Divine Brilliance

Chapter 369: Grotto collapse

Chapter 369 The Grottoes Collapse

The whistling sound shook, and the entire dòng cave, like a collapse, is also shaking. [This chapter is provided for you] The latest chapter of the Church

A circle of dragon shadows, and suddenly vacated from the stone wall, the atmosphere is majestic, but the body is also somewhat defective.

After Zongshou’s body, there were nine more illusory dragons at this time. Although it is a small number of more than a dozen, and the figure is illusory. But it is also a slap in the face, very proud.

Li Yuandan was once again shocked. Then he sneered and said: "Since Long’s brother said this, most of them will not be wrong. That dragon shadow Wusheng thinks that he has found a descendant. If he knows that this guard is only Kim y ù ù ù 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中 其中

That cold and water, the expression suddenly became a loose.

Long Ruo is still yīn's face, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart is getting stronger.

More murderous, unstoppable rise and rise.

There is a voice in my heart that is constantly calling.

- Remove this child! Be sure to kill this squad on the spot at all costs. Otherwise, in the future, you must regret your life!

He has been wrong once, to develop a demons, can not be wrong for the second time!

Thoughts are gone, the dragon is hidden in the sleeves of the hand, tightly gripped. A small sword shadow, in his wide sleeves, flipping,

It was a 'broken sword', which was bought by the ancestors from Zong Shou and then transferred to him.

Not long ago, Zong Mén refining masters shot, looking for the right materials, into this sword.

It was completely reborn, and it was upgraded from the third-order sword to the seventh.

Confidence in this sword, even the Long Ying old man may not be able to guard this.

Although it is a strong martial artist, after all, there are hundreds of worlds, countless time and space, and there is still the possibility of success!

Just one chance, one opportunity to take advantage of and get away. ("7*

The scorpion sighed slightly, and Long Ruo sighed again, forcing the thoughts of these miscellaneous luàn to be pressed again.

The secret is a self-deprecating smile, and he is really a guardian of this sect.

However, within that mind, it is an unprecedented cold and quiet. The killings are still not changed, but they are even stronger.

Just remove this sub, then the magic barrier is no longer a problem. It should be able to make more breakthroughs.

Just at this time, another rumbling came. Device: no ads, full text, more

It’s just Zong Shou, and the thirty-sixth sword is coming out. The shadow of the dragon above the wall is also starting to grow again. One of the dragon claws, from the belly, the figure is more and more solid.

Zong Shou at this moment, and almost every sword swaying, can make the hovering dragon, or more than a dragon horn, or more than a scale.

Not only did it fill the dragon-shaped stone inscription on the wall, but it also made the dragon shadow on the top of the picture gradually complete.

And when Zong Shou, the forty-fifth sword, was engraved on the wall. Sure enough, it was a high-pitched dragon, directly shocking the ears of everyone.

When Kim did not regret the beginning, he only looked at Zong Shou’s movements with a stunned look. Gradually the sight, but is concerned about the dragon above.

I feel that this incomplete dragon shadow, every swimming, every prancing, does not imply a very deep martial arts.

Looking at it carefully, it seems as if it is still on the nine-sided stone wall.

The six real dragon swords that I had previously learned were clear in this moment.

There is no need to bother to think about it. Many of the places that are not there are not clear, and all of them are clear.

It seems to be the mystery contained in the dragon shadow, which can be directly reflected into the mind.

"Looking at the situation, I am afraid that I really understand the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords -"

A sigh, screaming in the gold no regrets, the words are also unusual feelings: "Do not regret the younger brother, have to admire. The latest chapter of the church you guys, āo friends' eyes can be really good. Master often said me If you are a repairer, you can't do without the wealth of the law, you have a wealth of words. Now you have a good friend, this word is not bad."

Kim does not regret not looking back, I know that my own Shen Huai brother. At this moment, he refused to miss the half-point change of the dragon image, and he did not want to turn back, but he also smiled slightly smugly.

"I still use the brothers to say? My friend is naturally good! You don't know, this guy has a lot of secrets. That kind of difficulty, he was actually smashed by him. This kind of quality can be compared with that." It’s still more precious ten times. Then, what do you do with Shen Shixiong? How can there be so much nonsense? It’s rare to have a chance to pass this village today. I’m afraid there will be no such store in the future?”

Shen Huai heard a speechless speech. Why didn’t he feel like this when he met such a person?

Listening to this gold no regrets, the dry demon king Zong Shou, seems to be something, he did not know.

However, although he was talking, his eyes did not leave the dragon shadow above.

And the same people around here are the same, looking intently.

These people were previously shocked by this movement, and when they were unable to enlighten Wu Sheng, they were still annoyed.

