Divine Brilliance

Chapter 312: Too bad

Jing Tao had long been concerned, only to see the vast beam of three hundred five-six sè, rushing into the canyon.

Wherever it passes, the air is burning and dàng. The land below is also instantly turned into scorched earth.

Yuan 弩 弩 can completely trigger any of the six-order animal crystals that belong to xìng. Detonate all the elements and turn them into the ultimate pure psionic power.

The genus of this psionic beam is naturally different. But without exception, it contains the devil that destroys xìng.

Almost every hair is equivalent to the power of the sixth-order beast! Even the seventh-order essence of the beast, when it is the cherry blossoms of the front, it must be won.

Almost between the beards, the essence of the valley mouth is emptied. The rest, not under the impact of this Yuan dynasty, immediately died, but there is no more madness before, **** red animal, also restored a bit clear, now screaming. Suddenly, watching these giant ships in the air.

It seems that it is not until this time that the airboats in front of these woods are not their prey.

Then there was no time for the twenty-second time, and the second b-beam was followed.

The same three hundred beams of devastating power flow into the canyon. After the shackles, the ten miles of the valley mouth resisted, and immediately stood still.

On the ground, all the time is the broken corpse. Almost no sperm, can survive. All the evil spirits, and there is no chance of being close, they will be destroyed by this element and completely broken up and crushed.

Jingtao’s tight heart immediately eased. Although it is known at this moment, it is only the beginning of the animal tide, and the seven-order essence of the beast has not yet appeared. However, it is no longer as worrying as before, as long as the eight hundred yuan is extinct. Keeping this Taniguchi is no problem.

Now I will not pay attention to it anymore. There was a different force, and the sacred bag on the corpse was taken in his hand.

In the end, it was disappointing, but it was disappointing and thrown to Zong Shoudao: "There are very few things in the interior. It seems that this predecessor was expected before he was there."

Zong Shou is in the hands, only to see this real Qiankun bag, it is a long and wide, and the height is also huge. It is several times wider than the space in his small Qiankun bag.

However, inside, it really is like the words of Jingtao. It is indeed empty, except for some similar medicine bottles and pots, as well as some medicines, there is nothing else.

Obviously, this person knew that he had no hope beforehand. Therefore, all the belongings, find him out of storage, or directly to their loved ones or disciples to keep.

The most valuable thing is the two pieces of the spirit inside. Compared with the strong one who has stepped into the gate of Xianwu, the grade is not high, only seven orders.

Zong Shou carefully examined the spirit and determined that there were no special money in those medicine bottles, which could help people improve the immortality of the realm. This is the opening: "This Qiankun bag belongs to me, the two seven-order spirits, you and I each take one. The rest of the medicinal herbs are like 凌, all belong to Ling Yunzong. I don't know the real person, what is the intention?"

That Jingtao real person also nodded, he actually cares more about this Qiankun bag. This object is made of the skin of the essence of the beast with the spatial power above the ninth order. Even Ling Yunzong, only six.

However, the big harvest of this harvest must not be taken up by him. Being able to have a seven-order spirit can make up for his previous losses.

After a little meditation, Jing Tao smiled and said: "Please ask your Highness, and give the original sword to the original."

Zong Shou chún corner suddenly twitched, swearing this old road, really smart enough. Two pieces of the highest value, this is the mysterious sword.

However, he did not hesitate, and threw the seven-step green sword, together with the medicinal herbs in it, and lost all his brains to Jingtao.

Then, from this bag, he took out a Yaoqin and handed it to Xuan Yunlan next to him. The latter looks awkward and recognizes the same, but also a seven-order spirit. The corner of Yaoqin is engraved with the words of the stringed string. It seems to be a bowstring made of the dragon's ribs.

With a slight flick, the sound is clear and melodious, and the sound quality is excellent.

It was never imagined that Zong Shouhui would give this seven-order spirit to him.

Although she was born in the light door, she was a ancestral rumor. Due to the customary rules of Zongmen, most of the disciples under the door are stocked. In addition to the annual quota of the spirit and the medicinal herbs, the rest need to be self-employed. It is not easy to get a seventh-order spirit. It is even more difficult to find the right fit for her instrument.

My eyes were slightly struggling, and Xuan Yunlan never returned the things in her hand. Yingying said: "Thank you for your success! Xuan Yunlan is not thankful. After the March period, I will play the Jingshen Ang Ling. One year!"

Zong Shou’s heart smiled and it was a year’s trick. This Yaoqin is really worthwhile.

He has a lot of income this time, and he can get his hands at the seventh level. For this dragon string, I really can't see my eyes. On the contrary, it is a year of tranquility and spirituality, which will surely enable him to deduct the spirit of the world and his own spiritual law to a higher level.

