Divine Brilliance

Chapter 371: Inspiration

The grand and vast ideas suddenly fell above this dòng cave. TXT e-book download

Even the strongest of all the heavens and the voyages in this place have been prepared, and at this moment they are all slightly suffocating.

Zong Shou was also somewhat uncomfortable by this breath, but his eyebrows were cold and cold: "I am guarding the martial arts and self-improvement. What is the obstacle of heaven and man, and why do you need to borrow the power of outsiders?"

Since he only spoke, he has been immersed for a long time, only to feel that his heart is getting tired. Inside the brain is faint y sleep, but the sect is slamming and then slashing.

The seventy-fourth sword, the seventy-fourth scratch, jumped on top of the mural, so that the dragon shadow, more see the charm.

After finishing this stroke, the Zongshou face is only slightly satisfied with the satisfaction. I hurriedly took a few dan yào, closed my eyes and regained the body's breath, nourishing my heart and soul, resting the soul.

After the silence of the voice, then it was a smile: "It is quite arrogant, but my dragon believes in you! Self-improvement? I can't think of you as a little guy, but a true sword. You can endure the body of the pulse and twist the pain of the meridians. In the realm of this age, I have already glimpsed the martial art. In front of my wall, I am unyielding and waved out the seventy-fourth sword. It seems that you, people like this, do not need With external force."

Suddenly, the tone suddenly said: "Yes, you have to smash the true dragon shadow that I left behind. Is it because you want to master the sword? You are a little guy, the ambition is full, but I like it! Just for you. The repair, I want to crack this picture, it is still a lot worse -"

Zong Shou was too lazy to answer, silent for a long time. So quiet, after two quarters of an hour, I was once again eye-catching. Sword in the hand. Just swing it again!

Seventy-fifth sword! Seventy-sixth sword! Seventy-seventh sword!

Three consecutive swords were thrown out, and the land was scattered.

The face of Zong Shou, has become pale, and the face is full of blood.

Almost exhausted the body, all the potential, this will unravel the mystery of these three swords.

At the moment, on top of this mural, there are only four engravings missing!

- Only four swords, he can solve this puzzle, all cracked!

"--seventy-seven swords! You little guy. Kendo has actually psychic to this level! Damn! This place is too far--"

I don't know the old movie of Long Ying, how many worlds have passed through this moment. The voice is more clear. However, the voice seems to be slightly exhausted.

"Hey! Kid, the four swords behind, you don't think about it. You have to do it yourself. You can only get rid of it. If you have the qualifications of Lingwu and Wuyi, you can solve it. You are so talented, you can already My disciple of Dragon Shadow, don't you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Zong Shou did not listen at all. The voice of the old man was treated as a murmur and directly filtered.

He is at the moment. In addition to the sword in hand, there is nothing more than this dragon stone inscription!

Unexpectedly, I thought it was after the three swords. The last four nicks. It should be more difficult. It takes him more time to scrutinize and go to the calculation.

Unexpectedly, the three swords behind this are actually only a little thought, and there is already a rough idea.

It is unusually simple, almost instinctive, and you know how to make a sword!

However, he was slightly embarrassed, and Zong Shou was unbelievable and repeatedly verified in his heart. Only then, the sword of the purple sè is bright and bright, bringing out a gentle and gentle sword arc.

Seventy-eighth sword. The seventy-ninth sword, the eightyth sword!

Another three sword marks were drawn. The whole dragon body suddenly appeared to be full.

The feeling of the people around me is the most obvious. I only think that the dragon on this stone wall is already **** and r神u, full of charm. As if at any time, it is necessary to break through the wall.

It’s just this dragon-shaped stone carving, as if it still lacks something. Only the last, and the most crucial one!

And the real dragon above that is also the case, yù ù 空 高. But it always seems to be bound by what power, can not vacate.

Zong Shou is also satisfied, and the eyebrows are all happy. I can't think of these three swords. It is as simple as that.

The Longying old man, the last three puzzles set on this stone wall, is really out of order.

Now, in front of him, only the last nick is left, and it is estimated that it will be the hardest sword!

- It is the sword of the ninety-nine! The last key to the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords must be in this last sword!

At this time, I remembered it faintly. The old man of Longying seemed to be arrogant, and he said something in his ear.

But when I can make memories again, I can’t think of it. At that time his mind was too pure and focused, and nothing in the world could leave any trace in his heart.

"What else can you say? Are you a stinky boy who wants to let the old man go to **** and die, or is he willing to take a break after he is exhausted? It is already a spirit-"

The voice was smashed first, then it stopped abruptly.

Zong Shou is listening to the fog, but this voice is a bit more clear, and the idea of ​​the dragon if it is perfused is even more unpredictable.

