Divine Brilliance

Chapter 285: Drinking and fighting again

Wei Xu is not half-satisfied with the sè, only carefully look at Zong Shou up and down, the scorpion is fine.

This borrowing has actually become!

From the time of the present to the present, it is only the twenty interest.

In just 20 minutes, Zong Shou took his Da Ri Wu Da, from no foundation, to the level of meaning! One hundred miles, even half!

This speed is simply terrible! It’s really a martial art, no falsehood!

No, it’s not just that. It’s not simply borrowing and imitating, but integrating his great sword into your own martial arts!

This time, what kind of ghosts did you find for the division? Although it is not as good as the Lingwu double repair, it may not be able to go to the extreme of Lingwu in the future.

On the way to practice, it is like a long-distance race. If you run the front fast, if you lose the chain in the middle, if you have insufficient stamina, you still have to lose.

Zong Shou was crying coldly. After a long time, the coziness in his eyes faded.

"The brothers don't think that I have to give my brother a confession?"

In fact, I guessed in my heart that this is a temptation by Wei Xu to himself, a test, or a more appropriate inspection.

However, since there is dissatisfaction in the heart, it is time to say it and let the other party know. Otherwise, this guy may even be more offended.

"What do you mean? Can you kill the enemy by yourself, isn't it more deflated?" Wei Xu is not annoyed, but rather appreciates it. After laughing and approaching, I glanced at the corpses that fell off the ground. I saw that the flesh and blood, and did not bottom out, suddenly began to burn. It is not that it is more intense.

"We just want to tell our younger brothers that we are the disciples of the disciples. In my path, the most important thing is a 'independence, word, one', and words. The only way is to be independent, to be self-reliant. If you want to rely on the trend of the sect, you will be disappointed, and you will not be able to rely on others. Most of you will be degraded after we are detained. Enemy, there is no hatred of death."

Zong Shouyiyi, remembered the Seven Lingzong and the light door, the disciples of these sects did not seem to be as Wei Xu said. What happened to you, isn’t it a group of friends and friends to seek out crowds?

He knew that the sword sect was stronger than this sacred road.

"It’s just a sacred road! It has nothing to do with three sects."

It seems that I saw the heart of Zong Shou. Wei Xu shook his head and explained: "In the middle of my door, there are only seven people in your life. In fact, this time I shot, it is an exception. You can take me one heart and one time. ”

Zong Shouxian was shocked by the shackles, and then he woke up and angered. "I owe you a human condition. Isn't this a disaster that you have provoked me? If you are obsessed with the stagnation, I will worship the Tai Ling Zong and even That five mountains can also be. This magic mountain sect can help me?" Wei Xu breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that flicker can not live, then turned to laugh and laugh: "then no one owes. But today, if not this Abandoned, I really don't know how to be a younger brother. I have such an ambition. I want to integrate hundreds of kendos for my own use."

Zong Shou’s eyes immediately shrank, but it was not unexpected. His kendo heart is based on the sword of Yuan Yi, and goes straight to the root of the martial arts. And the sorrowful swords that come out, the swords of the mountains and rivers, the swords of the big day, and even the swords of the gods. It’s all external performance. Its roots are still the sword of the Yuan.

The path of kendo is not changing from its ancestors. Just take care of the roots and you can make everything.

You can play a hundred kendos with one sword. You can also use the sword of a hundred families to sculpt the foundation and build the foundation.

When he was alive, he improved his own martial arts. Today, he created his own spiritual ruling. It is also based on this kind of thinking.

Wei Xu is a strong sage, and it is not surprising to see his kendo roots. It’s just that his brother saw it, but it’s just him, the part that he wants to see.

The anger in my heart is still not scattered, and I am talking. Just listen to Wei Xu, the tone is a change: "Listen to this person's words, it seems that Xuanshan City is also very bad. The younger brother is not yù go to Xuanshan City and his party? I do not know you are going all the way to the east, Or am I moving you over there?"

Zong Shou stunned his eyes and suddenly disappeared. Such a big soft underbelly is still in the hands of the other party, and it is really not in the air. It is more than two thousand miles away from the Tianshan Mountain. In addition to this Wei Xu's method of moving, he wants to rush over, how can it be a few days later.

"The younger brother is not angry? This is the child, I am sentimental today, take you past." Wei Xu smiled, suddenly explored, a symbol suddenly suspended in front of him.

A group of auras, overflowing from the paper. The space here is also suddenly distorted.

Zong Shouqi, only one glance knows that this Wei Xu is not using the power of Fu Xi, to move the space. Instead, it suppresses this spatial change, and the bowed b is swaying.

In the realm of Wei Xu, in this world, to cover up his own breath, it is more than several times more difficult than the mana cost of breaking through time and space, but also more difficult.

Suddenly remembered, Zong Shou curiously said: "Senior brother, we are born, is this really credible? Never talked and counted?

