Divine Brilliance

Chapter 336: Mad snowball

The third thirty-six chapter lion snow seal (recommended for the monthly ticket)

The silky silk thread, until the injury of Shi Ruolan, after all the restoration, it seems to force the general, a little fade. ")

On top of this wall, even if it is Zong Shou, it is equally amazing. The last time he used the magic mirror, when he tried the teacher Ruolan, he realized that there was something hidden inside the soul of the little girl.

Only when the psionic spirit can penetrate, is the intention to trigger. However, I never thought that I was so careless that I led such a strong Dongdong.

The heart is even colder, knowing myself, and it is estimated that the situation of Shi Ruolan these days is still too optimistic.

With such a strong resilience, the body is still a lot of scars. It can be seen that in the past 20 days when I am not there, what kind of abuse has this gimmick suffered?

Changed to ordinary people, I am afraid that I have already died.

I am really stupid enough. I should have thought of the people of Shi Ruolan. In fact, it is true to her and not to see.

It’s stupid. I threw this little girl back to the snow lion family and didn't care. I think that I can take care of her relatives. It’s all boring, this teacher’s so-called blood relatives will treat her like this.

"--This is the lion seal!"

An old voice suddenly sounded on the wall. Make everyone feel a little awake.

Zong Shoumei took a look and looked at the sound. I saw two old men, and it was the trembling coming here. The appearance of one of them is somewhat similar to that of the teacher's day. Even if the age is already high, there is no more than the master of the law. The momentum is majestic, the strength is unfathomable, and the status seems to be quite honorable. The other person, who is doing ritual dressing, is the person who speaks. In the eyes of the gods, the sky is soaring, implying the meaning of the move, watching the teacher Ruolan.

Crazy lion snow seal?

Zong Shou gave a slight glimpse, and then he did not care much. I guess in my heart, I guess what snowprint is similar to my own star pattern. ("7*)

A faint sweep of the two old men, Zong Shou took back the line of sight, the words smiled: "If Ruolan, still painful? Do not hate these guys? Or can I help you kill them all?"

The two old men are all breathless. Some horror, look at this boy. I only feel that the tone of this is only plain, but it is extremely serious.

It seems that only the teacher Ruolan has to say a word, this guard will be their snow lion family, the whole family will be destroyed -

Shi Ruolan is decisively shaking his head: "Kill? Is it like the blood raccoon in the mountains?" Cher does not. The book mí group 2 Cher is very painful, but it doesn't matter. Mom said before, it is Cher's strength is too small. As long as Cher becomes stronger, my father’s brother will stay in Cher. And, big brother, what does it mean to hate? Is it angry?”

In the end, I spoke, but my tone was intermittent, and I was very incomprehensible. As if to say these words, it is very difficult.

Zong Shou heard the teacher Ruolan, this is because there is very little talk with people, this is the case. The gaze is more and more cold and cold, like a knife, scratching the people here.

Immediately and unable to lick a mouth, despite the early expectations, but still unwilling, the heart of this little girl, who is it? This is also too strange.

With such a concept, it is no wonder that this little girl will always give up these hún accounts. Even if he was completely deprived of military power in the future, he still did not betray, and finally buried the snow lion family.

"So your mother?"

"Mother, my brother is talking about mother? Mom is not there, just like those blood raccoons, they can't talk anymore, and they don't accompany them."

After seeing his own hands again, Shi Ruolan’s look became more and more bleak: “If Ruolan counts every day, it’s just forty-seven times today. Then, if Ruolan is not going to count down—”

The first snow and the people are already crying, knowing that the teacher Ruolan is saying that her mother is dead four hundred and seventy.

Zong Shou suddenly had a kind of enlightenment and knew the mentality of Shi Ruolan. It may be this gimmick, and I don’t really like these guys. Just too eager for family, will it be.

A little guy who is bullied every day, no one cares, even if someone gives a little warmth. This teacher, Ruolan, is estimated to hold tightly, as if he is a drowning person. He will never let go when he is completely desperate.

I don't know why, Zong Shou only feels that it is ōng, a burst of chōu pain. The mourning that the party has calmed down has once again rushed.

On the face is laughing, caressing the head of Shi Ruolan.

"Wu Lan, do you really want your father's brother? Well, they hate not wanting you, I want! I will be your brother and family later? My brother likes you very much-"

Shi Ruolan’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he turned back and looked at Zong Shou. But there are some fears and fears, and they can’t seem to believe that the scene in front of them is real? In this world, would anyone really like her?

Zong Shou no longer spoke, and he torely tore up the precious skin worn by Hu Zhongyuan, and wrapped the thin body of Shi Ruolan firmly.

