Divine Brilliance

Chapter 351: Dragon shadow old man

The third chapter of the dragon shadow elderly

When the sound of the dragon rang, it rang through the entire Julong Mountain. 3∴ ("7* see only two huge mén in the distance, slowly opening.

One place is not far from the front, about thirty feet wide stone mén, the inside is dark, not bottom.

One place is on the top of the cliff, which is three hundred feet high. It was not seen at all before, but it was only in front of everyone when it was opened at the moment.

The statue of the nine-headed dragon outside mén is coiled and solemn, and it reveals a bit of scent.

The next moment, the words of Xuan Taiji, spread throughout the Quartet: "This dragon mén is the cloud of the wild Wusheng Longying before the old man left, for the strong my cloud martial arts to stay, Ze Hui Quartet. Therefore, no matter what birth, what birth? I can enter Guanlan. Today, my Xuan Taiji only said one thing. After I hope that you will enter the world, remember that 'He is the most expensive!'

When the voice falls, it seems that the dragon is waiting for the first time. Dozens of Guanghua, have rushed into the mén.

When it was up to the twentieth, the stone mén also slammed and shut down.

And many of the eight-order powerhouses here, at this moment, are also slightly relaxed, smiling.

Zong Shou is secretly sneer, knowing that these powerful mén factions are here, it is not so kind, just to maintain order.

The reason for this is that the number of these 20 people is maintained. Stop other people and enter first.

The rest of the people, etc., also went to the outside of the mén, swarming away. Most of them have been stopped, but those who have been nòng to the quota beforehand can simply enter the number plate and enter it directly.

Although there is no limit to the number of people in this mén, the order of entry is different.

Zong Shou is the master of this place, and there is no need to take out the small wooden cards that he has given him. The two of them went to the mouth of mén, and no one stopped him.

Zong Shou is a good life regret. He originally intended to sell some places. As a landlord, bring a few people together and earn a small sum. ("7* but I don't know why, no one has been in contact.

Then, quite curious, the Jinjin did not regret to ask: "I thought Jin brother, this time directly from inside mén."

"My Hao Xuanzong only got two places, and the brothers of several seventh-order realms are not enough. Where can I have no regrets?"

Kim’s regrets were also a look of depression. Then he went to his arms and took out ten tokens that came out of Julongshan. He hated and said: “This time it’s really bad, I’ve had a big price before. Only a few tokens from several uncles, nòng. The TXT e-book download heard that this business was extremely hot in the past, but this time it was not sold--"

Zong Shou secretly admired that the martyrdom is really the same as the hero. After meditation for a moment, I thought about it: "There are too many people coming, and the princes can't stop it for too long."

"This is the case! When there were few people in previous years, it was naturally how to deal with the ancestors, but even today, I am a sinister, I dare not offend many of these same people. No one is a fool!"

Kim does not regret it, and his eyes are slightly transparent. "These people are not really taking pictures of this martial arts -"

Zong Shou smiled and took the lead. Only my heart is more amazing, what is it? So many people are attracted?

After a long ramp, there are nine gargles in front of them, some of which are wide and some short.

Without exception, they are all surrounded by powerful martial arts ideas. When I stepped on this place, the soul of Zong Shou was also under pressure.

It is no accident under my heart. This Wusheng idea is strong when it is strong and weak when it is weak. If he is really a waste of no man, it is estimated that the situation is similar at the moment.

I was looking at these roads to see if there was any mystery. I couldn’t help but laugh at the side. “You don’t have to hesitate here, you can choose it! This place is all over the place. Since then, there have been people. Trying to find the best of them, but none of them can succeed."

Then I handed over several reels and handed it over: "This is the map of several of my former brothers and teachers, and the impressions drawn afterwards. (") The terrain inside is said to change every 100 years. Once. Each time the dragon mén is turned on, it is different. However, there are still some similarities."

Zong Shou opened a scroll and saw that the road was in all directions, complex and incomparable. There are many marks in this place. Words such as ‘Mengjian’, ‘Sword’s Remnant’, and ‘suspicious’ are all over it. In many places, it may not have been discovered, and it is directly blank.

And waiting for him, I will record this map, and then look through the head, I saw that Jin does not regret is the first to go, went to a dòng cave into the mén. Blocking his look, he asked: "Where is Jin Brother?"

"Nature is to find my own chance."

