Divine Brilliance

Chapter 343: Don't listen to people

Changed to walk, the action of the Zongshou became stiff. Device: no ads, full text, but more can also walk like the wind, one step and ten feet, no effort.

He has now changed a new set of outer bones. The name of the later generations is called the Thunder.

The beasts of the orchard under the Yuncheng and Yunhai make him rich and rich. The equipment also naturally crossed, jumping directly from the first generation of Ray, to the fourth generation.

All materials are made from a six-stage Thunder Whale, a section of the back that is close to the heart.

Not only is it sturdy, it is comparable to the same level of the spirit. Lighter if you are máo, it can be soft or hard. Wear it on the body, almost the same piece of clothing is similar, the inner can also pre-converge the power of lightning.

After Zong Shou was made, he also tried it himself without urging the power. Only by the strength of the outer bone itself, you can press the Wu Zongqiang, it is difficult to resist

The speed at this moment is just normal speed. Once you send it by electricity, you can increase it by ten times! The end is right!

In fact, this thunder is going out of the bones. There are a total of twelve models and seventy-nine branches.

When you reach the fifth type, you need to use the seventh-order material.

Zong Shou did not think about refining those more powerful models, but unfortunately he could not find a suitable refiner.

And this thunder went to the four types of bones, where everything is good, but only one point, so that Zong Shou feels helpless.

Still not flexible enough, it still looks like a raft when walking.

Along the way, there are about seventy miles away. In the mouth of Zong Shou, from time to time, a whistling sound was heard, and suddenly it was heavy and heavy, and suddenly it was clear and sharp, spreading to the surrounding.

It is also strange to say that in this dragon is dense. Strong cross-jīng beast polymerization. Actually, I have never been in a dangerous situation.

This is a technique he learned in later generations, simulating the sound of the dragon and the phoenix, and shocking the beast.

Even those jīng beasts have already opened their minds, they are suspicious, and they will not attack at will. Even the vast majority will still avoid it.

However, just as the mountain was getting steeper, Zong Shou heard the ear and heard a sound of Sasso. Continuously. His body shape, suddenly stayed. At the next moment, the face will change dramatically.

"The magic fire ant, the grass he groaned, how can there be such a thing here?"

A rare swearing in the mouth. Zong Shou is the moment to push the bones to the extreme state.

Ten times as fast as before, I took Zongyuan and went back crazy. Device: no ads, full text, more

Until sixty miles away, there are dozens of huge rocks standing in the distance. Zong Shouxian first explored with spirituality. Suddenly, he stopped the momentum and jumped directly to the top of a huge rock.

I stepped on the foot first, and it turned out to be a hard rock called a snowy rock. It is about 120 feet high from the ground. The height is almost enough. The place where the ten feet are square is not too big or small, and the two can just keep it.

Then there is no stopping. With his past and present, he has never been faster and more efficient. On this huge rock, draw the spirit and arrange the animal crystal.

After half an hour. When the spiritual array is completed, the snowy rock can be seen. It is hardening at the speed of ròu eyes. It became even more icy. A layer of frost was placed on the outer shell.

Zongshou still did not trust, and took out thirty-six small flying swords, which were placed inside this spiritual array.

This is a set of bamboo swords that came from the fog leaves at the time of the heavens on the dry Tianshan altar. Some of them are broken, and Zong Shou does not repair it. Only the remaining part, commissioned a six-stage refiner to refine.

Also added some cherished materials, making it a face-lift, nòng became such a set of non-none flying swords. Still the bamboo leaf sword, but more than the cold is xìng, Zongshou called it bamboo leaf cold sword.

He also tried to try to command this set of flying swords with his mind, but he took care of the East and did not come to the West. Feijian dances everywhere, not a rule.

Judging this set of flying swords, although the power can be great, can be distracted by his ability, but also need to be strong. Zong Shou is quite yàn羡, but for a while there is no time to exercise this distraction, and can only give up temporarily. However, with this spirit, it is not weak.

After the spiritual array was over, the thirty-six bamboo leaves and cold swords suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

Zong Shou looked at him again, only to see the ant colony in the expected, did not catch up, only to lightly sigh, but still is very alert in the heart.

Zong Yuan has been watching, watching Zong Shou on the rock to arrange the array, although it is strange, but does not bother.

Until now, I was only asked: "On the king, what is the magic fire ant ant, so that you are so jealous?"

It’s another escape, and it’s a squad. He hasn’t seen Zong Shou’s time.

With his strength on the king, even if there is a seven-order jīng beast, if you want to come to him, you can also retreat from the whole body.

