Divine Brilliance

Chapter 355: Blood of true dragon

In the past, his swordsmanship was clear, but it did not mean that his state of mind was truly harmonious and there was no flaw.

There are only a few things that he has not experienced. There are some things that he has never owned.

The tie of the ‘Zong Shou’ is also staring at him at the moment. According to people, Cher, in the past life, no one is so good to him -

At that time, he had nothing to do with the ghosts and ghosts, and the swordsman was scattered. He could not seek any retreat and escape strategy for himself. Every battle, every effort is made to fight, to fight, or to be forced, or to deliberately put yourself in the dead and innocent, and finally live to the end.

For this reason, he gradually did not put his own life on his mind. Those who roll on the tip of the knife all the year round, the fear of death is reduced to a minimum, watching life and death.

Even if his pursuit of the martial art is the same, he will remain unchanged. Zong Shou and even doubt himself will become a walking corpse before he breaks through the heavens. Other book friends are watching:

At this moment, his sword hesitated and became weak. Tongming Jianxin also has flaws.

However, this is also an opportunity. If he does not experience this, he will not be able to complete this shortcoming in his life.

The reason why the light tone mén will make disciples and go to the brothels of the world or even the brothel is the same. Let the disciples experience all the world, and thus the heart and heart, and form their own way of life.

A few 呻 yín, in this cave, suddenly sounded. Zong Shou finally remembered that there were two or three living people in it, and they never died.

When the brow was picked, Zong Shouqi walked to the front of the Zongyang. This son does not know when, broke through the innate realm. He was smashed by the ōng belly, but he did not die for a while. I am breathing hard.

When Zong Shou arrived, Zong Yang only felt desperate. Before half an hour ago, he thought that this was a deadly, nearly twenty seventh-order powerhouse. Several Xuanwu masters have become famous for a long time. No matter what you think, this guy shouldn't have a semi-separator.

But when I finally felt it, I was smashed by Zong Shou. Then I saw a massacre again.

The thick **** smell is coming from the nose. Hún is murderous, and it is a blank in the brain. Nausea y vomiting.

However, Zong Shou, but only looked at him coldly. Just turned and left. Zong Yang was sinking in his heart, feeling the pain in the abdomen, and suddenly he was afraid to go.

"Don't go, kill me!"

Zong Shou only did not hear it. There is no meaning to stay. The book mí group 2 Zongyang's ōng belly is broken, the internal organs are broken by nearly 30%, the spine is broken, and the limbs can no longer move.

Unless it is the Dandan yào at the level of Xiandan, even if it is the highest medical doctor in the cloud world, he can't save his life. He can only wait for death and death - other book friends are watching: He also can't make people to toss again.

Zong Yang refused to wait. Biting the tooth: "I know that the snow-breaking sails come to this gathering of Longshan. Why is it because of it! It’s just a matter of counting you here. It’s just that you meet the hero. You are just starting to do it."

Speaking of this, Zong Shou is a brow. Stayed in the footsteps. The martyrdom is really the hero, I invite these many powerful people to come over, I am afraid that the only purpose is to take him here.

A good mystery ù Princess!

Zong Yang was slightly happy, thinking that Zong Shou was interested in this matter, but at the moment he did not dare to sell anything. When he waited for Zong Shou, he said directly: "About a hundred years ago. There is a man named Xuan làng, because of Therefore, the rebellion 沧làng sea. The legend is from the city of the dragon. It has swept countless treasures -"

Zong Shou’s brows are light and ridiculous. Treasure? In addition to those who have accumulated more than a million years of the family. On the sac of the sac, how many people can compare with his sect?

The precious spirits in the market, he just didn't want to buy it. Those spirits don't fit, and they don't want to spend money on it.

Therefore, no matter what the sacred làng sage brought out, he would not care. However, in short-term, I only listened to Zongyang’s hard work: “It is said that there are more than a dozen pieces of spirits in the middle, all of which are above the seventh order. There are several pieces that are specifically designed to correspond to the dragons. Most of them have been recovered by the Dragon City. However, only the inner nine nine drops of ancient dragons jīng blood, still no whereabouts."

"True dragon jīng blood?"

Zong Shou whispered, if it is this thing, it is no wonder that there will be many people, and enter this gathering of Longshan.

I only felt that the right arm was a moxibustion. This is the Lei Yiyang snake. Since the view to your mural sword mark, this guy has reacted from time to time.

If there is a real blood of the real dragon, this Lei Yi Yang snake, I am afraid that it can immediately turn to the phlegm, the true dragon blood, and even remodeling ròu body may not be.

"Exactly - good-looking novels!! The legend is that the dragons of the Dragon City have been harvested since the 10,000-year-old dragon.

Zong Yang has been tortured and tortured to lose his mind. There is no such thing as a concealment between words, and the fear of the sect is gone.

