Divine Brilliance

Chapter 320: 2 assassinations

Quite simply, the more the spirits of the sects, the more disciples are cultivated.

The number of relics that are refining in the east of Yunlu is limited every year. There is still a large share of it, which is divided by the sects. Unlike Dan Quanzong, the major sects are going to buy medicinal herbs.

At this time when the spiritual tide is rising, it is even more urgent to cultivate disciples.

This is related to the fundamental contradiction of Zongmen. It is that Ling Yunzong is the hegemon of the eastern part of the cloud world and can be crushed.

However, Zong Shou is still a hesitant, ordnance forging, is the military heavy state, can you be in the hands of outsiders?

Millions of orders can certainly bring him a stakeholder ally, but it will also affect the growth of the forging industry and the spiritual forge in the dry Tianshan city.

After a moment of meditation, Zong Shou had an idea. When he smiled, he said: "The 500,000 beast crystal weapon, I don't need Tianshan for the time being. How about 300,000 in the first five years? For my Tianshan, I will cultivate 60. The fourth-order spiritual forge, all the expenses of nature, are also borne by my dry Tianshan. It is a foreign disciple, but I have to listen to the life of my Tianshan! In addition, please ask for the Tianshan, redesign the mysterious The squadron's armored squadrons are all based on the quasi-fourth-order spirits like the blood cloud ride. Once completed, I will keep 5,000 sets of orders.

Johann suddenly slammed his breath and took a cold breath. The original number has been reduced to 300,000, and the cultivation of sixty fourth-order spiritual forge divisions has already fallen below his heart. The heart is even more unpleasant, this young demon king, really playing a good calculation.

Can be the last. Hear the promise of the five thousand fourth-order quasi-spirit. In the heart of Joe Han, it was slightly shocked.

This can be different from those that have been partially disabled, but a true quasi-fourth-order spirit. In the market, the fourth-order spirit is equivalent to three hundred fourth-order beast crystals, and the price of the fourth-order halving is calculated. Coupled with the cost of the design, the business is at least two million.

Frowning meditation, Qiao Han is hesitant. But see Zongyuan, once again went upstairs to report.

"Jun Shang! Xuan Shui. Yu Yi, Ren Gong, Lieshan four city owners, also downstairs, waiting for a long time. Say something is going to face Jun!"

Zong Shou blinked and was puzzled. The four city masters are the ones who follow him into the dozens of city-states under the sea of ​​clouds, and the hearts of the people are the most clever people.

But before, he talked with these people. Divided into a reward has also been given. I don't know if these people are looking for him at the moment. What is the matter?

Seeing Zongyuan, it is obvious that y rumors are stopped. Zong Shou went to the bottom of the building with a sense of spirituality. But for a moment, I already know why.

The following is not only the forest machine, it seems that the Flame City, the messenger of Yunxiao City. It seems to be here too.

"After all, I still have to fight for one. Those guys, what good is it when you see it? You can just drive people away."

Zongyuan frowned. "Zongyuan also has this intention, but these people seem to have another flaw." Then they stopped talking, but placed three hot stamping posts in front of Zongshou.

Zong Shou picked up a little, and he laughed. Good guy! Lingfu Zongmen, two great families, come to the head. This Yuntao flames three cities. Sure enough, as he guessed, there are Zongmen forces behind them.

If the chess piece is fiasco, is it ready to stand up in the shirt?

It is only his name, Xuan Su, and even the forces like Tianhu Xueshi, who forcibly expelled the Tianshan Mountains. The elite disciples sent by him were all killed by him. I will be afraid, this is obviously not as good as the three parties?

If you don't interfere directly, you will be fine. If he is aware of the clues of the three forces' involvement in this matter, they must be good-looking.

He is also a backer now, although Wei Xu said that he wants to be self-reliant. However, if you really can't cope with the danger of not coming, you really don't believe in the eternal life. Will stand by.

I don’t care if I don’t care, Zong Shouxian is a pair of eyes. Then, as usual, "Let them come up and talk, see you, and see what they are doing."

The ambassador of Taoyun City is still the forest machine. The messengers of the other two cities are all raw faces. Obviously extremely acquainted, extremely humble, they only accompanied one or two deputies.

Zong Shou glanced at it and didn't care too much. In addition to the surname Lin, the martial arts repair is still quite impressive, and the rest of the people are just the realm of Wu Zong, and there is no such thing as a high-level teacher.

More heart-felt, it is the lord of the four cities. After coming up, I will see the court of the courtiers. Zong Shou also nodded slightly, curiously said: "Where are you coming to see me, what is it?"

His senses to these four people are extremely complicated. Under the initial entry into the sea of ​​clouds, occasionally encountering large herds. These four people are trying their best to avoid it. It seems that there is a thought of preserving strength. When you arrive at the tomb, you will change your attitude. Every time you encounter an enemy, you will be charged in front of you.

The city owner of Xuan Shui City, named Luo Shui. When the four people looked at each other, the person first said: "I wait for the four people to meet each other, and I am willing to take the four cities and enter the king!"

