Divine Brilliance

Chapter 258: Blood League

Going back to the dry Tianshan City, and the final decision, you can no longer ride a horse. In the words of Zongtang, there is a loss of identity.

And the fourth-order hurricane that was grabbed from the wind, it was abandoned in this way, replaced by a dragon, which is actually made of gold. Gemstones are embedded in it, glittering. In short, what materials look expensive and what materials are used. The whole eighteen four-order dragon-winged horse-drawn marathon is really the ultimate luxury.

This is the car of the previous ancestors, and it looks like a very windy wind. Zong Shou couldn't help it, and some of them were inferior. This is also a bit too much for the outbreak.

However, when I saw the people around the Tianshan people, the face of the awkward sè mouth was thoughtful, or the taste of Zongweiran was too low.

Most people in this era are struggling for survival. Where do you know what style?

On the contrary, it is not as good as this kind of gorgeous car in his eyes, which is almost scum, which is more shocking.

And when the sects are under the tens of thousands of Guardian Guardians, Hao Hao dàngdàng, when they are at the top of the peak. The Zong Shi and others have disappeared. The people who were looking around were unable to find these figures.

This is not the expectation of a few people in the tigers, and Qiankun has already decided that Ren Zongshi will do his best and cannot flip. If you don't leave at this time, you can only wait for death. If you change to anyone, you will immediately flee.

Zong Shou also thinks this way, but his heart still uses a little defense. Now that the people of Xuejia have intervened and used the magic fog, they may also bring the illusion mirror to the eighth-order spirit of this illusion. He is famous.

If you intentionally hide, then you only need to lurk and stay still.

Then it is extremely difficult to detect unless it is a martial arts class at the level of Wu Zong, or a spiritual master of a day trip.

At this moment, even if the spiritual power has reached the middle of the night, it is impossible to see through the trace of this spirit.

Still, the sword does not leave, and the body is heavy. But when he walked into the Chongzheng Hall and sat on the throne of the demon king, there was still nothing ‘accident, it happened.

Zong Shou is quite astonished, and there is a spiritual support here. In particular, this dragon chair in the depths of the temple has a separate array of spirits. Those who want to play the assassination again will be more difficult.

Are these people really planning to give up? That Zongshi, is this the time?

The eyes carefully patrolled the temple, and there was still no suspiciousness. Zongshou’s brows could not help but wrinkle. Then the mind, a little relaxed. I smiled and looked at the many people in the temple, all busy,

Especially the people of Zongtang are busy with their feet.

In the era before the spiritual tide, it is still a barbaric era, and there are not as many red tapes as later generations.

In the eyes of many people in this era, it is even more difficult to pay attention to.

However, after all, it is the succession ceremony of a city or even a country's lord, but it is not too simple. A group of people shouted the city's thousand-year-old, even if it was finished. With a complete set of grand rules and regulations, the more grand, the more complex, the more noble the demon king, and the respect of the people, the respect of the demon king.

Therefore, this succession ceremony is a bit cumbersome, but it is also very tedious.

The king of the demon, the ritual style is more specific, first of all to the **** alliance with the demon. Then there is the slaughter of three sacrifices to tell the heavens.

The original custom, but also to kill the living, pick sinners from their respective tribes. The more you kill, the higher the specification in the eyes of the people of the demon family, the more satisfied you are.

However, after Zong Suran created this dry Tianshan, he abolished this Yaozu bad habit. Every year, all the memorials are simple, and it is a matter of getting slaughter like pigs and dogs.

Zong Shou naturally did not restore the meaning of living and paying homage, it is too barbaric and too inhuman.

But when he saw the tiger, he was carrying a large jar made of gold and placed it in the center of the temple. When you pour a bottle of wine into it, it still changes slightly.

Sure enough, everything is ready. Tiger Qianqiu was the first to stand by the tank, and the hand was cut, and the blood blew.

Zong Shou looked at the weight, until the tiger had a weight of more than ten kilograms, which stopped.

At this time, the tiger is a thousand years old, and it is already whitish, and the two tuǐ are obviously somewhat soft and trembling. It is very proud and provocative. I glanced at the crowd and my eyes were smug. The dragon walked back to the original position.

Zongshou scalp suddenly numb, but a blood swear, it is necessary to get such exaggeration?

Fortunately, the tiger is not far from the side, someone can ask. When Zong Shou looked at the past, the tiger Zhongyuan immediately sighed with scorn: "The world does not know! The rules of our demon family, when the blood is sworn, the more blood, the more sincere, the more bold, The more loyal to the monarch. Of course, there are other meanings, the more the gas is, the stronger the body. This aspect can be weak. My dad actually put a full blood, it is really powerful, not the name of my iron tiger family. One"

Zong Shou has a slight glimpse, and is there still a custom in this way? How do you not know?