In my heart, I feel more and more tens of thousands of ants, licking the heart.

He used to regard the ancestor as an ant, and he did not put it in his eyes. But at this time, you need the other side to make yourself happy.

Regardless of his strategy or his own strength, his Zongyang is defeated.

It is also secretly resentful. If Zong Shou does not conceal strength, it is the true Son of Heaven in Tianshan! How can you be distracted?

Have a big ambition, but also let go!

Even with it, the snow house will hate it.

"Tale legendary dragon city will remove the mysterious làng sage, and then consume countless animal crystals several times, and display the secret method to find its whereabouts, but it has been fruitless. So some people suspect that Xuan làng will hide the blood of the real dragon here. Julongshan. Before the snow-breaking sail came here, it seems that it has got the real news, saying that it is nòng to a map, it will be found."

Zong Shouxin’s heart is in vain. Julong Mountain is the place where the old man of the hidden dragon was reclusive. The idea remains here, implying a true dragon. It’s a great way to hide the blood of the dragon.

I also explored a trick and took all the belongings of the snow-breaking sail into my hands. There really is a map drawn on yù帛. It is a big difference with the previous gold that does not regret him. Just a lot more dòng cave passages, especially on the upper left side, the part of Hao Xuanzong that lacks blanks is also intact.

The position of the blood of the dragon is marked in a channel on the upper left.

Zong Shou did not know the map for a while. In the end, it was true or false. After a slight frown, he curiously asked: "Since there is a picture, why is this snow-slung sail not to seek the blood of the real dragon, but to start with me. The news, when more than one talent pair - other book friends are watching:."

Zong Yang was not surprised by this. He smiled ridiculously in his mouth: "Although there is a picture, it has been unable to enter. The snow-crushed sail is the picture, and it has a thousand fourth-order beast crystals. is fake."

Zongshou’s brow wrinkled and he was not allowed. After thinking about it, I still slammed it out and shattered the mind of this yang.

Seeing this person dying, I was quite embarrassed in my heart. Between the souls, the part of the previous ‘Zong Shou’ seems to have disappeared.

After that, I changed my clothes and put the blood clothes off. At the same time, I mō my own sleeves, and then I was helpless.

Plus, not long ago, killing the two mutants of the two magic crystal fire ants, this is in harmony with the mind, copying the cloud knives that have the spirit of destroying the sword, has consumed a whole four.

Such a knife, he has only raised eight in the past few months. The remaining twenty, only the mind can be slightly inductive, can only barely achieve the second change direction, and there is no sword attached to it, the power is really too much difference.

In this mén cave room, the situation is clouded, and I don’t know if I can cope with it.

In short, here is no longer a place to stay. Zong Shou is no longer in charge, and those who are seriously dying, strode away.

However, after half an hour, Zong Shou arrived at the place where he had previously attacked, but he did not see the figure of Zongyuan.

Not only is Zongyuan, but Gong Yue, who has been following the trend, is also ignorant.

The only gratifying thing is that there are no other traces around this place except for the three bodies and some hidden weapons scattered around them. If you want to come to these two guys, you should be innocent,

Zong Shouton feels a headache. I want to find two people in this well-connected mí cave. How can I find a needle in a haystack?

I can only shake my head secretly, just as the words of gold do not regret, each person has a chance.

Maybe the original Zongyuan Gongyue, after leaving him, can have income.


"Zong Shou!"

Between words, with the hatred of heart-breaking, the more spiritual ring hits a punch, hitting the stone wall next to it.

His martial arts are not in the boxing. With a full blow, the finger blood is blurred.

The more spiritual ring is unaware of it, it is just that this pain is not enough, can not suppress the hatred in the heart, and the faint fear of that -

"The next life~www.readwn.com~ I have never seen such a terrible person!"

The one who spoke at the moment was an old man with gray hair and silver armor. The luster of the eyes is clear, and the strangeness is revealed.

"I have seen the heavens and the strong people of the day. I feel that I am not so human. I have such a power. The sword is dead, the fist is dead, and the person’s martial arts is high. It was Wu Zong that day, and it was unmatched. People like snow-breaking sails, even three basaltic peaks like me, can be suppressed. But they only blocked his six hits-"

This silver armor is also the same as the basaltic peak!

"--Yangyangjing! He is only fourteen years old!"

Another spiritual master next to him, also smiled bitterly, and then the other key points out the key to this failure: "If this is the case, I will be able to kill it. The key is that this child will act decisively and the hand will be hot enough." His martial arts, but also die, and throw a note, do not take their own life and death as the mind. Just like this, others can only die, only he can live. Watch him in this battle, style bloody, overbearing, use It’s succinct and fierce. If there aren’t thousands of blood battles, it’s hard to do so! Those rumors, I’m afraid that 70% is true! I’m wondering, how could the unborn son be really a waste?”

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