Divine Brilliance

Chapter 357: Upper entrance

In fact, it is no different from the mí caves outside. a long, curved ramp,

Countless roads.

The only difference is that there are sides of the stone wall, about every 100 steps, there is a long light. It turned out that the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth was extracted and maintained for ten years.

Looking at the back, it has turned into a stone wall. Even if you touch mō by hand, you don’t feel anything different.

Zong Shou according to the map, plus his own mastery of this mí cave. It took only about a quarter of an hour to find the mark on this map.

But here, except for a few lights, there is nothing left.

The brow picked and picked, and Zong Shou carefully looked at the map in his hand.

As soon as you realize it, it is still a fake.

He didn't know who this treasure map was. However, if he expected to be good, this person should be unable to find a way to enter this area.

This is to spread the picture, because it is not found by yourself, then let others find their own, and enjoy the idea.

A cold glimpse, Zongshou in the palm of his hand, he rushed out of the world. The two palms are combined, the ice and the spiral are strong, and the silk must be completely crushed into pieces!

But inside is not unexpected, there is a little something.

In the fight against the impact of the world's real strength, full time. In the two palms of Zongshou, he suddenly heard a sound of "the canopy. It seems that something is broken, and a layer of rich silver light suddenly flashes. A trace of broken hún force, four distractions.

Zong Shou then separated his hand and saw the powder inside the palm of his hand. It has some faint fragrance and floats into the nose.

"The musk is entangled? Is it a dragon city?" Zong Shou recognizes this means, which is commonly used in the Longlang City. The smell of smell can be traced even in the distant land.

These guys really are a good abacus. It is estimated that after the killing of the Xuanlang Supreme 1

The land of Tibetan Mastiff that has lost the blood of Kowloon. However, he asked himself if he could not enter this area that was shackled by the Long Ying old man, and he came up with this method.

It is estimated that at this moment, most of the people in this city have already found his way into this place.

Just what if you know it? To enter this place, you need to master nine kinds of true dragon swords.

Stepping in the nine steps, you can't make a mistake in one step. He really does not believe this absolute dragon city, can do it!

Zong Shou at this moment, the only surprise is that the Xuan Lang Zun, how did this person come in?

If this person also masters nine kinds of swords, then even if the inheritance of Long Ying's old man cannot be followed, the strength should be advanced.

Estimated by Zong Shou, once you have finished watching the nine stone rooms, you will enter the inner door area of ​​the upper level.

It is possible to increase the strength by one or two steps.

This Xuan Lang Supreme can escape from the pursuit of the Dragon City, the strength is extraordinary, it should be the sixth-order peak level. And if you can master the complete true dragon sword, enter the inner door, I am afraid that the strength can be entered into the seventh order.

In this realm, there are few people in the world who can get it.

Among them, the Fengyun Dragon Sword, which hides the shackles of the world, is a thousand miles away and unpredictable. If the application is carried out, even the eighth-order powerhouse is hard to trace.

But this person, only in the near future, was killed by the people of the Dragon City.

However, no matter whether this guy is on the right track or using other methods of side-by-side evil, it is not easy to think about it.

Walking in a row, Zong Shou this time, but went straight to the stone room. This cave is also extremely narrow, only five feet wide in the north and south.

However, above the two walls, it is neither a sword and a sentence, nor an abstract mural. It is a 28-person figure, the image of a middle-aged man, standing with a sword.

The sword in the hand has several dotted lines, which represent the changing track of the sword road. Above the body, there are dozens of red dots, all of which are places where people want xué. There are dozens of green arrows in the distribution, which should be marked with the temperament of the sword.

Zong Shou only looked at it and laughed out loud. Twenty-eight graphics, and only eighteen are true. It is also the most important part of these nine true dragon swords.

It is roughly the same as his calculation. It’s just a matter of qi, it’s a little different.

Zong Shou is the body of the two veins. The cultivation is also the real strength of the world. The vast majority of the world’s meritorious deeds are ineffective against him.

Fortunately, his previous martial arts accumulated extremely deep, and he was able to adapt these changes to adapt to his own special physique.

Look up at the sky, I saw this above, it is also a human figure. The man dances with the sword, and the infuriating flow in the meridian is painted in the picture.

At the beginning of the sect, he only wanted to find the most critical part of the nine Kowloon swords. After recovering the whole set of swords, he couldn’t look away. Instead, I took a breath of cold air and stared at me, unable to move away.

This picture above is more than just a story about the nine Kowloon swords. There is also the old man of the Dragon Shadow, thinking about the ultimate kendo.

Put all nine different dragon swords, and all the ones into one, all on it!

