth, and then rushed to his own subordinates. "You guys are all dumb, are you still dumb? Didn’t you hear the words of the world? Don't you hurry?"

Qiu Wei is a gentleman and a tribute to Zong Shou: "Qiu is leading the way!"

The dozens of Zong clans were old and angry at the moment. They all pointed their fingers at Zong Shou, and their bodies trembled.

Still the old man with white hair, the reaction is faster, the voice trembles and opens: "Stop! Stop! Don't you be crazy? Don't forget that they are all blood relatives, and sin is not dead. I let them apologize to you, 恳Parents and sons will leave their hearts and give them a life!"

The nearly a thousand clan people, at the moment, are completely stunned. Many people used to watch Zong Shou, but also with some contempt. At this time, I realized that the weak boy in front of him was already a man of thousands of people in the city of Tianshan. The killing and killing of them is all in one mind.

Over there, Zong Shou, but silently smiled, the chill in the eyes faded. While there are more than ten clan old people, they are all relaxed and thought that there is still hope.

Zong Shou's Lei Yijian, but he turned to the side and then waved his hand, a snowy sword light crossed, and immediately a head flew up, bones rolled on the ground.

And this sword is like a signal. The two thousand iron tiger big gentlemen, three thousand cracked winds and strangers, all faceless, have started. Waving a big knife, all of them are slashing and slashing. Only in an instant, there are more than 5,000 heads that suddenly land. They are all strong players who have been trained on the battlefield. They are not hesitant to start with, and many people even have a cry of crying, and they have no time to send them.

This small piece of land in front of Zongshou was also reddened in an instant.

For a time, this area of ​​dozens of miles is **** and suffocating. Hundreds of thousands of sergeants around, including the private army of the tens of thousands of wolves, are also silent.

The people in front of you are all in the Tianshan City, the small powerful people, mostly the nobles were born. There are a few more people, the family is famous, and the background is extraordinary.

At the moment, they are all like dogs, and they are all killed here. For almost everyone here, it is an unimaginable psychological impact.

When I saw Zong Shouzhi, I only felt that the figure of the world was white and tall. Still, there is no breath in the body, but there is a pressure in the inexplicable, so that everyone can not look directly.

The dozens of elders were even more unable to speak out. They looked at the bodies on the ground, and several of them were not allowed to do so.

It’s still the first time, it’s the first time, happy laughter: “My ancestor followed Jun from the age of twenty-six. He fought with him for ten years. But never one day, there is such a joy. Killing is good! It’s just a big heart. The world is different from the monarch. If it is my intention, it would be better to have these people in the veins!

The red-faced old man, his words narrowed. Then there is the singularity: "Zong Shou you are crazy! You are all crazy! They are the elites of our family. Do you know the essence? Their blood is born more noble than you, and it is born three tails." You guys are really dare to do this. I will ask Zongbo, my Zonghe is dead, and will not let you succeed as the patriarch!"

The white-skinned old man is more like a sinking water, his eyes are cold like a knife, and he stabs to Zongshou: "The son of the world is hot and ruthless, killing relatives, not the blessing of my own family. I will also ask Zong Rui to abolish your position!" Don't say that it is the inheritance of the demon king, that is the position of your world, and don't think about it!"

His voice fell, and suddenly there were two people, like a mad tiger, rushing toward Zong Shou, with crazy on the face.

But it is not yet close, and the ancestral temple has already come to the fore. In the hands of a strange knife, with the thunder and the momentum, swept out.

Just listening to the slamming of "铿", Zongtang immediately stood still, and both of them were swept by the giant force, throwing away behind them, face Jin Zi.

Zong Pu followed, but another sneer.

"Well, etc. dare to assassinate the world, sinful! Kill!"

The silver scaled stepping beast under the arm, suddenly stepped forward. One person and one horse, all with a burst of shadows, crashed into the two. The strange knife waved, and the two patriarchs were immediately squatted in the air, and they were divided into two sections!

