Divine Brilliance

Chapter 379: Do your best

"Hey! This old man is not simple, there is a real shape. But this is the peak of the body, the eighth-order powerhouse, the juniors like you, really shameless! Don't worry, you are there." The dragon is also about to rush back. If it was his demise, it would ruin my squad, how can it be so trouble today?"

Zong Shou Mo Ran, Ren Qi. First, the 〗 〖Body in the meditation, found that the yellow sè that had previously entered their own body. Already unknowingly, it has been merged by nearly 70%.

Physical strength has not increased much. At most, it is almost twice as much as before. The rest is more to become the potential within his body, lurking deeper.

Zong Shou suddenly relaxed a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that the Long Ying old man did not care, and his life strengthened his body.

It seems to be the best at this moment, but it is much more brilliant than the way he seals the Thunder.

There are also nine shadows in the original body, which changed to a full eighteen. Within the double veins, with the flow of true gas.

It is a dragon shadow. Considering the special condition of his body, he is temporarily added to it. I don't know what it is.

He was only thinking about it here, and then Dragon Shadow knew his mind and said: "It’s not like it! Your master is Wu Sheng, the means is that you are a child who can’t be compared to the seventh-order child? Master Zunwan Years of accumulation, knowledge can not compare with your little doll? If it is just a simple fusion, how can we not get the heart, shoot the three rabbits?"

Zong Shou only did not hear, full force〗 〖Zhou pressed the disordered gas. Part of the mind, then pay attention to the old man.

The only type of Xuan yīn dragon sword, is not completely reactive, in this person's left arm, pulled out a deep sword mark. I can't heal at this moment.

The old man first stunned the dragon who only had the **** hún, and then looked at the ice and looked at Zongshou.

The murderous flicker in the scorpion seems to be in anger. However, after counting the numbers, it may be scruping about the dragon shadow and gradually converge.

"I am very smart!"

The faint opening, and then this fascinating real person, asked coldly and coldly: "I don't know my highness, why should I be stunned by my teacher? Is it so poisonous? Is it true that I don't put my Ling Yunzong in my eyes?"

Zong Shou almost had to laugh and make a sound, only to suppress the mourning soon, almost to break out. Forced to suppress, also coldly said: "The murderer is always killing! Could it be that you only let Lingyunzong disciple kill and kill, I will not allow my sect to kill him in turn? I don't know what this is?"

Suddenly, there is a sense of sight in the brain. I remember that when I was in the past, it was like this, and therefore I was blamed with Ling Yunzong. In the game of the Emperor, nearly one Jiazi was entangled.

Then I glanced around, and there was a strange figure under the mountain, and I frowned. How have these people not dispersed?

Forget it, or whatever?

"A good murderer will kill you!"

The savage real person sneered, and the face condensed. But this is a big crowd, but after all, I can't say the phrase "I Ling Yunzong is such a truth." If you want to kill, you should also care about Dragon Shadow Wu Sheng.

Suddenly hesitating, there is another pressure, and he went to Zong Shou forcibly: "It’s just a matter of today, who is right and wrong, still doubtful! Please ask the Zongcheng Lord to follow me, go to Yungong, take the place, Just figure it out."

When I heard this sentence, Zong Shou had not responded yet. At that time, the water bling was already a sigh of laughter, and there was a silver bell. In the square of the Wanlong Temple, there are many sounds in the square.

This is so fierce, really, when she is slicking, is it impossible for people? Only when she took the person’s body, isn’t this gesture obvious enough?

The fascinating real face sè slightly changed, and then resumed as usual: "This is my Ling Yunzong, and the grievances of the Tianshan lord. It has nothing to do with the sacred road, but also the light water fairy, do not want to intervene. If others dare to interfere, my Ling Yunzong must not stop -"

"What if you don't stop? What are you Lingyunzong?"

Unrelenting, directly interrupting the words of the powerful and real people, Shui Ling bō said coldly: "I will break into this matter! Good, my life begins today, I will be with you. Lingyun, fight!"

The face of the savage real person, suddenly and suddenly white, trembled, his mouth chún groaning, but could not speak.

At this time, Xuan Taiji is also a sigh: "The uncle, the uncle, today is the fault of your Ling Yunzong. Don't say it is the sacred road, even my Hao Xuanzong, will not sit and watch!"

Over there, Su Chen also chuckled: "The elders are not in the middle of the division. Su Chen can't represent Jianzong. It's not good to talk. But I really want to see, you Lingyunzong, how to block the world's long mouth with one force. ”

The breath of the real and powerful people is stunned, and it is in silence.

In the void, suddenly ‘哐’ slammed. It seems to be a powerful force, and it is here.