Zong Shou's face is micro-wood, and some moments are some mí paste. Are these guys before, not his vassals?

I understood it after a long while. These four cities are to become the city directly under the Tianshan Mountains!

However, at this time, it is more and more ignorant. Are these four people crazy? The vassal city, although attached to the dry Tianshan, is all government affairs and military self-care, the city owner is almost hereditary, equivalent to the genus, the rights are enormous. The city directly under the jurisdiction, but the power of all political forces, will be returned to the dry Tianshan. Are these four people eating grass and losing heart? Well, the king does not do it, come to be his courtier?

And as far as he knows, these four cities are among the five provinces under his jurisdiction, and they belong to the ranks of the great cities. They each hold 150,000 elites.

I can’t help but look at Xuanyuan Yi’s people. It’s like saying something in the eyes: “Don’t I keep it, I really have a tyrant of the king’s tyrants? If you just sway, you can make people pay attention.”

Xuanyuan Yi people but looked helpless, stunned him with a glance, the meaning is also very obvious: I am sure you do not have this thing!

Zong Shou is completely confused, and he has to temporarily put aside the four people and ignore them. I turned to the Lin machine and asked a few people: "What are you three?"

That Lin machine has not had the arrogance of the first time when he met, and he is talking. Sitting in the side of the tiger in the Central Plains, is a cold cry: "My family is on, do not like others standing and talking to him!"

Lin machine face sè, suddenly a twist, anger flashing. However, when the eyes struggled for a while, they finally collapsed.

At this time, the situation has completely reversed. The three cities of Taoyun are all badly hurt, but the dry Tianshan is rising as early as the day. The strength of the two forces has already been completely translocated, and it is really unacceptable for him not to accept softness.

Who could have thought that this kind of drastic change would happen in just 20 days?

In front of this shoud, it’s really a turn for the cloud to cover the rain, and the forces of the three cities are all played between the palms of the hands!

Tiger Zhongyuan was in a good mood. I thought that a few dozen days ago, this person was so arrogant that he forced the Tianshan Mountain to give up half of the province’s madness, and suddenly he felt that it was difficult to say.

Zong Shou gave him a look, but he did not say anything. And Lin machine, also endured the anger: "Foreign ministers at home to see the life of the cloud city master, to ask the temple, do not know what the temple is going to do, willing to pay for the matter? The military is ruthless, once I am two wars, It must be a life of charcoal, death and injury. This is indeed my Taoyun City is not right. I am Taoyun City, willing to let the magic dragon half of the province, to the wrath of the temple -"

Zong Shou heard the words, can not help but smile. The more you look at the cloud, the more it is, the more shameless it is than he imagined. The current situation is not right, and asks: "Do you think it is possible?"

The look of the Lin machine flashed slightly: "If I were His Royal Highness, I would promise!"

Zong Shou shook his head. He didn't know the forest machine. It came from such a big sigh.

This time it was Tan Tao, and Dai Zongshou said: "I want to kill the Tianshan Mountains and stop the attack. But before you ate the Tianshan Mountains and took the Tianshan Mountains, you need to spit them out. You need to let the heavens province!"

"Is this the meaning of Your Highness?" Lin machine's face remained unchanged. He looked at the unremarkable Zong Shou on the top of the wood. "If I don't give it to Taoyun City?"

There was a tiger in the middle of the country, and immediately sneered: "Then I am doing the Tianshan, why not take it for yourself?"

However, the forest machine is still not flustered by the sè, but the surface is floating a bit strange yīn Sen smile: "Really?"

Just in the heart of Zong Shou, I feel that something is wrong. After seeing this forest fuselage, it was originally a black-robed sorcerer who was one of the flames of the ambassador, and slammed the sleeves and dozens of geniuses at the same time.

The top of the seven-storey pavilion of the building was immediately covered with black mist. A few figures, but also a violent rise, a breath of breath, rushing toward Zong Shou and going to Zongyuan to stand aside, suddenly angry. The purple thunder gun in the hand slammed back. Hurriedly, only one shot will be worn by one person behind you!

Make everyone around you ~www.readwn.com~ a little surprised. It is not expected that Zongyuan’s force will be strong! A squad master will be killed on the spot!

It’s just that person, but it’s also awkward. At the time of dying, there is still no war. The slamming body exploded completely. Formed into a group of blood fog, still rushed to the body, wrapped the body of the original. Although it was Zongyuan’s Zhou Leiguang’s flashing, he was firmly defended, but he was also embarrassed by the death of this person. He was trapped in the same place and could not move.

When Zong Shou saw it, his eyes narrowed slightly. These people really found a good time.

The two strong men of Gu Liekong and Zhu Junhou are finishing the fleet at the moment, not by his side. Lingfakong is a sinner and he is not taken by him.

There is only one Zongyuan, one from Luo Kekan.

At this moment is the strength of his body, the most weak time.

At the same time, the coldness of Zong Ling Shi Dan was heard. A gust of wind screamed, so that the entire building's black mist, all sweeping dàng empty. In the same direction, the two beasts were formed in a void, and they went to the visit of the black robe. ! .

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