But at this time, there is nothing but a trace of anger, but it is an infinite surprise.

Everyone knows that what they have achieved today will be many times more than their predecessors!

"In short, this person, do not regret the younger brother, you have already recognized his xìng feelings. Then it is necessary to take honesty, in the future, on the road, there is such a child to help, and will benefit."

The mouth continued to say ‘nonsense’ pointing, and Shen Huai suddenly stunned again and looked at the top.

At this moment, not only the entire cave, but also shaking without stopping. Suddenly, the top is also dusty sand, and there are gravel falling from time to time.

Suddenly, in the heart of Shen Huai, there was a realization of enlightenment.

The Longying old man is ruining this gathering dragon dragon mén stone dòng step by step. This martial sage has completely selected his own swordsman!

At about the same time, He Xueying, who is separated by a few dozen feet, is also looking up, and the eyes are even more strange, revealing incredible sè.

"The meaning of the martial arts seems to have been fixed. Most of the sects of the sects of the sects have really enlightened the slogan of the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords. It is really worthy of the singer, who has been fighting for months. It is the second generation disciple of my class, I chose to be the second generation disciple of this church. I am really blessed, I can have my highness as a ding furnace, although I can reverse the radiance method, I am even envious of it.

Zhao Xiaoran’s brow was a little bit uncomfortable. He met this guy and he was unlucky. How is it that you are blessed? At the same time, I also said coldly: "I know! But the uncle is really rude, you have to call his wife and uncle."

That He Xueying, suddenly hand ch抚 chún, smiled, curious sè: "He told you to call it?"

Zhao Yuran suddenly tangled, and tightened his clothes. The unscrupulous guy, if you want to call your wife’s uncle, every day, you really don’t want to live.

At the moment, there is still a place to ask for this person. When I can successfully reverse it again in the future, I must torture this guy.

However, although she thinks like this, deep in her heart, she knows that she is no longer possible and does not hope.

When thinking about this, the fourth sound of the dragon screams, and once again shocked dàng within the entire cave. Shocked everyone, the eardrum is painful, like gold does not regret such a repair is weaker, and more seven bloody.

However, the dragon shadow is more and more real, and one rune flashes around the body, which seems to breed infinite mystery.

Everyone did not dare to have any distraction, and the opportunity was rare.

Within the entire cave, it is gradually silent, except for the sound of falling rocks and graves, there is nothing else.

Zong Shou has nothing to do with the situation next week. I didn’t pay attention to it at all, and I didn’t even take a look.

The mind has always been to maintain sincerity and truth, and exhausted all efforts. Constantly scrutinizing, constantly calculating the sword style, and then facing this wall, a sword is drawn.

The body is slightly twitching, and the various substances in the body are increased and continuously secreted. The ingenuity is also constantly sublimating, reaching the peak of his coming to this era!

For a long time, I was not so excited. He was in such a state for the first time. He still took a glimpse of the sacred mystery and stepped into the mén. I saw the possibility of blending the swords of 100 schools into one.

I remember that before, he studied various kendos, just to pick a mén, the best way for him.

But I don't care about the end. Gradually, I have countless swords and countless swordsmanships.

At this moment, Zong Shou saw a more profound and more liberal temple!

In the faint judgment, you only need to completely fill the missing marks on the wall.

Then he keeps his watch, not only can he know the mystery of these nine Kowloon Shadow Swords, but he can truly grasp the ‘Swordsman’ in the martial arts idea!

It’s not the previous one. He used the imperial game to master the incomplete ‘sword 魄’ in advance, but the real, so that his swordsmanship can be alive!

A sword swung out, and the 69th sword mark was traced, leaving a shadow on the wall. The shadow of the dragon in the air, once again found a claw, screaming,

Zong Shou’s sword suddenly stopped.

To the sixty-fourth sword, behind the sword, he is no longer able to sway down at any time~www.readwn.com~ already feels the hardship, every sword that he pulls out afterwards, after all, it takes a lot of effort .

Zong Shou took a deep breath and took a piece of ten wood from the sleeves without hesitation. He looked up and took it.

This is the lingering secret of Cangsheng Road, which is best at replenishing qi and blood. However, for the consumption of blood, it also helps.

One is not enough, Zong Shou has taken out several different Dan yào in succession and has taken it one after another. Driven by the power, quickly opened.

Knowing this, it is estimated that it will be a protracted war, and it is impatient. Only by making yourself and maintaining your best state can you completely break the speed of the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords.

After all, I have less than half a day's time limit -

Only when the force was restored, Zong Shou slammed another sword, and ‘噗嗤’, on the stone wall, left a scratch again.

At this time, Zong Shou’s ear suddenly seemed to hear something.

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