Divine Brilliance

Chapter 331: 24th place

Opposite the book of the emperor's robe, there is still a person sitting, 30 years old, even in this palace, it is also covered in heavy armor, face clear, and the jaws must be arrogant, it seems to be majestic () . [This chapter is provided for you]

"I know this son, it is said that only fourteen years old, the wrist is not the father of the heart. My own ancestors have died since then, the dry Tianshan should be declining (). Do not want this, actually a blockbuster, in the east of Yunlu, so strong. I have studied his use of soldiers. In fact, there are not many surprising things. There are only two points, one is old, the other is quick, often hits the key, hitting the enemy three inches, it is beyond the defense. It really is not like The person who was in the early **** seemed to be on the side of the battle -"

"Oh? Too much comment on this child, is it so high?"

The old robe of the emperor robe was slightly moved, and then Shen yín said: "Twelve provinces, that is, the land of the north and the south, this dry Tianshan, barely can be established in the country. Even in the future, it is possible to unify the east and the east - ”

The old man stood up and walked to the side of the bookshelf. First, take the first layer from the mark, and the thirty-fourth column, take out a volume. I saw that on the cover, it was marked with the words of the Tianshan Mountain.

The emperor of the emperor used the pen and wrote the name of ‘Zong Shou’ after Zong Weiran.

Then I thought about it again, and added the word "juvenile and fearful" afterwards.

"Fourteen years old? I remember that I was fourteen years old. I still know how to make birds and dogs, and I am idle. This guard is already on the battlefield, breaking millions of troops. If you can have children, why do you need to worry so much?" Worried about the change of the Emperor -"

Self-deprecating, the old man moved the position of the scroll forward again, before entering the twenty-fourth column.

Looking at the wooden frame, and then the eyes are faint: "The strong enemy has not gone, but also added new enemies. I don't know if it is frustrating or excited-"

The middle-aged body, known as the tortoise, trembled and regained its calm. This is the case with the emperor. He has been used to it for years.

At the same time, there are also one person in the east of Yunlu, which is tens of thousands of miles away. Standing at the head of the city, the name of Zong Shou. Engraved on the wall.

This person is twenty years old. The forehead is broad and the five senses are strange but not ugly. Instead, there is a unique temperament. Along with several people, he followed the wall. At this moment, they stood quietly behind the young man.

"Dry Tianshan, Zong Shou ()!"

The young man will be silent in the last stroke. Then yīn calmed his face and looked at the city behind him.

This is a big city that is not inferior to the dry Tianshan, and even more successful. The downtown is bustling, crowds are crowded, and shoulders are rubbed.

It’s just a youth, but it’s absent-minded. Inside the brain, the word "Zong Shou" is only repeated.

"The six wars and six Czechs, even the heroes of the tyrants, and so on, are so clean and neat."

In the end, all these worries are turned into a smile: "Alright, if there is no opponent in life, don't you regret it?"


Within the Tianshan City, it is another scene. As early as the front of the battle report, this day, all the neighborhoods are all lighted up. All the people in the city are almost red and green, and they are dressed up with joy.

In the early morning of the third day, there are countless people, gathered in the mouth of the city's mén in the east city, and the area is surrounded by water.

Tiger Zhongyuan arrived early and arrived at the 20,000-iron ride. He was ordered to reunite with the Dongcheng Army and was responsible for maintaining the order.

When I saw the situation of the city's mén mouth, it was also a big jump. Even when Zong was still alive, this dry Tianshan was not so lively.

Can not help but be more admired, his own son's foresight. If I wait for the carriage to return, I am afraid that it will be difficult to move here.

At the moment, he was unceremonious, and directed the tens of thousands of people in the Dongcheng Army. They swarmed and forced the crowd to separate sides.

At this moment, he has broken through the Wuzong rank and became a master of Xuanwu. After the face of the board, the momentum is quite horrible. Plus these days on the battlefield, killing is not counted. Under the body, there is a faint murderous temper (). Loudly screaming, full of momentum, ordinary people can hardly support even if they look at him.

If you are disobedient, you will be able to pass the big stick.

But if you want to, you can either slap or fight and clear out a road to the center of the city.

However, these onlookers are not annoyed, and most of them are still very excited and excited.

Tiger Zhongyuan insisted on the tiger knives in one hand, and stood straight in the city mén, waiting with those East City sergeants, and solemnly waiting.

I don't care about those murmurs. Then I have to squat, and then I will raise my ears and listen carefully.

"--It won't be blowing, what kind of character is it?" The land of the province? In the past, there were some rumors in the city, and nine fakes were true—"

"Hey! This is a true battle report, how can it be faked. In the future, it will be dismantled. Isn't it a shame? The wind and the tyrants are all generations of heroes, but even the more the clouds, they die in the hands of my lord. What is the strangeness of the two lost to the monarch?"