Then the gaze swept away to the teacher's law day, killing the machine and flashing, and then immediately pressed: "This little guy took me away today, even if it is my shouyi sister, ten years later, she will come back, Inheriting the position of the Snow Lion Patriarch -"

The teacher’s law is slightly condensed: "The patriarch of our family, only my teacher, can inherit!"

The voice has not yet fallen. In the eyes of Zong Shou, he once again revealed the red mans. The whole figure suddenly disappeared, and when Lei Guang was blown up, it was already ten feet away, and he was bullied to the front of the teacher.

The latter reaction was also extremely swift, and it was not forced to retreat because of the party, but there was fear. After a sigh, the whole body muscles ròu arrogant, and a silver hair behind it is also like a hedgehog.

Two big hands, like a pair of iron tongs, grabbed them toward Zong Shou. In the end, I dare not offend this demon king, but this attack, but confidently can temporarily hold Zong Shou! A nearly eight million pounds of giant force, and faintly gathered here hundreds of thousands of snow lions. Almost straight to the heavens, just the hurricane brought up, so that the surrounding bluestone, can not bear, cracked

Lions Dragon! This hand, even if the real sixth-order dragon is in front of him, can also crush it!

Just between the electric light and the flint, I saw the arm of Zongshou, and suddenly it was a ray of snakes, and then there was a thousand purple ray, which converges between the palms of the fingers. The speed of the boxing must also be increased by several times. It is actually not allowed to pass between him and his palms.


At this moment, the teacher's law is amazed. This sect has actually mastered the ‘Italian’ of martial arts!

However, there was no time to think about it, and I couldn’t react. I only felt my waist side and was suddenly hit hard.

It was as if it was being carried by a giant hammer with a huge force of tens of thousands of pounds. Those purple thunders, poured into his body, have also exploded and madly spread. The thinking of his limbs is completely frozen.

The entire figure was also thrown into the air, and the waist was almost broken and tumbling in the air. At the time of landing, the figure of Zong Shou was attacked. Stepping down at the foot, the head of the teacher's emptiness, slamming down to the bottom!

There was a loud bang, and there were countless soots rolling over the wall. All the bluestones collapsed.

The old man who is similar to the teacher's law is already a little anxious. At this moment, I couldn't stand it anymore, and I swooped forward and rushed to the dusty place. The speed of the figure flashed, but it was not inferior to Zong Shou.

Zongyuan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the gun in his hand was gently wrapped around him. However, after a short while, it was restored to silence. Only because of the sense of spirit, I feel that the smoke is the strongest place, Zong Shou has drawn the sword!

When the sword was thrown out, suddenly a huge purple sè thunder snake appeared, like a dragon, dancing in the air.

"Hurricane, hey!"

When the thunder snake rushed down and blew it up, the inner road was sharp and strong, which showed the tip of the iceberg.

The silver-haired old man’s eyes narrowed, followed by a giant smashing the mountains and rivers. The two palms are also captured. Every claw shadow, behind it, seems to have a white sè giant lion.

It’s actually a hard battle with Zong Shou’s arrogant sword! It also does not fall into the wind. In the air, I only heard a burst of sound, and the smoke became more and more raging. The wind and the dance, the weaker snow lions around, have already been flew to the distance.

Zong Shou is also slightly amazed, this person, the strength is only under the cloud! It is still the first sight to be able to block him from so many swords.

Immediately, there is another cold voice. If it is not good to vent a vent today, he will not be able to eliminate the wrath of this sky!

The sword of Zong Shou suddenly changed again. Still the Thunder dance, the inner core, but suddenly changed. Water and fire woven, twisted and twisted, and numerous lightning rays are wrapped around.

The silver-haired old man was really infuriated, and he couldn’t cope with it. The entire shoulder side was drilled by this water-fire spiral, and the blood of the old man blew up a blood dòng.

The face sè must also be in the air, becoming pale. A pair of hard-boiled iron palms, almost completely defeated.

In a moment, in the air, another dull sound blew ~www.readwn.com~ the figure of the silver-haired old man, retreating.

The whole person seems to be very embarrassed, his body is broken, and numerous wounds are created. A pair of muscles ròu arrogant big hand is also slightly tremble.

Although it has not been hit hard, but in the eyes of the deep dust, it is full of shock and jealousy. The figure is also in place, no action

The last sword, clearly has converted the sword! He has never seen it before, and the legendary hail sword is plausible, a new martial art idea!

And even more faint, there is a feeling, this young man is only afraid that he has not yet done his best!

The hurricane of the sword palm āo front is still raging. Between the shackles, put those smoke. Thoroughly boast.

Zong Shou is also a slight sigh, and estimates the strength of this old man, once again raising a rank. It’s not just that it’s more than a cloud, but it’s not under the clouds.

After that, he didn't care. If he changed his mind before he was still advanced, he would have gone out of the dry Tianshan. This person can bring some threats, but here, this person is only a little trouble at most.

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