Divine Brilliance

Chapter 278: Black demon king

At the moment, it is not only Zhang Xin's gas knot, but even Xuan Yunlan, but also a face convulsion. Then this time, are they white? Affected by this insult, but it is the last, but still can not get the other half of the promise.

Zong Shouben’s stay was straightforward, and he had to arrange for the things in Shilixiangxiang. Naturally, he could give those brothels a way to live, and there was no need for the other party to set aside anything.

But when he got up, Zong Shou was in the heart of his heart.

I remembered the sound of the piano that I heard the night before. Now it’s still a little stop, like a smile and a smile to the Xuan Yunlan: \"Your piano art seems to be good, then you can quietly and spiritually in the soft door?"

Xuan Yunlan looked awkwardly, but nodded slightly, and did not know why Zong Shou suddenly raised the matter.

In the next moment, I heard Zong Shou and smirked out loudly: "The original singer of the soft-sounding door is really disrespectful. How is this? If you really save the poor people in Shilixiang, then give me this every day. It’s a time of song, it’s March, I don’t know what Miss Yunlan is going to do?”

Xuan Yunlan looked stunned and thought for a moment, but nodded. Jingshen An Lingqu is the secret technique of the light-sounding door. Every time this song is played, it will consume part of the soul.

But if she can solve this problem perfectly, then she will not care.

Most of the brothers and sisters are born with a desolate, acting style, and they are quite arrogant.

Only the soft sound door is different, because of the practice of the law, the act is peaceful.

Xuan Yunlan is a woman who is really poor in Shili-cho, because of her own life. If it is for these people to be able to walk alive, she is willing to pay anything and do anything.

Zong Shou secretly shook his head and saw the girl's look. Suddenly, she was somewhat shy.

This girl, do you really think that you are the Virgin? Actually, I did not bargain for the price, and I agreed. And you can see that this Xuan Yunlan is sincere.

Compared to this woman, she is simply a personal scum, it is really self-defeating,

For those who think that they are self-righteous, pure-minded, and sorrowful, he is the most hated and resentful in his previous life. It’s not that you can’t look good, but you’re only glaring. It is like a long-term survival [eternal life] in the darkest shadows of the creature, instinctive fear of the sun.

The unclear meaning of a smile, Zong Shou will not say more, with a finger to Xuan Yunlan hook, it is out of this partial hall.

Still returning to the martial arts field, but after the entry of the sect, it is directly pulling the door. Turning Xuan Yunlan out of the door, the meaning is not clear, is that she wants to play the piano outside the door.

There are many instruments in the smoke-containing palace. When the first snow was too much, I found a good quality Yaoqin, placed in front of Xuan Yunlan, and then sat down and smiled.

Xuan Yunlan is angry and angry, and my heart is very bitter, how can I provoke this devil?

A dozen deep breaths in a row, barely suppressing the mood. Pressing the piano with both hands, the first piano sound popped up, which is crisp and touching.

Then a series of notes, as if the stream is flowing, naturally flows into the hearts of the people around here.

There is still a monitoring mind in the beginning of the snow. At this moment, with the constant sound of this piano, the eyes are gradually fascinated. I feel that there is no more beautiful voice in this world.

Even the soul of the sea, which has not seen the movement for a long time, has gradually expanded.

This song Jingjing An Lingqu, actually helps people practice the soul!

But the sound of the piano, it lasted for a while. In the lavish martial arts room, there was another cold cry: "It’s hard to hear, impetuous! Is this your secret esoteric technique? If there is only this fascinating mind, it is really disappointing!"

Xuan Yunlan slightly stunned, **** a chaos, when the fingertips were standing, the string was cut off by the string. Then he was shocked and angry, looking at the direction of the gate.

She can tolerate this humiliation and swear by the lives of nearly ten thousand women in Shili-cho.

But never tolerate each other, insult their own sect!

Just want to refute, just listen to the shoud and open the door: \" I heard that your Jingjing An Lingqu, the most important thing is a static word. Your heart is not quiet, how can you pop a really good sound? You live Yu Jingyun Yalou, this is the experience of the world, bathing in the red world. Confucianism has a good saying, so the heavens will be reduced to the people, but also the people must first bitter their minds, labor and bones, hungry their skin, lack of their I am tempted to do what I want, so I am tempted and tolerant. I have nothing to do with it. What do you experience today, is it not the test of heaven to you? Even this point, you can’t stand it, what are you practicing? Wu, what is it?"

At that time, Xuan Yunlan was still secretly sneer, and he only promised to play an hour of tranquility. The effect of this piano sound is exactly what it is, but there is no guarantee. What are the obligations, must be calm?

The last few sentences, like the yellow bell big Lu, are vibrating. Shocked in her spirit, madness suddenly began, and the mood could not be calmed for a long time. Suddenly in my heart, there was a sense of ignorance.

Yes, as a violinist, to this quiet Yunya building, this is to come to experience everything in the world. The red dust of Guanlan is changing and the world is full of people.

So what is the experience of today, is it not a test of your own state of mind, a kind of experience? Think carefully, this young monarch, in fact, and the past, those who come and go in the Jingyun Yalou, there is no difference. Everyday, there are people who are dissatisfied with themselves and intend to marry themselves. There are even those who are unconcerned.

So why do you care so much?

With such a thought, Xuan Yunlan’s heart immediately settled down as usual. In a flash, it seems to have learned a lot. Not only is not angry, but a little smile on the lips.

Hands and fingers are waving on the piano, and the melody beats again, which is quite different from the previous one.

The soul power that should have been lost has not only been consumed, but has increased slightly. In the mind, it seems that there is a lot of floating dust, and it has been swept out, and it is crystal clear.

At the moment, Zong Shou is behind the door. The mouth is wide and can't be closed.

I have to talk nonsense, the intention is just to lie to each other, willingly play this quiet and spiritual song for myself.

This silly woman is actually really believe. And not only believe that the piano has been played. The realm of the mind seems to have benefited from his words.

Zong Shou did not know that he should regret it, or he should be lucky. In short, this Xuan Yunlan is indeed a rare wonder.

When the eyes are blind, Zong Shou is too lazy to pay attention. The illusion mirror still floats in front of you. And the mind is once again into meditation ~www.readwn.com~ This secret door of the secret sound of the Jingshen An Lingqu, it really is. The repair of the soul damage is not even inferior to some rare spirits.

Within the brain, the faint pain has completely subsided. After Zong Shou observed his own soul sea, he stopped to pay attention.

In turn, he gave up the magic mirror, but this time, it was not to let his heart enter the peace of peace. It was a battlefield that was murderous and full of bones. The first thing that appeared in front of us was a strong enemy that I had met in the past.

The phantom mirror is a seven-order spirit, so it can only simulate the seventh-order powerhouse Wu Zong and the day tour.

Zong Shou has set his own cultivation as the realm of the spiritual night tour, but it is not a bit sinful.

Then within this spiritual illusion, the sword is rushing, and the psionic rushing.

The use of Zong Shou at this moment is the spiritual law. At most, it is supplemented by the one-yuan sword to deal with the offensive of the day-level spiritual master, and not let himself die too early.

Although his martial arts is strong, he can achieve the highest achievement in this world, but it is the soul force. It’s a bit of a battle, but there’s no experience at all.

Use the illusion to ponder the battle. Although there is no previous virtual illusion, that time accelerates. But it is the quickest way to complement this short board.

Directly choosing the daytime spiritual master as an opponent is Zong Shouxin's belief that only under the pressure of a strong enemy can he grow faster.

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