The picture of the middle-aged man. As far as this room is concerned, it is as many as nine. The rest, this small stone room can not be imprinted inside, it has been extended to the inside until the outdoor ramp.

Zong Shou took a deep breath and followed the maps and went inside.

One of these pictures, in the eyes of others, I am afraid most will ignore them.

The only thing that keeps the shackles is that it is not the ups and downs of the heart.

Combine nine kinds of real dragon swords, and create a nine-ninth shadow sword. The dragon shadow old man, the achievement in the kendo is already at its peak!

And the idea and speculation of the nine kinds of swords are combined into one, and all of them are in his mind, and they are awkward.

For him who wants to integrate the sword of a hundred schools into one furnace, each picture above the wall of the cave is precious. It can make him take fewer detours, and there are countless ideas to draw on. Only this moment of effort, within his mind, has produced countless inspirations, ideas that have never been seen in the past, constantly emerging.

Even the core part of the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords can be used directly as the skeleton of the entire Yuan Yijian.

The picture of the middle-aged man dancing swords, a total of forty-nine pairs, to the last pair, is the true heart of the nine Kowloon Shadow Sword.

Naturally, this door is up to the tenth class of the Holy Spirit, not so simple. All the pattern sword marks on the outer door of this lower layer are only the most basic part of this sword, and the highest is only the sixth-order peak.

Although Zong Shou can raise nine of these true dragon swords to the level of the sword, it is only limited to this.

In order to truly get the inheritance of the Longyan old man, the complete sword meaning and the nine Kowloon Shadow Sword, you must enter the upper level to gain enlightenment.

When Zong Shou put this last picture firmly in the mind, a soft cough was heard in the mouth.

Then I can't stop it, and I will continue to cough. In the end of the mouth, a little more **** overflow.

At this moment, the face of the sect is already pale. Knowing is your own talent, and the mind is too focused. I completely forgot to reconcile the truth, and control the true airflow in the body.

The mind b has shaken the drama, and it has taken a lot of effort. Finally, the internal injuries suffered by the previous war were completely triggered.

This is the body of the two veins, a little bit of fighting, can lead to conflicts of internal interest, but what about the same kind of war?

It was forcibly suppressed and prepared to be reconciled slowly, but at the moment, it seems that most of it is not.

From the Qiankun bag, Zong Shou took out a few Lingdan suits for a small quarter of a quarter of an hour, and the cough stopped. Within the meridians, the true airflow that turned over the river was gradually tamed.

Unexpectedly, the Lei Yi Yang snake lurking in his arm seems to be getting more and more moxibustion. Being restless, it seems that things are irritating, but there is no big worry.

Zong Shou took a sigh of relief and then slammed the fist.

One of the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords, he must get it anyway!

Looking at the front again, Zong Shou is a slight glimpse. I saw a wide front, no longer the narrow cave.

It is a vast courtyard with mountains and water, pavilions and huā. At the top of the top is a huge bright jade, which exudes gentle brilliance, allowing the grasses of this place to grow. Also make this place, the seasons are like spring, in this hole, it seems to be in the white, and in front of him, it is a huge lake. Right across from the front, it is a cave door.

The door is closed, and a huge dragon-shaped totem can be seen faintly, and the lines are complicated.

Zong Shou looked at him and was immediately attracted by the dozens of scattered stones before the Shimen.

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows, and these small stones were really tight. Then he suddenly smiled. He knew the blood of the nine drops of real dragons.

Turned around, Zong Shou turned back and left. Passed through the stone room, and stepped into the mí cave.

Passing through a few ramps, the master walked to the front of a long lamp. The probe looked at it, and sure enough, there was something hidden inside.

Take it all out~www.readwn.com~ I only see it inside, it is a jade bottle, and I don’t know what it is.

After that, it was a glass huā盏. Inside the nine red sè liquid. They are stored in the glass huā盏, respectively, and nine liquids like the huā valve.

"The blood of the dragon!"

Zong Shou only looked at it, and knew that this was the blood of the beast and the dragon. Although the spirit of the huā 盏 hu 遮 遮 遮 遮 遮 遮 遮 hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu hu

However, the faint sorrow of the sky is not sham.

"The blood of the Thunder Dragon has three drops. It is really luck."

Seeing that he was born to protect the car that day, Lei Yiyang snake, has been spontaneously worn out from the arm.

Zong Shou smiled a little, and did not hesitate to take out all the three drops of purple blood with the dragon's blood, and then entered it into the body of the Lei Yang Yang snake.

The first drop in, is the countless thunder, crazy flashing. The shape of the Lei Yang snake also began to change. ! .

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