After the Central Plains, it was Chai Yuan. The former was still somewhat frustrated, but at the moment he was not willing to show weakness. After you have licked it, you will also cut your wrist veins, and the blood will flow out like a spring.

After half a ring, the body is far away. It’s a half bowl more than the tiger’s Central Plains. This is a smile. It’s going to the tiger’s autumn, raising the chin, and then staggering back.

The third is Ling Xuan, the patriarch of the wolf family, who is also a monk. The blood released is actually only a little worse than the tiger. Almost on the spot, I was stunned and supported by people before returning to my seat.

However, this move is obviously very popular, not only the people in the temple, but also sè. The eyes of the wolf family, the remaining unwashed generals, have all been swearing out of the sè.

The patriarchs of the later ethnic groups are also as good as the Central Plains. The more blood is placed, the more arrogant it is, and the more you walk, the more you are. Those who are weak and have little blood are all shy. They cover their faces with their sleeves. They are so ugly. When more than two hundred tribes put their blood out, the golden jar is almost full of blood. It’s soaring.

However, this is not finished, and then there is a civil servant who is somewhat identifiable in the city. These people were originally just shackles, meaning they could. But they also competed one by one, and there was not much blood flowing out of fear.

Zong Shou could not help but turn his eyes, it seems that there are a lot of **** people in this temple. If there is a strong enemy to attack the dry Tianshan at this time, the guarantee is a bulge, and a nest is lost. This custom is too ignorant, and in the future, it must be abolished, and the feast will be abolished!

Among the people, they also saw Yin Yang Liancheng, and Hu Qianqiu’s fruit did not say anything. Both of them were in important positions.

Yin Yang is the commander of the fourth town of the banned army, and even the city has done Tudor, barely qualified to participate in this succession ceremony, but they all stand at the end of the temple.

But I also learned to cut out the other people's swords, and cut a flesh-and-blood wound on the wrist. The eyes are not stunned. It is very heroic and looks like a sage.

Only Zongyuan, who did not care about the eyes of others, only released a few drops of blood, even if it was finished, he was quite pleased.

In the end, it was the turn of Zong Shou. In the hall, thousands of eyes stared at it and stood before the golden blood tank.

The original meaning is that when you want to learn the last time you took the blood oath, you only pretend that you can put a few drops of blood on your own.

At this moment, the audience can see thousands of eyes, and they are all looking forward to burning. Zong Shou could not help but feel helpless. The concept of people in this era is simple. At this time, the more blood flows, the more people recognize it, and the falsification will only be despised, not human, and heart.

Self-consolation in my heart, anyway, this life only hurts this time. It’s much better to have so many people together, more than one.

Had to slam a tooth, Zong Shou took the knife, closed his eyes and cut it at the wrist, letting the blood flow.

Self-pity in the heart, since he came to this era, he has only been injured several times, actually because of the blood oath.

About half of the blood was released, and Zong Shou felt the sense of dizziness. Then he gave birth to inspiration, and when his eyes turned, he closed his eyes directly, and his face was golden and purple and lay back.

Dad was shocked by the people near him, and they reached out to help. Take Zong Shou and return to the throne above. It is also according to people, but also Guan Dan medicine, only finally wake up Zong Shou.

At this moment, in the temple, whether it is Tiger Qianqiu, or that Chai Yuan, the old ministers of the ancestors were all tears and moved.

Although the body is indeed weaker, it is not awkward. It is the son of the first king, and has the style of the king. How do you see this hòu, how sincere? In order to swear with everyone, I fainted.

Only the tiger Zhongyuan, holding the back of the head, looked suspicious huò.

Is the body of the sect of the world ~www.readwn.com~ so weak?

Physical strength is very bad, and when you run for two hours, you have to gasp. However, it does not mean that the body is weak. In his impression, under the weak body of the child, but the blood is strong and strong, like a cow.

Then it was the Blood League, where a bowl of blood wine was distributed to the people in the temple. Zong Shou also divided a bowl, only to feel bloody.

In this bowl, nine out of ten are blood. Almost pinching his nose, he barely poured it.

The blood pledge was completed, and everyone was three and nine, which was completed in the first half of the succession ceremony.

Finally, the sacrifice of the heavens, by dozens of patriarchs who rank top, slaughtered three animals on the spot. Then, by Zong Shou, he was alone on the top of the peak of the dry sky. On the ceremonial platform outside the cliff side, the rituals were used to announce the rituals and prayed to Heaven, even if it was finished.

This is very formal in the east of Yunlu. This is the case with the Tianshan City.

However, when he saw the temple, he was a brow, and his eyes were hidden. He finally knows where the people of Zongshi will start. ! .

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