Divine Brilliance

Chapter 384: Fan of the book

"More unfortunately, the news has been heard not long ago. The sword son has been out of the game and is trying to challenge the nineteen spiritual houses and the ten holy places one by one."

Speaking of this, the spirit of the whistle is also cold and sweeping to the dragon, but also angry and hate, but also with the meaning of mercy.

Originally, the swordsman was desperate to go to the door, and the most suitable for the battle in the Zongmen was Long Ruo. But now, there is only one ancestors who have just graduated from the ranks of the heavens.

And if it is Zong Shou, it can be used to worship Zongmen, and even use this to make the cloud of Lingyun famous.

But now, everything is late.

"The sword son is absolutely one by one"

The face of a non-Chinese real person is also extremely unsightly. Also know that within the Zongmen, a ancestor is mad, it is difficult to stand alone. The face of Tie Qing is more and more gloomy.

"I know this thing! So how many elders, for Long Ruo, how do you say it?"

"Although the talents are good, but the mind is too narrow. This sect is a sin. It is not worthy of being the next teacher."

The sorrowful feeling on the spiritual surface is more intense, hesitantly said: "Listening to the meaning of several uncles is to impose heavy punishment and even drive out the sect."

The body of the dragon, once again trembled. The face of Wuhua’s real person also shook a little, and the fists clenched, revealing a bit of an angry color.

The Lingzizi, as if it did not see the general, sighed and looked into the distance: "This thing is afraid that it can no longer be recovered, I Lingyunzong, the final need to give the world [the sky] people to explain. Can not let Lingyun generations The reputation that people have accumulated over the years has been ruined in my hands. You can know that when the news came out, there were some changes in the Lingmeng’s several magic gates. Even a few Lingfu large, very uneasy Share?"

The eyes glanced at the cold and the water, the eyes of the spirits, it seems that the ice is cold without Ps: "Even if the Shangzong is said to be very angry, the mouth has been sent to blame me, the dragon if the assassination of the Zongshou, this unjust Why do you want to take them to your disciples and drag them together?"

Wuhua real people snorted and clenched their fists tightly. Then there is a complex look that is infinitely determined.

The eyes are full of heartache, hesitant color, and I don’t know for a moment. How to deal with this matter is good.


In the foothills of Julong Mountain, Zongshou is still sitting cross-legged. The idea is divergent, and the Long Shadow old man who is far away from hundreds of worlds communicates with consciousness.

"Before I listened to the teacher's respect, the only thing I used to swallow Tianyuan, has been lost in the sea of ​​clouds. I wonder if this is the details?"

"You really have to ask this!"

The voice of the old man of Long Ying is '嘿, a smile: "For others, I am afraid that most of it is a fog. I have been in the past years because of the war with the man, so I know some roots. The person is the age of the cloud, a person named the sacred person. When it appeared in the cloud world, it was already the realm of the saints. At that time, it was almost invincible, not only able to swallow the heavens and the earth for their own use, but also to **** The spirit of the other people’s true spirits is so strong that they are the best at the time. Even a few strong people at that time are also seeers, and they dare not easily interact with them. After I went to the holy world in the past, I happened to encounter them. After he was once defeated, he was defeated and lost. He was almost completely defeated by the newly created Jiulong Shadow Sword. Not only was he lucky enough to escape, but he also broke this person. It is considered to be within the cloud. First person one by one"

When it comes to this, the Long Ying old man is not at all concerned with his own defeat. On the contrary, it is quite a bit of self-satisfaction. "But at that time, this person may be the method of cultivating the temperament of the temperament. Some problems have arisen. The mind is suddenly mad, and after waking up with me, "the dog is the cutest." It rushed into the sea of ​​clouds and disappeared. Because of my grievances with this person, I have been paying attention to the change of the sea of ​​clouds all the year round [Dayzhu change], and even once searched for it. As a result, he has not seen him for hundreds of years, and he has not seen it. Finally, I will gradually forget this. It was unexpected. After ten thousand years, my pro-disciple disciples actually learned this practice. ”

Zong Shou’s heart is like a raging wave, and can’t be calm again. This swallows the Yuan Yuan Jing Jing, since it has disappeared with the owner and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds, why did it appear in the game of "The Emperor"?

Could it be that the people of the later generations discovered that when they explored the sea of ​​clouds?

There is also the mad blood demon of his ‘father’ in the future, and the nine-tailed fox king is now in the sea of ​​sinking clouds.

"I have almost done everything about this matter! Hey, let your brother Wei Xu be as smart as a ghost. This thing is also being shackled in the drum. Zong Shou, you have a good father,"

The sound of the old man of Long Ying smiled with a bit of emotion: "In detail, I can't talk to you at this time. There is time in the future, you can go to the Shen Yunhai to see! Actually even such things, Can be willing to give up, give up one step to the holy law. Your father is not, good life is admirable! Zong Shou you remember, you can forget everything in the future, even I and Wei Xu do not care, but can never be against you Father is not filial and disrespectful

When Zong Shou looked awkward and was about to ask questions again, he felt that the vastness of the idea that had always been suppressed in this mountain suddenly disappeared. There was no trace between the two.