"It's a fourth-order genie--"

Zongyuan is more and more strange, fourth-order? If it is the fourth order, why is it so fearful? Then I will only listen to Zongshou and continue to say: "Xìng likes to be in groups, an ant colony, at least 3,000. If there are soldiers, at least sixth. The growth and the magic around, the most joyful." There are wings, although not flying, but often jump, can have a hundred feet -"

Zongyuan heard that the scalp was numb, imagine the innate power of 3,000, and there are many sixth-orders. Suddenly, I was shocked and looked behind me. If it is surrounded by this group of ants, then even if their ability is all over the world, they are afraid to fight and die.

Also worried about the heart, although Zong Shou is laying down the guard of the spirit. Can be trapped here, but also the situation is worrying, not to get out, sooner or later there is still time.

Zong Shou, there, has already called some dead branches by the means of the spirits. With the Lei Yi sword, there were more than a dozen jīng beasts around, and they took a photo. The big model raised the fire and started the barbecue.

This matter has no time to go to jīng heart modulation, Hu Luàn peeled and baked half-baked. I handed it over to Zongyuan, and I swallowed it with a big mouth. While eating, while āo generation: "eat more, save some strength, wait for fear that there is a hard battle. The magic fire ants are extremely fast, those soldiers ants travel faster, more than the seventh-order jīng beast. Once They can't escape the breath, but they just need to stay until dawn, and they can get away. Everything is born, from perfect things. Even strong creatures have their weaknesses and restraint. Ants, the most feared is the daylight -"

Zongyuan only dispelled doubts, look at the days, not even when. The moment is not hesitating, it is swallowed up.

In the realm of Wu Zong, in fact, it is possible to achieve the goal of absorbing the outside world and transforming it into qi and blood for its own use.

However, at this level, the daily practice of combat is more expensive. Purely relying on heaven and earth psionics, we can't break even. The amount of rice has increased tenfold.

Soon after the two settled down, the latter group of people also came far.

It is the group of Linhai Academy who seems to be eager to get to the entrance of the dragon mén at the mountainside. It is not intended to rest at the foot of the mountain. Zong Shou is regretful. As long as he knows this, he will be thick-faced and spend more time below.

The team of people looked at Zong Shou and they were all slightly stunned. Only when they could not see, they continued to move forward.

Zong Shou frowned, but decided to open the door to remind one or two: "There is a magic fire ant in front, you are not in contact with it, or return early -"

The people at Linhai College only did not hear it, and they did not stop at their feet.

And the head of the Yan Yan, is also a sneer.

More faint, I heard some voices coming.

"Magic fire ant, what is that?"

"I have seen it as a kind of spiritual ant that grows in the magical fire. But it is said that when the cloud is deserted, it is almost extinct. The only remaining one is under the clouds."

"Is this scaring us? It’s ridiculous. Then, isn’t this going to go to the dragon mén? Why stop here?"

"This person has no martial arts, how can he get a gathering of Longshan? Imagine it, really not self-reliant!"

Zong Shou's chún corner, suddenly a burst of chōu搐. These people, if they want to die, they will go with them. It’s too lazy to control.

After eating and drinking, Zong Shou took a little bit of interest. I will turn this jīng beast into a spiritual energy. Inhale ròu body.

He is now alone, and he can eat a wild pig in one meal. At the moment, I have eaten more to store my strength, but I feel quite bloated.

Thinking carefully, Zong Shou still shook his head. And more than a hundred fourth-order jīng beasts, successively hit the giant rock. On the snowy rock over there, a spirit array was also laid.

It’s not so good to ignore the suspicion, to those who are in the Linhai Academy, a safe place to stay.

It’s just that there is more power for one person, and some people can divide some power from the ant colony.

This spirit array is also a very shallow four-order system of spirits that he learned in the Linhai Academy. It can't resist the long time of the magic fire ant. However, people who want to come to Linhai College can strengthen it and don't need him to worry.

Slightly smile ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zong Shou quietly waiting. Sure enough, just a moment, I saw a group of people, madly fleeing back. The faces are all pale and terrifying.

The person who is the leader is exactly that. This is the Emperor of the Emperor, when he saw the Zongshou two people, the two giant rocks. Immediately, the eyes were slightly bright, and the spirits were smashed and flew over here.

Zong Shou saw it, and suddenly it was a smile of ‘嗤’. This person is also shameless, and actually runs in the lead of those students in the college. Then he has not yet opened, and Zongyuan has already known its meaning.

A shot stabbed, a violent gun shadow, straight through the hundred feet, the mouth coldly said: "Go to the side."

That is why Yan Yan is helpless, but he has to lose his body shape and avoid it. The surface is very incomparable, and immediately after that, it is again and more sè.

I jumped up to the giant mountain next to me and looked around. Hi sè is more prosperous, hurriedly pulled out some animal crystals, perfecting the spirit array.

At that time, there were more people in the Linhai Academy, and they fled, but then Yan Yan was first and foremost, and the sleeves were incisive. Can be seen as a reflection of the light, seeing Zong Shou from the side of the stab, after the smile of the eyes, but it is immediately stopped, let the rest of the people, rushed to this boulder

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