Under the mountainside, almost everyone, etc., could not stand and fell to the ground.

The spirits of the imperial weapons are also unsettled, and they all fall one after another and fall to the ground.

The person present, only on the seventh level, can barely stabilize the figure. Looking up, I saw the space above, and suddenly there was a huge black sè. A huge and incomparable faucet, from the outside, looked cold and ruthless.

That is a real person, this is an imposing manner. At this moment, the dragon figure came, and suddenly the body of the yuan hún could not be maintained.

It can only be supported under this vast dragon.

Zong Shou suddenly blinked his eyes, scanning the dragon and the cold against the water three people, the right hand again clenched the Lei Yijian, killing the machine again.

Just about to start, the voice of the old man of Long Ying, said: "Unfortunately, this dragon will come too late. You have to kill, afraid there is no chance."

Zong Shouzheng was horrified, and suddenly looked up and looked up. I saw a golden light, and I saw it in the air.

Between Guanghua and Suihua, it fell to the foothills of this Julong Mountain. The summary is a young man, his face is about 18 years old, but his breath is calm and restrained. Although it is facing the real dragon above, it is still arrogant.

After the arrival, the first hand is attached to a golden sè, and solemnly greets the top.

"The younger Ling Yunzong cactus teaches no brilliance! I have seen the dragon shadow predecessors, this is the letter given by my ancestors Ling Yunzong. Also ask the Holy One to look over -"

In this air, the voice of the old man of Long Ying has not been heard. It was the letter of the golden sè that suddenly burned up for no reason.

After the shackles, this space is once again restored to silence.

That is true, no real people are not surprised, and then they look at Zong Shoudao: "My sect of the disciple, if the body is destroyed, I must have finished my temper. Now, it is my Ling Yunzong that is wrong online, there must be Hòu pays to make up for the loss of His Highness. As for the three dragons, they need to be disposed of by my Ling Yunzong, Shangzong and Dan Lingzong, to the Highness, and to the world’s people.

When it comes to the last few sentences, Wuhua is looking at the Xuan Taiji water blings.

The former is a slight dagger, revealing satisfaction, courtesy and courtesy, this is the style of the big pie.

Even Su Chen is no longer talking. Shui Ling bō is directly screaming coldly. As long as Zong Shou can't leave the dry Tianshan City, she can't help her clearly.

Just show the identity of the second generation of Cangsheng Road, enough to kill the three, bī on the spot!

Although the heart is annoyed, it can only be silent. Dark belly, what do you do in Tianshan City?

If it is her, don't stop. Pursue the world and the truth, don't you be happy?

In my heart, there is no idea that the people will be equal, and the people are equal. She started her practice and only asked herself to have more power.

Zong Shou is also a brow that is slightly wrinkled. This is a non-Chinese statement. He is not good at killing people. He only looks at Ling Yunzong. What will he give him afterwards?

At this moment, I only feel that I am very emotional. The angle of view of the light, inadvertently swept through the rock below, the black body of the broken body, more guilty.

I remember that before the first load, the seventh-order black scorpion had already played in front of him. This dragon, even more in a few words, has already determined his future destiny. After one load, it is a revenge. He personally took a sword and smashed the black skull. More able to decide this dragon, even the rise and fall of Ling Yunzong...

The situation has developed to this level, and he is also an accident.

Could it be that 〖真〗 and this Ling Yunzong, born with each other?

There are no other people who see the people around there. The line of sight turned back again, but the gaze was complicated until now, - endless regret, regret, annoyance, horror, full of deep in the heart, and not only one, but finally strong, and once again upwards: " I don't know the Dragon Shadow Saint, what do you mean?"

The Long Ying old man at the moment ~www.readwn.com~ just put those dragons, all into the body of Zongshou.

Then the next one, then in the sky, there is another crack in the hole. A strange image of a sword suddenly fell from the crack. The shadow of the shadow of the sword flashed directly to the face of the cold.

——It’s almost impossible for the people in this gathering of the dragons to react, and they will have the cold and the water and the body of Li Yuandan, all the swords!

Then the sword shadow, and dribbles, inserted in front of Zong Shou, the cold mangling shines.

The sound of the dragon shadow also resounded again.

"It’s just like the idea of ​​your family. It’s just that these two people are both offending my disciples, so don’t want to go back again! If there are those things, if you can’t get them out, don’t blame me for turning the face!”

Another voice is heavy: "I will tell you again! This kid is now the only disciple of my dragon shadow. If anyone dares to move him, my dragon shadow will definitely destroy him! Even if you are not Chinese, then please come to Jiezun It is useless!"

The unshaven real eyelid jumped, but he finally took a sip. I leaned over again and looked at it. ! .

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