That Jingtao real person, and then took the small Qiankun bag, collected this place, about 20% of the seven-order corpse. Just stop taking it and stand by and watch. Looking at Zong Shou, first of all, it is slow and reasonable, and take the huge seven-step corpses into the space inside the bag.

In the heart, I finally raised a few doubts. This is not a hún force? Why can it promote the Qiankun bag?

However, this kind of spirit, the psionic power itself needs is not much. If there is something good, look at the thunder that is shining in the body.

Is it also the cause of that unknown treasure? Not surprisingly, a demon king is itself rich. How can there be no means of self-defense?

Not too careless, Jing Tao's real person walked into the spirit division and was preparing for the spirit of the law.

Then the next moment, it will change again. In the gap between the annihilation and the volley, he just seemed to really hear the voice outside the valley.

It seems to be screaming at the sect, and mixed with a few screams.

Can't help but be slightly disappointed, can it be said that Zong Shoufang said that it is true? Still myself, has an auditory hallucination?

It is also the time when Jingtao is a real person and his heart is awkward. That Zhao Zhenran was a volley, but it was still a good thing. He received the seven-step corpse’s sacred side, faintly said: "The sound outside, I heard it."

Zong Shou squinted and put on a look of incomprehension: "What do you mean by the fairy? What did you hear?"

Zhao Yanran cold and oblique eyebrows, this life, she is the first time to see, so yīn dangerous guy.

That Taoyun flames Zhucheng, provoked this guy, it is really the mold of eight lifetimes.

"You have seen the traces left by Gu Lie, I also saw one"

You only have to install it, and then you can install it.

Zong Shou is dumbfounded, and this is the end of the matter. Even if he was dismantled, he didn't have to care.

However, carefully condensed, still decided to seal Zhao Yuran's mouth: "Thirty seven-order beast crystal, don't forget it!"

Zhao Yanran Liu Mei slightly picks, and finally is a shallow smile: "If this matter is passed, the Highness is not afraid, but the trouble is not small. If Jingtao understands it at this moment, it will not let you do it."

Zong Shou did not answer, but a thought, in the hún sea vortex in the blood sè small point, gently dial.

Zhao Xiaoran suddenly trembled, his limbs s ramie, and there was a sense of tremor and itching in his lower body.

A pair of jade tuǐ, can not help but clamp, but can not help the pleasure, 亵kù inside, slightly wet. On the pretty face, there was a red tide.

However, Zhao Zhaoran’s eyes are all taboo and fear.

It is no wonder that she had a feeling in her heart. It turned out to be Zong Shou, and she has already refining the birthplace!

And it seems that she has done the hands and feet on the metaphysical species, and the sect has already penetrated into it, all the mystery! In just a few rì, there is a counter-measure,

Zong Shou was laughing, and he went to the side of the body of the immortal. Here Xuanyuan Yiren, is carefully cautious, put a strain of corpse swords and grasses. Compared with Jingtao, it is more careful, and there is no reason to deal with him.

Zong Shou did not care, but instead took a big shot and the lightning flashed. Put all the pieces of the phoenix sword into the hand.

Looking at these magical pieces is thoughtful.

In the next moment, I suddenly felt itchy nose. Several sneezes were shot in succession. Zong Shouxin suddenly became angry, who is cursing me? It’s too wicked!


Just at the exit of the canyon, the tyrant is a loud voice: "Zong Shouxiaoer! I rì you 姥姥! I cāo your ancestors! Actually dare to count Laozi"

Not only him, but the people around here are also sighing and resentful. It’s just that it’s not like the tyrants, it’s just a direct export.

The wind is full of arms and neck, and it is already a blue rib. If you don't know yourself at this time, it is the calculation of Zong Shou, then he is really stupid.

At this moment, thousands of cloud ships have barely let them go to the sides of this valley. However, under the impact of this beast, it was too late to make a comeback.

Under the pressure of the beast, constantly retreating deep into the valley.

The more terrible ~www.readwn.com~ is the sè beam from the inside of the canyon.

Hundreds of great spiritual impacts, even if they are more than 20 miles away, are still not vast.

Watching that a cloud ship smashed under the impact of a beam of light, or was directly sunk by those beasts.

In the heart of the wind and anger, it is also bleeding in the heart.

"This is the annihilation of a singer! A singer of a beast crystal!"

The more the mind of the cloud, the more than 40% of the four thousand cloud ships, the battleship of Taoyun City, the loss is also the largest among the three parties.

Before I remembered the boy I had seen on the island of Psychic, the more I watched the cloud, the more I hated it.

"There are eight hundred in number! The sect seems to have long been deliberate, so that you and the ship of the three cities will be destroyed!"

From the hunter to the prey that stepped into the trap, this feeling made the Yueguan cloud almost lose its sanity. Especially recently, he was still proud of this. (To be continued)! .

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