He continued to call his heart and did not hear the answer from Long Ying’s old man. The heart could not help but panic.

Long Ying said that he has a good father. What does it mean? Even such things can be abandoned? What exactly is it?

Is it the mysterious blue light group between his soul? Again, or is it that the world that he won in his previous life?

Listening to the tone of the old man of Long Ying, everything he has now seems to be the result of the ancestors' success. What is going on?

I replaced Zong Shou and mastered the time of the body. Zong Suran has disappeared without a trace, and he has been alone in the sinking clouds.

And when the 'Zong Shou' finally dissipated completely, the phrase "You and me, this is the one mouth, you are me, I am you". At the moment, I want to come, it is an extraordinarily creepy, and instinctively unwilling. Think about it.

After all, after all, what I have experienced is fake? In this world, there is no sword king talking about this person?

Is it just a sect, a split soul? Or after the 10,000-year-old Sword Emperor talks about autumn, this is Zong Shou?

what! how is this possible? His own past experience, whether it is a friend of the enemy, is **** and fleshy, how could it be a fantasy? Even if it is the peak of the country, it will never be possible!

When you think about it, you feel ridiculous and have no clue. In the body, the blood and blood in the body are floating, and the desire is to go away. At the same time, suddenly the familiar tyrannical thoughts came again. The voice of the old man of Long Ying also sounded again: "I almost forgot to say that the swallowing of the Yuan Dynasty that you used to perform is very good. But in the future, there is no need to be too cautious. And madness. However, if I see it, it is mostly because of this person's abuse. This ruling is probably not created by this one, and it is used in a place. You can explore it in the future, Moin squandered. If you are weak, you can make up for it and make up for it. After you are strong, you can afford to lose more than enough. It can be described as a metamorphosis! Heaven is occupied by it. Its real function, because it is not in the universe It’s the ultimate life."

Zong Shou was gradually calm and listened to God. But at the end of the last sentence, it is the body re-shock, the face is full of shock and shock.

I don’t know if Dragon Shadow has no intention of talking about it, or intends to mention it.

The voice of the old man of Long Ying, then he said: "Do not think too much about this matter, all cause and effect, in the future you will go to the sea of ​​clouds, after seeing your father, naturally you can understand. In addition, let me say that the old man of the dragon shadow The most fortunate thing is that you will be the one who keeps you, and the income is in the bottom of your mouth, so you don’t have to have any burden."

When the voice is said to the back, it has gradually become blurred. When it comes to ‘burden, the word disappears directly. In Zongshou’s heart, he called for a few more words. In the end, he still did not see the answer from Long Ying’s old man.

I know that my teacher’s thoughts are at this moment, and I am afraid that I have completely left the cloud. Zong Shoucai took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Then the next moment, another bitter smile. Some things, after all, still have not been able to ask.

I still can't understand, why did the Long Ying old man think so much about him?

He is clear about his weight. That is to be able to break the mystery of the illuminating wall, and the sacred body of the dragon shadow, "冇", is not used to almost ‘pleasant, attitude, let him apprentice.

It’s a weird one.

There is still the sea of ​​clouds, do you want to go? The mad blood demon sage is "the dog is the most cute", is it related to himself?

The recollection of the mind, Zong Shou thought for a moment, knowing the atmosphere of the body "冇", once again arrogant ~ www.readwn.com ~ only a slight shock in the heart, decisively indiscriminately put this chaos, once again depressed.

When Zong Shou was eyeing, he saw only the Zongyuan, who was standing on the sidelines, and was watching.

"Jun Shang, that Dragon Shadow Wu Sheng has already left?"

Zong Shou nodded and was about to stand up. However, I only felt that I was struggling with my meridians. All the muscles, like millions of ants, are licking their bodies.

Less than half of the force, Zong Shou had to sit down again, and the wolf was very embarrassed.

In my heart, I realized that this is the result of a full-scale battle with the three dragons.

Although this foreign Dan is good, he can have his current constitution. The damage to the scriptures is too great. If the Long Ying old man helped him, I was afraid that the nine rounds would have been broken into dozens of cuts.

Sorrow sighed, Zong Shou had to set the interest rate again. Subconscious, I want to borrow some of the psionic power of the alien.

After the moment, I didn’t feel right. Zong Shou was busy with the Tianjie Waidan who was hidden in his sleeve. I only saw it. There is a big seal.

It’s not ah, ah, a voice, look at the mouth, knowing that this must be done by the old man of Long Ying, preventing him from abusing this thing.

This time, it is completely returned to the original shape. Unsuccessful.

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