Divine Brilliance

Chapter 261: Give me the fun

At the moment, he is like a child less than three years old, dancing a giant hammer.

This power is big, even powerful makes him scared, but he can't follow his heart.

This is a pair of grinding guns, and it really won't work. He thought he could control himself, but the result was with his martial arts.

The idea is moving, Zong Shouzheng wants to spread the ‘potential’ of the country that has been brought in, and spread the whole audience.

As a result, I didn’t know how to do it. I only heard it and it was a crackling sound. I saw the original big tu bone, which was once again broken. This time, it was actually the whole break, and the broken bones were broken, and the bones of the bones were full of bones. It was shocking.

When Zonshi suddenly yelled, a spit of blood spit out with visceral debris. I only feel that my own internal organs have been completely broken into meat by this irresistible force.

The mind is finally awake, this is not a dream! It is a real reality. He is very painful at the moment, and he can’t afford to be half-infant.

Suddenly, y ù ù 无 无 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

- Just showing the tip of the iceberg, it is already making him seriously injured on the spot!

I thought that I was 20 years old and I was in the innate realm. It was in the Tianshan Mountain, and it was unique after Zongyuan. With the identity of the fox, no one can match himself.

Compared to this one. It is a heaven, an underground. The position of the demon king must be the thing in his palm.

But this moment, the superiority is completely collapsed, and disappeared, leaving only fear and fear.

He had always been calm, thinking that the situation was under his control. But at this time, I knew myself, I am afraid I have lost since the beginning. It can't be indifferent. There is no way to calm down.

In order to grasp the trend of a country, at least the realm of Wu Zong must be taken to understand the potential of the martial arts to a certain extent.

If you want to control it like Zong Shou, then unless you are a master of Xuanwu, it is impossible to follow it!

So how strong is this guard in front of you?

- The ground is seven veins. Or is it the eighth round?

This change in the center of the Temple of Heaven is actually just a few breaths. This dry peak is still a battle. Can be on stage. They all took amazement and stared at Zongshou and Zongshi on the Temple of Heaven.

This variable is really too unexpected. So many people, the anger in their eyes, even the sadness of the sè. Has not retired.

Lingfakong is a pair of fists. Take a step forward. This scene in front of him simply made him unbelievable.

Zong Shigongzi, how can I lose, how can I kneel down? Lost to the kid who is poisonous and has nothing to do?

If it is the Zong Shi at the moment, it is obviously the injury to the lungs, below the knees, all broken. He almost thought that these people above the Temple of Heaven are actually doing drama!

Suddenly, I thought of a possibility, and the spiritual law suddenly felt only sinking in my heart. A cold chill, straight into the depths of the bone marrow.

Is it true that Jun and the world have always been in the past? What is the body of the two veins, can not martial arts are to hide people's eyes and ears?

Shizi, in fact, is a martial genius, talented and peerless?

Zong Rui Zonghe also maintained his previous smile. Then the face gradually became stiff.

They are full of míhuò, and they don’t understand the ancestral sword. But why is Zong Shou an safe and innocent, but it is Zong Shi, being crushed to the ground?

Even seriously injured, the tu ankle was broken. Hematemesis in the mouth. It seems to be a visceral hexagram, but also a heavy injury?

Is there any other hidden masters? Hidden on the altar of the day?

That fog leaf real flying blade sword array can not help but be a slight glimpse. Only l took out this slight flaw. It made Naqiu, and it was close to a few feet.

And Snow Mo Yan, even the pupils tightened. I realized it in an instant, it’s not that Zong Shi is playing, but that sword, I really can’t get out!

Looking at Zong Shou again, my heart is even more shocking, and my body is suffocating. In this moment, it is almost frantic: "It’s a sword! Put the power of one country into one, and condense into a sword. You are king. Martial arts?"

Zong Shou did not answer, and still tried his best to control this huge force.

At the time of his previous life, he also saw a lot of secrets of the royal family in the countries of the cloud. There has also been a shallow study on this kingdom of martial arts.

At this time, however, it is impossible to enter the state.

When there is some frustration, there is a glimmer of light in the brain. The situation of gathering a country is simple, and it is necessary to be free to push it. However, he has exhausted his mind and cannot complete it. Could it be that the thoughts that are too complicated are actually related to the scent of yellow?

Zong Shou’s eyes were bright, and he decided to replace the body with the Jiu Lin Sword, which spurred the sword, and the result was a lot easier.

Taking the second **** of ‘Yuan Yijian’ as the medium, although it is still somewhat difficult. But before that, there was no sense of powerlessness with a small force and a huge hammer. It is already strong and can be controlled.

He is quietly exploring the law of the control of this martial art, while the snow Mo Yan is still in the eyes of change, the face has been suddenly white and white several times: "Can put the power of a country into the martial arts idea, you are Xuanwu Master? No, it is impossible! I know, you are the innate body, master the sword!"