Then Zongyi slashed his knife and sprinkled the blood. He said that he had some old Zong Clan who had already been face-to-face: "What is the blood of the ancestors, but some wine bags are just around the corner. I have long seen that you are not pleasing to the eye. Believe it or not, I believe that the first one will kill you. If you want to abolish the world, you will be abolished. The clan assembly may mean who wins and loses. Just look at the 800,000 people of Tianhu. These young children have deep roots. It’s still my family’s, and it’s more popular.”

That Zongrui could not speak. Under the pressure of this sword, even the opening was difficult. Almost no one had thought that this cockroach was daring to go crazy, dare to elder the fox, killing on the spot!

And the code is a sneer, clan assembly? He didn't mean this, he had to solve it, and there was a simpler and more innumerable way. Why bother?

By the way, there is the Zongbo, and I don’t know who it is. I have never seen it before.

The elders are the heads of the old-age associations, and the sectarians are responsible for the punishment and punishment of the tribes, while the Zongbo is the governor of the Zong's temple and the genealogy of the genealogy. They are all among the most highly respected people in the family.

However, Zong Shou has never seen it before, even the name does not remember. The moment is to shake his head directly: "If you are dissatisfied, you can go and ask Zong Bo to come over. Just say that I am a sect, and I am waiting for him in the Tianshan Mountains."

After talking, I will not bother to pay attention to these old people. Like laughing and laughing, I looked at the Lingfa and Lingxuan. Both of them are in a sudden heart, once again bowed their heads.

Originally, I was still dissatisfied with it. It was a disaster for the wolf family. But at this moment, the grievances dissipated more than half, and the Zong Clan people were also severely punished. Others did have nothing to say.

Although the punishment is heavy, it cannot be said that the world is unfair.

Zong Shou finally looked at Zongtang and Zong Shiyuan, and the two stood farther apart. The latter is half-baked in the ground, but the ancestral temple is indefinite. After a while, when I saw the corpse of the land, I looked at Zongyuan again, and it was a bite. Jumped back to the horse and flew far away.

Zong Shou looked like a brow and was secretly funny. This squatting is to know the opportunity, knowing that it is incomparable, and will give up decisively and take risks. However, he was against him, without Zong Yang, coming alone.

When I saw myself killing the fruit, I killed the nearly a thousand clan. Then I knew that I had no hope and I fled immediately.

But at this time, it is not too late?


Not waiting for the voice of the sect, the dragon's wing horse of Zongyuan has already rushed out of the army.

I have long been staring at Zongtang. At this moment, the Longjiao wing horse, under the urging of Zongyuan, is quick and electric. In an instant, it was close to dozens of feet, and then the purple thunder guns in the hands of the numerous thunders gathered together, when two pieces of fifty-length long electric light thunder wings, opened on both sides of the gun body, Zongyuan was thrown out.

This purple thunder gun was added to the extreme for a moment. Driven by the power of lightning, it has grown at a rate of dozens of times. Almost without waiting for the ancestral reaction, it is already wearing it.

Zongxi’s face changed and she diddge. The shoulders were still pierced, and the whole person was brought in front of the gun. It was a hard life, and nailed his man to the ground.

However, it was very painful in Zong Pu, and he tried his best to resist the bursting of the thunder. Zongyuan's horse ~www.readwn.com~ has been in front of him.

When the saber flashed in front of him, he felt that his eyes were dark and he could not feel anything. This knife was actually from his ear and passed through the eyes. A knife cuts the skull and turns it over. It is white pulp and blood.

Zong Yi did not look at it. He just yelled at the sky and vented the endless grief and resentment.

After the whistle sounded for a long time, it gradually subsided. In the end, Zongyuan, and then drove back to Zongshou, and squatted down: "Zongyuan's great hatred has been reported, and the wish is gone! Since then, it is the sword in the hands of the child, let alone drive, no regrets!"

Zong Shou blinked and curiously asked: "I thought that you would first ask him about the old things a few years ago, the hidden feelings of your father's death -"

"No need!" Zong Yuan looked up and looked indifferent: "I only need to know that the death of my father is due to this blasphemy and its compatriots! Whether they are involved or not, they will be killed together. There will be a mistake."

"Hey! This is quite reasonable!"

Zong Shou was dumbfounded and gestured to Zong Yuan to get up. At this moment, he has been to the side of the sect, and he looks down at the uncle and his uncle.

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