Compared with Wei Xu, it is not bad.

- On that day, his brother, although he did not do his best. But this old man is also separated by countless time and space.

"--cough! Cough! Actually, it is a spiritual master who is still in the sun. Well, this place is still too far away. My strength is almost the same. I will continue to hurry, I am afraid to hurt the origin of this body. So listen I know the kid, can you be a disciple of my dragon shadow?"

Zong Shoumei picked up his head and then shook his head slightly, without hesitation: "This is a shame, my sect has already had a teacher mén. The second generation of rumors, the seventh mén!"

Although he hates to worship a few masters and learns more swords, he still knows the truth of the teacher.

As for this identity, in front of such a sacred place, there is no secret at all in his sacred sect. It is better to say it in a big way.

"The second generation of Cangsheng Road?"

The dragon shadow is obviously shocking, but the surprise is not that Zong Shou already has a sect mén, but the second generation rumored four words: "The guy who is a scorpion, died thousands of years ago. How can it still be collected? Disciple? Yes, or it’s Wei Xu’s guy, the teacher’s apprentice. Or is it that you can go under the Lin Xuan frost mén?”

Zongshou’s brows are picking up, and this long shadow old man is guessing. It is also slightly stunned: "Zong Shou's master, it is the name of Lin Xuan cream!"

The Longying old man sneered with a sneer: "You Wei brothers, it is a good calculation! It is also considered that their enthusiasm is getting better and better. Actually, under the eyes of the righteous lords, you are so precious."

Zong Shou's eyes were slightly condensed, and he showed his anger at a very moment. In fact, he was very uncomfortable with Wei Xu. But you can't tell this outsider to see it.

"But! Don't say this, then Wei Xu willing to give you a rumored identity of the second generation of the church, and it is worth the money."

The voice of the old man of Long Ying is still with some annoyance. However, if you listen carefully, you can find inside, envy and hate, and miscellaneous.

"Kids, the old man has left the important points of the nine Kowloon Shadow Swords here. I will never think that this mén sword has a chance of being ninety-nine, to be learned by your big disciples? Just can't bear to create one by one. This mén peerless swordsmanship, the last lost only! Set up the dragon and the dragon mén, just to find a suitable swordsman to pass on. Also have no thoughts on inheritance of the system. Therefore, although you are a rumor, it is no harm -"

Zong Shou thought about it, but still shook his head, oil and salt did not enter: "This matter is of great importance, the disciple has to ask Wei Xu brother to say!"

"You Wei Xu brother? Your brother is afraid to ask for it."

The grievances in the speech of the Longyan old man are more profound: "Use your bait to catch the old man, count him! You come this time, but the life of Wei Xu? What better to say?"

Zong Shou blinked and still hesitated. Mainly because of the swordsmanship of the dragon shadow old man, he will have to be drained by him.

Just crack this picture of the wall dragon, and you can completely master all the Olympics of the Jiulong Shadow Sword.

If this is a 10,000-year period, the repair of this dragon shadow is still stagnant. In the Holy Land, there are no other swordsmanship achievements. Then this teacher respects, it is better not to worship.

Who would like to give himself to himself for no reason, to find an ancestor who needs filial piety every day?

However, Dragon Shadow went on, but it was silent for a long time. Just as the sect is secretly strange, it is estimated that he has been given up by the martial sage. The old voice is also coming again: "Hey? You guy, it’s a real one. It’s still the master of a city and a country, the demon king of Tianshan. After inheriting his father’s business, just a few months. It has just swallowed a few provinces. It occupies nearly one-third of the east to Yunlu~www.readwn.com~ but it is adjacent to the Zhuzong in the east, especially with the Shangzong, and the one named Long Ruo. Resentment is not small -"

Zong Shou suddenly turned his eyes, and the old man went to investigate his own roots.

"Oh! One hundred and sixty interest breaks the Ming Jiantai, and actually draws the 'transport' character. Even people like you are letting go, and it’s cheaper. It’s the people of Lingyunzong, I should say that they are not lucky. Ok, is it stupid?"

When the words arrived here, the Long Ying old man was a smile again, but this time, the old **** is here: "The little guy, although the sacred road is a big trend, but since the death of the scorpion, it is still only struggling. Are you still missing a right now? If something goes wrong with your Tianshan, it’s not convenient to come out -"

Zong Shou took a breath, this Long Ying old man, these few words. It is really the soft underbelly in the middle.

Before the foundation of the dry Tianshan is still weak, before the forces are not completed, this sacred road is indeed not convenient for him to shoot, and there are many scruples. With the help of this dragon shadow, you and the dry Tianshan can benefit.

But immediately, it was again convinced, only when he inadvertently, suddenly had an inspiration - to break the inspiration of the last scotch of this stone wall.

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