If the martyrdom is true, then the sacredness of the later generations can be disdainful. Not to mention three sects and six sects, that is, the dying Taoist dynasty, which is on the verge of being defeated, is basically notorious.

In the future, it will definitely be the chief culprit in the ruin of the door.

"Nature, this is a gold sign!"

Wei Xu heard that he was happy, and he said that "we have seen people who haven’t counted, and almost all of them have died. We are born, naturally we never deceive people. If the sunflower is abandoned, I said it is not One refers to getting up. But the seven Lingzong so many disciples and grandchildren are my subordinates. Let them take the shot, this is not an oath!"

Zong Shou suddenly ‘喔, a voice, immediately is the heart of the gods. That's it, he was blowing around in the wind, and then the four scenes changed again.


The place where it appears should be near Xuanshan City, but the distance is only 30 miles away.

Zong Shou secretly marveled at the power of this fairyland, the precision of the space, one side frowning, looking at the contours of the city.

This big city, at this moment is an abnormal silence. Like the dry Tianshan City a few days ago, it reveals the scent of the sword.

"At the top of the mountain, it seems to have been fighting!"

Zong Shou heard the words and immediately looked far and wide. Sure enough, on the top of the mountain, a group of suffocating and psionics swayed and was spreading around.

Before he could see it carefully, Wei Xu once again grabbed his shoulder: "With your cultivation, you can't take a thousand miles. Go, let me take you there."

It was a step by step, and it was the peak of Xuanshan. It’s already a mess to see this mountain.

Those giants have been destroyed.

However, here, there are no soldiers who are stationed, and there are no casualties. Only a dozen or so figures are standing beside the Iron Temple, and it is not weak to cultivate.

Xuanyuantong is like a mountain, but there are some faces that are gray and defeated in the school center. In front of him, an old man in black robe is floating in the void. About sixty or seventy years old, looking confident, and looking at the bottom with a little discretion.

When the two arrived, the Xuanyuantong was just a slamming exit to the foothills, and suddenly the screaming of the air, such as thunder and shock dàng, so that the entire Xuanshan mountain, shook.

Then I only listened to 锵, a soft bang, hurricane sniper. A black sword, forcibly shaken by the giant force. However, it only flew three feet and hovered in the air.

It seems that the one that can smash dozens of Xuanwu masters is simply not enough.

And the old man is also calm and sacred: "This is the Xuanshan 18th law of your Xuanyuan family? It is similar to our Moshanshan, but it is nothing but worth nothing.

"In your eyes, or really."

The eyes of Xuanyuantong have been half-closed and half-closed, and they are not shaken at the moment. "At least at the top of Xuanshan, in this city, you can't help me! Demon enchanting, actually dare to make a mess, I see you are not far from death!"

"The demon enchantress? Oh, what is the lady of the lord? I can't go far on the evil word."

The old man in black robe sneered, but in that eyes, it was also unrelenting: "I really saw you Xuanyuantong today. But at this moment, I can’t help you, but I don’t want you to be this Xuanshan City. I really urge myself. Well, I have done everything. I advise the city owner, but I will take it with you, and give your daughter a good job. I will not hurt her, just do it for the Tianshan Mountain.

The Xuanyuan stunned and screamed coldly. When I was talking, I listened to the Xuanyuan Yiren in front of the Iron Temple, and suddenly I was surprised: "Zong Shou?"

The pair of people, both of them, were slightly surprised. Looking back to ~www.readwn.com~ I saw the side of the cliff not far away, standing tall and short, the same thin two. Suddenly, I was shocked. I didn’t know the two. When did it come?

When he saw that it was indeed Zongshou, Xuanyuan Tong was relieved. The old man in black robe, but his face is slightly yīn.

Zong Shoubang looked at Wei Xu, seeing the other side did not split the meaning of the hand, only slightly sighed: "So, still rely on myself?" Wei Xu did not answer, but cast an appreciative look, faintly readable Out, it is 'the younger brother you are really smart, the voice can be taught, the eyes.

Zong Shou still wants to slap a slap in the face, and the martial arts Wu Zong will be gone. This Wu Zun strong, even if he borrows the power of the Holy Land, he is also defeated by 10 to 10, and there is no chance of victory.

However, he did not hesitate. Zong Shou went straight to the front of the sword: "Uncle, can this war be given to me? This is the scourge of my own shackles, and I should dispose of it myself."

Xuanyuan Tongben is subconsciously wanting to refuse. After an instant, I only feel the scent of Zongshou. Suddenly, it becomes hot and blazing. It is weaker than him, but it is more pure. That look, but also firm and incomparable first shocked, Xuanyuan Tong looked thoughtfully and looked at Wei Xu, who was not aware of the distance. After a moment of meditation, I clicked on the head and said: "Yes, but you need to drink some wine!"! .

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