Divine Brilliance

Chapter 364: Respect for teachers

The third chapter of the sixty-fourth chapter respects the teacher (seeking for a monthly ticket)

The third chapter of the sixty-fourth chapter respects the teacher (seeking for a monthly ticket)

"What the **** is this?"

Zong Shou subconsciously frowned, but he was a little worried.

With his more than 10,000 years of insight in this era, he can't tell the same. What are these shadows?

I don’t know if it’s good for myself or not.

I found that the most annoying thing in my life was to be stuffed into the body.

Shen yín for a moment, Zong Shou suddenly cut a sword. Behind him, float on the road to the shadow of the dragon, clear purple sè Jianguang. A small pavilion not far away was actually cut off by Jianqi!

In this moment, in the eyes of Zong Shou, it is a jīng. It can be clearly sensed. When the sword is made, the nine shadows in the body are abnormally active.

As if there are more than nine centers in the body, the body's breath is mobilized.

Previously, his resignation and the heart of the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords were somewhat unharmonious. At this moment, there is no such problem.

Kim did not regret being in the side of the kiosk. He was shocked when he saw it. He jumped like a frightened bird: "Zong Shou, do you want to kill me?" After a while, I reacted again: "Zong Shou, your nine Kowloon Shadow sword, is there any progress?"

One side of the second nv is equally astonished, seeing the fracture, I know that this pavilion seems to be wooden. Among them, the inside is the dense star steel.

To smash the six big tu ǐ thickness, tougher than the sixth-order peak of the spirit, but also to strengthen the pillars, how sharp should this sword be?

Zong Shou’s expression shook his head in a calm manner. It was not a progress, but a defect in the past. It was like a snake, and the shadow flowing through his veins was completely smoothed out.

In the past, his practice, and this mén sword, although it is not a slap in the face, the water and fire are not allowed.

You can use this sword, but you need to consume a lot of infuriating and make up for it. But now there is no such problem, no need to do unnecessary consumption, the power of this sword, it will rise.

It seems that the effects of these shadows are about good. At this time, he could not get rid of it.

Then I took out the small porcelain bottle and I had no time to look at it. However, when his sword was thrown out, he felt faintly inside, and suddenly he was a little moved. As if there is something, I have to rush out from there. 3∴

So Zong Shou at this moment, it will no longer suppress the curiosity in the heart.

After the cork was opened, Zong Shou took a cold breath and immediately plugged the stopper back.

Around the three, but at this moment, they feel the **** dàng Longwei scattered inside.

Kim does not regret what he has felt inside. It must be something that can't be done. He can't help but swallow and ask: "What is it inside? But if it is too expensive, you don't have to say -"

Zong Shou squinted, and then a bad smile: "An eight-order dragon soul, a nine-order dragon. There is one thing, I will not say it!"

When I heard the first two sentences, Kim’s expression of no regrets changed and changed. This moment is regretted to the heart and the heart is about to break.

Hearing the latter sentence, it was hard to itch. Can only export the sentence, and it is not convenient to ask again.

This itchy Ziwei is not much better than regretting it.

Zhao Yuran and Xuan Yunlan also took a breath. An eighth-order soul of the true dragon, then in front of him, at least nine steps.

Unlike the ordinary jīng beast, this dragon is included in the genus of the beast. If it is accepted as a escort, it is equivalent to two or three eighth-order powerhouses.

For a single mén, it is a good help. And the value of the nine-order dragon, not to mention.

If you can use it reasonably, you can use it to make alchemy. Maybe you can make a few strong people out.

In Zongshoukou, what can't be said, I am afraid that the value is more difficult to measure.

Zong Shou himself is also slightly lost. Strange that dragon city, why is it that only a few people have come over?

The things in this bottle are not the ones that don’t know the level, they can be compared.

Even the lord of the Dragon City personally took the opportunity to pursue this thing, it is the past.

Could it be the contents of this bottle? I don’t even know the people of the Dragon City.

In that hand, this bottle-like spirit that seems to be ordinary, but actually can ban the real dragon, was thrown back into the Qiankun bag. Zong Shou is puzzling, and he has no idea but to look at the golden needles.

And when you are back to God. Zong Shou only saw Zhao Yuran, and he was looking at his own foxtail with interest. A tender green finger sticks out, like a yù touch.

Zong Shou could not help but sneer: "Short máonv, do you have the daring to touch?" And he did not regret the gold: "You dare to move that piece of yù, die here, don't blame me for not reminding me first."

Zhao Xiaoran didn’t know for a moment, but after he had to wait, he reacted. The short máonv in Zongshoukou, does it mean himself?

Suddenly a burst of anger, just yù ù 骂 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , So I could only snoring and squinting my fingers back.