Zong Shou was amazed by the brows. This snow Mo Yan’s eyes were not much, almost guessing the truth of the matter.

The next moment is a sword that is unstoppable, rising from the scabbard of the Jiu Lin sword.

The silk flower located in the whirlpool of the hún sea is also completely open.

Just at this time, the Xuanwu master, who was not far away from the ground, was rushing to where he stood. In the hands of two big guns, like a poison dragon out of the hole, the gun shadow flew and slammed. In an instant, countless guns bloom, and the light is the strength of the escape. It seems that the body of Zong Shou is completely broken.

Zong Shou had a look at his eyebrows and did not look carefully. He said a ‘sheathing’!

A sword of gold sè, instantly vacated. This is the ancient treasure, the spirit of the king,

At this moment, when the swordsmanship is formed, the trend of a country is introduced into it. Immediately, a strong and strong pressure, covering the audience!

This is what it seems to be the entire dry Tianshan City, which is concentrated in the space of dozens of feet.

When Jianguang flashed, he heard a loud bang from the bang, and completely broke the gunfire.

It was actually attacking and attacking, and it was **** the front. The vast sword is almost a crushing trend. Take a two-shot gun that has a three-level spirit level and is made of various rare metals, forcibly crushing it!

Even the hand of the Xuanwu master was shaking slightly. The mouth is bleeding, and the figure is regressed.

Then Jianguang once again chiseled, and the head of the Xuanwu master was completely shaved.

Xue Moyan was once again taking out the magic mirror, a mirror light, going to Zong Shou Zhao.

But I saw the boy, the boy, who was opposite, and he did not respond under the illumination of his magic mirror. Instead, it was a pair of phoenix eyes, bent into a crescent, and smiled at him.

When Snow Mo Yanzhong was neutral, he was a subconscious saga. When he saw the Taoist master of the Taoist name. Without the power of resistance, it was killed by a sword flying in the air. The voice that was low and magnetic, was suddenly changed, and suddenly it was extremely high: "The sword is empty, are you a night trainer?"

When the voice falls, it is no longer nonsense, and no longer tries to find out the roots of the sect. In the hands of the magic mirror, the figure has been illusory. In a flash, the sudden and extraordinary, disappeared.

I can only feel dozens of breaths, looming, and fleeing beyond the Temple of Heaven. Do not take the direction of the mountain, but the imperial spirit, flying directly in the air.

Zong Shou is not in a hurry, these people will not show up. Once it appeared, it was impossible to escape from his sword.

Bringing the power of this city to a country, his strength at this moment can almost surpass those of the Xuanwu masters who are at the peak!

If even these cats and dogs can slip away from him. Then he talks about autumn, where is there any qualification, self-styled 'Sword Emperor'?

Even though Snow Mo Yan used the magic mirror to differentiate dozens of similar air engines and flew in all directions. But that is true, but it is from the beginning to the end, all under his lock.

Jiu Linjian hovered with his thoughts and suddenly fell down and fell into his hands. Then there was no power, that is, the swordsmanship flashed again, and a sword of three hundred feet long, swaying the sky. To the north of the sky, the momentary fall!

Just listening to the sound of ‘铿’, a burst of light and shadow in the distance. Where the sword light fell, suddenly the psionic rush.

Snow Mo Yan's figure ~www.readwn.com~ is released again. At this time, it is extremely embarrassing, and the hair is scattered. In the hands of a long knife like a white jade, it turned into a piece of debris, leaving only one hand in the hand. After that, he completely gave up the thought of escaping and screamed. "Shanhe swordsmanship? In the face of the sword, it is actually a martial art. The rumors of the two veins, the inability to practice the waste, is actually a magical sword. Congenital beginning pulse, night travel situation! A good ancestors, I am not satisfied with the loss of snow!"

Zong Shou heard the words, and shook his head slightly: "It was guessed by you, but unfortunately no prize. Your magic mirror is very good, don't stay for me to play?"

Jianguang changed, only a sword slanted. That Hao dàng Jianqi passed by, immediately ‘Peng’, the blood dance drifted. The enormous force that the sword has carried, directly shocked the body of this snow Mo Yan!

Only one bronze round mirror was left untouched. After being summoned by Zong Shou, he rushed down and went straight into the hands of Zong Shou.

When the **** rains are swaying, the ups and downs of the ceremonies of the heavens are all silent. Even the sound of the swordsman’s crossfire was also stopped.

Even after countless experiences, the heart has long been exercised to bō澜 not shocked, but the old rituals of Zhai Ling, who did not change sè in front of the mountain, do not know what kind of mentality to deal with this series of changes. ! .

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