"Exactly! After the disappearance of the emperor, nearly a year, only today, is the most exhilarating eyebrows. Not only to restore the old land, but also to expand the land. If you are on him, you are the first gentleman! How many people have been with the three cities of Taoyun? What are the traders in the city nowadays? Those traders who are now in the city are not even afraid to come out, it is really deflation-"

"I heard that on the king, it is six wars and six Jie. It is forced to fight the wind and anger. It is not true. I am really heroic in the army. Hey, who said that the world, but when Da Ren, inherited the position of the demon king. I see this person, I am afraid that even a finger on the king can not match!"

"Do you commit the little man who is doing luàn, why do you mention him? Only the so-called sacred veins of the ancestors are regarded as treasures. Right, speaking, this time I am doing Tianshan, but there are several rising stars! , He Li, Hu Zhongyuan, Ling Xuan, Chai Zhou -"

The tiger had originally listened to the heart. At this moment, when I heard these people and talked about myself, I couldn’t help but listen to my heart and secretly sneer.

"The purple thunder guns were originally unscrupulous, and they were all unparalleled. They were rushed several times. They were invincible and broke through the enemy. This is a fire, burning the Gushan City, it is said to be forcing the tyrant. The key person of the wind and the broken arm. But this tiger Central Plains, but some names are not true, this guy, it seems that there is no merit?"

"Oh! You don't know, this tiger Zhongyuan is not as good as the purple thunder gun, but it is also a fierce. In the province of Dongping, the soldiers are divided into 40,000, and even take the 12 cities, and the road is no less than 100,000. The legend has been broken. Xuanwu, I will become a famous player in the future. When I say Tianshan, this older generation is of great power. The younger generation is also blue and blue, and not the father. I am prosperous in the Tianshan Mountains-"

The right hand slammed the tiger tyrant, and the tiger was originally violent, not as good as Zongyuan. How can he even be stronger than him? This person is only a little better than his luck.

Then, after an instant, I once again secretly held a smile. Listening to others, talking about your own glorious record, it is really refreshing.

It’s really a reputation, it’s a reputation, it’s not a dare to be, how to be funny –

It is a pity that the discussion behind everyone has gone awry.

"A few days ago, my brother, who borrowed a lot of animal crystals from Qianzhuang, said that he wanted to buy Dan yào and attack the realm of the secret martial arts. How can this be achieved? So much money, how can it be returned in the future?

"What are you afraid of? This interest is not high anyway. It is also the policy of the princes of Rende, knowing the poor people, can't afford the Dan yào that can help people to rush, this is the case. It is difficult to do it, but once you enter the secret martial division After that, I will be used endlessly. You don't see the children around the city, are you? I have recently broken my head and want to enter my Tianshan household registration. Hey, how can this household register be so good? Actually, I care more about that. Pension money, now invest money, anti-aging in the future. I wonder if it is true?"

"Most is true! It is said that there are already some disabled people in the city. They started to receive monthly cases in Qianzhuang. Ren Bianxiang also directly allocated countless animal crystals. We have money in Tianshan, and we will do this untrustworthy thing? It’s true morality to raise it.

"Unfortunately, the brothel building in the Shilixiang Town of Ten Miles was actually forcibly shut down by Jun. (This is a happy day. I don’t want to drink alcohol. I have to go to the Acropolis 20 miles away. It’s a good life. inconvenient."

Repeatedly, it is the martial arts of borrowing, and the matter of pensioning money. Let the Chinese people who want to listen to others talk about themselves are so boring. When it comes to Shili-cho, Shizuoka, he is also awkward. Everything on the monarch is good. Only the relocation of all the brothels to the outside of the city is really the biggest evil since the establishment of the Tianshan Mountains! It is simply extermination.

It also made him a tiger in the Central Plains, in those wine ròu brothers, completely broke the reputation. Recently, like a street mouse, I dare not face these people.

However, he never dared to speak in front of Zong Shou. Also faintly heard the wind, the reason why Zong Shou is so thunder and anger ~ www.readwn.com ~ most of the reason is because of his big day and night.

Take the initiative to find the sect to persuade this matter, is it not to seek death?

Just as Husi luàn thought, suddenly the ear, there was a sound of horseshoes. It’s like a thousand horses, and it’s heading towards the city’s mén.

The first person is the Zongyuan. Wearing a red **** armor, the purple thunder gun in his hand is still the face of the iceberg.

Since I knew my true life, this guy is like this, not screaming, as if he is bitter and deep.

After that, it was nearly 10,000 jīng rides, and the thousands of horses were selected. The inner knight, even if the strength is not strong, is at least a few battles. They are all jīng sharp in the sharp, guarding a large car at the center, and gradually enter the city mén.

The tiger’s original brow is a glimpse of the future. After listening to it, countless people have fallen down and hundreds of thousands of people have become one.

"Don't help the people, welcome to the city to return to the city!" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, the monthly pass, your support, is my greatest motivation.

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