Kim does not regret and is embarrassed to smile, he himself feels that this yù is here, afraid that there are some problems. So I just kept watching and didn't do it.

Zong Shou did not pay attention to these two people. He relied on the power of the white sè, and the injuries in the body were already repaired. At the moment, it’s all refreshing. The violent luàn really absorbed, all discharged. The mixed luàn ideas in the soul are also purified.

The mind is fretting, and the demon body is restored to control. The foxtail fox ear, all gathered back.

Before going to the iron mén, he squatted, and he looked solemn and respectful. He walked toward the old man on mén and worshipped three worships.

Sure enough, just a moment, then mén slammed and lifted up. Open a vast space that is open to the eyes of four people.

Zhao Ruran and Kim do not regret, can not help but be stunned. Was it so simple to open this mén method?

Xuan Yunlan sees it, but it is blushing on the face, and it is extremely incomprehensible: "Hey, I just wanted to enter the upper layer earlier and see the real Wusheng photo. But I forgot to wait until I learned this for the Longying old man. The swordsmanship can also be regarded as his disciple. I waited for the sword to be taken for granted, and I did not expect to respect the teacher--"

Zong Shou stood up and stepped in slowly. I saw that all four walls were blank.

One of them is particularly smooth and gray, and there are some shadows on it.

There are already two people here, all of them in their 30s and 40s, all of the seventh-order powers they have seen before.

When I saw Zong Shou’s arrival, the two looked like a slight shock. However, it was only slightly distracted, and it was all infused with God and looked at the stone wall. I will not miss it for a moment, as if on the blank stone wall, there is a beautiful nv treasure, which is deeply attracted to them.

Zhao Ruran three people, also came in one after another, and then heard the back, but also a burst of sound, the iron mén fell again, suddenly closed.

But no one cares, they are fixed to see the shadow of the constant changes in the stone wall.

At this moment, the four people are surprisingly quiet, almost in the state of pilgrimage, and fixed attention.

Even the most vocabulary of gold is not regrettable, and there is no sound at the moment.

At this time, even if the sound of the breath is slightly heavier, it is not appropriate to tarnish the martial arts holy land in this world.

Zong Shou also held his breath and watched the image suddenly and one person held the sword, and suddenly turned into a dragon shape, and suddenly became a jīng beast. Sometimes it turns into an irregular circle, a ring and a ring, sometimes it is a star point, dense and erratic.

Zong Shou did not know these shadows. In the eyes of others, he himself was only a moment, and he felt a sense of heart and sat down directly.

When I first saw it, it was just a shadow. After a while, it gradually became a god, but it seems to have seen the era of the wild, a terrible level of war.

An old man is amazed by the old man on the previous mén. With a sword, in a skin with a body, dark as a ghost, surrounded by black and misty people, to fight life and death.

Every hit is thousands of miles away, the land is cracked, and the mountains and rivers are dàng.

And the more he concentrates, the more he feels that the picture is more realistic. Some details, also clear, are in his eyes.

"This is the old man of the dragon shadow, a battle in the realm of the gods -"

With the experience of past life, Zong Shou only looked at one, and found the level of strength of these two people, about what kind of realm.

Then, in the next moment, Zong Shou’s gaze was slightly condensed.

I only feel the wonders in front of me. Every real point, the two stocks in the wall are in the strong sense of the martial arts, the stronger the score!

From the mind, suddenly pour the impact. Let the sect keep the mind, a few yù collapse.

Reluctantly supporting the gods, watching the images of this battle, the martial arts ideas of the two powerful gods, this began to subside. In the mouth of Zong Shou, a trace of blood was spilled immediately.

Even if it was only ~www.readwn.com~ the war of the snow, the dead cones and the Lingyunzong three groups of people, dozens of Xuanwu masters, did not make him seriously stressed to completely suppress.

In front of this mural, he almost smashed his soul and crushed it!

Fortunately, when the picture ends. It is the appearance of some swords and dragons dancing in the dragon and phoenix dances. It is still the style of the following layers. The gods and gods are incomplete, and they are incomplete.

Then there are some mesh lines, and those stars, which are more clear than the shadows I saw earlier.

When Zong Shou began to understand. Can be looked at after a while. Gradually, I only felt these lines and stars, as if I was alone, standing in front of the stone wall, holding a sword and waving, constantly stabbing the sniper. A beautiful sword arc, a bright star mark, all directly to the heart.

At the moment of Zong Shou’s ear, it’s more like hearing a huge dragon screaming, snarling and boiling.

Hurry to keep these swords and arc marks, keep them in mind. It was not until a moment later that the scene in front of us changed.


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