Kim did not regret to go back and waved with the chubby hand: "俺老金 has always been used to being alone, like to eat alone. Everyone's air transport is also different. Kim does not regret reluctance to encroach on others' blessings. I don’t want others to share what I don’t regret in the plate. In short, it’s just luck. Right, forget it. Legend has it that within this dòng cave, there are three places to enter the mén area. From no one can do it, Zong Laodi can work hard. Maybe you and I can meet on it. Leave!"

Looking at the golden figure, the Zongshou could not help but smile. Kim did not regret this move, but it was just what he wanted. Although the words are unpleasant, but they are expensive, this is a delight.

At the moment, the map was also taken away, with Zongyuan, and went to another cave.

After entering, I saw that the path was curved. Sure enough, as the gold does not regret, it is completely different from the previous dragon mén.

Except for the nine caves at the beginning of the entry, the rest are the same.

But carefully, but you can find some traces, such as the position of some channels and stone chambers, in fact, panning, or sinking up. Vaguely, you can recognize the approximate context, and there is no such thing as a half-way.

Suddenly, my heart is filled with feelings. If this gold is not regretted, this picture will be given. After he comes in, he is afraid of being confused and will be stunned by this mí cave.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, Zong Shou has been faintly asking for some clues.

"The place, it should be not far from here -"

Zong Shou y ù ù ù , , , , , , , , , , , , ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù

Zong Shouxian knocked on the stone wall and only heard the screaming noise. Obviously this stone wall is extremely thick.

When Zong Shou took a Lei Yi sword, but only on the stone wall, a half-inch long scratch was drawn.

Then, after a while, I saw this scratch, and it was gradually healing!

Zong Shou couldn’t help but shook his head slightly. He tried it many times before, and the result was the same. The idea that these walls are directly open is not going to work.

He did not feel disappointed, but instead frowned and fell into meditation.

There should still be some sort of mystery, but others have not discovered it.

And it must be related to the entrance, the nine caves,

“This place is Julong Mountain, and there are nine dragon veins at the bottom. Is the terrain in this dòng cave changing according to these dragon veins?”

The trend of the dragon vein under the Julong Mountain, although Zong Shou does not remember, can be calculated. I also hurriedly opened a few maps that Kim did not regret.

Then a moment, it was a smile. This speculation is not in the middle, but not far away. Naturally, it is impossible to be as simple as he thought, and there should be something missing.

I also had a slight headache. I remember that in the game of the Emperor, what he hated most was the new map of the new land.

Unless it is a last resort, you must wait for more than 70% of the progress of others' copying. Although it is a success, it is slower than others, but it saves time.

Like the Julong Mountain Dragon mén, in the later generations of the Emperor game, at least it is also a large level.

I don't know myself, how much can I gain?

A little meditation, Zong Shou will continue to move forward. This time, it would be like a light car, but if you want to, you will find the map of the map of the sect.

It is a stone room with a radius of five feet, which is exactly the same as the mark of the map.

Elsewhere here, it is dark. Only here, there are a few night pearls, and the light is shining. Make this small room bright and clear.

As soon as he entered, Zong Shou was attracted by a row of murals. There are thirteen murals on each of the left and right walls.

The sight of Zong Shou is directly on the left of the seventh. It is two dragons, fighting in the clouds.

The painting is rough and incomparable. According to the theory after 10,000 years, it is close to an art called ‘chōu elephant.’

However, it is like magic, which attracts the mind of Zong Shou. The scene in front of us is also beginning to change, as if it is immersive.

I saw an ice and a fire, two dragons in the vast sea of ​​clouds, tumbling and entangled. The power of cold inflammation makes the surrounding cloud suddenly freeze, condense into frost and fall, and then transpires fog.

A fierce roar of dragons ~ www.readwn.com ~ shock dàng eardrum. The scales of the blue and red two sè were torn off, and the dragon's blood of the golden sè was also dropped.

The two dragons are all scarred and shocking.

Zong Shouzheng was fascinated, but he suddenly saw the red dragon. Grow at him. Suddenly he gave up the hail and swooped down towards him.

Zongshou’s brows were slightly picked, and then there was a cold smile, and a ‘roll’ word was spoken in the mouth.

The illusion in front of him, the film suddenly collapsed. The two dragons killed in the battle disappeared without sight.

The murals have also been restored to the previous ones, which is extremely ‘chōu elephant’.

Zong Shou looks at the rest of the murals, but it is different. Only a dozen pairs allowed him to be in a illusion, but the rest were unresponsive.

However, these murals, without exception, are related to ‘龙’.

In addition to the figure of the two dragons fighting in the ice, the main concern of Zong Shou is another one. A dragon with a thunder that shines around the sky,

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